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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/lit/ - Literature

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2404500 No.2404500 [Reply] [Original]

they just kicked me out. now i need to buy books.


>> No.2404502

Or steal them.

>> No.2404503


>> No.2404505

library.nu is getting shittier and shittier. more and more of the books have no links. palace walk by naguib mahfouz had no link today and it bothered me a lot

>> No.2404527

There are a lot more book torrents now that the share sites have gone down.

to steal a book is an elegant offense

>> No.2404538

learn to IRC for now
irc.undernet.org #bookz
better than nothing

>> No.2404540

1. learn your local corporate bookstores security camera blindspots.
2. pick up random bookst + books you want in sight of cameras.
3. go to blindspot and stuff books you want down your pants/in your jacket/backpack
4. put random books back near area you were at.
5. profit.

boom, you just got some new books + romanticism points for being punk as phukk about it.

>> No.2404541

i dont understand how to use irc

>> No.2404544

dl an irc client
connect to irc.undernet.org
go to the #bookz channel and search the files of the people in the chat or ask for a book.

>> No.2404547

IRC networks. Download Mirc (its free), then connect to Undernet. After connected, type "/list books" without the quotes of course. This will list all chanels with the word book in the name. The top one should have about 300 people in it right now. When you are in there, type @seek then whatever you are searching for. You will get a text file listing all the books available with the search term you provided in the title. copy and paste the one you want into the chanel, making sure not to include the size of the file which they always include, and that's it. download should start shortly. Enjoy the freedom to information the internet provides us! Good luck

>> No.2404550

Says there is a 30 day eval copy. Am i missing something?

>> No.2404563


Just tried logging in to library.nu now and I can't get in now either. Hopefully it is just technical difficulties.

>> No.2404567

Fuck Ive hated IRC since 2005. Every time I type a command it shows up in the chat window and i get nothing

>> No.2404581

I find the easiest way to steal books is to talk act like you're on your cell phone with a gift card for that store in your hand with a book and just walk out. I've stolen over fifty books this way. If I am ever stopped, I could easily pass it off as an accident and pay for the book. It's also very easy to study in the cafe with books you bring in and just pack up books from the store.

Concealing books feels much less safe.

>> No.2404584

I hope you only steal from barnes and noble and borders.

Stealing from used book stores is terrible.

>> No.2404586

the books will set off the alarm, idiot

>> No.2404588

I steal from charity shops.

>> No.2404598

Lol, library.nu is redirecting to google books.

Fuck this.

>> No.2404596

thepiratebay.com ......?

>> No.2404601

>Lol, library.nu is redirecting to google books.


>> No.2404606


Yeah, I got to the sign in page thru other means, but it appears I'm banned, unless my auto-saved password somehow changed.

>> No.2404615

how do you get kicked off library.nu?

>> No.2404619

Their facebook page says they are having a real tough time right now legal wise. They drew too much traffic. If you go to their facebook, the founder built a nice ebook search engine

>> No.2404633


good thing I donated maybe I won't get randomly kicked off

>> No.2404638


Probably just banning a lot of random accounts. I never uploaded, but similarly, only downloaded a few things, I think fewer than ten files, and those mostly scientific articles not free on the web.

>> No.2404641

>paying for piracy

there's something you're not quite understanding here....

>> No.2404647
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yeah I know


but I got literally at least a few hundred books off it, all for research, so it was totally justified

>> No.2404654

wait so books are taken off ifile.it? :(

>> No.2404663
File: 15 KB, 300x300, 416A5CHSQSL._SL500_AA300_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know where I can download a copy of this book

>> No.2404674

Thank you so much for my new wallpaper! :D

>> No.2404749

Yes, it is rather annoying. Back to using other means like filestube.com and IRC until a proper alternative is found. Good thing I just downloaded a 700 page textbook that I want to read. It will take a couple of days before I need to download something new. If it is still bad, I have all the OUP etc. books so plenty of things to learn.

>> No.2404770

Is library.nu really that good? I get all the books I need from #bookz and Demonoid, but I always see people talking about library.nu and I'm curious now.

>> No.2404778

It's quite good, sometimes (more often than anywhere else), you can get a lucky shot and find an obscure book.

