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2433704 No.2433704 [Reply] [Original]

What are the best chess books of all time for an intermediary to get better?

>> No.2433818

Interested in this as well. Although I am interested in books for complete beginners.

>> No.2433836

I like a good creepy crawlly.

>> No.2433978

Look up Jeremy Silman, he has a lot of good tactics books he wrote with that boy Yasser Seirawan

>> No.2434054

I was recommended to download Chessmaster grandmaster edition. Too early to tell if I'm getting better, but it has an interactive academy that is well done.


>> No.2434066

In all honesty the best way to go from beginner or intermediary to a decent rating (like 1100-1400, nothing absolutely crazy) won't be to read books on the subject, it will be to use chess computer programs. There are good books out there for openings though.

Anyone ever read "Chess Story" by Stefan Zweig? Good stuff.

>> No.2435272
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>Implying you won't die a virgin.

>> No.2435278

The openings section isn't that great. Definitely going to need a good book on that. And play against increasingly harder opponents. Basically, just play against computer programs you know can beat you (but not too badly) and keep going until you can win reasonably consistently, then find a harder one, etc.

Chessmaster is great because they have many opponents of equal skill, but with different styles, so you're not just getting used to combatting a particular computer.

>> No.2435295
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> MFW one of my best friends is a master who already has three children.

>> No.2435306
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Relevant listening, trick.

>not really, but still pretty cool

>> No.2435430

>adopting kids because you're a worthless virgin

>> No.2435439

You sound mad, checkers pleb

>> No.2435452

>implying your puny pawn becoming a queen isn't gay as fuck
>implying my magnificent piece being kinged isn't alpha as fuck
Enjoy being a virgin fag, fag.

>> No.2435458
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same principle, dog.
anyway Go master race reporting in

>> No.2435461
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>playing Chess

>> No.2435462


>> No.2435465
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>not playing Arimaa

Enjoy getting beaten by computers, fags.

>> No.2435468

>same principle
Fiddling with their tiny king is not the same as full penetration and taking it all.

>> No.2435483

Semi-related, I know it isn't a chess tactics book but I enjoyed Nabokov's The Defense and it got me back into playing.

>> No.2435498



I design abstract boardgames and I can say Chess needs to die already. Abstract game design is highly scientific and it has come a long way since the dark ages... Play Arimaa

>> No.2435514

You might as well be asking lit what the best book on Complex Analysis is.

>> No.2435528

I know, there are so many that it's hard to differentiate.

>> No.2435555

ba dum tss

>> No.2435678

>Not boring as fuck

>> No.2435696

Computers aren't any good at Go.

>> No.2435701

What did you do during useless classes, then?

>> No.2435913


Choose one. Maybe you just don't understand what you can do in a game of Go. Maybe find some commented professional games.

>> No.2435942

Chess is dead now it's realize too much on memorization, memorizing openings and proper responses to openings, chess has become very boring, robotic and dull, thats why computers are so good at it, chess is dead now
- Bobby Fischer

>> No.2436784

Maybe at a GM or IM level, but not against me and my friends.

It may be dead to some GM, but to many of us, we're still memorising those openings and don't play regularly enough for us to ever get to the level where there is nothing left to learn.

>> No.2436786
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>That feel when your dick brother always wins
>Finally get good enough to take him on
>On the occasions that I get him on the run, he just forces a draw
>All other games he wins
>Sucks at logic, just has good memorisation skills

Chess: Memorisation for plebs.

>> No.2436792

Sounds like you can't force a long game. Or lack creativity or intelligence or something.

>> No.2436798
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your just fucking stuped XD

>> No.2436806


exactly this. me and my friends play many hours of chess at the pub every few days and we end up too drunk to have ever really learned any openings or strategies by rote. we mostly just wing it and it's a lot of fun.

>> No.2436820

>learning chess

>not playing Starcraft 2 which a thousand square times ten more complex and enjoyable

>> No.2436835

Starcraft is not more complex then chess. Period.

Enjoyable is subjective. Personally I prefer a wide variety of past times.

>Starcraft 2

After noticing the 2, I think you may just be joking.

>> No.2436838

>If you are under the age of 18, or it is illegal for you to view the materials contained on this website, discontinue browsing immediately.


>> No.2436858

Unless you're a fucking Grand Master above 2500, chess isn't about memory at all. It's just about technique.

>> No.2436865

Also Bobby Fischer was batshit insane and is now completely irrelevant nowadays. Any GM in the top 500 could beat the shit out of him if he still lived.

>> No.2436871

ehh playing is good

I studied Kasparov and similar types, the modern meta game is kind of crazy imo...

>> No.2436956


Starcraft is not more complex?

Look at the number of variables for example you delusional hipster

2012 chess is for pretentious faggots

>> No.2436961

Starcraft isn't complex. Coreans win.
That's pretty much it.

(On another note, comparing a board game with a videogame is kinda silly.)

>> No.2436972


I would like one thread, just one thread, on /lit/ where a troll doesn't use the words "pretentious," "hipster" or "faggot."

>> No.2436981

and I would like a harem of girls imported from the worldwide slave trade and oh wait I am sultan now.

