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/lit/ - Literature

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2454608 No.2454608 [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ think of Stieg Larsson

>> No.2454616

leftist dogshit

>> No.2454614

he's a fucking hack

>> No.2454621

I think Sweden is too nice of a country to produce any sort of interesting art.

>> No.2454627

Cover makes me want to go out and rape... Hmmm.

>> No.2454629

pulp thriller writer du jour

>> No.2454640

If he's so good, how come he's dead?

>> No.2454681

I read the first book, and started the second.

Race mixing. Race mixing everywhere.

Put it down in disgust.

>> No.2454685

I don't think you know what you're talking about.

>> No.2454698

I watched the movies, not ever going to bother with the books. They were entertaining but still very bad. I lost it when the mary sue self insert main character figured out that since all of the women murdered had names from the Bible it must mean they were jews. How lucky we are that Adolf never found out about that or there would hardly be anyone left in Europe at all.

>> No.2454703

He was literally a hard left commie, so no surprise he pushes leftist degeneracy all throughout his books.

I wouldn't touch them at all, they aren't even worth burning.

>> No.2454726

They're entertaining, all three of them are page-turners, but that's all. They're ok to read when you're bored.

Also, the author was a leftist swedish journalist who edited a liberal magazine and campaigned for women's rights. The main character of the books is a leftist swedish journalist who edits a liberal magazine and campaigns for women's rights, and is irresistible to all women, ever.

>> No.2454733

well, I'm trans, but I'm kind of a Nationalistic Social Democrat o_O

>> No.2454737

The obvious propaganda doesn't completely spoil them, because they're mainly action/mystery books. If you skip the political bullshit, they're enjoyable. Borrow them, read then once and forget about them forever.

>> No.2454738

>I'm trans
You mean you castrated yourself and parade around as a woman now?

>> No.2454739

Did /pol/ invade us or something? I'm not complaining, though, they apparently have good tastes.

>> No.2454742
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We're all /pol/ nao.

>> No.2454744

Sounds more like /b/ to me.

Anyway, I don't remember any important character not being white. Unless you consider swedish-german to be race mixing.

>> No.2454746

At the start of the second book, where she's on the hurricane island, the kid she fucks is black and lives in a shack.

>> No.2454748

Wasn't aware /lit/ had a nazi contingent. Makes sense really, since most literature champions intolerance and weakness crushing.

>> No.2454751
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Oh, the horror.

>> No.2454753

Wow, I'm not OP. That was from the nihilism thread. Whoops.

>> No.2454752

The concepts of race and pride in it is laughable.

>> No.2454756

Also, *are.

To contribute, I made it about a third of the monotonous, minutia-obsessed way through the first book in the trilogy before serious literature called me back. Why should I read Larsson when I haven't finished Catch-22 yet?

I'll see myself out.

>> No.2454757


>> No.2454758

Interesting societies are more likely to produce interesting people who produce interesting works. Sweden is bland and homogeneous, which is actually makes their country really great, high literacy rates, very little poverty, very little crime.

>> No.2454762


Not anymore.
Any it is the homogenous, prosperous societies which can produce the best art/culture.

>> No.2454763

"To eliminate this degeneracy, it may be necessary to eliminate the Blacks, the Jews, the Gypsy, but it is hardly advisable to stop there: the problem may be endemic to mankind, or perhaps to life itself."

If you're going to think like a villain, think like a Super-villain

>> No.2454768

Hilarious. But entirely irrelevant to the post you quoted. I do hope you were kidding.

>> No.2454777

ITT: People trying to have rational arguments with people who use the expression "race mixing".

>> No.2454776

Most writers of the past seemed to have come from "nice" backgrounds though.. I remember Russia during the soviet times produced quite an amount of interesting art but ever since Yeltsin sold it to the jews it has produced nothing but cheesy and low budget imitations of American culture. And most of Russias old writers seemed to be foreigners by blood and cultural influence.

>> No.2454789


That snow globe you live in must be comfy.

>> No.2454794

Like the fella says, in Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love - they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock.

-Harry Lime

>> No.2454797
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>> No.2454807

I don't know about times of war and peace, but saying Sweden has no artistic accomplishments is absurd. Their "great movies/population" ratio is through the roof.

>> No.2454815

Swede here.

The books are an accurate manifestation of Swedish political correctness veiled in progressive journalism; It is a leftist circle-jerk gone viral.

>> No.2454837

Prosperity, "niceness", maybe we're muddling terms here. This is not a question of whether or not a state has money. Look at history and see where great art comes from. During or after great periods of turbulence. If not in a society then that turbulence must manifest in the artist himself. There must be passion and intoxication or else you get banality.

>> No.2455498

I picked up some of Strindberg's plays not too long ago, let's put this Swedish banality theory to the test.

>> No.2456048

First movie was good, the second was still pretty decent, third was absolute twaddle.

I see no reason to bother with the books

>> No.2457216

Godwin's law!

Seriously though, am I right or what?