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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.24234[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/lit/ promise me you will exercise more

/fit/ promise me you will read more

>> No.25027
File: 11 KB, 261x192, ccc9c6d1fab70251ce1556a984dad563.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't know whatcha got, till it's gone.

>> No.25101
File: 127 KB, 1200x1200, justnoticedhowmuchhelookslikemygrandpalmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I promise both friend

>> No.25130

I promise to sign up to the gym once my doctor clears me to lift

>> No.25155


>> No.25169

I will continue to jog and eat healthy and read!

>> No.25219

/fitlit/ actually convinced me to take a weightlifting course at school since I need units in p.e. anyways. I didn't even know that was a thing in college.

>> No.25235

/lit/ here. Fuck that. Instead of wasting my time at a gym I could be working on my novel (I mean I probably won't but I technically could).

>> No.25274

>wastes time on 4chan instead

Takes 3 hours a week for better health and gains.

>> No.25280
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That novel won't get you laid lmao

>> No.25282
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I promise you /lit/. We're all going to make it. Our combined disciplines will propel us to CHAD.

>> No.25288


>> No.25295

I don't need it, I have a boyfriend.

>> No.25302

And do any physical therapy he recommends. That shit is like magic and will save you some much pain down the road.

>> No.25317

I'm going to go read a book now.

>> No.25320

I do both but I need to do them more. Promised.

>> No.25337

Not for long with that fat ass.

>> No.25353

We're all gonna make it /fitlit/ bros

>> No.25391
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B-b-but I already do cardio exclusively /fit/.

>> No.25400

>tfw I was an avid reader and lifter even before /fitlit/ existed
Nice to see you guy's are already sorting yourselves out!

>> No.25417
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rather kill myself than wasting time on 2deep4you literature, hundreds if not thousands of pages each that can easily be summarized by an idiot in 10 pages max

>> No.25426

>Not for long with that fat ass

You know nothing

>> No.25440


Literally 3 hours a week is enough. If you commit to that you can get ripped and your improved mental health will lead to more productivity.

Never gonna make it.

>> No.25446
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Remember fitlits.
It's not what's happening here but what you take with you in your hearts that matters.

>> No.25466

>fat ass

>> No.25478
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>reading for plot

>> No.25509

How does it feel to know that you will always have the mental capacity of a literal retard?

>> No.25521

>hundreds if not thousands of pages each that can easily be summarized by an idiot in 10 pages max
weeeeeeeew lad.

>> No.25562
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I haven't read anything since January. I really need to get back in the game.

>> No.25568

great bait

>> No.25607
File: 41 KB, 640x283, 923554_10152734479405314_849974791_n.jpg?w=640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My good man, I was already a lifting reader, or a reading lifter.
I think this board should stay because if you aren't both, you deserve neither... But that's just my opinion.

>> No.25614

I haven't read a book in 6 years.

>> No.25638
File: 24 KB, 451x452, 1482703793022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whenever I read, I have trouble recalling information I just read, hence why I really don't read.

Is this something that will go away with practice, or perhaps am I doing something wrong?

>> No.25643

I'll miss you lads from /lit/
Been reading Catch-22 for the first time on the bus rides recently and loving it. What's some good stuff like it? I've already read most of Vonnegut's work.

>> No.25661

I didn't say that
There's a decent chance I have a higher ed than you. 4 years into CS engineering (inb4 >cs). In fact, I usually read through the hundreds of course material book pages, extract and write down the relevant information and usually end up wtih just about ~10 pages. Why wouldn't you be able to do it with your 2deep4you literature?
see above

>> No.25670

Will do lad

>> No.25671

Yeah, you just need to practice focusing and recalling with reading more, eventually it'll all be good

>> No.25673

please no, corn father

>> No.25683

I've been meaning to read Twilight anyway

>> No.25699

Alright, I'll do my best anon!


>> No.25709

>Why wouldn't you be able to do it with your 2deep4you literature?
because it's 2deep4u.
the entire point is that it can't be summarized. in your case, hundreds of pages being condensed to 10 is just bad education and a waste of time.

>> No.25710
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>thinking that notes is as good as the whole thing

>> No.25733

strong mind and body are the essentials to being a man. gonna start with the greeks and work from there

>> No.25763

Yo /lit/ I know some of you are commies or whatever but do you have any opinions about The Gulag Archipelago? I tried to download it on my kindle and it was out of stock. Is it worth driving to a bookstore or whatever the fuck?

Figured I'd snag this opportunity to ask.

