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2415253 No.2415253 [Reply] [Original]

> that feel when you stumble on a quaint used book store, and find rare old editions of books you wanted to read in almost new condition.

Why are you denying yourself that great feel, e-readers?

>> No.2415263

Cause some fucking idiots want to read everywhere instead of having any sort of existence.

They also want to have every book ever while doing it.

>> No.2415260

>That feel when a book is on its way to you in the mail.

>> No.2415269

You worded that funny. I don't get what you said.

>> No.2415270

>implying my town has any great second-hand bookstores

>> No.2415271

I don't. I keep my e-reader for commuting convenience while never missing a chance to spend an hour in any bookstore I pass, picking up both print editions of things I've loved as well as harder-to-find editions that will never be available on Kindle.

You're not a unique snowflake, OP.

>> No.2415268

Yeah man, cuz I can't have an ereader and physical books too, right?

>> No.2415275
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whoah man, you're all tough and shit! full of pure rage and power! how do I get in your gang?!

>> No.2415281
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Let me rewrite that.


>> No.2415283

pardon me, retards, but buying ebooks doesn't make it illegal to own hard copies of books. obvious to me, not so much to others perhaps.

>> No.2415286
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You can't get on my level. I'm sword but my enemies call me deathsword.

>> No.2415297

I don't.

When I found a place like that, I bought the books I wanted. More often than not, I had already read them. I buy books, and ebooks. Most people that have e-readers do as well, it's just irritating as hell to carry a bunch of books everywhere (esp on a plane) when you can pack a much lighter e-reader and have several hundred books.

>> No.2415299

> that feel when you finish a great book, put it on your shelf, catch a glimpse of it and it evokes all manner of wonderful feelings.

> that feel when reading a book whilst traveling/on holiday and somebody comments on what a great book you are reading is, you both then engage in an intellectually stimulating conversation.

Do you know these feels kindle faggots?

>> No.2415303


you can buy books and own a kindle. are you blind as well as incredibly stupid?

>> No.2415306
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> implying the majority of kindle users still actually BUY physical books and it doesn't go against their whole lol free books4ever derp ideology.

>> No.2415312

> Implying I didn't purchase the first book I completed on my new Kindle

>> No.2415314

2nd hand stores have all been put out of business by amazon. even the ones i used to visit in the remote towns on holiday :(

>> No.2415316

ITT: butt hurt hipsters think they're too cool for kindles

>> No.2415320

> that feel when you bring a girl back to your place and she see's your bookshelf. all those classics, all dat greek philosophy. she is already moist.

>> No.2415324

But do most kindle owners even read half of the stuff they download or is it like when you find somebody with 3/4 a harddrive full of music they never listen to? Addicted to collecting, not using.

>> No.2415325

>Why are you denying yourself that great feel, e-readers?

I don't. I have two awesome, privately run second hand bookshops near me, and another two that are larger and part of a chain which also sell top quality 2nd hand books.

If I can't find things I want there, then I go to one of the other bookshops that sells new, or I download it to my kindle if it's more convenient.

Why are you being such a fucking baby and valuing the medium over the art? Seriously, stop being a cunt.

>> No.2415332
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Because my sense of aesthetics has surpassed petty romanticism and has evolved into an austere but spiritual minimalism, empty space radiating with that which can not be said.

>> No.2415338
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But every kindle user I have ever had the misfortune to converse with always tells me the money they have saved NOT buying books. It's like as soon as they buy the thing they are on a life mission to justify it by downloading every book in the universe for free.

>> No.2415341


E-books are often cheaper than physical books, so that point may still be valid even in the case of law abiding moralists.

>> No.2415345

That WAS me, until I launched into this campaign of making my kindle useless by reading all 200 books on it.

>> No.2415349

I'm sort of guilty of both. I download a large hunk of files (music/ebooks/movies) and I'll get through about 80% and lose interest.

That being said, if I didn't have a habit like that, I wouldn't have found decent Hip Hop, EDM, or most of the Blues that I didn't know existed... I'm hoping to do the same with e-Books. The practical upshot is that e-Books are a lot smaller than mp3's, so load it and forget it isn't as bad a thing.

Anything I've bought from amazon/B&N etc... I've read almost immediately after downloading. I don't have a lot of money to waste, but I've got gobs of bandwidth.

>> No.2415353
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> E-books are often cheaper

mfw here in the UK they are only around £2 cheaper than their physical counterparts.

