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File: 57 KB, 640x480, Photo 510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2412677 No.2412677 [Reply] [Original]

Thinking about leaving my girlfriend of 2 1/2 years cuz shes had more lustful experiences than me. i love her. i feel pathetic for not being able to leave her and pathetic for having less experience than she does. I mean, im a GUY, a Man! Kierkegaardfeelsbadman.jpg.

>> No.2412681

"I'm the most conscious, loyal, honest, and celibate person- of course I have no dignity"

>> No.2412682

leave her, fuck a fat girl

>> No.2412684

you are pathetic. I hope your not abusing her and treating her like shit and thinking your better than her cuz your penis is small and you dont have the balls to do what you really want

>> No.2412686
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>bourgeoisie "problems"

>> No.2412687

Why is this an issue after being with her for 2 1/2 years?

>> No.2412689

learn to say no, and leave the past behind you
by the look of your hand you seem young, life is long

>> No.2412696

Definitely leave her. Women fall in and out of lust every single day. don't sweat that shit.

>> No.2412697

There are only 12 months in a year ameritard.

>> No.2412700


Because im a sick twisted freak who gets off about thinking about her with past affairs. iv been a type to work hard to supress my evil urges, because they are evil. and now that they appear in my love's past, I feel like they are taunting me, i feel like i wanna be a jerk and use and abuse girls. i know its pathetic. thats why im on 4chan

>> No.2412702

well you're on the wrong fucking board, /r9k/ is to your left

>> No.2412703


Break up with her, fuck bitches, realise you are miserable but then again you were miserable being with her. Get over yourself, realise hardline hedonism isn't fulfilling, turn to Cynicism, be content.

>> No.2412705


Thats exactly how one side of me feels.

>> No.2412711

you are pathetic, how the fuck does this matter. Jesus christ what is this fucking generation coming too.

>> No.2412708

2 would be included within those 12 months. The "17" refers to the day. But I could care less.

>> No.2412713


am i procrastinating?

>> No.2412726
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this is waiting on the other side

>> No.2412733

Oh god, fat japs are so fucking hot


>> No.2412737

Dude, suck it the fuck up. If she's fucked other guys and is with you (and is faithful) you're in luck, she loves you more than you love her.

WHO GIVES A SHIT IF SHE'S EXPERIENCED? A woman that knows what she's doing is far better than a virgin, any way, any day. If you think you're the first to break the seal, get over yourself: the only problem is your own insecurity.

Get over yourself.

>> No.2412739

Is she your first love? You probably hold her to a higher esteem than you ought to. Once she gets bored and leaves you, assuming you don't kill yourself, you'll eventually snap out of it's spell after a few years, then you'll find someone else, then you'll fall in love again and realize that it's exactly the same, and that the feelings have so little to do with the actual woman.

I'd leave her on friendly terms, stave off depression and any unhappy thoughts as vigilantly as possible (and I do not mean to say "try to stave them off", I mean actually do, it's possible) and fuck other women.

In the end, you won't be as pathetic and you'll be a better person for it.

>> No.2412873


She is the girl i lost it to but i wouldn't say shes my first love

>> No.2412888
File: 78 KB, 640x480, Photo on 2012-02-18 at 00.10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's that time again /lit/

>> No.2412892
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What time?

>> No.2412893
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>> No.2412899

Whether you call it ham, prosciutto or Candian bacon... it doesn't belong on a pizza

>> No.2412907

your thinking about him. your thinking about him who had her, and used her, and left her. stop it. if your saying you cant stop it, then she was never yours.
- experience

>> No.2412920
File: 92 KB, 640x480, Photo on 2012-02-18 at 00.24 #2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this time.

>> No.2412924
File: 27 KB, 240x304, diogenes2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Get on the misery train and ride it to the end.

A young man contemplating marriage sought advice from Diogenes. "Should I marry?"

"Marriage is too soon for a young man"

"Would you have me wait then until I am old."

"Oh no, Marriage is far too late for an old man."

"What am I to do then? I love the girl."

"Love is a luxury no one can afford. It is for those who have nothing better to do."

"What should we be doing then?"

"To seek freedom. But it is not possible to be free if you have a wife and children."

"But having a wife and family is so agreeable."

"Then you see the problem, young man. Freedom would not be so difficult to attain were prison not so sweet."