>> No.25768

What other boards got combined aside from fitlit and mlpol?

>> No.25807

I know there's /cock/ /can/ and /fap/

Thoroughly enjoying them

>> No.25813


>> No.25814

I will. I've actually picked up my metro 2033 book for a reread. Thanks fitlit for rekindling my interest in literature. The maturity of this board in my eyes has increased tenfold since the merge.

>> No.25821

>the entire point is that it can't be summarized
So it's not possible to read between the lines and condense what the 2deep4you author is trying to convey, or the all possible alternatives thereof? I have a hard time believing that.
>hundreds of pages being condensed to 10 is just bad education and a waste of time
Well extracting the relevant information requires a good understanding of the material and what exactly is relevant and not, in which you learn the shit you need to learn. It just werks for me and my grades reflect that.
Well the exception is plot-based literature where the extra filling is a big part of the book.

>> No.25828
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What if the real gains were the friends we made along the way.

>> No.25858

Though Greek classical works are a bit hard to follow, they are worth their weight in gold.
Ancient Athens 4 life

>> No.25868
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I can't read

>> No.25893

Nice, those are really well thought. I would've expected fit to be partnered with fa though.
I will be saving pages of these boards so I can show them to my grandchildren.

>> No.25895


I thought Metro 2033 was enjoyable enough and had an interesting setting, but wasn't very well written.

>> No.25899

anon is stupid and smelly

>> No.25917
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>> No.25933

i promise i will suck a lot of dicks from my gym friends like every /fit/zen should properly do

>> No.25939

We had a bad breakup with /fa/. We've actually been mirin /lit/ since at least winter.

>> No.25948

I'll go through with it for you anon

>> No.25966

Mind you it is originally in another language, and to be honest I thought he did a good job at writing what can possibly be the most boring places on earth: the endless tunnels of metro/subway systems.
Think about it: how do you keep the claustrophobia of the tunnels fresh with every chapter without being super redundant?

>> No.26026

>So it's not possible to read between the lines and condense what the 2deep4you author is trying to convey, or the all possible alternatives thereof?
no, you could do that. i mean that once you summarize it, it's no longer that experience. the summary is not worth reading, whereas the full thing is (for good literature, that is).
CS material is only supposed to be informative so if it can be usefully condensed to 10 pages, then obviously there's a big problem of extraneity the original material. but literature is art, it's supposed to be enlightening, not informative. it's not about extracting useful information from it, it's about reading it.

>> No.26184

>read more
FUCK that gay shit, there's literally nothing to be gained from reading save for being more knowledgeable about literature. It's useless, a waste of time, a luxury which people take pride in for being good at. Reading is after all just a form of escapism, essentially the same as wasting your time playing video games

>> No.26233


>> No.26261

Yep, I think everyone's been where you are right now. Just get into the habit of reading a little every day and it'll stop being a problem in no time. Depends what you're reading, of course, but it will still get easier either way.

>> No.26267

When I saw /fitlit/, I thought "fucking finally!" and I know most of you guys thought the same.
So I think it should stay.

>> No.26280

i promise :3

>> No.26297

Not him but I def will start once my therapy ends, based /fit/ anons.

>> No.26299
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So...are squats enough for a daily exercise?

>> No.26305
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so you gotta novel you're working on? Huh? Gotta a big, uh, big stack of papers there? Gotta, gotta nice little story you're working on there? Your big novel you've been working on for years? Huh? Gotta, gotta compelling protagonist? Yeah? Gotta obstacle for him to overcome? Little story brewing there? Working on, working on that for quite some time? Yeah, talking about that years ago. Been working on that the whole time? Nice little narrative? Beginning, middle, and end? Some friends become enemies, some enemies become friends? At the end your main character is richer from the experience? Yeah? Yeah?

No, no, you don't need to workout.

>> No.26310

Are we still here?

>> No.26312

I promise to get to a healthy bmi by summer. 25lbs overweight right now.

>> No.26318

No, but deadlifts are

>> No.26319

>family guy
>breaking bad
it's pottery

>> No.26337

If you read more you'd knew why reading is nothing like you said, except if that's what you're seeking

>> No.26344
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>> No.26360

>Vanity of vanities. All is vanity.

The only thing I've ever expected to gain from lifting is exactly what I got from lifting: satisfaction. Life is pain. If reading helps you forget about that pain in a constructive manner, than I for one say that reading is good.

>> No.26364
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>> No.26386

No physical therapy needed, really the doc just said I should avoid any sort of strenuous lifting until around May.

