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/lit/ - Literature

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2412279 No.2412279 [Reply] [Original]

I believe that this work is a genius of modernist literature, and every element of the story is intertwined with vivid elements of symbolic meaning that the pedestrian reader may simply glance over unaware.

The title "at the beginning" already leads us aloof in the fact that we initially ask the question, "beginning of what? Time? The story itself?" and it likely follows that there is a dualistic intention embedded therein. There is a notable lack of sequential cohesion with regard to the matter of time, in that John Swords, is both attempting to narrate the events of his life while simultaneously transposing onto them the contemporaneous doings of his present state. The condition of John, who, described with stark attention to medical matters, clearly is a representation of the type of confusion that we feel at this juncture in the modern day, in that we are both looking ahead as well as behind in our lives.

The harsh imagery of synthetic organs being suffused onto organic man also comes to represent the domination of the future and technology over the mortal present, and violence itself is the means to this end. There are elements of xenophobia present as well, in that 'the enemies' are never declared insofar as vocative identity is concerned, but they are merely singled out and labeled as something to be feared.

The element of cherished-yet-lost love also represents the culmination of the juvenile inability to control our desire to be loved, and from a psychological standpoint we can see that John Swords has oriented his life in such a way that all of his actions are a reflection of the traumatic childhood event, which corresponds with Freudian theory of the repressed subconscious.

It is evident therefore in this paragraph alone that John Swords is a metaphor for humanity itself: we militarize ourselves against some undefined "other" because of our unfavorable past.

>> No.2412284
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>> No.2412293


Here's the link

/lit/, we eagerly await your criticism

>> No.2412296
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>mfw Deathsword

>> No.2412295

I found this rather interesting...
is the story already finished or are there some more chapters?

>> No.2412298

viral marketing. three threads in the past 10 minutes.

>> No.2412299

theres two whole novels

>> No.2412301

the guy's already working on a sequel

>> No.2412302


>> No.2412303


There's a sequel.


>> No.2412308
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Its brilliant...

>> No.2412309

Nope >>>/b/381819976

>> No.2412310
File: 38 KB, 466x463, Death Sword.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marsden's characterisation is enthralling, vivid and deceptively intricate. Within the space of a paragraph he shows us his characters' strengths, desires, weaknesses and fears, all within a Dickensian world of dark streets and secret lairs.

>> No.2412312

sorry for the grammar errors in my post btw. i got "field too long'd" 6 times and hastily trimmed it down.

>> No.2412313

No, someone posted it on /b/, and now we want to hear what /lit/ thinks of this masterpiece

>> No.2412316

Can't believe you actually posted here.
Jesus fucking christ, I cannot stop laughing.

>> No.2412318

Indeed a mature, postmodern sci-fi novel. Very tought-provoking. Author is a great observator of modern mainstream fantasy titles, and can mix humour with drama. Its like mixing Kurt Vonnegut with Stanislav Lem just in few indentions!

>> No.2412323

Hahaha. This is the most amazing thing I've ever read.

>> No.2412330
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The story is notable for the homoerotic subtext present in the relationship between the protagonist, Death Sword, and his rival Death Screw. The sexual connotations of the names are by no means coincidental, and testify to the personal life of an author haunted by sexual rejection, romantic frustration, and health problems probably caused by "some flower".

>> No.2412337

mind = blown

>> No.2412340

The distinctive language of this text is a well-thought-out conception. A reader must remember that the main character, Death Sword is lacking half of his brain, and can't create valid sentences in his language.

>> No.2412343
File: 24 KB, 476x411, Death Sword3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marsden's influences include Milan Kundera and John Keats.

>> No.2412345

>snowing buckets
oh, my sides

>> No.2412346

Please for the love of allah archive this thread!

>> No.2412347

This is so funny, I may never be able to laugh again

>> No.2412348

already archived on /b/

>> No.2412349

Oxymoronic title and the main conception of living dead man comes from large variety of noticable influences. As we remember from ancients, one that went into depths of Hades still had a chance of returning. When we turn into biblical references its hard to miss Lazarus and Christ figured, which are in my opinion portrayed as a main protaginist.

>> No.2412356 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.2412358

dat wall

>> No.2412364


>> No.2412365

"I was born dead, and I was born ready to die twice too"

This guy should write an action movie script

>> No.2412379


The audio book of the classic piece of literature.

>> No.2412380
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That voice, I recognize it.

>> No.2412381

Part-1: http://vocaroo.com/i/s0y1doS1ceji

Part-2: http://vocaroo.com/i/s0L8dY8dPe2F

Part-3: http://vocaroo.com/i/s0DkHy2ly8mJ

>> No.2412386
File: 88 KB, 246x245, 1325073355224.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My god, man. This is legendary.

