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2477562 No.2477562 [Reply] [Original]


what would be your first impression of someone who tells you that they go to an ivy league school?

>> No.2477567

he still shits out of his ass like the rest of us.

>> No.2477566

INB4 fag

>> No.2477573

Smart, elite, powerful like a jungle cat, intensely sexual, is there an adjective for "Like adonis with the phallus of a satyr"? cause there should be.

>> No.2477575

Little yuppie bastard.

>> No.2477586
File: 28 KB, 250x246, ADLHDVNHBCHTSBRG SMUGCROP.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]





>> No.2477591


reported for ableist language (discriminatory against colostomy patients)

>> No.2477606


You may be onto something there, tripfag.

>> No.2477607

Indifference. I currently attend one, an experience which has shaken the glitter off the Ivy-league image for me. Most of my peers are nothing to yawn at, but nothing to write home about either. It's really more banal than it has been made out to be.

>> No.2477614

Which one?

>> No.2477617

>somebody never read the book "nobody poops but you"

>> No.2477621

yale. 2015

>> No.2477627


implying it's a man.

this board is so misogynistic it's unreal.

>> No.2477633

quit your feminist bitchery

>> No.2477637

combine week, suggestible minds and a photograph of obama...well, there you have it.

>> No.2477640


I agree. Ivy League students are almost never plain stupid, for the most part there is an intelligence floor, but that doesn't mean that they're smart on average. I went to a non-Ivy top 10 school undergrad and now I'm at an Ivy for grad school, average student is a good bit smarter than the average person you would meet on the street, but not impressively so.

>> No.2477641


are you going to draw your katana if they don't stop

>> No.2477646

Of course they're not necessarily that much smarter, but they are altogether better than hoi polloi mishmash of middle america, fighting in the aisles of wallmart for the last box of hamburger helper as the floodwaters crash in on them. Igne natura renovatur integra, bro, the bipedal slime that holds on to pretense of humanity is just begging to feed the conflagration with their empty low brow lives. But not the people in the Ivy League, they're just better.

>> No.2477649

I will be cruel with the maids, and cut off their heads.

>> No.2477651
File: 44 KB, 400x309, watch-out-we-got-a-badass-over-here.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I envy the resources and opportunities that are available to you, but I can't help but wonder if an Ivy League degree won't become an albatross if this direction keeps moving in the populist/anti-intellectual direction (see Fox News, it thrives on Ivy bashing)

>> No.2477654


I stopped reading at the babylon 5 reference.

>> No.2477656

*this country keeps moving in the populist/anti-intellectual direction*

>> No.2477659

> watches fox news
> 2012


>> No.2477660

I went to an Ivy and my impression was this: people just could not escape the high school mentality. They played the high school game so well and got so much praise for it that they developed an inability to move on. In that sense, they are not too different from high school jocks. Honestly, it was kind of lame. Most went on to med/law school and are undoubtedly still jumping through hoops.

On the flip side, though, the grad students are fucking AMAZING. Stressed and suicidal sometimes...but really something else.

>> No.2477664

I haven't seen an episode of babylon 5 in my entire life, care to be more clear?

>> No.2477665


>> No.2477667


Ivy leagues nowadays draw from that very riffraff, if only in the name of diversity. Though the universities themselves act as finishing schools, polishing each student and endowing them with a set of tastes and beliefs (and loyalties). The Ivies are more important in investing their students with a particular outlook than giving them knowledge.

>> No.2477670

I was surprised that the yale open course classes were equally as difficult or easy as my very cheap state college.

>> No.2477673

are you a fucking idiot/
If i had a dollar for everytime i hear some fucking delusional commie retard whining about "anti-intellectualism" when people don't buy their leftist lies.....

>> No.2477677


I never really got why people put career (if that word is appropriate) academics up on a pedestal. If you're early thirties and already a tenured professor it's impressive, but grad students in general don't seem worthy of being worshiped.

>> No.2477679

about 20-25% of the ivy league (it's subsided after the institution of numerus clausus). WASP overclass still intact, though faltering slightly.

>> No.2477680

My wife went to a shitty DO school for med school, graduated from the top of her class, and went to a very very prestigious program for residency. The difference in people was unbelievable.

>> No.2477682

da fuq

where do you get that number?
20-25% is the jewish count of ivy league schools. Sometimes even higher.

>> No.2477685


As are all Universities.

College is for developing a certain way of thinking, knowledge is for professional schools.

>> No.2477689


I haven't really checked out Open Yale Courses--are you referring to the caliber of the lectures or to the exam materials posted? Glancing at the offerings online, it seems to be a pretty limited palette: large, intro-level lectures with accessible, dynamic professors. Wouldn't be surprised if those are some of the easiest courses Yale offers. The gristle of my education has been the small seminars.

>> No.2477691

My first impression would be that they're Asian.

>> No.2477695


Okay. I wasn't thinking of doctors when I said "career academics" (because doctors are professionals and medical school is a professional school).

>> No.2477701

way more jews than asians in ivy league schools.

>> No.2477705

Ivy league? coked out homosexuals

>> No.2477707

I understand that, I wish they gave access to 400+ level lectures. That said, having been educated by the state (although all my professors were ivy, they wanted the sweet state teaching gig), I found them accessible, interesting, and not quite as arcane or punishing as the Yale brand would suggest.

>> No.2477709


There is indeed a lot of coke up for grabs, more I imagine than in most other schools.

>> No.2477713


Yo, I'm the original person you responded to. I agree with you. I was going to go down that route but bailed at the last minute after graduating. The labor structure of academia is fucked and I have too many friends who are wasting their youth with that bullshit.

I was referring, instead, to the people themselves. Across the board, they are generally highly intelligent, imaginative twentysomethings who could contribute a lot to other industries. It is a prodigious waste of talent.

>> No.2477715

meh. not really. 17% of my class is Asian. Jews are 20-25%.

>> No.2477719

Honestly OP the first thing that comes to mind are those irritating a capella groups.

>> No.2477722

I guess that's college level reading comprehension?

>> No.2477736

>way more
>only 3-8% more
Uhhh wat. and of course the trend is reducing that gap each year.

>> No.2477738

I think "how did they get in?"

And then I get intimidated. Surely they must be brilliant.

>> No.2477755

Make sure you stroke their ego. You wouldn't want them (in positions of such power, no doubt) to mistake your awed reticence for recalcitrant impudence.

>> No.2477763

we should kick all the non-whites out of america.

>> No.2477780

Intelligent and hard-working.

>> No.2477982


>> No.2477989

Do i really need to explain all the obvious reasons?

>> No.2478124

It depends. I'm not going to deny that it doesn't put my guard up a tad, but other than the initial conversation it doesn't matter much.

captcha: massa altzonf

>> No.2478125


>> No.2478126

because he wants american science to turn to absolute shit and he wants mcdonalds to become the national dish

>> No.2478135

Crime would drop to a fifth or less almost immediately.

GDP per capita would sky rocket, our national parks would be safe, our cities would be safe and prosperous.
The democrats would never get elected again.
Americans would be able to get into schools and find good paying work.

This is ignoring all the important things like keeping our country in existence, "diversity" only brings conflict and eventual civil war.

>> No.2478145

If these non-whites can do science, then they can do it in their own countries and we will benefit through the market.

Only a traitor of the worst sort would willingly sell his country away.

>> No.2478155


Or, you know, someone who isn't as bone-idle nationalistic as you are.

>> No.2478161

You dig your own grave, the world does not work the way you think it does.