>> No.2404779

i'm often surprised by what i'm able to find there.

>> No.2404781

It's the best. It all a huge extensive library, which, on top of that the search and navigation features were incredible. It was like browsing a library's bookshelf

>> No.2404784

I got booted, that's the most depressing thing that happened to me in 2012.

and my grandpa died 2 weeks ago

>> No.2404785

>Is library.nu really that good? I get all the books I need from #bookz and Demonoid, but I always see people talking about library.nu and I'm curious now.

Library.nu had a lot of stuff I couldn't find elsewhere on torrent sites or IRC.

>> No.2404790

unable to login, check username and/or password are entered correctly

>> No.2404794

>unable to login, check username and/or password are entered correctly

Yeah, thats the same message I'm getting.

>> No.2404797

everyone got booted at the sametime.

>> No.2404799

So, anyone here that got above the 'newbie' rank and can give some ETA on what the fuck we unlucky guys can do?

What's going on?
Too much traffic, can't afford servers?
Too much publicity, feds are on the move?
Move to force 'subscription'?

In my country I can download anything legally for personal use. That is until I pay for copyright infringement access.

>> No.2404805

I was anticipating this so I bookmarked the dl links instead but all the links i've saved are down, "file not found"

>> No.2404807


Thanks for the answer. I'll try to find an invite then.

>> No.2404813

Where do you get one of them neat invites, then?

>> No.2404814

You do not. Registration is closed

>> No.2404818

It seems file.it is down and hence why library.nu is down.

>> No.2404819


Shit. I guess I should have lurked more.

>> No.2404820

This isn't your country, retard.

>> No.2404826

Did the feds take file.it down? It makes senses why last night when I logged in there was no catchpa now and why links were dying left and right. I feel sick now.

>> No.2404828

Smells like megaupload bis.

I hoped fuckers wouldn't move against books since they aren't as popular as rest of the media.
Also reminds me of recent elsevier boycott against repugnant coveters.

>> No.2404832

Woah mongloid, you just herpa-derped yourself into oblivion.

>> No.2404836

Lurkmoar retard and learn something about Jurisdiction on the internet.

>> No.2404840

Damnit fuckwit, by bringing up legal status of downloading in my country I was trying to justify me not financialy supporting the best library on the net.

herpaderp off


>> No.2404841

Maybe library.nu isn't down per se but rather its ability to host files is crippled. I hope someone has a mirror of that 7k colletion

>> No.2404844

library.nu doesn't host any files except book covers, it's just a link aggregator - mainly file.it

>> No.2404846

The legal status of downloading might be okay in your country for personal use, but you still pay bandwidth and, if there is a cost to bandwidth and utilizing the service (sans the implications of copyright), so unless you can justify using a service for free you are not justifying your lack of financial support for the library.

Try again retard

>> No.2404851

library.nu has a relationship with file.it, clearly. file.it is library.nu's ability to host files and that ability is crippled. I pray someone would upload the whole collection as a torrent or something

>> No.2404857

However librarynu's functionality depends on fileit's existence. So if the latter got raided, library's admins could very well bring down the site. If there are no active links why risk anything? They probably chose to lay low and wait for future developments

Fuck off to /b/ with your inane madeup bullshit
5/10 would rage again

>> No.2404858

I hope they find a new host to store their collection

>> No.2404862

the mediafire links are alive and well

>> No.2404863
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which probably means mediafire is next in line

>> No.2404870

Troll harder bro. shit ain't made up. if you pay for your internet service that sets the precedent of you willing to pay for a service. Like i said, it ain't your country bro.

>> No.2404879

WTF DUDES? LOG-IN THROUGH THE ALTERNATIVE gigapedia.info all my ebook posts on ifile are alive
OP how many titles did you download?never posted any links?

>> No.2404883

I also paid for PC from which I access said 'intraweab' through ISP. I also pay for electricity which allows me to operate the PC. I also paid for electric wiring to have electricity. I also paid taxes so government could have installed said wires (communism fuck year). [...]

>> No.2404887

even the most recent links,like the ones i visited last night from file.it,are dead.

>> No.2404888

I've been loging through gigapedia.info for about a week since they changed library.nu front page for some reason. Since today even that doesnt work. Since you are able to log in that probably means that every 'newbie' rank user got booted.