>> No.2437003


go fuck yoursel freally

>> No.2437009

why? they do it for me! on my private man made island chain! I party with Greek shipping magnates. I do lines of blow for breakfast in Monaco off the tits of all the models you've ever wanted to fuck!

>> No.2438691

But the variables can be met in a much more straightforward manner. Reflex between opponents can also broaden the skill gap and allow them to rely less on out manoeuvring your opponent even further,

>> No.2438694

What makes you think that? Bobby at his peak could surely at least pose a good challenge to Kasparov.

>> No.2438703


>best books for an intermediary

I don't think that word means what you think it means.

>> No.2438723


kasparov can't even beat some 13 year olds

chess is a shit game based on memorization

and memorization applies to all levels, its just how it works, its why computers dominate it and no human has beat a Top AI since 2005....

and chess is much less complex than SC2. SC2 has more variables to consider, more options, more possibilities. There are more "pieces" and ways to arrange them and ways to use them...

you also have to factor in 3 different opponents that play differently, thousands of different strategies and ways to react plus hand-eye coordination needed to micro effectively while scouting and building and making up tactics

its real time and much more intense than chess in every way, except memorization

memorization doesn't really have the same edge in SC2 as it does in chess,

>> No.2438730

If you haven't read Golombek's Modern Opening Chess Strategy, then you don't know shit about chess.

>> No.2438734

Starcraft 2 at the very top level is pretty amazing to watch being played. The number of variables you have to account for is astounding. I agree that it is much more difficult to play Starcraft 2 at the very top than it is to play Chess

unless you play Protoss

>> No.2438746


Gookclick has nothing on Go faggot.
Come at me dogeaters.

>> No.2438755

hahahaha yes

you are my favourite

>> No.2438853

>kasparov can't even beat some 13 year olds

The shit are you talking about dude?

>> No.2438944

itt: you will never be a grandmaster, so what's the point

I hate all of you idiots

>> No.2439164
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Are you stupid?

>> No.2439229


>Implying he hasn't had them all on the same woman within four years.

>> No.2439275

I'm not going to believe some anonymous faggot on the Internet.

>> No.2439396

I second this advice. I used it to teach myself to play even with ~1500 rating computers, but I'm a very quick learner so it might take longer for someone else.

>> No.2439401
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>> No.2439452


bump for interesting thread

how do i become chess grandmaster, im terrible at chess and only played a few times

>> No.2439653

Study endgames and openings like a mad man. Then you might reach a level where you can compete at ~2000 level, if you're extremely good.

>> No.2439716
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>Mad Men

Sorry, couldn't help it, I love puns.

>> No.2440028


How the fuck is that a pun?

>> No.2440043

I'm guessing English is a second language for that poster

>> No.2440436

>itt: Not a single mention of a Chess book.

>> No.2440442

Start with Caxton, then read everything else after that.

Bonus points for reading Beckett's Murphy and Speak, Memory.

>> No.2441797

>pleb chess book tastes.

>> No.2441911

A lot of great chess players are/went insane (Bobby Fishcer)

>> No.2441937

After researching this myself, I decided to go with some of John Nunn's books.

I've been busy with other things, so I can't really tell if I've improved, but he's definitely a boss at explaining complex tactics lucidly.

>> No.2441945

Emanuel Lasker has been champion for 27 years and was perfectly fine.

>> No.2442001

Really, they haven't. Bobby Fischer is in the minority, by far. Most of the greats went into politics or sciences after retiring from chess and lived their lives perfectly normally.

>> No.2442633

What sort of level do you think you should be at chess before you ditch it for more complex games?

>> No.2442638

There are no more complex games.

>> No.2442644
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>yfw you will never beat the final boss in chess

>> No.2442657

You do know the game wasn't designed by mathematicians right? And always needed revisions? RTS like age of empires II owns the shit out of chess.

>> No.2442666

>Not Grand Strategy

Fucking pesants

>> No.2442669

I don't even know what that is..

>> No.2442672

My system by Nimzowitsch

>> No.2442688

Total War and the like.

>> No.2442690

What is Dota2? Because I'm fucking boss at Dota2.

>> No.2442692

You ditch it when you stop having fun. Otherwise who cares how complex it is. Variety is the business bro.

>> No.2442737

It falls under the category of "things that are shit."

>> No.2442740

But do those games have resource management?

>> No.2442750
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An anthropologist's take on chess culture. Won't improve your game but will make you feel like less of a freak for playing 8 hours of blitz.

>> No.2444014 [DELETED] 

SOunds shit.

>> No.2444357

The majority of these posts are complete and utter rubbish.
This is what happens when the average pleb browses lit. God, I miss D&E. I should get a trip and shitpost bad threads like this one

>> No.2445018

What exactly is D&E?

>> No.2445026

yo where the fuck is D&E? I miss that nigga too!!

>> No.2445030

the worst tripfag in history. Not even using superfluous superlatives.

>> No.2445116

Study openings to avoid getting fucked in your opening by someone who knows their book openings out to 30 moves. Then endgame. Also, tactics, lots of fucking tactics.

>> No.2445120

There are no more complex games. You can always improve your chess to another level, there's no upper limit.