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/lit/ - Literature

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2432341 No.2432341 [Reply] [Original]


Crazy Genius, holy shit

>> No.2432345

wtf did i just read?

>> No.2432346

lol so randum XD!!!!

>> No.2432350

>First comment
>You my friend, should really consider writing for Cracked or something

Yup, about that standard.

>> No.2432349

I think my eyeballs are bleeding

>> No.2432355

I love the comback he makes in his comment
"You do need some better dick jokes though."
"The only dick joke here is your own"

>> No.2432367

haha wtf?

>> No.2432376

Whats bad about Cracked?

>> No.2432381


The standard of writing is about that of OPs link.

>> No.2432388

I think I should check Cracked out, I thought op's link was pretty good

>> No.2432397

>Whats bad about Cracked?

Butthurt /lit/izens can't get their dog to read their shitty short stories, not even when they tie a chop to it. Meanwhile, Cracked writers gather readers in the low millions

>> No.2432411

I don't even think ops link classifies as a short story, maybe a short-short skit or something

>> No.2432425


> I cut him off shortly, "Look, they were out of toilet paper, ok? Besides, it seemed pretty damn metaphorical knowing I was using your short story to wipe my ass." He rolled his eyes at me and scoffed. You try to give him some light criticism and he scoffs. Unappreciative bastard.

>> No.2432429

ops link is freakishly awesome

>> No.2432439

I don't think you can classify the writing quality of some website (Cracked) based on 7 short paragraphs some unrelated person wrote

>> No.2432450

ITT: OP is the author.

Some fucking nerd writing some bizzarro, he looks like 14 in the picture. Jeeez /lit/

>> No.2432454

I looked read some of the other stuff from OP's post, the user has this other short story called Excortastic! Exorcism , and I have to agree, that is the type of writing you'd find on cracked

>> No.2432463

OP here, I actually found this posted on /b/ about 30 minutes ago some other guy had posted it and I thought it was funny.

>> No.2432501

I saw that too but i didnt think it was funny enough to repost it on some other board

>> No.2432528

I think /lit/ is just giving that guy free publicity

>> No.2432534

It is as funny as poop jokes. Adding randomness always works.

Not unpleasant to read, nothing great nor good.

>> No.2432544

Huh, i guess there is a poop joke in there, it was kind of covered up by the rest of those dick jokes in there

>> No.2432554

I think this is way too over hyped.
Guess some people are into this sort of thing, I just thought it was "meh".

>> No.2432563

What kind of title is Vacuum Wielding Hooker anyways?
The only mention of a hooker in that thing is in the first line, false advertising you guys.

>> No.2432592

Check out his comments, somebody just told this ass hole he should write a book
>implying he's any good

>> No.2432609

He currently has 142 views on this damn thing, I think he got all of those just from /lit/.

>> No.2432614


>> No.2432617


>Views: 170 (149 today)

It was 47 when I saw it first.

>> No.2432621

We should put a stop to him, /lit/ avoid reading this at all costs

>> No.2432635

>Views: 180 (159 today)
He just keeps getting more, i didn't know /lit/ had this many people lurking

>> No.2432644

Do you really think /lit/ is the only place he's posted this?

>> No.2432647

Woah, this is the kind of writing people are impressed by?

I always assumed people were a bit more judgmental ,especially on the internet.

>> No.2432653

it's not impressive per say, but it does make for a short, fun read

>> No.2432655

>per say
>per say
>per say
>per say
>per say
>per say
>per say
>per say

>> No.2432656

>per say
>not per se
Pretentious illiterate revealed.

>> No.2432659

True, some guy did say that he saw it posted on /b/ a while back.
I have to admit though, it does seem like a pretty impressive strategy to get people to view your stuff.

>> No.2432672


Nope, witness the power of the samefag.

>> No.2432674

Yeesh, sorry man, my bad

>> No.2432671

Yes, it is impressive.
Tao Lin built his empire by mastering this technique.
Do you really it's his writing that attracts people?
Don't be silly, it's his shameless and constant self-promotion,
More people that see it, the more people that read, and buy it. Simple as that.

>> No.2432680

There is nothing interesting or good about this. To the bottom with it.

>> No.2432684

Aren't all promotions samefag-ing?

>> No.2432698


Not if something's actually recommended by people who didn't write it.

>> No.2432706

But everything starts with self promotion, it all begins there, if not you wouldn't have other people who would recommend your stuff if they haven't seen it themselves.

>> No.2432714

Well we just gave this guy 200 views, we have failed /lit/

>> No.2432725

>implying it's not mostly other places because there's less than 10 people on /lit/ at any given time.

>> No.2432740
File: 9 KB, 432x313, ;.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, I've only posted this on /lit/, so I guess that means you don't give /lit/ nearly enough credit.

>> No.2432753

>so I decided to knock him down a few pegs.

>Look, they were out of toilet paper, ok?

Way to knock him down a few pegs.

>> No.2432758

>Besides, it seemed pretty damn metaphorical knowing I was using your short story to wipe my ass.

>> No.2432771


>Besides, it seemed pretty damn metaphorical knowing I was using your short story to wipe my ass.
>it seemed pretty damn metaphorical knowing I was using your short story
>pretty damn metaphorical knowing

>> No.2432783

I think the metaphor was that the guys short story was horrible and was only Ass-Wipe worthy
Just guessing.

>> No.2432805

You guys have been surprisingly tame, usually /lit/ would be ripping him a new one by now

>> No.2432874

Can you blame us? OPs link wasn't half bad

>> No.2432896

Wtf, I thought /lit/ was famous for tearing apart it's posters?

>> No.2434905

How is this still up?

>> No.2434917


Because people (you) keep bumping it.

>> No.2434926

Oops, my bad :T

>> No.2434932
File: 9 KB, 200x200, 252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2434939


>> No.2434943

the conspicuous nature of this thread re-appearing at the same time as a troll infested thread complaining about the length of Moby Dick appears is not surprising in the least

>> No.2434950

This thread can't re-appear since it technically never disappeared, Moby Dick is long as fuck though

>> No.2434956

It now has
>Views: 481 (215 today)

What the actual fuck?

>> No.2434989

Lol what the hell is this anyways?

>> No.2435140

Some kid writing penis jokes that he thinks are clever

>> No.2435497

Damn, OP, your work really IS edgy! And genius! You should probably delete it before the cyber-police take you down for it!

>> No.2435708
File: 18 KB, 500x375, dd366686-6714-4cb5-a7bb-166931c544bf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Haha, I still thought op was pretty food :p

>> No.2435710


Hangs head in shame