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File: 22 KB, 257x356, 1322889162304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2405814 No.2405814 [Reply] [Original]

>That feel when existential crisis

>> No.2405819

You aren't old enough or smart enough, but yeah. I am having the 21 year old version of one too. Shit sucks. I think my writing is improving a little because of a recent 'cut out all my bullshit' attitude, though.

>> No.2405823

What does that even mean?

>> No.2405832

It means he just realized that nothing matters. Ever.

Now he just has to pick up the pieces and put them back together in an arrangement that pleases him the most.

>> No.2405835

>that feel when you realize existential crises are sophomoric

you haven't lived until

>the ever-present gnawing feeling of nothingness

>> No.2405837

it means he read the nietzsche and sartre wikipedia pages and now thinks he knows everything about meaning.

>> No.2405841


Duh? Isn't that like, obvious? I've lived constantly in that state since I was like 13. I wouldn't call it a crisis.

>> No.2405850

I know that feel, bro.

>> No.2405852

One of the things that's nice about it, though, is that feeling of freedom. It's a double edged sword.

>> No.2405858

Indeed. "The man is condemned to be free".

>> No.2405859


>> No.2405861

An existential crisis is when someone is confronted with the bad faith of their existence, i.e. when a police officer who believes in justice and ''good vs. evil'' is confronted by corruption of the police force or the ambiguous ''morality'' of the justice system--he may experience an existential crisis...Crisis is distinct from Sartre's ''nausea'' or Kierkegaard's ''sickness unto death'' (obviously)..people usually describe it as though it were some angst at a generalized lack of ''meaning'', but this is not the case--it is a much more subjective, individual condition..

>> No.2405866

There is a spare bed next to me in the asylum, bro.

Come on down, the drug trolly is delightful.

>> No.2405867
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>he thinks freewill isn't an illusion

>> No.2405879


>> No.2405881

You're American, right?

>> No.2405882

>That feel when you got over it when you where 13
Feels good not to wake up every day dreading my death. I think the worst part was realizing I dont have any destiny or special place in the universe.

>> No.2405885
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> Turn on a light, preferably 75 watts or brighter.

> Drink a cool glass of water.

>> No.2405887
File: 25 KB, 250x216, You_keep_using_that_word.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Existential crisis

>> No.2405891

don't use that pic please. It reminds me of reddit.

>> No.2405893

time to kill an arab

>> No.2405896

i wish i felt like nothing mattered
it would be so much easier, you know?

>> No.2405902


I would prefer not to.

>> No.2405905

just wait...

your time will come

>> No.2405924

>Having this shit

As the guy above said. It isn't until the weight of nothingness is put on your shoulders when the real shit begins.

Then you gotta figure that shit. When you do. You become a wizard and you move on to the next step.

>> No.2405933

i am defining consciousness as a "post-hypnotic state"

>> No.2405945
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>that feel when existential crisis and a bunch of /sci/fags tell you to "just stop being depressed" and "stop navel gazing" and "stop thinking about abstract bullshit"

>> No.2405950
File: 24 KB, 310x459, 8811_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Scientists who work in confined means of logic tell you to stop thinking in abstract ways.

You do not say.

protip: the guy in pic can help you.

>> No.2405962

Go to the beach. Do what the sun tells you.

>> No.2405964

Just get wasted.

>> No.2405968

Franz Schubert and Andrew Jackson's secret lovechild?

>> No.2405972

Thinking it is not the same as feeling it. We all know it, but sometimes it hits you. So it can be called a crisis.

Had one at 13, was afraid of the dark again for a few months.

Then at 19, I threw up for no reason other than that.

Then one at 23 when I drank ahayuasca in the jungle and was reading some heavy stuff.

I'm 26 and okay now. We really do put all the pieces together in a way it pleases us the most, heh, how convenient it is to live.

>> No.2405981
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that feel when i just automatically dismiss anyone who has convinced himself that logical positivism is the only legitimate narrative for investigating and interacting with the world, and that Truth is possible in any objective sense

>> No.2405993
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>that feel when analytic philosophy is a meaningless bourgeois circlejerk

>> No.2405999

ITT: people ignore what an existential crisis actually is. It's not you experiencing your own edginess..it is not synonymous with insecurity.

>> No.2406001

More like sexistential crises.

