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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 34 KB, 640x480, capture5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2472753 No.2472753 [Reply] [Original]

what are you readin', /lit/ ?

>> No.2472763


>> No.2472767
File: 90 KB, 715x1160, nietzsche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2472777
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>> No.2472781

shitstorm imminent.

>> No.2472788

so edgy

>> No.2472792

At the moment, juggling:
Madame Bovary
War and Peace
Federalist Papers
Critique of Pure Reason

>> No.2472797

if pic is related, you either rushed doing your eyebrows or are genuinely horrible at doing them, put on way too much makeup, and from the pic i can tell your trapezius muscles are too masculine for a girl.

also, you look like the fucking joker just coming inside from a downpour without an umbrella.

>> No.2472798

Not those shitty books that's for fuck sure.

>> No.2472801

What's the point in insulting OP's appearance? This is a board about books.

>> No.2472804

she was clearly the central focus of the image and the thread, thus it is off topic, thus responding off topic is on topic.

>> No.2472807

>Green hair.
>Edgy atheist circle-jerk manual.
>Retarded facial piercing.

Good job looking different and unique, OP. I bet you're about as quirky and special as every girl who looks like you.

>> No.2472810

she's cute. would bang

>> No.2472815

>implying people never post about the content of the image if it's not lit-related

No need to police the thread, broski.

>> No.2472816

>implying you're not gay

Didn't you go to prison? Once you go black, you never go back.

>> No.2472817
File: 20 KB, 295x421, A Vindication of the Rights of Women.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check all those "What have you read/what are you reading/what will you read next" threads

>> No.2472819

Wouldn't bang. Being militantly atheist, she'd probably jabber about Dawkins or Darwin mid-coitus

>> No.2472820

No, I just wish people weren't so pointlessly hostile all the time. Moralfag, 4chan isn't the place for me etc

>> No.2472825

Dude, she's reading Gladwell and entry-level Hitchens. She's not gonna be yammering away about shit, since she apparently doesn't know shit.

I agree that 4chan doesn't need to be so stereotypically hostile, but some people are asking for it. I mean, posting a pictrue of yourself done up in make up holding a Hitchens book? I smirked just typing that sentence.

>> No.2472827
File: 14 KB, 173x285, the complete sherlock holmes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2472828

>she apparently doesn't know shit
has that ever stopped people in the past. it's exactly the ignorant ones--the ones who just picked up babby's first hitchen's--that are the clamorous and feisty.

>> No.2472830
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>entry-level Hitchens
>implying there's any other level

>> No.2472838
File: 1.41 MB, 1100x955, 1211857293193.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Golden Gate of Heaven
>"Entry level heaven"

Get over yourself non-atheist.
You people have the nerve to call us complainers. Bitch bitch bitch

>> No.2472842

Oh my, look at the belligerent faggot trying to defend an unbearable douchebag just because he ragged on religion. Get over yourself, the run of the mill atheist is just as retarded as the average christfag.

>> No.2472843
File: 39 KB, 402x600, dragon-tattoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not exactly deep.

>> No.2472844
File: 26 KB, 400x300, 1331143405471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol Malcolm Gladwall.
Tits or gtfo.

>> No.2472845
File: 949 KB, 700x1053, 1211860351140.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And if that really is the OP, post some more pics of you and your books.

>> No.2472851

I'm sorry, is this Debate /deb/?
I was barely defending anyONE person, only telling that one to get over himself, as I see you echo right back at me. Bitching about a group of people by bitching and whining yourself is stupid, and if its trolling, its doubly stupid.

>the run of the mill atheist is just as retarded as the average christfag.
1. Irrelevant. 2. Show your data or shut up.

>> No.2472857


>> No.2472858

there's no way to measure how annoying militant athiests are in comparison to evangelistic christians, but i'd say they're pretty damn close.

>> No.2472862

You're comparing a handful of douchbags in your life. Admit it.

>> No.2472865

i cannot discern full meaning of this post.

a handful of Christians or Atheists or what? what's happening. comparing who to who?

>> No.2472871

>there's no way to measure how annoying militant athiests are in comparison to evangelistic christians
You have no data
>but i'd say they're pretty damn close.
But you use the handful of examples you do know of (or think you know of) from your own small life

Moral: Quit bitching. Quit judging.

>> No.2472873

>that book

inb4-- too late.

>> No.2472876

>Bitch in the first place
>Moral: Quit bitching. Quit judging.

You're a dumbass and all because some guy criticized your dead boyfriend.

>> No.2472881

>You have no data
for fuck's sake, are you joking around? or are you that much of a fucking empiricist? you don't need data to make a rational accusation or assumption. there's a thing called reason.
>But you use the handful of examples you do know of (or think you know of) from your own small life
but you require data, and the only data is what i've experienced, right, oh empiricist?

>> No.2472883
File: 41 KB, 315x394, TROLLS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My who-what?