Can anyone confirm?

>> No.2404892

newbie ranks might have gotten booted, I don't know but what I know for sure is that the most recently posted file.it links are dead and if you visit file.it you will find out that they disabled uploading

>> No.2404911

well fuck. it seems I've been banned. I even tried the 'email password recovery' option, and it says to check my email is written correctly.


>> No.2404923

i contributed a book once but after a site redesign or some shit a while ago, they decided to erase the fact. and now this.

>> No.2404940

I'm a higher member ( not staff ) and indeed the latest links are dead, but ifile.it allows downloading.

>> No.2404954

Not true, I checked ifile.it using the newest links and I checked links i used to host personal content and both are down. I don't think we are banned as much as I think library.nu is out of service right now.f

>> No.2404958

many of the latest titles 2-3 days ago are copied on avaxhome, few links are alive , only mediafire and for a few titles.
if you've checked the site's owner it's registered under the name of te rapidshare ceo a woman , it's a joke I guess and the server's in ukraine?
who owns the site?He/she must have earned a fortune all these years

>> No.2404988

sorry, it's ifile.it

>> No.2404998

Let's suppose library.nu gets the fate of megaupload,which is the best alternative then?

>> No.2405002

Does anyone who is also a high member of that site have a mirror of the contents that was posted. library.nu had a lot of rare books on them, especially in their technical librariese, that if lost would be sorely missed

>> No.2405006

ebookee uses worst mirrors and nobody seems to reupload dead links. ebookee jsut scrapes off avax

>> No.2405027

nigga, please
there were million(s) of books there, how do you suppose someone 'mirrors' it

from my experience ebookee's link database is bigger than avaxhome's

I never had the need to go to #bookz before. How huge are their (collective) databases?

>> No.2405032

sorry i'm only regular, in what field are the titles you need?i don't have a mirror of the contents, unfortunately.
I've got more than 10.000 titles from it

>> No.2405049

my account isn't working either.


I uploaded 3 originals too. fucking hell not fair.

>> No.2405054

numerical analysis and differential geometry, but wondering if it is possible to coordinate like a massive (somehow) drive to rebuild the collection.

>> No.2405057

lol 3 originals bro

that site single handedly helped increase my iq by 50
I should have donated them my kidney

>> No.2405062

Original books are hard to get by. His contribution could be greater than what your kidney is worth.

>> No.2405063

read the last comments on this page:
"The website is shutting down due to legal shit from the publishing industry , no futher comment.
it’s the reply from admin."

>> No.2405065


whatever man at least I contributed.

also when I used to work for a publishing company as an intern, i uploaded thousands to an old database on usenet which Im sure has been mirrored and used for building up other databases (these were hardcore technical books which were weird as fuck, but still, relevant for some).

i'm going to fall into a depression, I maintained somewhat of an archive on my books, but only 200-300 books, no more :( i'm depressed

>> No.2405074

Honestly who the fuck starts pirating sites in countries where aggrieved parties and the government can fuck with you.
Thats what always surprised me about megaupload and ninjavideo. These fucks were in the us and nz acting like they were fucking untouchable.
Im surprised the private trackers haven't been fucked with yet since that shit is like shooting fish in a barrel.

>> No.2405075

wrong, 7 thousand pages on library.nu * 12 books per page. It would take 8 people a 105 days to mirror the site if they downloaded a hundred books a day, this would be easy if there wasnt catchpa

>> No.2405096

son you don't know shit about copyright mafia
they are above the law and any jurisdiction and will get to you through the tiniest hole and cleft possible

i get a theory
library.nu owners were also file.it owners
they found an ebook niche in filehosting market
they earned money on ads (ifile has ads right? can't tell due to browser plugins)
so there's the incriminating connection
they got scared shitless
ifile goes down business is down
librarynu becomes pointless

>> No.2405118


I think you give these dudes too much credit most these dudes are bitchasses though.
Its all fun and games until people start going to jail.
Amost all the filehosts ducked out like little bitches.

>> No.2405132

This is bullshit.

Wasn't library.nu itself resurrected from an earlier site though?

