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2490250 No.2490250 [Reply] [Original]

Planning on reading the bible, just for my own personal suffering.
Anyone finished this monstrosity? Recommended?

>> No.2490253

And has the most overused lessons ever. Besides the whole "GO TO HELL" thingy.

>> No.2490252

Come back when you've learnt Greek and Aramaic.

>> No.2490256

It's an excellent piece of literature, and it's influence on Western culture shouldn't be taken lightly.

Why would you read something for your 'own personal suffering' though? That's stupid.

>> No.2490259

It's a good fairy tale, but I liked East of Eden better.

>> No.2490268

Try to actually read it, instead of looking for verses at which to go "HURR DURR HOW STUPID."

>> No.2490270

i have used the paper to roll joints and wipe my ass when i ran out of toilet paper and had no gas in my car to flush the toilet with came out of its teeth.

>> No.2490272

As it says. Private. Means none of your business.

>> No.2490284

Read it when I was 14. Felt like a massive intellectual dump.
It is a good idea, the western Civ is hugely influenced by it.

>> No.2490293
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Enjoy your genealogies.

>> No.2490299

I tried and holy fuck is it retarded. I mean the plot is pointless, every character does everything against logic and it's boring.
If you take it and just think it like a book without religion, it would be laughed at.

>> No.2490301

just think it's like a book without any religious relevance*

>> No.2490306
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>> No.2490311

It doesn't shove the point of the plot or the motivations of the characters down your throat like in modern prose but it does exist.

>> No.2490322

Joseph who begat joshim, who begat bob, who begat tim, who begat ralph, who begat pete, who begat mike, who begat winston, ho begat phil.

It is basically this for the first 20 hours of reading. Fuck me, when the rituals of animal sacrifice are described you'll fall asleep instantly.

There are some good stories mixed in, but alot of it is absolute pap.

Didnt manage to finish it but did last a good 30 hours of it

>> No.2490325

Actually, all the most famous stories are include in just the first book. You can just skip the geneologies really.

>> No.2490340


>> No.2490339

I went to 13 years of catholic school and I've had to study the bibe since first grade. For the most part is just boring as fuck but there are those repulsive horror stories like Job and all the genocide in the old testement that are kind of intresting.

>> No.2490342
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>> No.2490347
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>skipping parts of a book

>> No.2490348

>butt hurt christians detected.

>> No.2490353

not butthurt. no skin off my nose when people don't know how to read.

>> No.2490355

Not liking the bible is not the same as being able to read it.

>> No.2490364

didn't say it was, you fassy

>> No.2490368
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>not skipping Hugh's chapter in Under the Volcano

>> No.2490372

The Bible has one of the cutest scenes in literature ever.

>"Then Sarah denied, saying, I laughed not; for she was afraid. And he [the Lord] said, Nay: but thou didst laugh."

I think that line says a lot about God's character in the OT.

>> No.2490381

>when people don't know how to read.
What did you mean by that then?

>> No.2490387
File: 40 KB, 520x331, Lowry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>skipping the most important chapter of the book

>> No.2490393

It's inconsistent, some great parts, some boring parts that just drag, some in between the two. It's not great literature, but it's, how can I put, confident (or full of itself, maybe) and that makes it entertaining to read at times.

But read it all anyway, it's important to understand christian myths in order to understand all its influence in our world.

>> No.2490407

The prose in the king james version is actually very nice. Although, I've heard the poetry of the original languages is even better.

>> No.2490433
File: 135 KB, 300x570, Sargon_of_Akkad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're going to read it you should put aside your juvenile prejudices against Christianity and religion and try and view it with an open mind.

I'd recommend the King James version, as it's considered to be the best English translation, though the prose can be difficult.

It's a very complex piece of literature. Hundreds of stories through thousands of pages. It helps to have good knowledge of ancient history and geography, as you'll be able to relate what happened in the bible to what happened in real life.
(For instance the story of Moses being influenced by the story of the Akkadian king Sargon.)
And you'll know roughly where it's taking place.
(Knowing where the Levant and Canaan are located ect.)
You have to remember that the bible was one of the first written histories, and before then history was passed down mainly by word of mouth, so there are bound to be inconsistencies.

Also it's good to know the development of the bible and of Christianity. The religions and philosophy's that influenced it.

And, if you get through the bible, (especially the KJV), well done. You've just read the most influential book in the English language, and you'll be able to greater appreciate so much more of the western canon (Dante, Milton, Steinbeck, ect.) because of it.

>> No.2490438


That might have something to do with the fact that it was written by dozens of different people over the span of millennia.

>> No.2490456
