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/lit/ - Literature

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2466987 No.2466987 [Reply] [Original]

>Get first batch of A2 results
>I'm probably gonna end up with CCC or BCD

Welp, looks like i'm not going to uni.

>> No.2467003

I don't know what any of that means. But from the tone I'm going to assume it means you're stupid. So, I guess, hahahahaha?

>> No.2467005
File: 196 KB, 900x892, burr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a weak faggot, what subjects do you take? AS levels are usually pretty facile, my man.

>> No.2467010

Fuck around in high school because I hated it.
Got Cs and Ds.

Go to community college for 2 years doing a HN level course.

Get As each year. Jump straight into third year university.
Come with a 2nd in PPE

Fuck high school results bro.
Just tell admissions you disliked high schools teaching environments and the teachers disinterest in subjects lead to your disinterest.

Ironically, for all the hate, Community college tutors seem the most passionate. Uni teachers are just as bad as high school.

>> No.2467025

But I got poor grades. So my only choice was to go to an average to shit tier uni. So if I do excel in my studies, coming from an unheard of Uni it'll mean nothing. And I study film. Out of hope out of rope out of time

>> No.2467027

you could probably get on some courses with that
don't know if would be worth it though

>> No.2467030
File: 52 KB, 473x350, ph.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still valuing education that prepares you for functions that will become inexistent in the next ten to twenty years

I recommend you all to refrain from that.

>> No.2467038


AS levels are only the first year, piss easy introductory shit. A2 is the more advanced level of study.

>> No.2467049


I know, I took them! For anyone of any intelligence (above the 'average' student) a straight set of As is pretty possible.

>> No.2467077

stupid homo faggot AS

>> No.2467222

>that feel when you get C in your AS Politics module

>> No.2467229

Where do you study film? As long as you get a first you'll be able to get into most universities to study it at a further level. Even if you get a 2.1, if your dissertation is outstanding then they'll at least consider you.
OP, just fucking revise. A Levels are easy as shit.

>> No.2467235
File: 34 KB, 299x288, 1329570986903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>last year
>Get AAA in Economics Physics and Maths
>Get results today

Lol good thing the education system is fucked up and I can resit.

>> No.2467265

AAAA in AS levels

history, english lit, economics, french.

britfag master race reporting in, hai guise

>> No.2467267

when you take
>general studies

>> No.2467274


I took English Lit, History, French at A2


your a dum fagut

>> No.2467275

Got a D in my statistics 2 module. Feelsbadman.jpg.

>> No.2467277

Got straight A's in my january exams.
Physics 1, Core maths 1 and Chemistry 1.

started doing past papers for most of my summer exams a 2 weeks ago and so far its going pretty good, got 100% on a Mechanics one paper today.

oh, and i barely even study.

>subjects: Physics, chemistry, maths, further maths and next year i will do biology as well.

>> No.2467280

failed mechanics.
failed biology.
hate that shit.

>> No.2467283

>barely even study
i know people like you.
dint even revise doe

>> No.2467295
File: 58 KB, 431x300, oh boy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Film guy here, I'm not OP.
I study in Bradford (UK) which is supposedly the city of film and my professors have hinted at strong connections with the BBC. I'm sure I'll excel; I'm passionate about the subject. I find myself overwhelmed by classmate stupidity - one particular fellow was unable to name five directors, he got as far as Spielberg and Cameron and gave up. This is going to drag me down in production work.

Well, I might as well bring it out - boohoo poor me please have sympathy for poor me ;_;

Jesus Christ what am i doing, I need to lie down.
Thanks for the advice though, I'll be looking at other unis to see if I can jump ship.

>> No.2467300


no really, i dont even do my homework half the time. (except for physics because i highly respect my physics teacher)

in the beginning of february my teachers even got so pissed off at me for not doing stuff that they pulled my exam entries, however once they saw my january grades they got really confused.

basically, i just pay attention in class and remember stuff, so i dont need to revise or do much homework.

the only homework i always do is my physics homework and the maths mixed exercises at the end of each chapter. other than that all my work is done in class.

>> No.2467304

Did anyone get Economics of work and leisure (F583) back today?

I got a D, (last year I got 100 and 93), everyone else in my class got shit grades as well.

>> No.2467309
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why can't I hold all these britfags

>> No.2467343

i didnt even do a levels, just jumped on a foundation course and studying chemistry final year now, hoping for a 1st and possibly getting onto a phd.

>> No.2467374

>one particular fellow was unable to name five directors, he got as far as Spielberg and Cameron and gave up
Oh, God. I feel for you bro. That is genuinely terrible.

>> No.2467393

Yorup is stupid. In America (fuck yeah) all you need to go to college (not uni you faggot) is money.

>> No.2467397

Aren't the good ones Unis? And the colleges like in the show Community?

>> No.2467409


In the UK:

College (before university but usually has different courses than A Levels)
then University

In the US (AFAIK)

Community College = American equivalent of college. High School is their equivalent of Sixth Form.
then "College" which is univeristy.

>> No.2467411

So is it Harvard College or Harvard University?

>> No.2467413


I think in the US they call the building and all that jazz the University, but they call the course a college.

Or something.

>> No.2467415


College in the UK is pretty much the equivalent to Community College in the US.

>> No.2467421

But since this seems to be a britfag general on /lit/ I was wondering if anyone has done Linguistics(it's a language I want to study)? Seems pretty easy and enjoyable. I just need to know which HEFCS to study in September.

I know I obviously need to do English Language & Lit but i'm stumped on the third option. I was thinking Biology to make it nice and varied.

>> No.2467422


Harvard University encompasses all of the programs associated with Harvard, including its medical, business, and law school. You get your graduate degrees from Harvard University. Harvard College refers exclusively to the portion of Harvard University which teaches undergraduates, who are attending in order to get their bachelor's degree (first degree after a high school diploma for most people).