>> No.2405168


I know the mirrors for mediafire works, it's a shame that

>> No.2405182

sorry have only medicine,physics,astronomy

>> No.2405191

well this is shit if this isn't just technical difficulties and they have indeed banned people just because they were getting too popular and noticeable.

i mean, fair enough they weren't paying for it but they weren't expected to and the newbies probably were a lot less active all round, in the downloading as well as uploading. regardless, to accept someone in and then dump them whenever suits just so you don't get caught, is kind of a douchebag move. its like when the joker relies on his goons and then kills them all in the first scene of the dark knight.

i don't know who runs library.nu but they seem to have ideas above their station judging from this and their participation in the ACTA/SOPA protest. it's fair enough if legitimate business people have a disagreement with copyright law but if you are already doing something illegal, you are not going to be taken seriously

>> No.2405206

It was shut down. It doesn't look like they're selectively banning people.

>> No.2405209

They're actually shutting it down.
If you contact the admin you get an automatic response that just says "The website is shutting down due to legal shit from the publishing industry :( , no futher comment".

>> No.2405217

well then my words dont apply

>> No.2405223

maybe they're trying to lay low because of narcs and feds

maybe it'll rise from the ashes again resplendent in its knowledge

>> No.2405230
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>> No.2405246

I hope so, i thought i would have avoided the lost of library.nu if i booked mark the file links but alas, all is lost.

>> No.2405268

I mean, it's not really surprising that there's legal shit coming down on them, is it? I mean, what did they expect?

>> No.2405290

What do you mean?
Under current yet ever-shifting thx to cunning copyright mafialaw and treaties link aggregation is legal. Do you even udnerstand what all the fuss about SOPA and ACTA was about? Do you even read?

>> No.2405302

Want to buy books.
Suggest some entry-level serious sci-fi.

>> No.2405326

apparently not according to that British guy who got extradited -- though we'll see when his court case comes through.

>> No.2405329

Dune - Frank Herbert. Acknowledged classic of the genre, one of the best.
Foundation - Asimov. Another classic, still worth reading though IMO overrated.
The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress - Heinlein - a future society on the moon revolts. Really well-done. His best work.
Lord of Light - Roger Zelazny - really neat. It's basically the story of one character's revolt against the god-rulers of a world strongly inspired by Hindu mythology.
Demolished Man - Alfred Bester - A madman commits the perfect murder; a psychic detective must figure out the crime.
Gateway - Fred Pohl - basically a story of space exploration, told in flashbacks structured around a therapy session.
Science Fiction Hall of Fame vol 1 - Various - a collection of some of the best SF short stories written before, I believe, 1963. Contains many great stories and will introduce many great authors. Almost essential.

that's just off the top of my head, there's so much stuff to recommend

>> No.2405346

Thanks, I'll try some of these.

>> No.2405365 [DELETED] 

You mean Kim Dotcom? Dude's German or New Zealander.

I think it's funny how the bread and circuses are the empire instead of simply its supports. And the government is shooting itself in the foot. Without free and easy entertainment, the populace will grow discontented and revolt. Why do you think China has such fucking lax copyright laws?

>> No.2405375

Nah, there's a different case where a British dude was running a link aggregation site and then got extradited to the US, or something like that anyway

>> No.2405381


Because they hardly produce IP worth shit.

>> No.2405382

Well, everyone knows that at this point the UK is America's bitch.

>> No.2405383
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>at this point

>> No.2405392

Damn, somebody know if there's gonna be a new site (even a paid one) like when gigapedia and ebooksclub.org went down? they should make a site without a title, just accesible via IP, that would be enought to keep traffic down...

>> No.2405419

O.k, I checked the ifile.it where library.nu uploads their files and none of the links work and all say " file removed, terms of service violation:"

>> No.2405434
File: 111 KB, 350x350, ed2k.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

eMule has waned in popularity in recent years, but I'd think the ED2K network would be ideal for transmitting ebooks. That way we wouldn't be vulnerable to file-hosts shutting down. All we need is a similar site to library.nu to publish the ED2k URI hyperlinks.

>> No.2405436

Wht ED2K? Security through obscurity?
Torrents with magnet links are superior.

