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2454795 No.2454795 [Reply] [Original]


>read 1984 a week ago
>starts saying "THOUGHT CRIMINAL!!! DOUBLE THINK!!!" all the time
>thinks its funny

>> No.2454799

/B/ IS THIS WAY <<<<<<<<<<<<<<

>> No.2454798

>Cthulhu xDDDD
>wats Lovecraft o_O?

>> No.2454802

>reads susan sontag
>is a shitty human being

>> No.2454800


>> No.2454803

How do you pronounce that? I'm confused

>> No.2454808

I've never seen anyone out of high school do that, female or not. Stop associating with ignorant people, OP.

>> No.2454811

>song of ice and fire
>the lovely bones
>harry potter
>sylvia plath

but lets face it, decent looking girls have no reason to challenge themselves.

>> No.2454812

>Read a few books
>Romanticize the shit out of everything
>Use the word iridescent a fuckton

>> No.2454814

please, can we keep the woman hatred threads to /r9k/

>> No.2454817

>Start reading
>Broaden vocabulary
>Afraid to use ostentatious words because I don't like coming across as pretentious

>> No.2454822

>And then get told the words I use are too big
>in a college sophomore English class
>The word was "posit"

>> No.2454825

I like girls, regardless of their literary pretensions and/or accomplishments.
And they let me fuck them occasionally, which is damned descent of them.
Up with girls, I say!

>> No.2454828

Well, there's obviously nothing wrong with broadening your vocabulary. But, for whatever reason, I've noticed at least a few different self-proclaimed "writers" using the shit out of "iridescent".

>> No.2454829

>monopolize tutorial time talking too much

>say they hate twilight
>have read the whole series

>say they've read an interesting book
>don't talk about it

>> No.2454833

Girls allowing you to fuck them is definitely a descent, I agree.

>> No.2454834


well done! I didn't think anybody was going to catch that one.

>> No.2454839

I've seen this happen with lots of guys, too, but for some reason, girls have a hard time understanding subtext and metaphors without the meaning being spelled out for them.

And the line that makes me groan more than anything else?

"Wait, I'm confused."

>> No.2454841


>Turn up the volume, I can't hear.
>What's going on?

Women will never pay attention to anything. Their entire drive in life is to become the center of attention in every situation, so no matter what you do they will either complain about the volume of the television, ask what is going on, or tell you that you are a bad person for having a conversation that isn't about them.

>> No.2454845

>oh my god jane eyre is so creepy

Or any book in which the protagonist spends his/her life pursuing something:

>oh my god soandsoprotagonist needs to get a life

>> No.2454848


just as many women try to avoid the spotlight as men do, trust me. they're a lot more conscious of looking ridiculous than even the most insecure men.

>> No.2454851

Man, things sure have changed from elementary school. Back then the girls were the readers and the boys wouldn't be caught dead with a book in their hands, unless it was one of those human anatomy textbooks with full color pages.

>> No.2454855


>trust me

Present your qualifications.

>> No.2454856

That's still how it is. Women constitute the majority of book buyers, even if most of /lit/ would scoff at the books bought.

4chan is just a male-dominated site, so there are more men talking about books than women.

>> No.2454858


When heterosexual women reach puberty they enter a phase of strongly repressive hierarchical behavior which values conformity to social ideals of the peer group and loyalty to the hierarchy over everything else. Books, and often studies of any kind, become subservient to this. Only the sex drive can compete with it. Bisexual girls and lesbians read just as much as ever.

>> No.2454862

ha ha! or GTFO?
Nicely put!

>> No.2454864


God you are stupid.

Go lick a power line, shit head.

>> No.2454869


Hey, it took me two years of boring data collection and statistics to figure that out! I may be stupid, but I'm thorough...

>> No.2454876

>All women are like x
>therefore y

>> No.2454881

What did you find about girls near the bottom of the crap hierarchy? That's where I was and I just read all the time an avoided everyone. It was pretty sweet other than the social anguish, actually.

>> No.2454892


I think anybody that gets cast out, or used as a referent or discriminant for a peer groups identity often does maintain the older behavior pattern. We really didn't look at that since we were trying to associate secondary behaviors with self-chosen sexual identities.
Are you heterosexual? we focused on bi girls and lesbians for the non-hierarchical stuff. I could tell you more about them.

>> No.2454916

Hetero I suppose. I've experienced some latent bisexual tendencies, but I don't identify that way.
It does sound like an interesting study.

>> No.2454919


>> No.2454936


How to tell if you're bisexual, if you don't sleep with women:

You own dark shoes, not many pairs of them and the soles tend to be thick.

You are messy and may buy posters and pictures but don't hang them.

You don't use a lot of makeup, but you have a characterisic look and hair style that you seldom vary.

You dress in drab colors, baggy clothes and somewhat androgenously.

