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2469233 No.2469233 [Reply] [Original]

Now a major motion picture!

>> No.2469234

>Cover is now the film poster

that always grinds my gears

>> No.2469384
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> Filmposter is now the cover
Way worse

>> No.2469388

So I heard that guy who was in pinapple express, franco somethinganother, is going to do 'blood meridian'

how does this make you feel?

I didn't give a fuck becaue I refuse to watch it

>> No.2469393

Almost as bad as
>Cinematic video game experience!

>> No.2469667

The worst part is I have bought two books with movie covers. However one was 1.50 used and the other was on clearance.

>> No.2469678

He dropped it. He's still planning to do Child of God.

>> No.2469684


the fuck? they're the same thing!

>> No.2469691

yeah I can't stand buying a book with the film cover, even worse when its like NOW A MAJOR MOTION PICTURE STARRING _____ AND _______

I don't mind vintage ones so much though, most of them just had text covers and my penguin great gatsby with mia farrow and redford is so damn 70s it looks badass

>> No.2469692
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>Order Brief Interviews by DFW
>So excited to see it arrived
>Open the envelope
>That bullshit's staring me in the face

>> No.2469698

This. My copy of Cousin Bette has Jessica Lange on the cover, just like my copy of Nicolas Nickleby has Anna Hathaway on its cover. But they were both heavily discounted, so I don't care.

>> No.2469707
File: 78 KB, 495x755, cs7dottruehvttu7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have very old edition of The Count of Monte Christo book of the film, hardback with dust jacket and tbh it looks great (pic is not of cover, but its from that film).

However..most modern ones look absolute shite.

>> No.2469740

My copy of Let the Right One In has the girl who played Eli on the cover. It was either that or one with a cover based on the American movie, which I haven't seen.

>> No.2469760

Why don't Harry Potter film covers exist?

>> No.2469777


Clever marketing, they have no need to try to tempt film goers who haven't read it. I assume of course that most people read it before they watch films, I have done neither with regards to HaPot so I can't speak for myself.

>> No.2469791

It's a good movie. It was praised as being one of those rare instances where the remake is just as good as the original film.

>> No.2469793

That's good to hear. I just don't watch movies that often anymore.

>> No.2469831

The Twilight ones are the exception and actually an improvement because the original covers are so stupid. At least vapid pictures of Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, and Taylor Lautner show the books as they really are: glossy bodice ripper pap.

>> No.2469866

I was just thinking about this.
Everytime they see me with a book they ask
"Hey you know there's a movie of that"?
They don't get it.
They just don't get it.
Or when I talk about a book I read in the past the first thing they always ask is "Did they make a movie of it"?

fuck man.