>> No.2405545

god i wish someone had a torrent of the entire library.nu file catalog. so many godly textbooks

>> No.2405676

So who still has access? I've got tons of links. If somebody could post the links to a pastbin with the extensions to ifile, I and I'm sure others, would be very thankful.

>> No.2405723

Well on my part I have 2GB or so of books mostly from library.nu - not a lot, but some of them aren't available anywhere else as far as I can tell (including #bookz). I'd love to contribute to any rebuilding effort if one gets launched.

>> No.2405751
File: 192 KB, 1280x1024, eMule stats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm currently sharing 1,925 Literature files on eMule now. Most of it is books downloaded from library.nu, though there is some other stuff such as peer-reviewed journal articles, monographs from think-tanks, etc.

>> No.2405757

meh, one of the things I liked about library.nu was that you didn't have to use torrents or anything. I know, deal with it, etc.

>> No.2405759

1.7 measly GB here to contribute and tons of links–which I assume are now dead. Somebody should've backed it up and hosted it somewhere else. It's a shame, so much fucking knowledge!

>> No.2405820

A lot of books don't have a security seal, and even then a cursory flip through will reveal any which can then be plucked out and, voila, you've got yourself a book.

>> No.2405834


Holy shit.

People still use eMule.

>> No.2405874

I'm closer to about 20gb, i believe. I haven't yet ran windirstat on the hard drive that stored my collection. Anyways, I would happily contribute to any sort of rebuilding effort because, after all, a library's value is only that of its collection. most sites, even ed2k, do not have the same mechanisms that allowed library.nu to maintain and organize their collection: i'm talking about the concepts of shelfs where you can browse curated collections that goes beyonds the concept of mere categories.

I feel really bad that i avoided books that have a larger download size and books that were OCR'd.

>> No.2406019

Hey, could someone please do me a favor and check if any of these two books are available on library.nu? I would really appreciate just a "yes" or "no" answer.

Our Thoughts Determine Our Lives: The Life and Teachings of Elder Thaddeus of Vitovnica

The Gurus, the Young Man, and Elder Paisios

>> No.2406080


>> No.2406082

Get a goddamn library card faggot.

>> No.2406100

If you don't see the difference between having a library card and having access to an archive of easily accessible and searchable books that you can keep permanently then I think he isn't the faggot here. Plus, most of the books I got from library.nu you just aren't going to find in ordinary libraries (even ignoring the non-English ones).

>> No.2406163

Due to this thread I have discovered the Joy that is MIRC. How do I share my own library?

>> No.2406515
File: 71 KB, 480x470, dd3z0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

12 hours without access to every book I ever longed for. feelsbadman

>> No.2406521


Is it supposed to direct me to Google Books?

>> No.2406523

Worst valentines ever.

>> No.2406527

meanwhile: http://gen.lib.rus.ec/

>> No.2406534
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Oh, the things I would do to you...

>> No.2406548
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>> No.2406553


Looks like mostly books in Russian http://bib.tiera.ru/static

also gives me those distinct botnet vibes

>> No.2406555

That one's excellent for science books, but not really much else.

>> No.2406571
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>> No.2406584

Don't forget uz-translations.net for language-related books.

>> No.2406621


Interesting, seemed to have the book I was looking for. What's this site's story?

>> No.2406634

Don't look a gift horse in the mouth, you corporate shill.

>> No.2406650

THESE FILES WERE NEVER ON LIBRARY.NU even now as I check it I don't find anything.
I have the one in greek but you'd better search on scribd for "paisios" maybe some chapters are posted there.
The site is still up.


>> No.2406651

was just about to post that.
funny that it took 100+ posts.
guess not all is lost

>> No.2406672


Just kidding, this kind of sucks.

>> No.2406702

potential alternative: gen.lib.rus.ec
Seens decent

>> No.2406720

oh wow you are really quick, thanks for that. you are amazing. you dumb faggot.

>> No.2407086


Does not have all the titles that library.nu has

>> No.2407092

Does anyone want to create a library.nu clone?

>> No.2407110

>Does anyone want to create a library.nu clone?

I do, but unfortunately I don't have the technical skills and I am afraid of lawsuits.

