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File: 55 KB, 307x403, despair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2449616 No.2449616 [Reply] [Original]

What prevents you from falling into a state of despair?

>> No.2449621

Nothing but masturbation, friend.

>> No.2449632

I indulge the Dionysian when the Apollonian gets too strong

>> No.2449640


>> No.2449639

i like video games

>> No.2449649

What's the difference between despair and depression?

>> No.2449682

Depression if for western, heterosexual, caucasican, petit-burgeois males while despair is for the ones truly suffering.

>> No.2449686

jewish nigger woman detected, how's that persecution complex suiting you, do you want more grants for doing nothing for a hundred years of suffrage and freedom

>> No.2449693

This. Every time you get depressed, just fap.

>> No.2449700


>> No.2449705

Yes, but then there's that empty, listless feeling you occasionally get afterwards.

>> No.2449707


>for western, heterosexual, caucasican, petit-burgeois males

Another petulant child who thinks he is somehow above others by making arrogant and sweeping generalizations.

Yet you are most likely completely oblivious to how transparent you are. Which is hilarious and sad in equal measure.

>> No.2449708

If you get that if just means you have to fap again.

>> No.2449715


>> No.2449720

>doesn't understand the nature of mental illness, therefore it doesn't exist
my jimmies are rustled as fuck

>> No.2449736

I have a personality disorder and my emotions are severely dulled.

>> No.2449739

Tell me more. I wish my emotions were dulled.

>> No.2449746

It's pretty neutral. I don't have good days or bad days, I just have days. If the emotional stimulus is strong enough, I'll feel something. I haven't really ever felt depressed or anything like that, though. I've categorized my emotions and opinions on everything into the following categories:
neutral positive
neutral negative
That's it.

>> No.2449748
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Read some Foucault you nimwit.

>> No.2449751

what if I get depressed from fapping?

>> No.2449765

Fap some more. Depression will only set in after the orgasm.

>> No.2449768

End it all.

>> No.2450003


>> No.2450018

Nothing, my despair fuels my writing.

Also cigarettes.

>> No.2450027

is this a prescription or something?
I`m basically too cowardly to tell my family I`m depressed or mentally ill because they will just tell me to turn to god or some shit.
How to go about getting Ritalin or something that will numb me?

>> No.2450619

the thing that makes any society last: choose/make a random activity that will keep you busy so you can avoid facing the fact that there is basically nothing.

that random activity can take any form you want.

>> No.2450621
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>> No.2450623

Nothing. I fall in and out of despair all the time. Usually having a goal to work towards helps to keep your mid off it. It's only in those really late nights when there is nothing to do and nothing to look forward to the next day that it really bothers me.

>> No.2450625

Drugs are pussies that can't figure shit out on their own.

>> No.2450626

>implying I am not already suicidal

>> No.2450637

My will to live and power.

>> No.2450641

My irrepressible love of life.

>> No.2450679

Sculpt your body.
Have sex with beautiful women.
Never hold your tongue.
Taste immortality.

Die a demigod.

>> No.2450684

I amputated my emotions some years ago. Now I am entirely too rational for such things. My life is always grey, but it no longer does it turn to black. Also sometimes I drink Dr. Pepper.

>> No.2450685

>die a demigod
So tragically at the hands of a fate outside your control tormented by enmities of the gods all in a grand tale about the perils of hubris?

>> No.2450692

Nonsense. Drugs just activate shit that was already in your brain. Its not like some separate mental universe is contained within a drug. Drugs, particularly psychedelics, just facilitate you figuring shit out on your own.

Nah. Stimulants are not a treatment for depression. Read this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Methylphenidate#Adverse_effects

Also, anti-depressants turn you into a zombie because zombies aren't depressed; psychiatrists and pharmaceutical companies fuck with your brain chemistry for profit. For real pharmacological help, consume psilocybin mushrooms.

>> No.2450696

wut? did you just link to a page that says a stimulate may be prescribed off label for depression to prove your point that stimulants don't treat depression???

>> No.2450699

Child pornography and chocolate milk.

>> No.2450701

there are activators of serotonin receptors too.

>> No.2450702

Do not consume any drug. Drink water and exercise and let the sunlight fall on your naked skin.


>> No.2450704

I linked to a section of the article detailing possible adverse effects. Ritalin helps with depression superficially, similarly to anti-depressants, making you addicted to the drug which changes your brain chemistry. If you're about to kill yourself you might want to use this stuff, otherwise you're just switching one fucked up state for another, which is why I recommended psilocybin: http://news.discovery.com/human/magic-mushrooms-depression-122301.html

>> No.2450707

don't forget about MDMA

>> No.2450711

>otherwise you're just switching one fucked up state for another
>which is why I recommended psilocybin
In what fucking universe does psilocybin not cause a fucked up state?

>> No.2450722

I mean fucked up state as in permanent or lasting for weeks, months, years. Don't be dense.

>> No.2450726

I can't read minds, bro.

>> No.2450766

A bed made of money.

>> No.2450769

that doesn't sound particularly comfortable, and imagine if you got bed bugs, your money would all be infested. It would suck.

>> No.2450778

meeting up with friends, working, exercising and indulging hobbies.

>> No.2450790

My god, what a terrible shallow shell of a life you lead.

>> No.2450791
File: 142 KB, 619x629, gainsbourg-birkin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Masturbating is depression. You dudes need to get out of the house and talk to people. Light conversation is a good start.

>> No.2450793
File: 16 KB, 620x258, mapplethorpe self-portrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we're not beyond despair

>> No.2451932

currently a chair

>> No.2451934



>> No.2451935

Heavy-negative is building up inside you and one day a great deal of it will burst.

>> No.2451944

Two people could conduct the same activities for the same amount of time, and could experience them completely differently. Are you being quick to judge?

>> No.2451954

Poetry and remembering that in September I'll be at a good university. Sometimes though, nothing keeps me from falling into despair and then I stay up till 3am every night thinking about suicide. Feels bad man. I never even went to see a psychiatrist about it.

>> No.2451977

Despairs fun though

>> No.2451979
File: 10 KB, 255x197, 1330114232310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Do you really believe that?

>> No.2451988

Allah subhana wa'tala.

>> No.2451995
File: 26 KB, 309x488, Camus4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being little babies suffering in despair
Just accept life for what it is you wailing pussies.