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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 645 KB, 555x3380, All I learnt about inertia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2408505 No.2408505 [Reply] [Original]

So, how is that novel going?

>pic is you

>> No.2408566

Not going very well, just masturbated and that comic strip caught me off guard

>> No.2408572

great comic.

>> No.2408575

>writing fiction

yase my greatest aspiration is to be a mediocre 2deep4u author only /lit/ talks about and then only ironically

>> No.2409625


>> No.2409633
File: 392 KB, 960x540, ladysovsmile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So, how is that novel going?
Bad, very bad.
Because I'm a playwright, not a novelist.

>> No.2409645

have fun when plays die out in a few years

>> No.2409648

Awesome comic, even with that weird translation. Or maybe the weird translation helps; I'm not sure.

>> No.2409649

Oh, it's fine. Finally broke through a block then looked back and realized I had deleted an entire chapter somehow, some of the best stuff I'd written all gone poof. Am now rewriting....sigh....

>> No.2409654

I think they've been saying that for a while now....ain't gonna happen.

>> No.2409656

I just chalked up 500 words more... tens of thousands left to do thuogh... Im going to write some more now, bye.

>> No.2409657
File: 35 KB, 279x394, ladysovlaugh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll just add singing and put it on ice when that time comes.

>> No.2409663


You should add fightan an a romantic interest and make it into a vidya.

>> No.2409677

Now there is someone who will be successful. Congratulations.

>> No.2409678

Where is that comic from? Are there more by the author? It's fucking great. Reminds me of Ren & Stimpy.

>> No.2409706


There's a fucking weblink on the comic, right next to the author's fucking name.


>> No.2409714

U mad, bro? It was a minor oversight on my part. Too bad it's in Portuguese.

>> No.2409761

> Implying I am a faggot who would write fiction in 2012.

>> No.2409779
File: 98 KB, 293x399, 298.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is one shitty comic.