Come May I go true /fitlit/ mode

>> No.26398

good luck

>> No.26400

i promise i will continue to exercise, brehs.

>> No.26417

Thanks friend

>> No.26433

Damn, that seems like something I'd have to do at the gym. Was just looking for something I could do while working at home.

>> No.26457
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Go to the gym, enjoy the view

>> No.26482


>> No.26509


Implying better brain health through exercise won't help you write

>> No.26539


Reading doesn't change your mental capacities

>> No.26547

It's the implication.

>> No.26558

>dem quads

You'd go to pull out and she' be like "oh no you don't daddy"

>> No.26575

if you think proper literature is about escapism, you clearly don't read enough

>> No.26576

well today I read a shit load of posts because of today, I usually dont

>> No.26584
File: 1.93 MB, 235x240, nice.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, I'm a girl...but then again your point still stands. The weight room at my school is always full of sexy shirtless men in their early 20s. Nice.

>> No.26587

>Getting mentally in shape
>Getting physically in shape
When are the mods going to make this permanent

>> No.26601
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What neuroscience research are you basing that off?

>> No.26608

Do you ever read fiction? Or philosophy?

>> No.26613

Watch the school of life video. Whats literature for

>> No.26615
File: 61 KB, 599x448, 22a3bf9d0c36f768293444ab713615be.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to exercise more, I swear.

Gonna get huge

>> No.26663
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Sure there buddy, keep working on your novel

>> No.26667

Come visit fit once in a while for that test boost and ZYZZ BRAH FUARK motivation.

>> No.26671

I always used to read alot as a kid. Always enjoyed it so much. For some reason this all dissapeared when I grew up. I barely touch any books in my life.

I think /fitlit/ today might have rekindled an old flame. Been so obsessed with my body that I forgot to take care of my mind.

Thanks /fitlit/, I love you guys, I wish we could stay together forever, no homo

>> No.26675

Massive desire to smash some bookworm boipussy after today

I promise I will read at least 10 books this year

>> No.26696

You add in some Nazis and a lot of creepy tunnel monsters

>> No.26723

>being fat was never denied
fatass confirmed

>> No.26826
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I'm neither. I just came to see the mashup, but you guys inspired me to read AND lift.

>> No.26849

I say this in a very honest way: Lifting will help you write your novel. Your page output will increase tenfold if you're feeling the burn daily.

>> No.26899


>> No.26931
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Holy shit
I'm gonna miss fitlit so much

>> No.26935

Thank you for the reminder that I need to read more. I'll never forget you, /fitlit/

>> No.27191

Pls bring back /fitlit/ annually

>> No.27212

good idea. it'll be like an e-christmas, hanging out with your extended e-family once per year

>> No.27255

I read 20p today

Am I gonna get doms from this?

>> No.27349

I suppose that adds on to it all, but there's something in the way the actual tunnels are described. Their architecture, their varying states of decay, and how the micro societies reflect themselves on their individual home stations. It's all done without being supremely and utterly boring like I imagined it would be.

Idk maybe I'm biased? I loved the book enough to buy 2034, and will probably get 2035 when I finish rereading 2033.

>> No.27377

Just use the scroll roller after reading.

>> No.27726

I promise, my friend

>> No.27858

Heh I'll be working out in the library

>> No.27961
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But op, i do both... I love Argentinean/Chileans autors (novels) and hell! i read a lot books about public administration/political science & economics.

My rutine today:

burpees x 150
pullups x 60
pushups x 100
Hiit run 100 x 6
Shadow boxing x 20 min
Abs work 30 x 5

>> No.27990

>tfw when too intelligent to lift

>> No.28006
File: 18 KB, 243x346, tiger im schlamm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm only into /k/ tier literature.

>> No.28019

Check out At Leningrad's Gates senpai

>> No.28043

squats + dl are a great focus for a girl if you want a nice a e s t h e t i c ass, which it seems a lot of people are into. You don't have to look like a roided woman, /fit/ has definitely redpilled me on how a woman can be strong and very sexy because of definition.

>> No.28055
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ill try

>> No.28082

/k/ is my main board too, are you a native speaker? I'm a2 german, I probably couldn't read that yet.

>> No.28112

>a joke turned into a love affair

I'll miss you /lit/

>> No.28265

Please no, corn father.