You are not addictive, and if you use drugs or any addictive substance it has a lesser hold on you: you may smoke, but you can actually quit pretty easily.

You fing Hugh Jackman and Johnny Depp more attractive than George Clooney or just about any other male star.
You like relationships that don't cling, that give you plenty of space and that aren't needy or dependent, You're not needy or dependent yourself. Guys that hold on loosely are your favorite kind, and you like poser bad boys but not actual criminals.
You read, like some esoteric music, and love zombie movies and hate twilight.

>> No.2454950

>you like poser bad boys but not actual criminals
literally every woman age 13-35

>> No.2454955


no, a lot of women really like bad boys: criminals and such.

I have a lot more data on bi girls though, involving stuff like limerance periods and sexual choices. though it's not all very interesting.

>> No.2454959

or at all useful.

>> No.2454969

everything on that list describes everyone on 4chan

>> No.2454979


debatable. we think we may have an actual statistically valid association of a lot of stereotypical secondary sexual behaviors, it might be useful somewhere. Though a lot of the stuff about gay men and lesbians just confirms what most people think anyway: gay guys and straight women are prone to OCD, Lesbians have higher schizophrenia rates, etc. predictive of a class, but not of an individual.
It might help bi girls to know that their relationships generally don't last over two years, so they won't feel that they're doing something wrong, and it might help bi men to know that a certain amount of narcissism and exhibitionism is normal to them.

>> No.2454982

A lesbo friend of mine Alison fits the bill, but I'm not even sure she's really lesbo. I think a lot of average or below looking girls just go lesbo cause they can't get a guy.

>> No.2454985

Everything on that list fits me, except that I know I'm lesbian. How'd you decide that bisexuals tended to have these characteristics?

>> No.2454984


god, I hope not. Poor Johnny Depp!

>> No.2454996


we got a hundred and two bisexual women and like five hundred lesbians over twenty years and and studied everything about them. it was raw observation and data crunching. And remember, the important thing is that these are the SECONDARY behaviors, the ones only associated with and not directly linked to sexual behavior. Our hypothesis is that these are more predictive of the actual personality type than who you actually sleep with.

>> No.2455004


If their relationships don't last more than two years and their aim is to have a relationship last more than two years, they ARE doing something wrong.

>> No.2455016


lesbians are neater,
they are compartmentalized, They brand identify and their decoration strategies tend to be streamlined and accentuate the pre raphaelites, especially klimt, alma tadema, waterhouse and landscape photographers, simple nudes and abstract botanical s, they are drawn to Buddhist imagery and they have shoes for every occasion, though they also may have a favorite pair. they bond tighter and faster, and they tend to immerse in their partner's personality, and don't like to be separated from them, They play down or discard differences and concentrate on similarities to the exclusion of everything else. They abandon support groups and friends in order to concentrate on the pair bond in the initial stages.
' I could go on forever...

>> No.2455025

this doesnt describe any lesbians i know

>> No.2455028

Okay I'll bite do you have this report published?

>> No.2455030


In the abstract they want to maintain a long-term relationship, and if the partner is calm enough and gives them enough space they can make it a as long as seven years. If they have a child that can add five or more years to the length of the bond, but not as reliably as it would with a heterosexual female. Lesbians it's a hard five unless:1.) they're both Butch and 2.) they engage in BDSM. at least that's what it looks like, our sample is too small to be significant. What is significant is the age they are at at the beginning of the "terminal" pair bond. If they're over 45 they have a good chance of making it last.

>> No.2455037


We've been dumping it a paper at a time in the Journal of Homosexuality mostly for years. We'll eventually do a book, maybe.

>> No.2455053


I'm sure I know way more lesbians than you do, and these are just things that stand out. there'll be more detailed stuff, with numbers in the Gay Report,at least we hope there will.

ball caps cargo shorts and sandals describe your lesbians? it seems to be trending as summer dress.

>> No.2455055

>>they bond tighter and faster, and they tend to immerse in their partner's personality, and don't like to be separated from them, ... They abandon support groups and friends in order to concentrate on the pair bond in the initial stages.

There's the jokes about lesbians bringing a U-Haul on the second date, etc. And needing to "break up" six times before it's official.

>>Our hypothesis is that these are more predictive of the actual personality type than who you actually sleep with.
Does personality type have any connection to sexuality, based on what you found? or is this data just a case of correlation not equaling causation?

