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2449982 No.2449982 [Reply] [Original]

>you will never know the proper use for a semicolon

>> No.2449989

Wrong; I will.

>> No.2449996

I actually DON'T know how to use these and would love to. Someone care to explain?

>> No.2450002

it's, like, when you don't tooootally want two sentences, but, like, you sorta maybe do

>> No.2450014

OP seems to be talking shit; he's not using it well himself.

>> No.2450017

"just make two sentences, faggot"
-Ernest Hemingway

>> No.2450026

by the way, you don't write buts after commas

>> No.2450028

I thought it was for dividing up lists with commas


My favorite towns to visit are Jackson, Mississippi; Atlanta, Georgia; and Sacramento, California.

>> No.2450029

It's more powerful than a comma, for a sentence in which you want to promote two clauses related to each other.


Also this >>2450028

>> No.2450045

two INDEPENDENT clauses. Very important caveat. Misusing a semicolon is like jacking off to CP; if someone finds out, you might as well kill yourself.

>> No.2450060


This man uses it right; it is clear that he is a scholar.

>> No.2450066
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>Misusing a semicolon is like jacking off to CP; if someone finds out, you might as well kill yourself.

>> No.2450062

Semicolons are the biggest stop in speech one can have in a single sentence; more than a comma but less than a complete full stop.

>> No.2450091
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Thank you for noticing that. I scratched my head for minutes trying to whip up an apt analogy.

>> No.2450116


Thank god I never use semicolons then.

>> No.2450119

They told me to walk straight; I walked straight.

>> No.2450129

i can do any; goddamn thing i want

>> No.2450131

I use it for causality.

John dropped the ball; it bounced.

>> No.2450133


Not normally, but, like, he put in a "like" after the but. It's a, like, aside, like...that needs to be, like, separated, like...

captcha explanation odstpar

>> No.2450140

Is "tl;dr" a correct use of the semi-colon?

>> No.2450148


short for

"It is too long; I didn't read it"


>> No.2450146


Yes. Refer to >>2450131

The text was too long; I didn't read it.
I looked at the sky; it looked blue to me.

>> No.2450884

Charlotte looked truly beautiful for once; she hadn't yet noticed that somebody was watching.

>> No.2450888

Just use a colon.

>> No.2450982


No, it's origin can be found in the caps-locked version "TL;DR"
The "," becomes a ";" in capslock.

>> No.2450984

That is utterly wrong. What the fuck is wrong with your keyboard?

>> No.2450994

the rules of proper punctuation
can lead the writer to frustration
proofreaders fill your life with drama
should you misplace a simple,
and errors more than myriad
should you omit a.
perhaps sometimes and for a lark
you'll use an!
but critics mock you and with glee
for botching an'
and act as though your wits are stolen
if you misplace a;
so my advice to you is this
if you would share prosaic bliss
eschew these critical eclipses
and end your clauses with...

>> No.2451016

I usually use it in place of 'as'. I think I'm doing it right.

>> No.2451020


use it instead of "because" or "therefor" Judiciously

I drank too much again last night; the whole testing thing was bothering me.

course a period would work just as well, most of the time.

>> No.2451028


sorry for this: the weekend puts me in "drive-by poet" mode these days.

>> No.2451040

If no one semicolon properly, maybe the problem isn't everyone but the semicolon; the judge; the judgement; OP is a faggot.

>> No.2451065

, ; : indicate increasing lengths of pauses. It depends how you want your sentences read.

>> No.2451990


you can make an ellipsis out of semi-colons? news to me. Or what are you getting at here?

>> No.2451999
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>that feel when i often use semicolons between two long, elaborate sentences and i feel someone will think im misusing it because it sounds awkward but it makes perfect sense to me

>> No.2452040

>It's more powerful than a comma

this made me laugh so fucking hard.

>> No.2452049
File: 17 KB, 320x320, semicolon gorilla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The mighty, mighty semicolon.

>> No.2452065

I never get why people don't understand semi-colons. When I grade student essays so many use semi-colons in place of colons. So much of my rage.

>> No.2452069




>> No.2452337

I thought the colon was used to emphasize the text that follows it, whereas the semicolon was to connect two related clauses

>> No.2452365

Hey; your probably right.

>> No.2452371


You can't even use you're right; you're most likely to be a retard.

>> No.2452388
File: 45 KB, 640x640, I had to download this image because you actually fell for it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

File name. Oh wait, that's right I'm not on /b/...