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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 492 KB, 408x230, st vincent2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2477728 No.2477728 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/,

I'm looking for a book to get my stepfather for his birthday as everytime i buy him music i feel like he doesn't sppreciate it.
Anyway, he is pretty smart, upper middle class white guy who is i think moderate politically (idk if this helps but w/ever).
He likes historical books about people like american presidents or just generally important figures from history. One book he has that i think he liked was that one about america before columbus came (i think it was called 1491).

So, can you guys help me out with a new book to get him? I will love you forever.

>> No.2477731

>I will love you forever.
0/10, would not help.

>> No.2477733

>white guy

Why do you feel the need to say this.
are you a shitskin?

>> No.2477735

no, i was just describing him

>> No.2477756

it goes without saying.

>> No.2477771

well, i'm white too i just thought it might influence what is recommended i haven't spent much time on /lit/

>> No.2477792

Because all we niggers read is Black Panther's Manifesto

>> No.2477799

Is that you in the picture? Cuz i dont think she is white.

>> No.2477810

it's st vincent (not me) and she is definitely white

does anyone have any recommendations? or we could keep talking about the implications of racism in my OP

>> No.2477862

The best biography I ever read was Isaac Deutscher's trilogy on Leon Trotsky.
The Prophet Armed, The Prophet Unarmed, The Prophet Outcast

>> No.2477863

Edmund Morris has written a few books on Teddy Roosevelt. American Lion by John Meachem is a pretty interesting read about Andrew Jackson.

Is this some kind of weird /int/ invasion?

>> No.2477868

Cultural interactions at historically important times?


>> No.2477887

>reading sino-phile dogshit like this

>> No.2477903

thanks guys :)

as promised, i love you forever

>> No.2478021
File: 335 KB, 533x800, 1324669983459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>St. Vincent
That video is composed of foreveralones. The comments are the most cringeworthy I've read on Youtube.

I honestly thought I was the only person that ever used "sinophile" ever.