>> No.2455057

still off sorry

>> No.2455074
File: 32 KB, 360x507, trolled-softly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and accentuate the pre raphaelites, especially klimt, alma tadema, waterhouse and landscape photographers

>> No.2455087


It looks like the sexual behavior is tightly correlated to the other stuff. In other words that the stereotypes about gay men and lesbians have areal basis in fact, though that's where we get the most flak. There aren't really any stereotypes about bisexuals, so we focused on them, to see if we could pull some out, and it turned out we could. The biggest problem we found was that since sexuality ids self-identified and self-limited, we had a hard time drawing the line between the groups. We'd find a bunch of women with the bisexual behaviors that identified as lesbians, or ones that had clear lesbian behavior sets that thought of themselves as bisexual (since they'd once had male partners, or had acquired a taste for men occasionally) we fond the continuum approach the most useful there.
What we loved to find was the rare one with all the secondary characteristics but without the primary orientation. We never found a perfect example but we got close.

the physiology may indicate that this sort of behavior is evolutionarily robust, since the associations seem very strong.

>> No.2455096


We showed them all a lot of pictures and asked which ones they'd consider hanging in their homes. Why is this trolling?

>> No.2455103

Ironically, women are dilettantes at being dilettantes. Most male dilettantes are bad at it too, but there are a handful who actually know how to selectively broadcast their knowledge and create an air of sophistication around themselves. Women just read the first third of Moby Dick and run around going CALL ME ISHMAEL CALL ME ISHMAEL for months.

>> No.2455105

I'm not helping you refine your troll, faggot.

>> No.2455119
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>>>/r9k/ >>>/r9k/ >>>/r9k/ >>>/r9k/ >>>/r9k/ >>>/r9k/ >>>/r9k/ >>>/r9k/ >>>/r9k/ >>>/r9k/ >>>/r9k/ >>>/r9k/ >>>/r9k/ >>>/r9k/ >>>/r9k/ >>>/r9k/ >>>/r9k/ >>>/r9k/ >>>/r9k/

>> No.2455183

>that feel when real girl reader
most of them are total shut-ins though

>> No.2455264

>lend girl i'm seeing the short stories of kafka
>we stop seeing each other
>few months later see her reading 'the notebook'

>> No.2455285

most actual girl 'readers' are shut ins, but that is actually VERY few. Most of them are semi-readers with awful taste in lit

>> No.2455296


>> No.2455324

Maybe it's because women are used to being thought of as stupid non-readers, so when they do read something relatively deep like 1984 they want to compensate for the prejudice by being obnoxious and showing off?

>> No.2455335
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I'm torn because this thread sucks in theory, but some of it is so fucking true.

Shitty culture.

>> No.2455341

>but lets face it, decent looking girls have no reason to challenge themselves.

>> No.2455359


Naw, seriously though, y'all are resentful as fuck.

>> No.2455371

No one here is resenting anything unjustly...
Stupid people are generally resented for their stupidity, are they not? Vapid whores are resented just as much as any unintelligent bro

>> No.2455372

it's funny because hot chicks don't get approached that much

lrn2gametheory you liberal arts faggots

>> No.2455377

>Read Think, Pray, Love
>Recommend it to me as an enlightening book

Just because I'm a female too doesn't mean that sort of shit will seem enlightening to me. I try my best to avoid being a pretentious ass in these situations. It's hard.

>> No.2455384

True story: My sister told me her new life ambition is to live in Italy because she read "Eat, Pray, Shoots, and Loves."

I should have suppressed my laugh, but fuck that; we're family.

>> No.2455391

Oh yeah, it's "Eat" first... I feel silly for even believing "Think" would be a part of it.

>> No.2455437

I make a lot of money, so I don't have to worry about this sort of thing. There will always be a steady flow of hot slutty underclass bitches to drain my balls. I just throw bills at them and their pussies get wet, and they proceed to try and take my seed, but oh ho ho hooo jokes on them, I've got a vasectomy. You'd be surprised how many don't mind no condom when they think it'll get them pregnant from a rich douche they can mooch forever from.

Life is good gentlemen. You're all smart enough to exploit their weaknesses and get the panties to drop. No need to criticize the cattle for mooing, jeez. I'm really shocked at the insensitivity in this thread. Have more class guys.

>> No.2455439

Ya, she doesn't get approached much so she'll swoon when some neckbeard finally approaches her... makes sense

>> No.2455452
File: 36 KB, 500x333, 1329941154245.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread reeks of /r9k/-style invective, but I'm hard pressed to deny some of this sentiments here...

I know that feel -for whatever reason, I got "called out" for using the word "brandish." But it was directly before "a firearm," which it's nearly always been connected to since the inception of the fucking language.

Ever been to a bookstore late at night? You'll see some of them around...it's horrifying.

>> No.2455455

There needs to be a mashup of Eat, Pray, Love and Eats, Shoots, and Leaves.

>> No.2455463


Or one with zombies, called "Eat [Brains], Prey, and Love"

>> No.2455481

Quirk Books has probably already commissioned it.

>> No.2455527

>/r9k/-style invective
why do people think that? it's simply females being called stupid... whether foreveralone or not, holding this is perfectly valid