>> No.2406003
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>teenager 'reactionary' detected

>> No.2406005

So enlighten us.

>> No.2406037

It refers specifically to a stage of philosophical development, it is less personal than intellectual. Sartre did address emotions, but his ideas about emotions are more related to his ethics theory than to his existence theory (which is where the existential crisis acts as a climax)

>> No.2406040

so here's some logic:

premise: logic is just rules. there are different logics. some logics disprove other logics. the most important thing, though, is that logically speaking, there is no, and there cannot be, a "first principle"-based logic (meaning that this definition of logic can be logically contradicted)

the scientific method is a logic

scientific logic can be logically defeated by other logics

what ground have we gained? what have we learned?

shit is fucking absurd



>> No.2406042

>Jeff Mangum Died For Your Sins
patrician as fuck

>> No.2406059


"Is," "is." "is" — the idiocy of the word haunts me. If it were abolished, human thought might begin to make sense. I don't know what anything "is"; I only know how it seems to me at this moment.

Robert Ant'wan Wilson

>> No.2406077

This, last time I really realized I was going to die I had a mental breakdown and became a compulsive hoarder. Then I pulled a 180 on my life and completely gave up masturbation.
Now I've gotten over it, but I dread the day when it hits me again how meaningless my life is.

Its not, you realize you're just the same as everyone else, then you realize you're going to die, then you realize that you have no destiny, then you realize your life up until now has been wasted on nothing extremely interesting. Then you get used to it and go back to normal, but you dont really.
Although I'm sure there are ways to manually create an existential crisis, if you wanted to.

>> No.2406081
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>Dat feel when the existential crisis lifts away.

>> No.2406087

Read, "Bartleby, the Scrivener"

>> No.2406094

>im gonna be ded
>bawww 1000 years from now no one will know I even existed

>oh well better try to enjoy every minute of my life and go adventuring and live long

Was that so hard, faggot?

>> No.2406109
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Only narcissistic pricks get an existential crisis for a long period of time or frequently.

>> No.2406112

I am one. You gotta problem with that?

>> No.2406115


better go adventuring

>> No.2406123

i am one. i just had one. i was very depressed.

>> No.2406127


Am I supposed to be impressed? No there is no free will or "self" or true continuity of consciousness and that doesn't affect what I said at all. Go fucking adventuring. Or meditate. Or play chess. Or do whatever the fuck it is you do that you derive pleasure from.

>> No.2406131

>make realization that devalues what you previously value or derealizes you from your normal mode of perception
>become massively depressed as result
>anhedonic from depression
>someone tells you to eat ice cream and be happy

Your gay

>> No.2406140

You have too many answers in you, not so many questions.

>> No.2406144


I don't claim any truths, I just don't feel like writing "probably" before every sentence I say.

>> No.2406487

i started thinking along these lines back in '91. one grandparent from either side of the family died within a few months. I was six years old. having eschewed what would turn out to be my last chance to visit my dying grandmother in hospital I instead chose to stay home alone. hardly a great crime but enough to make a young boy feel very guilty.

baww, yes, i know.

given the topic of conversation, I don't expect anyone to care, it's nice to share with people who may just understand.

>> No.2406491

I was like you, OP. But then I awoke as a monstrous vermin.

>> No.2406510

That's the problem of an existential crisis - you don't know what brings you value, and indirectly because of that, pleasure. I'd assume it's similar to depression.

>> No.2406518

>tfw when it has been a constant for so long that you grow acquainted with it and get on with your life

sulking about it is obviously bourgeoisie

>> No.2406532

I thoroughly enjoyed mine, and am somewhat saddened that the liberation it gave me has subsided.

>> No.2406686
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>That feel when nihilistic existential crisis.

>> No.2406699
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Stay strong, men.

>> No.2406727

What is a name of a feeling when you can't "understand" anything, like you are looking at some object or a person or a piece of art or any other entity and trying to get what does it "mean", to have any solid opinion about it, and you just can't and it makes you sick.

>> No.2406730
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>> No.2406735
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this topic reminds me of my friend

>> No.2406739

Seurat's good.

>> No.2406741


>> No.2406747
File: 115 KB, 569x300, 1329309926320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey DE, how's your campaing against the subjectivist hordes coming along?