>> No.2412391

/lit/ is going to hell.

>> No.2412394

this made me lol so much. its like khaarms mixed with cosmicomics style calvino.

>> No.2412400

Mother of god! I work for MGM and this is going to become then next blockbuster movie!

>> No.2412401

Fucking make it happen!

>> No.2412402
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>has seen sucker punch great film sexy girls in sexy clothes great music great story line too great asskicking by girls like, the girl from high school musical who plays troys girl friend

>> No.2412404


Indian version

>> No.2412406

This is fucking amazing.

>> No.2412408


>> No.2412409

sounds more like a dutch/south african accent

>> No.2412411

Can't wait for the movie!

>> No.2412412


I almost choked to death laughing, what a great way to go.

>> No.2412413
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>Mfw listening to this

>> No.2412414
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It's cool, not everyone has the intellectual capacity to comprehend such an illustrious journey into the human mind, while using advanced symbolism.

>> No.2412427

This is the best thing ever.

>> No.2412429
File: 24 KB, 293x248, yudothat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuckin' shit!
I...I'm literally crying right now in awe of this masterpiece.

>> No.2412439

Thread 404'd

>> No.2412443

me too

>> No.2412447
File: 54 KB, 477x599, 1233037022758.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First i was like >>2412299 lol'd hard
Then >>2412301 I cried XD

>> No.2412448
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>> No.2412453


cry you not. /b/res/381836419

>> No.2412456


>> No.2412462

What is the matter with you?


>> No.2412473

Anybody feel like Kayle and May are the same person?

>> No.2412493

Anybody feel like John Marsden and John Swords are the same person?

>> No.2412504


This is why literature and writing will never be taken seriously as an art form, anything can pass as good writing if you interpret it loosely enough.

>> No.2412513

>mfw the dude who wrote this isn't even 12 years old, but has a full blown mustache

>> No.2412514


>> No.2412518

and then john was the zombie demons etc

>> No.2412530

help edit this- make it big!

>> No.2412532

It pretty much is just a long version of that.

>> No.2412553

Is the writer a fucking 12 year old?

>> No.2412585
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>> No.2412591

bumpity bump bump

>> No.2412596

I think it is his lifestory

>> No.2412619

On or off meds?

>> No.2412641
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>> No.2412642
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Needs two more votes to be archived permanently...
Come on, /lit/! Help us complete the final stretch!

>> No.2412644

Whatever, John Swords

>> No.2412647


>> No.2412649

did anyone get the rest of the audiobook?

>> No.2412650

Ehhh... this really isn't that funny, it's a transparently tryhard attempt to write like a 14 year old and the mock-pretentious lit crit framing by OP isn't really endearing it to me either.

>> No.2412656

It's not even mock-pretentious, it's genuinely pretentious in its horrid attempt at satire

>> No.2412658


>> No.2412666


Nah, I'm not mad that you like this. I just don't really get it. Silly stories by teenagers are funny because of their sincerity, and this doesn't have that, so I don't really get what it does have.

Also it reeks of viral.

But shit, whatever, have fun and all.

>> No.2412667
File: 40 KB, 267x280, 1305259613692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i need clousure

>> No.2412669


Fuck off.

>> No.2412683

no john, you are the demons

>> No.2412698

little late to the party?

>> No.2412833

>taking literary criticism seriously

>> No.2412912


Death Sword vs Death Screw 4eva.

>> No.2412931


>> No.2412953

15 parts

>> No.2412993


I can see how it could come off that way, unless you had read/seen the thread on /b/ that revealed the story, 'The Life of Death Sword'.

Someone was posting facebook status messages of some guy "author of the book in question" that were just off the wall, grammatically and contextually... Complaining about how women never date him, how his online love from Russia stopped talking to him for no reason, etc etc.. Guy obviously had some mental issues, and likely some sort of mental disability as well.

It was really just /b/ being /b/, making fun of someone for the fun of it. Then someone found a link to his book, and the thread instantly derailed from being about the author, to being entirely about his book.

If it was troll/fake/viral, it was one of the best I've ever seen in quite a while.

>> No.2413000

i'm not taking literary criticism seriously, I'm taking comedy seriously, and this thread is bad comedy

>> No.2413031

I just noticed that the title contains the words "life" and "death". That was sufficient to make me laugh out loud.

>> No.2413134

I'm the person who originally wrote the pseudo-criticism in the original post of this thread. It was after someone linked the Death Sword story and everyone was just starting to see how bad it all was. I hastily typed out what you see there after having trimmed it from being "field too long'd" 6 times. Someone else started this thread and just copy pasted what I wrote there. It's a "you had to be there" thing.

>> No.2414316

So was it a troll or not?

>> No.2414711

Nope... Or a least it hasn't been proven to be a troll yet