>> No.2407112

Does anyone else feel the need to design a peer to peer alternative? One with distributed collections and the notion of multiple respositiors and has the concept of archieve built in such that it preallocates in every user x gigabytes to serve as a redudant partial collection where, once the file is submitted towards official collection, it would serve to distribute that collection even if you are a leech

>> No.2407127

People sharing on p2p always fear copyright mafia would be snooping and preforming analysis and then they look at how many files u got to like tally up the charge. This is like a catch-22 in sharing schemes because if you do not share this information the collection is inaccessible to the network and it would encourage most people to leech

>> No.2407136

Value of library.nu:
Its collection.

Failure of library.nu:
Its collection.

>> No.2407276

Tor security method: packets in transit

Omg, for every book you download you must share a book. The server that has the book you want can send you a file but its encrypted and you only get the key after one day and only after you serve the file to a few people. If you purposefully do not share the file (these files would have to be new, or in demand) the server would not get a reciept from the leecher that wants to the file. The server is responsible for redirecting the leecher to dl from that peer. If leecher cannot get the file, or file-part, from that peer, that peer does not get the file. Upon the leecher getting that file, the leecher aslo need to share and wait a day to get the key

>> No.2407387
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>> No.2407428

http://gen.lib.rus.ec is ridiculous , at least the medical titles it has , are so few and old, it can't be compared to library.nu 's medical section.

>> No.2407439

That's because there isn't a library.nu medical section. Try the bib.tiera one.

>> No.2407456

thanx, what's the best torrent site for medical textbooks and journals?

>> No.2407459

Library.nu had a medical collection, over 20k books and it included really rare files. We need a library.nu replacement not some alternative.

>> No.2407465

>We need a library.nu replacement not some alternative
Do you think before you write?

>> No.2407500

Do you read before you reply?

An alternative is not a replacement retard.

>> No.2407503

If there is going to be a library.nu clone, I doubt it will magically be stocked with every book from the previous incarnation from the start.

>> No.2407505


guys, relax.

we are all under lots of stress since they shut down.

I'm contemplating existential suicide.

it's the first day i've gone without reading a new book.

i just might be going insane. :(

>> No.2407515

rip lnu ;_;

>> No.2407516

It can be if,and only if we can rebuild the collection which means having access to the database of library.nu and the working mediafire links, and have people contribute back, rebuilding the collection from the database.

>> No.2407520

Library.nu should open up again and let people rebuild the dead links. This would be easier for many users to cntribute than having to upload original content.

>> No.2407522

True dat, i could never contribute anything to lnu because they had all the books i had

>> No.2407526

Can we assess what's needed in that case? We've had a encrypted peer to peer Tor network mentioned, is this what we're going for?

>> No.2407530

>rip lnu

>> No.2407547

Im working the design of that, a peer to repositor network which is decentralized but looks like a public library system with multiple redundant collections. It would need to be the opposite of bittorrent or any other peer system we've seen because all those systems maintain popular files and distributes them widly bevuase they are popular.

This new system would have to be built, like any public library system, on maintaining the integrity of the collection as a whole. Im envisioning a system that privilages those with larger collections and a system that forces people, if they want to participate, to maintain a collection of less in demand books.

I think for the immediate term the best thing we can do is somehow figure out what books library.nu had so that way we can know for certain that a digitized copy of it exist somewhere on the web

>> No.2407560
File: 54 KB, 400x267, nevar forget.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nevar forget

There is no central library.nu's database since files were hosted on filelockers

The closest we can get to restoring all the resources is if there was some obsesive-compulsive collector (file.it subscription + jdownloader) with massive hdd.

>> No.2407574


>> No.2407579

>I think for the immediate term the best thing we can do is somehow figure out what books library.nu had so that way we can know for certain that a digitized copy of it exist somewhere on the web

Welp, my guess is most of nu's resources were from hacked/stolen online distributor databases (judging by book quality - formatting, bookmarks, covers and all). But what arcane arts can break DRM on such a scale is mystery to me. So basically every book must have been available online.

>> No.2407589

Now to get a library card and strip the DRM from Overdrive epubs.

>> No.2407590

Isn't the issue with a distributed collection like that that once the network is compromised by someone looking to sue, everyone connected can go down?