>> No.2406752
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>> No.2406771

Is there anything to do with this stuff, I just can't stand this shit anymore. I can't even understant what is the point of my condition.

>> No.2406779
File: 47 KB, 640x278, playingagame.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of art from 19th to 20th Century has dealt with this. Seurat, Munch, Bacon, Magritte are the most famous.
Reducing shit down to "conditions" is for faggots. Carl Rogers wrote some stuff like On Becoming a Person (that's humanistic psychology) and there's Laing with books like Knots (that's anti-psychiatry). Both also deal with depersonalization and derealization.

>> No.2406782
File: 6 KB, 226x223, 1328616515669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw most everyone in this thread is an idiot
>tfw it's obvious they just don't get it
>tfw you don't want to get into philosophy because you know you'll spend the first few years in a similar, embarrassingly ignorant state, if not longer.

>> No.2406788


If no one ITT "gets it" explain it better so everyone will "get it".

>> No.2406791
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It's nice that you'v found a way to feel superior to others.

>> No.2406805

Well, I'll try to read it then.
You just can't get it when you are in crisis, that is the point. Maybe you could enlighten us?

>> No.2406956
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> that feel when existential crisis

>> No.2406968
File: 86 KB, 770x1038, The_Man_Inside_Me_by_VIsraWratS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that reminds me of my favorite existential text

>> No.2406975

The sad reality is if most of you had fulfilling lives, ie; a loving partner, good circle of close friends, creative hobbies and a satisfying job, you wouldn't even be wasting your time with all this existential bullshit.

Face it, you're a complete fuck up.

>> No.2406977
File: 638 KB, 3000x2000, 1329028707554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw gf but still fear of death and unfulfillment
>tfw no friends or job tho

>> No.2406978
File: 17 KB, 220x326, 220px-Janko_polic_kamov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10 internets if you know who this is.

>> No.2406981

>tfw when you can't even control your own thoughts and everything you think is just based off of some nonsense you heard from someone else and no matter how hard you try to can't shake off the primitive thoughts of your ancestors and just want to rape people ;_;

>> No.2406984

>dat filename.

>> No.2406985
File: 88 KB, 722x480, Fancy-dressed-dogs-take-p-014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> mfw you seem to have no idea what an existential crisis really is.

>> No.2406990


http://e n.w ikip ed ia.org/wi ki/Janko_Poli%C4%87_Kamov

>> No.2406992

Well fuck, I screwed that up.

>> No.2406993
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>//e n.w ikip ed ia

>> No.2406994
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>that feel when bitches need to deal with the absurdity of existence

>> No.2406996
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>that feel

>> No.2406998

i never really read Nietzsche, since i experienced all of his shit at age 18-21, i just skimmed through it and thought, what is this 14-year old train of thought?

>> No.2407000

I've read this. Explain your interpretation.

>> No.2407016

This image bothers me. It's like looking at gore.

>> No.2407018



>> No.2407020

>was disturbing /k/ animu thread with linguistics
>"go to /lit/" /k/ says
>"why not, I'll meet my fellow literature lovers" thinks I

Thanks I'm now very excited to meet my colleages at the university

>> No.2407057

That feel when you have existential crisis and everyone already had it at age 15-19 and now laughing at you.

>> No.2407075
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>that feel

>> No.2407079



>> No.2407108
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How the hell can you enjoy an existential crisis?

And wouldn't what you learned from having one still hold true for when you've recovered?

>> No.2407120

existential crisis is just what teenagers or the unemployed go through. nausea is different. as is the aching feeling in your chest you contemplate a world without or a world with an unjust god

>> No.2407129

Problem with this thread is that "existential crisis" is not defined. To some it's "I don't know what career to take", to others is some absurdist thing, to others is depression and nausea, to others it is whining, etc.

Anyway, I agree it's impossible to enjoy an existential crisis, because it makes no sense as a "crisis", it's something else then and deserves a better name.

Also, thinking about it is much different than feeling it. No one here is naive about it (at least not too much), but using deduction from there to here to there doesn't necessarily affect one's emotions. So in one side you have cold kids saying "nah, u r just whining i accept this since i was 8" and on the other guys who might as well be really whining about it, engulfed in self-pity.

This shit is so personal. It's basicly what >>2405832 said in the end.