"You mean to be free is to be alone?"

"We come into the world alone and we die alone. Why, in life, should we be any less alone?"

"To live, then, is terrible."

"No, not to live, but to live in chains."

>> No.2412929
File: 46 KB, 630x390, kele_corona.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of brew is that pal?

>> No.2412930

I made one today as well. Your looks tastier however.

>> No.2412936


>> No.2412937


It tastes good, but my brother bought it so it's probably the cheapest.

>> No.2412939
File: 99 KB, 640x480, Photo on 2012-02-18 at 00.31 #2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot the pic

want a slice?

>> No.2412940

Break up with her. Chances are unless your fucking Romeo or something she's eventually going to leave you, since she's tasted deep dickings before and she remembers the sweet taste of stranger cum on her tongue. It's highly like other men that fucked better than you, she knows this, and will eventually give in and want to fuck other guys.
If you break up with her you might feel bad but you will also have the power. It's a wonderful feeling, treating someone like shit and knowing they want you (in a sadistic way of course).
This feeling of sadism outranks the feelings of depression you'll inevitably feel at her betrayal, easily.

Break up, get drunk often (for confidence), fuck other women. You might eventually get back together with her since women usually come crawling back if it feels like the relationship ended unjustly or for no proper reason. Don't count on this last part though, it's only possiblility

>> No.2412944

Oh sources cited, experience. You just need to nurture emotional dependency in sparse doses if you will eventually want her back. Keep her thinking about you when the time feels like she will soon forget.

>> No.2412947
File: 417 KB, 180x180, clappy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I threw back a few coronas and now I'm sitting with my Rum (straight) listening to Sons and Daughters.

I will never be in a scottish pop rock group ever.
I wasted my college years in the pub instead of getting drunk and forming bands like everyone else.

I want to lick your face.

>> No.2412948


shit man, why not Pilsner?

>> No.2412958
File: 96 KB, 640x480, Photo on 2012-02-18 at 00.43 #2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A toast to wasted youth!

and you may.

>> No.2412962
File: 76 KB, 640x480, Picture0068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm about to break out the "good" stuff.

Toast we shall!

I plan to be passed out on the floor by 1 am.

>> No.2412963


how should i break up
should i just ignore her
or get distant slowly
get busy
fuck a prostitute

all these options are on the table

>> No.2412966


You guys are such losers.

but i really want to see you lick his face:3

>> No.2412969

On the upside, they sage, post in off topic threads and don't bother US people.

>> No.2412972

Learn to think analytically. From my last post you could've interpreted which of those options to choose.
You have to break up with her for with no justifiable reason. If you get distant or slowly ignore her she'll wonder what's up, this won't really work. You can act like this but only for a day, then break up with her that day.

>> No.2412974
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>> No.2412980
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Where is ty? We should do jagerbombs off his belly.

>> No.2412988


easy for you to say Pal
it feels good, but when i think about her, it feels bad man. im having a problem distinguishing mentality and reality. this is some real charlie kaufman moments man. im on the edge. and i am romeo, stuck 2012. where you can really be miserable enough to justify love blindly. i am tragic, but im too dependent on her, so im pathetic too. there are other girls who throw themselves at me, but you guys got a stage 5 tragic romantic on your hands. iv rejected more pussy than i can remember. because thats all that was, im afraid thats all it really is. i just saw the movie Shame. feelsbadman.

>> No.2412994

>a Man!
>boy problems

when you get over dumb shit like this, you'll be on your way to manhood. her taking dick in the past should be giving you a boner, not some innsecure, little bitch feelings. lets me and you have a violent mmf threesome with her and you can cry in our arms afterward, you'll feel the weight of the immature world of your back in the morning.

>> No.2412997


sunhawk can regale us with his tales
d&e can start a heated debate at 3am
ty can start talking about those feels
truman can bring the girls
slaf can bring the music.
anon can bring the numbers.

>> No.2412998
File: 69 KB, 410x230, scheme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Das ist des Jägers Ehrenschild,
daß er beschützt und hegt sein Wild,
weidmännisch jagt, wie sich’s gehört,
den Schöpfer im Geschöpfe ehrt.

...Ty hates me. I think this is how he pictures me.

>> No.2413003
File: 27 KB, 335x312, francegall2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We shall start the night with some 60s french pop to get the party started.