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/lit/ - Literature

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2489453 No.2489453 [Reply] [Original]

Why I love /lit/:

I am only 14 years old, and no one takes me seriously at all. This is most likely due to my relatively young age. On here, though, you people take me seriously, despite (actually, because of) the fact that you don't know me at all.

I start 2-3 threads a day here that get really good discussions going. No where else can I do that.

Thank you.

>> No.2489455
File: 61 KB, 1000x888, WHATISTHISIDONTEVEN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2489457
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It might as well be true.
reported anyway

>> No.2489459

do you happen to enjoy norse myths and french philosophy?

>> No.2489460


Yeah OP, for the majority of my 4chan career I was underagedb&, and I would just not confirm/disconfirm the fact and nobody ever noticed.

>> No.2489462
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>> No.2489464

so there's hope for me?

>> No.2489465

No 14 year old should really be taken seriously. All teenagers are dumb, even the smart ones. I'm 18 now and I know I'm dumb; at least I'm less dumb than when I was your age. But take comfort in the fact that if what you say is true, you're way ahead of the game. Good luck OP, glad to hear something positive on the Internet Love Machine <3

>> No.2489466

Absolutely, just don't admit your age.

Bahahah too true mang. The older I've gotten the more I realize I know nothing.

>> No.2489467

replying to a post != liking the OP.

>> No.2489469

Haha, if there's one thing I've learned from this board, it's that I have so so much to learn.

>> No.2489471

This is just dumb.

>> No.2489478

you're just dumb

>> No.2489486

we're all just dumb

>> No.2489496
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>14 years old
>I start 2-3 threads a day here
that explains a lot about this board

>> No.2489511

You're not fooling anyone, Sunhawk, put your trip back on

>> No.2489517

underage b& plox

>> No.2489523 [SPOILER] 
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But its a work safe board.

>> No.2489526

Focus on your studies and get good grades, OP. I thought I was too good for school and that I would live life on my own terms. I don't want to get into the details but let me just say that it's been seven years since I graduated from high school and I've never really been able to make up for the dumb shit I did back then.

>> No.2489549

>doesn't know the rules of 4chan

>> No.2489555

seriously to any underagefags on this board, read this post:

you are really really fucking stupid and none of your ideas are good. you should still share and develop them and all that, but you are WRONG about everything, absolutely everything, and you are about to go through half a decade of waffling like a retarded fish on the floor of a boat. keep an open mind and never stop reading. never condescend to anyone about anything you think or know, or you will 100% regret it later, and cringe.

the greatest characteristics of adolescence are self-importance and an ineffable sixth sense that you either have the whole world figured out, or you will shortly. neither will go away until you're 20+, but the deeper you dive into them now, the longer it'll take to climb out.