>> No.2407143

This is kinda what I feel.

>> No.2407184

Easiest way to handle this is to adapt a physical outlook on everything. Not to stop questioning things or to believe an absolute "truth", but to assume in your everyday experience that all is physical matter reacting with other physical matter and that the "you" that arises on the macro level is just a complicated process going through the motions just like everything else.


I am interested in this problem though as I'm having a hard time trying to imagine it.

>> No.2407188

>not surrendering to ideology to avoid the realisation that nothing really matters

>> No.2407200



That's a bit vague innit

>> No.2407204

'Extensive' can look like 'vague'

>> No.2407207
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That's so deep I almost drowned.

>> No.2407208

You cannot unopen Pandora's Box.

>> No.2407215

you must be pretty dense

>> No.2407217


But an ideology can include the realization that nothing really matters.

Although I think saying "nothing matters" is kind of a silly because meaning can be arbitrarily assigned by any thinking being. Perhaps "nothing matters forever" or "nothing objectively matters" would be more apt.

>> No.2407220



>> No.2407233

I know. I had my reservations. but i only used it for conciseness to mean everything 'everything the nihilists existentialists and absurdists believe'. of course that could be considered an ideology, but i think its worthwhile making a distinction between that and ideology since there is no path dependence. it doesn't necessarily lead you towards trying to perfect the human race through technology or gaining entry into heaven.

>> No.2407241

>Although I think saying "nothing matters" is kind of a silly because meaning can be arbitrarily assigned by any thinking being.
Now you're being absurd.

>> No.2407256

Oh that's all right boy believe you're gonna miss those high school days in a few years!!

>> No.2407310
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>and that Truth is possible in any objective sense

>actually denies truth exists

>> No.2407325
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>mfw idorts don't realize there is no meaning except for the meaning we create ourselves
>mfw idorts don't realize that logic exists
>mfw this makes people butthurt for some reason
>mfw not being a transhumanist

>> No.2407327

we really need to drop the 'crisis' part to avoid condescending tones like this. it's not even a crisis. it doesn't go beyond the individual and it's not a health risk, not even inviting suicide. you're more likely to kill yourself because you can't pay rent. I suggest we change the name to existential disturbance/ disconcertion/ discomfort/ dismay

>> No.2407328


>idorts don't realize that logic exists

Care to expand on that?

>> No.2407333
File: 143 KB, 1382x765, purelove.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First you think meaning of life is doing things you like / following some religion / obeying your parents / being a power ranger.

Then you realize that has nothing to do with the actual meaning of life.

Then you go all scientific and think the meaning of life is perpetuating things.

Then you realize that's nonsense because things will end anyway and so there is no meaning to it.

From there you either turn into an asshole that "accepts life is meaningless" or a new age religious guy who realized things are not linear and don't end, etc.

If you survived so far you realize existence is not meaningless, existence is meaningness-less.

>> No.2407335

>no meaning except that which is arbitrarily applied
>proceed to believe in the myth of human progress through science.

stay classy!

>> No.2407339

But it is a crisis and it does affect your health and it really invites suicide.

>> No.2407348

people kill themselves because of suffering from a lack of provision for their material needs, because of a lack of social interaction, because of drug induced psychosis

people do not kill themselves because there is no god, which is essentially what an existential crisis is: the realisation that there is no god.

>> No.2407352

That is not what an existential crisis is at all.

>> No.2407355

(read this post in a singsong voice)

you are a fucking retard
you have no clue what you're talking about
it shows

>> No.2407358

and if the so-called existential crisis is false? and there is a God, who wants to know why you killed yourself, and what you did with the life you were given? what then?

>> No.2407362

But some people do.

And existential crisis is much more than just there is no god. Why the hell do you think it's all about that?

You are just seeing it as a narrow thing... I'd say it's never really lack of provision that causes suicide, but either the lack of hope in solving the issue or the idea that solving it won't do you no good anyway, which is horrifying.

>> No.2407363

>believe "life is meaningless" as if some god came down and explained to you that "life is meaningless"
>doesn't understand that life is not meaningless or meaningful, it just exists
>thinks our morals and values are completely arbitrary and not created from our biology/genetics
>hates his own life and ignores the fact his emotions exist
>continue to believe in your religion

>> No.2407364

It is actually. Notice I said nothing about knowing anything about god

at the heart of the existentialist school, which takes existential crisis as its primary subject matter, is the fact that even when you believe, there still is no god. .

you are not funny and have nothing to contribute.

