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2487090 No.2487090 [Reply] [Original]

Recent purchases thread?
What have you guys bought recently?

>> No.2487092

not shit books like u

>> No.2487096

Great. I love both of them. Get to reading Crying.... first.

>> No.2487100
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>A confederacy of dunces
>Anything by Pynchon
>Shit book
Shitty troll, 1/10, made me reply

>> No.2487101
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Jules Laforgue - Collected Works
Enemy of the Stars - P. Wyndham-Lewis
Tarr - P. Wyndham-Lewis
Essays, Social and Literary - Matthew Arnold

>> No.2487113

Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, The Snows and Kiliminjaro.

>> No.2487151
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The Nook is a recent purchase. I busted the screen on my old original style Nook. I like using it, but I'm still reading physical editions as well.

>> No.2487153

She's a goddess, no shitty 4chan troll is allowed to use her name in vain.

Stop using it.

>> No.2487157

My recent purchases are kind of boring and a few are just replacing stuff I lost and/or wanted after checking out at the library:

The Best of America Poetry 2009
Selected Poetry of Keats
The Bridge - Hart Crane
If on a winter's night a traveler - Italo Calvino
Crow, From the Life and Songs of the Crow - Ted Hughes
Man's Search For Meaning - Frankl
Discipline and Punish - Foucault
Foucault in 90 Minutes - Strathern
My Idea of Fun - Self
Wonderful World - Javier Calvo
Forgotten Algebra, and Forgotten Calculus, 3rd Edition - Bleau
The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao - Diaz

>> No.2487159


Read Oscar Wao first. Great book, I've read it 8 times since 2009.

>> No.2487161
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>Man's Search For Meaning - Frankl
I also got this recently. Tell me your impressions, if any.

>> No.2487167

I'll get to it, eventually. I don't really like philosophical works, to be honest, and usually save them for last. I'll probably dig into that before Foucault, who is a huge bore to me.

>> No.2487179

buying something that bores you, why

>> No.2487188

When Foucault eventually gets to the point, it's really interesting. I understand that his method requires an excessive laying of foundations, so I go along with it to get a firm grasp of his conclusions. But it's boring as shit until then.
The Order of Things is a perceptive look at the way scientific thought when applied to the human becomes a practice of assumptions rather than questions; it's a dull and trudging read.

>> No.2487203

>tripfag: Ellen

>implying you're a girl...

Oh wait, you read hipster shit. My mistake for mistaking you. Carry on, femwhore.

>> No.2487210

he's named aft ellen page, dumbass

>> No.2487221


>Doesn't understand sarcastic humour.

Dumb tripfag faggot.

>> No.2487230

carl einstein - bebuquin oder die dilettanten des wunders
julien gracq - la rivage de syrtes
raymond roussel - locus solus
pierre teilhard de chardin - hymn of the universe

>> No.2487240

you dont know what sarcasm is if you think it was in your post

>> No.2487293

Wordsworth & Coleridge - lyrical ballads
Cathechesis in our time - John Paul II
Herzog - Saul bellow
Brideshead revisited - Evelyn Waugh
Long walk to freedom - Nelson Mandela
The gulag archipelago - Alexander solzhenitsyn
The teachings of don Juan - Carlos castaneda

Crab walk - Gunter grass. Reading this at the moment, am not enjoying it. Are any of his other books worth reading?

>> No.2487331

1984, farheneit 451, 4 books by Greg egan, Ted chiang's shot stories.

And I don't have enough money for more now ...

>> No.2487345

Why doesn't the post horn have a mute in it?

>> No.2487347

Myra Breckinridge - Gore Vidal
First as Tragedy, Then as Farce - Slavoj Zizek
Eating the Dinosaur - Chuck Klosterman

>> No.2487348

Hart Crane - Collected Poems
Wallace Stevens - Collected Poems (got this one used for $7)

>> No.2487349
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Pic related is what I bought on Ebay recently since Amazon.co.uk didn't carry it for some reason.

>> No.2487352
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Ah, a fellow admirer. I was ecstatic to find this in the attic recently.

>> No.2487371
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>> No.2487395

I've been on my monthly raid of the local goodwills this week.

picked up:
Hayduke Lives - Edward Abbey
Children of Dune - Herbert
A thousand splendid suns - hosseini
V. - Pynchon
Our Demon Haunted World - Sagan
Confederacy of Dunces - Toole
and the Bhagavad Gita

roughly 8 bucks for all of 'em but I really had to wade through the refuse

>> No.2487401

That might be the best cover for Confederacy of Dunces I've ever seen.