Buncha angsty theistic/nihilistic casual kids ITT

>> No.2472884

he's referring to your Islamophobe hypocrite boyfriend Hitchens.

>> No.2472889


No data for it. Why waste you time complaining and demonizing people you don't know?

>a rational accusation or assumption-a thing called reason.
But its not rational or reasonable.

Not seeing it yet?

>> No.2472892

Actually come to think about it, the average atheist is just as retarded as the average theist. It almost as if blindly following some new and edgy doctrine doesn't remove their underlying ignorance.

>> No.2472893

it is rational to say that militant atheists are just as forceful and irritating as evangelistic christians.

it isn't rational to say that all atheists are militant, which i never said.

>> No.2472895

Oh please.


>> No.2472896

Actually, come to think of it, I'm a huge faggot, please rape my face.

>> No.2472897

i'd just like to say that >>2472896 is not me, i'm not that childish.

>> No.2472903

What a delightful picture. Love a bit of Gladwell, I enjoyed Hitchens' journalism.

Have been rereading Robinson Crusoe, Moby Dick, and Dubliners. Planning to reread Three Muskateers too at some point soon. Right now, mostly stuff to do with cooking. Been going over Herve This' Molecular Gastronomy again, and planning to look at Kitchen Mysteries and The Quintessential Art. Dipping in and out of Hugh Fernley-Whittingstall's veggie cook book, the free Hydrocolloid ebook guide and whatever is coming up on Yummly.

>> No.2472910

The enlightened atheist: hurr durr, someone said "god bless you" to me when I sneezed the other day. WHY WON'T RELIGION STOP OPPRESSING ME!

Christopher Hitchens: I don't see how discriminating against a religious sect by defacing their holy text is a hate crime. My ignorance is amazing. Though I've heard of James Joyce.

>> No.2472921
File: 305 KB, 1024x727, 1331198237828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When everyone is named 'Anonymous' things can get confusing.

>> No.2472923

my e-mail is always "sage+like+biotroll+cause+he's+cool"

>> No.2472927
File: 12 KB, 200x200, 4f42488d167ae.preview-200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What we'd like is for you to lower the books and your top.

>> No.2472931

Metaphysics by Aristotle
Philosophical Investigations by Wittgenstein
An Introduction to Modal Logic (or something like that) by Brian Chellas

Skimming over Science and Religion, where the conflict really lies by Alvin Plaintinga. ((He argues there is both "superficial conflict and deep concord between religion (biblical worldview in particular) and modern science which seems like, if you've ever been to /sci/, it might be the case.))

Not that I have the time to read even one of these :p.

>> No.2472962

The problem is that in the real world evangelicals are much more aggressive than atheists. I live in the Bible belt and work in a corporate atmosphere. I am surrounded by Jesus freaks on a daily basis. I have been invited to attend Bible study in the conference room on more than one occasion. I have also been asked by a coworker if I would like to learn more about Christ. I have had Jesus freaks that I don't even know knock on my door and ask if I would like to pray with them. I have never had an atheist approach me and try to convert me to his beliefs. I would never do that either. But if you push me enough, I will point at you and laugh and I will call you a mindless sheep who is afraid of your own existence. Since I value my career, I only do this on the internet.


I have never met a militant atheist. I have met plenty of passive aggressive Jesus freaks.

>> No.2472966

>I have never met a militant atheist

You need to get out more or go to reddit. They're just as bad and generally just as misinformed.

>> No.2472984
File: 23 KB, 300x398, vaclav-havel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, get your own name.

>> No.2472986

Like I said, I only do this on the internet. I get out plenty.

I have a question for you enlightened one.

The Pope is against birth control. Does that mean you can only have sex when you are trying to procreate? Or does he just like facials and money shots?

>> No.2473003

Get a tripcode if it bothers you that much.

I never said I was catholic or religious for that matter. Honestly, couldn't give two shits about the pope or any other spiritual leader.

>> No.2473012

op's if that's you than your appearance alone takes on the definition of ATTENTION WHORE, in all caps

would not bang just from personality.

>> No.2473014

Masturbation is not strictly abstinence, though in practice it's probably okay. The only public compromise I know of is "Natural Family Planning", where you have the natural missionary sex act at times where the woman is unlikely to get pregnant.

>> No.2473016

No, the bible is explicit. Man shall not spill his seed.

Ancient rabbis still having their perverted say in this century....

>> No.2473024

The Bible is explicit my arse. Look up the doctrines about indulgences and go check out some Erasmus while you're at it.

>> No.2473025
File: 74 KB, 476x342, 7efc0b3f_not_sure_if_serious_jack_nicholson_the_shining..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry man. Didn't see your other posts.

pic related

>> No.2473031

Usually I'm with you on that. But fuck that bitch is hot. Would hit it with the force of a thousand suns. Would not date.

>> No.2473043

anon ask about what anons on /lit/ are reading suddenly it turns into a circle jerking on atheism and other shit.