>> No.2407366


>> No.2407368

You never had an existential crisis, did you?

>> No.2407371

i never tried to be funny, and neither do you have anything to contribute.

because you are a fucking retard
who doesn't have a clue what he's talking talking about

>> No.2407372

the suicides i've been aware of were to end pain; end loneliness; end hopelessness; end losing everything near and dear to your heart; and they were all tragic

>> No.2407375

Did you ask them afterwards?

>> No.2407376

regardless, we are not here to discuss reasons for suicide. they are multiple anyhow.

people dont come to an existential crisis when they are comfortable in belief, they only reach it when they doubt their belief. the crisis only persists when they consider a world without god which leads onto questioning and attempting to replace the anchor for purpose.

you guys are quite frankly cunts for dismissing me so abruptly. thanks a lot.

>> No.2407379

they all left notes, but for one

when a man loses his wife, his job, and his dignity, he says fuck it, and loses everything

permanent solution to a temporary problem

>> No.2407380

you're frankly a cunt for being wrong

>> No.2407384

But it's a permanent problem, for it is inevitable that it will recur. This is the greatest burden.

>> No.2407388

an existential crisis is inherently meaningless, when taken to its logical extremes; if there is nothing, and nothing matters, neither does your reaction, or lack of reaction, to that "fact"

>> No.2407390

you can say that as often as you like, it's useless without explaining yourself. explain to me how someone has an existential crisis when they are secure in their belief of god? im sorry but just pondering if your job is the right job for you is not an existential crisis

>> No.2407395

unbelievers come to the same conclusions as believers

if there is no God, nothing matters

>> No.2407396

please for the love of fuck explain to me how someone can have an existential crisis and believe in god throughout.

>> No.2407398

everything is inherently meaningless, what is your point? people can't help but react even without any meaningful justification for doing so

and lol at that other bitch

>> No.2407401


hey faggot

go read some kierkeegard and stop shitting up the board


>> No.2407404

that is one point of view (A)

the other point of view (B) is that everything matters, and everything will be judged accordingly

you have opted for A, and dismissed B

i have found B to be true, and have dismissed A

>> No.2407409

See that's where you're wrong.

if he's still a believer throughout the existential crisis, its because he affirms that the nihilistic 'everything is meaningless' crisis is transformed by his belief. he's no longer in an existential crisis because belief changed that. you cannot be in an existential crisis from a position of theism.

you don't even know kierkegaard

>> No.2407411

i could see that happening

you could come to think that God was everything, including you, to the point where you disappeared into God, and became a finite portion of an infinite being; that you would lose your individuality, your essence, by being blended into something so massive as to ignore your addition to it. i think that would similarly lead to an existential crisis.

>> No.2407418

the "leap of faith" guy? who apparently failed to make said "leap of faith"?

why is what he thinks more important than what we think?

>> No.2407420

Exactly. Exactly what I mean. To some people the thought of suicide comes easier, but to others it's the "last option", but what I mean is that they suicide because they don't know of any other way to end the pain and the loneliness. They believe it's impossible to happen in life, so they get out of it. At least it's what I think of it.

I'm not dismissing what you are saying, but you are taking existential crisis for something to do with belief in god, which is one possible existential crisis I suppose, but not all or even most of them.

>> No.2407427

Don't play his game. This will turn into atheism vs theism anytime soon.

>> No.2407429

but as long as he kept believing in god throughout, it wouldn't ever be a crisis


the crisis doesn't persist with belief. kierkegaard and camus both recognise this.

>> No.2407435

I'm really having a hard time wrapping my head around this "nothing matters" business. Maybe I've had a materialist outlook for too long but it just sounds silly.

What's so bad about nothing mattering? What so bad about the likely probability that everything will vanish and it will be like you never existed? Accept it and look for the next best thing if you believe such a scenario is most probable.

This sounds awfully like "If we can't play it MY way I'm not playing at all!"

