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/lit/ - Literature

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2445475 No.2445475 [Reply] [Original]

>the last book you read
>book(s) you are currently reading
>book(s) you are going to read next

>Samuel Beckett's trilogy
>Outer Dark by Cormac Mccarthy and Tropic Of Cancer by Henry Miller
>Not too sure, maybe some PKD

>> No.2445483

Last read: Tesla bio
Currently: Underground by Murakami
Next: Undecided but it'll probably be Paradise Lost.

>> No.2445481
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>The Last Wish
>From Hell
>The Red Night Trilogy/Exterminator!/Novel of Ray Orbison in Clingfilm

>> No.2445485

>The Face by David St John
> Greek History
> These Days, Frederick Seidel

>> No.2445508

> The Theogony by Hesiodos
> Faust by Goethe and On The Road by Kerouac
> Oh The Beautiful Days by Beckett or Les Cenci by Artaud

>> No.2445522

>the last book you read

The Open Society and its Enemies - Popper

>book(s) you are currently reading

- Hard Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World - Murakami
- The Society of the Spectacle - Debord

>book(s) you are going to read next


>> No.2445526

>the last book you read: Don't Sweat the small stuff and its all small stuff
>book(s) you are currently reading: Seinfeld and Philosophy
>book(s) you are going to read next: A brief history of thought (probably)

>> No.2445527

+ 100 years of solitude
+ the great gatsby
+ atlas shrugged

>> No.2445532
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>finished reading 'Crime and Punishment' yesterday
>read 'Siddhartha' today
>going to start 'The Book of Disquiet' tomorrow

>> No.2445535
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Infinite Jest
The Trial

>mfw Infinite Jest

>> No.2445538

>"The Master and Margarita" (Bulgakov)
>"Essays and Aphorisms" (Schopenhauer); "The Call of Cthulu and Other Weird Stories" (Lovecraft)
>"Infinite Jest" (Wallace); "Dubliners" (Joyce)

>> No.2445542

>Villette by Charlotte Bronte
>Gonna start Piers Plowman later today
>North and South by Elizabeth Gaskell

>> No.2445570

>Crime and Punishment
>The Idiot
>The Secret Agent

>> No.2445591

To Aru Majustu no Index novel 1 because weeaboo
Nineteen Eighty-Four
>going to read
Animal Farm/TAMnI 2

I realised recently I had never properly read any Orwell, so.

>> No.2445667
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>Lord of Souls by Greg Keyes
>Mirrors by Eduardo Galeano
>Soul Music by Terry Pratchett or The Magical Chorus: A History of Russian Culture by Solomon Volkov

>> No.2445693

>The old man and the sea by Ernest Hemingway
>Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace, Norton Anthology of Classical Literature, and Civilizations Discontents by Sigmund Freud
>Ulysses by James Joyce, The Yiddish Policeman's Union by Michael Chabon

>> No.2445699

>"end of the road," john barth
>"the sot-weed factor," barth
>"giles goatboy," barth

i tend to get hung up on individual authors. i'm also reading the world as will and representation, first volume.

>> No.2445706
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>Gulliver's Travels
>Oliver Twist
>Either Hard Times or Lolita

Also, a question, dear /lit/: Would it be stupid to go ahead and buy this Penguin collection thing even if I already own Hard Times and Oliver Twist? I really want to just to celebrate the old man's anniversary :3

>> No.2445718
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Confessions of a Mask, Yukio Mishima
Not bad but not quite what I was expecting. One has to wonder where the invention and the secret self-reflection of the author begins and ends.

The Tunnel, William H. Gass
Exceeding my expectations at a hundred pages in, has all the potential to outdo Omensetter's Luck. I'll let you know when I finish.

An Unsuitable Attachment, Barbara Pym
Not bad, lighter than anticipated.

The Name of the Rose, Umberto Eco
Suttree, Cormac McCarthy

>> No.2445737

I don't read sequentially; I read concurrently.

past: Blood Meridian
present: The Mysterious Island by Jules Verne, (Moby Dick, The Man with No Qualities are longer-term reads that I'm working through)
future: Tale of Two Cities, UBIK

>> No.2445747

Europe and the Mystique of Islam, Maxime Rodinson
A History of the Arab Peoples, Albert Hourani
The Crisis of the Modern World, Rene Guenon

>> No.2445753

>The man who was thursday
>Blood meridian, second reading
>I may go looking for books similar to blood meridian and/or the man who was thursday, both president sunday and the judge are similar at least in appearance

>> No.2445804

Cat's Cradle - Vonnegut
It was very good, better than I expected. I liked it a lot.
Enh, Silence of the Lambs on a recommendation from a pretty girl, but I'll probably drop it because I've better to read
Maybe some more PKD, maybe Gulliver's Travels, maybe A Single Man, I'm not sure yet

>> No.2445826

>Heart of Darkness
>The Great Gatsby
>Slaughterhouse Five

>> No.2446137

Last book: The Great Gatsby
Currently Reading: Dubliners, The Odyssey
Next books: Ulysses, Glamourama, Brighton Rock

>> No.2446143

Blood Meridian
Infinite Jest
Something Russian.

>> No.2446237

>>Snow falling on Cedars. (One of my favorites, just reread it again.)
>>Some book about O.J...I stopped though it's boring.
>> The Man from St. Petersburg. (Recommended to me.)