>> No.28271
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Damn, bro

>> No.28291 [SPOILER] 
File: 109 KB, 624x348, 1491100792882.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I always tell myself to read more and exercise more
>Always lacked motivation
>Never frequented /fit/ or /lit/
>Today showed me what self-improvement can be
>I biked to and from work and stopped at the library on my way home

>> No.28357

Proud of you bro

>> No.28395

What if the real books were the friends we made along the way?

>> No.28403

>/fit/ promise me you will read more

>> No.28418
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>> No.28425
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ill try

god speed anons, what a wonderful day

>> No.28592

Just bought an ereader, today really motivated me.

>> No.28640

I believe in you

>> No.28658
File: 89 KB, 750x1000, raf,750x1000,075,t,e5d6c5 f62bbf65ee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are all going to make it. Gains and Brains.

>> No.28677

Gains and fucking brains bro

>> No.28692

Okay on both accounts.

>> No.28698
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who needs stupid books, they are for faggot gooks

>> No.28785

her hamstrings would be engaged more if she was locking her legs around you

>> No.28874

What I would give for r9k and soc to be merged

>> No.29042

Soc got merged with out. Of only soc r9k and out

>> No.29192

No need to be sad pepe

>> No.29729
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>> No.29797
File: 8 KB, 183x276, thanks guys ill never forget you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has seriously been some of the best time I've ever had in this board.

I will never forget you guys over at /lit/ and how much you've enriched my life with advice. I promise to you that I will read more, starting with the book I was recommended the most!

>> No.29812
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>> No.29990
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Damn dude

>> No.30046
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Nice dude

>> No.30662

getting /fit/ is good meditation to overcome writer's block.

>> No.30696

my cerebellum is experimenting a spike of neuronal activity

>> No.30787

did anyone read the sequel to metro 2033? and what about other post cold war russian authors?

>> No.31339
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>tfw haven't read anything outside of a textbook in over 11 years

Goodbye forever, escapist faggots.

>> No.31690
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Hold the fuck up

Not right now, I was just bout to... hit the plates';';'

>> No.31739
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I... I will try to become fit.

You guys are awesome

>> No.31788
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That was quick progress. Good work anon. I'll sleep well knowing you did that.
>cant wait to workout tomorrow morning

>> No.31815


>> No.31835

This was... unexpected.

As it happens, I may be able to actually become a fit and smart man thanks to this board fusion.

It should be kept.

>> No.31839

Use that emotion to lift greater.
Here is some inspirational music to help you along the way.
Remember to explode at climax.

>> No.31858


nah reading is fcking gay

>> No.31904
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>> No.31926

Hey mods: /fitlit/ needs to stay as an unlisted board.

>> No.32050

Wish I can find that screencap of anon explaining his lifting buddy would've loved to lift another day, but I can't... If someone has taht image plz post. Google is failing me so hard.

Moral is: Lift now. Someday you won't have the chance.

Also books are bae

>> No.32141

Truly the best merge.
I'll come visit you nerds I swear.

>> No.32178

Plato's Republic
It's the type of book a true /fitlit/ should have

>> No.32189

I will

I've slacked on both reading and lifting the past several months.

>> No.32200

please no, corn father

>> No.32218

I'll do both

>> No.32228

"mens sana in corpore sano"
whatever side we come from, we should explore the other

>> No.32264

so i was a lit major in college but never really went to their board. but kinda like this merger.
also any current lit majors gtfo and get a useful degree.

>> No.32269

What is the /lit/ equivalent to starting strength?

>> No.32271

I will, violent Anon.

>> No.32326
File: 946 KB, 1050x2050, e72666948001880c45728c1bded939d8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I promise, boys. I've always given up on working out after a couple months, but no longer. The ultimate aesthetic the cultivation of both body and mind, synchronously. The mind is nourished by a healthy body, and the body held to higher ideals by a healthy mind. Only by improving and maintaining both can we be truly virtuous. God bless, /fitlit/.

>> No.32336
File: 1.38 MB, 3672x3024, Start_with_the_greeks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start with the Greeks

>> No.32356

I don't know if this is a /lit/ meme but thanks, should I audiobook it or get a physical copy?

>> No.32360


Start reading Cat In The Hat, and read progressively more "advanced" literature. 50 Shades of Grey is probably the next step up, then Twilight, then Catcher In The Rye, then literally anything by Mark Twain, then you can move on up to shit like Goodnight Moon and Everybody Poops

Standard progressive overload. It's how everyone gets better at everything

>> No.32361

Thanks anon.

>> No.32364

does reading schematics and manuals count?

>> No.32373

Physical copy is preferred around here, but whatever works so long as you can concentrate on the content