>> No.2407438

>everything is inherently meaningless
>thinking things are either meaningless or meaningful

>> No.2407440

i'm the guy you're talking about. this is a inescapably existentialism thread which makes it faith vs non faith at least part. deal with it or get out

>> No.2407445

Ardent consumerist detected.

>Accept it and look for the next best thing if you believe such a scenario is most probable.
But there is no next best thing. Nothing matters, there is no you as an individual or part of a sommunity, aside from to rot.

>> No.2407454

>Nothing matters
Lol oh wow, I'm so glad I'm not you.

Enjoy denying your emotions and consciousness exists. You should probably just kill yourself.

>> No.2407461

You may approach faith from a perspective of nihilism. but nihilism =! existential crisis

your faith may be set in the context nihilism where it becomes absurd faith, but the crisis is abated. the crisis and faith do not coincide.

read yourself some kierkegaard, motherfuckers.

ill sage because i can see you guys are the kind of atheists who want to distance yourself from the argument so you can't be accused of that old troll reply: if you're an atheist why do you care so much about god

>> No.2407462

Sure thing Bateman. Don't forget those video tapes.

>> No.2407463

>the crisis doesn't persist with belief. kierkegaard and camus both recognise this.

Yes, but that's not the point. The thing is that non-belief does not always constitute a crisis. An existential crisis is different than an existential realization. The crisis is emotional and has a greater impact on how one deals with life, while the realization only shakens our logic or our way to think of things. They may or may not happen together and may or may not have anything to do with god.

>> No.2407468


>Ardent consumerist detected

The fuck is this supposed to mean?

>Nothing matters

Nothing matters to whom? The universe? So what? I don't personally really think about "meaning" that much anymore.

>there is no you as an individual or part of a sommunity, aside from to rot.

So? That doesn't stop "me", whatever that is, from experiencing pleasure.

>> No.2407469

You are the only one talking about faith here. It's not about being wrong or right, we are talking fruit you are talking bananas.

>> No.2407470

i never said nonbelief is always a crisis. i said crisis is always nonbelief.

>> No.2407473

>That doesn't stop "me", whatever that is, from experiencing pleasure.
Of course it does, since you become unable to derive pleasure from anything, because nothing matters.

>> No.2407474

i suppose it would, if you disappeared into whatever you think God is; swallowed whole, leaving no mark

then nothing you would be, do, think or say would matter, would it? you would just be a finite part of an infinite being, infinitely more capable than you in an infinite number of ways

and that would be a problem for deists, not theists

>> No.2407475

it's an intellectually dishonest way to avoid responsibility, guilt, and punishment, dressed in a smoking jacket, and eating fig newtons while listening to Bach

>> No.2407477
File: 35 KB, 450x303, liam-neeson-taken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this whole thread is like watching two dudes scream "I FEEL LESS THAN YOU!" at each other. in the immortal words of Liam Neeson "Now is not the time for a dick measuring contest."
but I seriously do hope you guys work it out and inspire some real breakthroughs.

>> No.2407481

why do you not believe in God, yet give kierkergaard so much weight? that seems odd to me

>> No.2407482

Well... Okay, that's kind of obvious. It's not all that it takes to create a crisis though, it's a basic thing.

>> No.2407485

i think i have given evidence that a similar crisis based on a misunderstanding of the nature of God can exist with belief

>> No.2407486


>Of course it does, since you become unable to derive pleasure from anything, because nothing matters.

What? "nothing matters" to WHOM? Nothing matters forever in the grand scheme of things? Nothing matters objectively? What are you talking about?

Why would I care whether the semen shooting out of my penis has any significance to anyone/anything else but myself? The process that activates the feeling of pleasure is activated and I feel the pleasure. No need to attach this "meaning" shit to any of it. The chemical reactions that cause the feeling of pleasure are there in my brain, waiting to be set off.

>> No.2407489

a pure hedonist would argue that nothing but pleasure matters, or alternatively, that because nothing matters, the pursuit of pleasure is as high an aspiration as any

>> No.2407492



sounds more like a crisis for pantheists.,

but in any case, it would only become a crisis if he realise the thing that enveloped him wasn't god. as long as he believes that the thing is god - by all definitions of god - he would be consoled and the fact that he'd been enveloped by someone would transform it from a crisis into a wonderful thing as soon as he agreed that the thing was god.