>> No.2473051
File: 90 KB, 640x480, Photo on 2012-03-11 at 11.52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You look attractive OP, and are most likely an interesting person
Here's what I'm reading at the moment

>> No.2473057

Welcome to 4chan.

>> No.2473063

The Bible, oddly enough.

>> No.2473071

welcome to no, thats not what happened. she posted a provocative picture of her cleavage and and hair like a pond leech sucking desperately for the algae of attention.
>are most likely an interesting person
this is what people with outrageous appearances to make up for their hollow insides want you to believe, beta whiteknight unknowledgable virgin

>> No.2473076

Probably, but I'd still take an attractive, interesting looking girl who actually reads over 90% of the dumb bitches at my college
Plus, green is my favorite colour

>> No.2473078
File: 52 KB, 344x326, 1242296639134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying that's really the OP

Yeah, nah.

>> No.2473080

>implying she's actually going to read those books and is not just posing with intellectual signifiers in order to boost her perceived value

>> No.2473082

lrn 2 discern.
>who actually reads
as the picture MIGHT have indicated, she's holding those books for attention. she might be reading them too, but with minimal understanding and for male attention.
>interesting looking
you keep saying this word, but I do not think you know what it means
>plus, stupid other platitutde

>> No.2473095

Hey OP, can I be as cool as you?

>> No.2473096

Haven't you seen the Truman Show?

>> No.2473101
File: 92 KB, 640x480, Cool as op.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Srsy OP, I just wanna be cool like you.

>> No.2473105
File: 92 KB, 694x642, 1310261930469.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never change /lit/, you pathetic beta virgin pedantic wusses.

>she's "posing with intellectual signifiers in order to boost her perceived value"

cool projecting, bro. how's your perceived value these days?

>> No.2473106

The Godfather

>> No.2473109


>> No.2473111
File: 19 KB, 450x337, Zooey-youll be cool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2473114


>Top comment compares David M.F. Hume to Hitchens, some comedians
>wtf am i reading

>> No.2473120

Yes, Youtube comments are the pinnacle of human enlightenment.

>> No.2473128


It was my fault for even clicking the link though...
I was just secretly hoping the troll was finished and was going to remove his mask by posting a duckroll or something....

>> No.2473131

if you're going to try and assert that i'm "projecting", you'd do better not to resort to the typical "beta virgin blah blah blah" level of butthurt. how do you even respond to that? "no, i get pussy all the time, man". yeah, great argument you've started.

the fact of the matter is, anybody posting pictures of themselves with specific focus on a signifier (whether it be a book, a watch, a car) is typically looking to be associated with that signifier in a superficial way.

>> No.2473144

You're reading too much into it. Or at least reading badly into it. Am I ever going to see OP again? Probably not. Any sense that they are "associating themselves" with something implies there is a particular self to associate. You could maybe argue a shouting from the roftops type thing, where irl some kind of association may be made from this. Assuming that's OP.

>> No.2473149

calling a woman out on attnwhoring is projecting? what?
useless mass of flesh and organs around a cunt detected

>> No.2473152


>> No.2473155



>> No.2473156

Stranger in a Strange Land

>> No.2473166
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You are a gentleman and a scholar.

>> No.2473165
File: 25 KB, 640x480, capture8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw shitstorm

>> No.2473170
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>critique of pure reason
my nigger

I've been reading this

>> No.2473173

so you shaved the eyebrows off and then drew them on again, then? interesting. are you latina?

>> No.2473176

It's a HP/Twilight/Hunger Games fan feeling superior to people who watch Jersey Shore.

But hey, if it gets you off.

>> No.2473179


double thank doubls

>> No.2473196

good god.
I know it's just what society has trained me to believe, but I feel like you are worthless because you aren't attractive after you have attempted to be

>> No.2473320

Death With Interuptions

>> No.2473325

I finished Mason & Dixon this afternoon. Tomorrow I will start reading the Old Testament

>> No.2473343

You're pretty op post ur feet pls

>> No.2473345
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>> No.2473357
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>> No.2473363

now post your clavicles

>> No.2473364

I'm calling it again.

Show you books, and timestamp them.

>> No.2473365
File: 173 KB, 750x600, 1324260738900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're 10-15% of this thread

>> No.2473367
File: 18 KB, 320x275, joe-gilgun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those uh, um, what do you call ems *pollicates to clavicles* these things...? she had lovely ones

>> No.2473368

Books or GTFO, OP.

>> No.2473377
File: 448 KB, 768x1024, The Green Fairy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't help it! ;_;

>> No.2473386

it's like the frog eating marsh dwellers from ASoIaF

>> No.2473417
File: 13 KB, 274x184, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2473435


close up, top down view this time

>> No.2473932

The Count of Monte Cristo. Good book. A classic. Im one who is into more older literature and sometimes new teen fictions but only if they get good reviews from critics or a book worm of a friend and so on. If you like classical literature this is indeed a good book.