>> No.2446242
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Just Finished: Fear & Loathing - Hunter S Thompson
Currently: Steppenwolf - Hermann Hesse
Next: Farewell To Arms - Hemmingway
A Portrait Of The Artist...- James Joyce

>> No.2446253

>The Great Gatsby
>The Light Fantasic

>> No.2446262

>L'amant by Duras and The Merchant of Venice
>Los detectives salvajes and Taming of the Shrew
>Moby Dick and Othello

>> No.2446264

>the last book you read
A Moveable Feast by Hemingway

>book(s) you are currently reading
A Confederacy of Dunces by Toole

>book(s) you are going to read next
Salaambo (Flaubert)
Home of the Gentry (Turgenev)
The Beautiful and Damned (Fitzgerald)

I'm trying to get my Fitzgerald on. I've read Gatsby, This Side of Paradise and Tender Is the Night. I'm not sure where to go after The Beautiful and Damned. Someone once recommended I read his short stories. Any suggestions?

>> No.2446276

Well Fitzgerald didn't really write any other novels did he.. apart from the unfinished The Last Tycoon. We can thank Zelda for that I guess.

>> No.2446280

Damn, you're right. Fuck, I hate Zelda, man.

>> No.2446340

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
For Whom the Bell Tolls
A Yankee in King Arthur's Court

Those are for fun, I'm reading like 10 other books for my research paper

>> No.2446423

>Ubik - Phillip K. Dick
>The Trial, The Castle - Franz Kafka, Thus Spoke Zarathustra - Friedrich Nietzsche
>The Fountainhead - Ayn Rand, Ulysses - James Joyce

>> No.2446430

zelda fix me another sloe gin fizz you incorrigible harlot I love you!

everyone knows she was more interesting

>> No.2446443

“The only artists I have ever known who are personally delightful are bad artists. Good artists exist simply in what they make, and consequently are perfectly uninteresting in what they are. A great poet, a really great poet, is the most unpoetical of all creatures. But inferior poets are absolutely fascinating. The worse their rhymes are, the more picturesque they look. The mere fact of having published a book of second-rate sonnets makes a man quite irresistible. He lives the poetry that he cannot write. The others write the poetry that they dare not realize.”
-Oscar Wilde

>> No.2446453

Do we really need to have this thread five times a week?

>> No.2446464

>Brave New World
>(in order of priority) The Sign of Four, Shadow and Claw, The Arabian Nights, Books of Skyrim,The Sea Wolf
>Probably the Invisible Man or Julius Ceasar

>> No.2446467

Mindless posting of information nobody really cares about is a easy way to get your mind off of stuff. it's not like this thread is really in your way, just ignore it.

>> No.2446468

>The Stranger
>Fight Club
>American Psycho, The Curse of Lono, maybe finish Stephen King's Dark Tower Series

>> No.2446473


Wilde obviously never knew Baudelaire.

>> No.2446477

Does anyone REALLY care about anything on the internet?

>> No.2446480

I'm sure someone does, but most people don't.

>> No.2446486


Does the internet even really exist?

>> No.2446562

>the last book you read
The Portrait of Dorian Gray
>book(s) you are currently reading
The New York Trilogy
>book(s) you are going to read next
either Brideshead Revisited, or The Betrothed (by Manzoni)

>> No.2446570
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do I even exist?

>> No.2446601

>Thus Spoke Zarathusra
>Heart of Darkness

>> No.2446735

Last Read: Speak
Reading: American Psycho, Between A Rock And A Hard Place
Going to Read: The Federalist Papers, Roots

>> No.2446740

>The Federalist Papers

...What, all of them?

>> No.2446829
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>Antony and Cleopatra
>The Soul of Man under Socialism (Oscar wilde); Encontro marcado or A time to meet ( Fernando Sabino, Brazilian writer)
>Finishing don quixote and starting The Sorrows of Young Werther

>> No.2446850

>Holzwege- Martin Heidegger
>Gesellschaft die Gesellschaft- Luhmann
>Works and Days- Hesiod

>> No.2446857

>The Bomb Party by Graham Greene
>House of Leaves
>probably nothing because reading has become a tedious chore like everything else

>> No.2446861

>Maurice by E.M. Forster
>Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe
>The Picture of Dorian Grey by Wilde

>> No.2446873

Past : Nabokov - Pnin
Present: Gaddis - The Recognitions
Future: I need to read Tove Jansso - The Summer Book

>> No.2448253

>Harry Potter series (reread)

can't get through fountainhead like i did atlas shrugged, notroll. liked the atmosphere of atlas shrugged, not so much the dagnyissohotbecauseshe'sadude. also on that note, anyone got any recommendations on similar period pieces?

>> No.2448260

>Flow My Tears The Policeman Said
> Ulysses
> Metamorphosis

>> No.2448281


How was Maurice?

>> No.2448475
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Read: The Leviathan
Reading: Barefoot Gen v1
Will read: Barefoot Gen v2

>> No.2448479

Oddly enough I was curious about this too.

>> No.2448540

I, personally, really liked it. Seemed a bit over exaggerated at parts, but it is primarily romance, after all. In the end, it was a thoroughly satisfying read.

It convinced me to read more of Forster's stuff, and Howards End is next on the list after Dorian Gray.

>> No.2448546
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>See OP pic, lol
>wait.....I have that dildo...