>> No.2407496
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>people talking about god on an existential crisis thread

>> No.2407497

Nevermind, you're like mega autistic.

>> No.2407504

you actually think god is separate from existentialism and i find that hilarious.

but i see your problem. you want to be able to talk about purpose existence and meaning without bringing god into the equation because you think god debates are beneath you.

>> No.2407510
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Slick way of saying "You're right"

>> No.2407512

As expected of the master autist.

>> No.2407514

Not because it's beneath me in any way, but it's because it's beneath the subject of existential crisis itself. Suicide is also not separated from the subject and I would've been mad if this thread derailed to best forms of suicide or something like that. Just slightly less mad because god debates are fucking everywhere in /lit/ and the repetition is annoying.

>> No.2407523
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Don't worry champ, you don't have to say it directly, that is rather embarrassing after all.

The important thing is that I know that you know and that you know that I know that you know.

>> No.2407525

> it's beneath the subject of existential crisis

you have't read any existentialism have you?

saging because id rather go read a book than get pulled into a debate. in fact i think ill go do that now

>> No.2407558

>Of course it does, since you become unable to derive pleasure from anything, because nothing matters.

Look at this self hating loser that wants everyone to feel as bad as him.

>> No.2407559

>Not accepting lack of meaning but still being scientific because it's cool as shit, and at least useful for our stay here

>> No.2407564

It's beneath exactly because it's part of it. But it's not it.

I've read them, yes. Camus, Kierkegard, Sartre. But how they see existence, god, the absurd, suicide, life, meaning etc it's different from how we experience it in our daily lives and it bugs me that one guy is talking on how others feel or should feel or have felt about their own existence and narrowing it down to belief and god, which, from the responses of this thread, is just tangent and even a little distant to what people here are feeling.

>> No.2407565
File: 23 KB, 403x301, 1325478523201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people trying to use logic to disprove logic

>people saying "nothing matters" as if some god came down and said "there's no meaning so you have to be a depressed faggot your entire life"

>people not understanding that the brain creates meaning for itself

>> No.2407586

It matters to us, as human beings. Why should I care whether it matters or not objectively, in the whole of reality, or whatever you want to call it?
It's like whining about the idea that we may be in a virtual reality; it's real enough for us. Were it different, it wouldn't change a thing.

>> No.2407596

That's logical, but existential crisis is not... I don't think anyone would disagree with you, but it's just how things are to those who feel it, they can't experience pleasure while at it.

I mean, tell that to them.

>> No.2407615

it's not different. this idea that existentialism can be dismissed because its just a fancy way of describing what goes on much more simply in everyday life is just not true.

>> No.2407618

Well, you may be right, since I never was very emotional. I just experienced the matter "logically" (if that's even possible), so I wasn't terribly affected by it, speaking from an emotional perspective. Perhaps sooner or later I will suffer it too? Who knows.

>> No.2407623

Shoot up some heroin then tell me you "can't feel pleasure". Faggot.

>> No.2407624

>it bugs me that one guy is talking on how others feel

Oh I get it. you're one of those 'IT'S SUBJECTIVE, YOU DON'T KNOW MY QUALIA' kind of guys.

experiences and emotions are shared. get over it.

>> No.2407626

I had this feeling when I didn't give a shit about my friend attempting to kill herself, instead making intellectual observations about the traffic lights - namely, the traffic lights not giving a shit about the event either.

>> No.2407630

This entire argument has already been concluded in the next issue of TAR.

>> No.2407632

>figured this shit out in 6 months

LOL at this thread

>> No.2407645

who mentioned anything about timeframe?

>> No.2407646


I feel obligated to tell you that you look like a real retard right now.

>> No.2407647

>only old people have any idea about anything

LOL at you

>> No.2407651

I did not say that.

I did not say that. And he didn't share, he said what others had to share and everyone said "nope, it's different", but he didn't get it and thought it was all about that.

>> No.2407678


lol he mad, I'm 20

>pure acceptance of everything for what it is

>> No.2408141

Look at these self hating losers that think the universe is punishing them somehow.

>> No.2408150

Look at this loser trying to be subtle bumping his thread

>> No.2408177

I'm not op you worthless dumbshit. I'm not a faggot that has "existential crisis's"

>> No.2408782

Guys, existentialism is not necessary always close to despair.