>> No.2415355

Books are too expensive. I don't have any 2nd hand stores near me.

>> No.2415359

I have stolen every book and I keep a list of novels that I love, and I have begun to buy the physical copies of the books I like, hunting for editions that will look good on my bookshelf.

>> No.2415363

Well, for classics I spent about $7-800 in college, and I have the books, read them once... put them on the shelf, and now they look nice, but not really much else.

For ebooks, I DL them, they sit on the storage card, and if I want to erase them, I can: free to DL is free to reDL as necessary. If I buy a book (yeah I torrent a lot) it's usually something I want/need to read immediately, so it's likely non-fiction.

Off topic, but interesting question:
if you buy a used book, the author/publisher make $0.00 on it... why aren't publisher's losing their shit over the book secondary market like the RIAA/MPAA is?

>> No.2415365


I place these editions into plastic sheets and put them into a fully-sealed glass case which I use to show off to people.

>> No.2415366

I do the same, but I borrow from the Library and keep the same kind of list.

>> No.2415367

I have a kindle, but the first flat or house I own is going to be filled with books.

>> No.2415372


I had my professor of literature come to my house so he could look at my collection. He was unimpressed and told me books are for reading, no preservation. I dropped his class promptly even though so late in the term it counted as a zero on my record. My GPA dropped.

>> No.2415377
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so the logic kindle users seem to have is:

> buy kindle
> download book for free
> purchase the physical book if they like it

>> No.2415380

>why aren't publisher's losing their shit over the book secondary market like the RIAA/MPAA is
They already did, and we got a law in the books to protect it.


>> No.2415384


My girlfriend asked, begged, pleaded to let her borrow a copy of Naked Lunch, 2001 printing, with the hearthead on a green background. I told her she had a choice. She could either buy a kindle and do what I did, or leave me, as my excellent book collection was more important than this fucking cunt.
She left me, but I don't need her.

>> No.2415388

I love that fucking book store, OP. I lived in Paris for a while and went there like 2 times a week to pick up new books. It's also a nice haven for English speakers to speak English, after speaking and struggling with French

>> No.2415389


Is this a problem? Quality writers will get paid, poor writers will have to try harder.

In one case I actually mailed an author 40 dollars because I enjoyed his book so much. Sent me back a letter thanking me for the money. *shrug*

>> No.2415396


you are so cool

>> No.2415398

I like the idea of getting a Kindle just so I can read some of the .PDF files I've had on my harddrive for a while with comfort. I hate reading books on the computer, so it'd at least help me out in that area. I doubt I would stop buying books. I often buy used, anyway, so it's not like it puts a huge hole in my pocket.

>> No.2415404

Why would you buy a kindle

>> No.2415408

Is there any particular place that sells nice editions of books? I fucking hate manky paperbacks.

>> No.2415411

I enjoy second hand bookstores but I never buy anything. They tend to just be a testament to what shitty taste the majority people have when it comes to books.

It's like a graveyard for mass produced paperbacks. We hate chain bookstores because they all stock the same books but then you go through these second hand places and they have the same books just old and smelly. It's depressing.

If a book is worth something the owner of the store knows it and so you haven't made a great find.

>> No.2415412

Why would you buy a computer?

>> No.2415414

Why would you buy anything at all, ever?

>> No.2415415


Honestly go on www.goodreads.com

Click switch edition on a book's page.

You will get the ISBN.

You will google the isbn.


>> No.2415417

The folio society, but they make you buy 4 books a year and they are expensive. Search for folio society books on ebay you can pick them up cheap there. They do really awesome editions of books.

>> No.2415429
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> Implying I haven't picked up rare editions in the past for pittance.

Try traveling the world.

>> No.2415435

When I was in thailand, they had second hand stores dotted around. I used to buy a book, then sell it on in the next town and continue the process. It was fun but a kindle would have been so handy.

>> No.2415449

Implying I only download books for the future of censorship and denial burning history In far memory

>> No.2415463

I do that with physical books.

>> No.2415472

I have the paperback Penguin edition of Gravity's Rainbow with the rocket blueprints on the cover.
I later found out that this is an obscure copy printed in the 1990s... That I found at Barnes & Noble. A store which usually just has mass market crap.
Makes me wonder how long the B&N branch had that particular edition in stock.

>> No.2415613


>Implying I don't have better shit to do than go around the world looking for rare books that I will never read