>> No.2407602

If the only database they had was the link to the filelocker, they still have a database of titles and links to filelockers retard!
I never implied that. What i did actually imply was that since a copy was broken free of drm and other sites leech from it, and other people have the drm free copy then if these people who have the copies of these files, if this can be crowd source, can contribute back towards building this collection.

>> No.2407612

Good luck getting files from file.it dumbfuck. Now take the link database and shove it up your ass.

>> No.2407613

This is unfortunate. I never got to use the site ;_;

>> No.2407628

If the rule of indirect transfer occurs and mirroring, it reproduces the relationship that library.nu and its filelockers had but decentralized. This would make it harder for those ipmafia types to see what files you have avaliable and hence take action against you. The collecton, the redudant one you do not know you are sharing could be encrytped

The other thing, this is an illegal activity. If they suspect you have books and they arent licensed to you, you would still into trouble. The real solution to prevent them from targeting you is to not give off the appearance that your collection is large. This requires some sort of alternative mechanism for discoverying books on the network.

>> No.2407640
File: 38 KB, 400x400, that-lena-feel1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that feel when my thread gets well over 100 posts and I didn't even samefag

I used a girl version of that feel guy so you would get excited and then subsequently disappointed when you read the spoilers.

>> No.2407644

Did you forget to read? Is that something beyond your capabilities? The idea is not to depend on file.it becuase that site never existed, nor ifile.it. Rather having a datbase, not the actual files, will help in guiding efforts in rebuilding the collection because we will then know what type of files we need and what is missing. A database in this case would serve as a catalogue of what is missing or found.

Tl;dr: you failed computer science III

P.s: even though the ifile.it links are dead, the links to mediafire arent.

More important: if people are encouraged to mirror and rewarded to do so on mutiple sites, the ifile.it take down wouldnt have affected library.nu so negatively

>> No.2407654

Good luck in not realizing that the files are already on our computers as a collective, you illiterate fuck. I am also going to assume you never heard anything about crowdsourcng too, retard.

>> No.2407687

If there was no central database then how did the search features work, or how was it possible to browse by shelf, or how were they able to give you the right link to the right book title? There must have been a central database, common sense tells us that it must exist if the site implemented these features.

>> No.2407696

>moar like nevar read a book off library.nu about databases

>> No.2407698

Serves you nerds right.

>> No.2407709
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>> No.2407714

Fuck you and, just to let you know, library.nu was the only library every in history of mankind that was made by the people for the people

>> No.2407715

This is all true. I guess my concern boils down to whether it would ultimately be prohibitive to sue someone, and this boils down to collection of proof. Is it still illegal if you have otherwise benign information that could be used to reconstruct a file?

>> No.2407756

It's ok, I'll just go buy a DRM free ebook anonymously...
Oh wait.

>> No.2407785

They would need access to that file in order to reconstruct it.

The idea is that if one person goes down the redunacy in the system wont allow the whole system to go down

>> No.2407805

It's okay, you can just write your own book.

...what greater delight is there than to behold the earth apparelled with plantsm as with a robe of embroidered worke, set with Orient pearls and garnished with great diversitie of rare and costly jewels? If this variety of colours may affect the eie, it is such in herbs and floures, that no Apelles , no Zeuxis ever could by any art expresse the like: if odours or if taste may worke staisfaction, they are both so soveraigne in plants, and so comfortable that no confection of the Apothecaries can equall their excellent vertue. But these delights are in teh outward senses: the principal delight is in the mind, singularly enriched with the knowledge of these visible things, setting forth to us the invisible wisdome and admirable workmanship of Almighty God . . .

>> No.2407846

What about using the truecrypt method where what is stored is encrypted chunks signed by a server distributed and the peers have these chunks andnthey serve them not know what it is. This would ensure that there is not a realistic way to figure out what files the peer is transfering or sharing.

Kinda like tor in the way that data is transported rather than shared, or retransmitted. The mafia would have proof you are participating but no proof what is your participation: they cant broswe what files you have, the collection catalogue will be a seperate file distributed to aid discovey.

>> No.2407891

FUCK THEM ANONS.Library nu and ifile it were one and the same.THEM bitches earned 8 million euros from ads and morons ( how many of you?) who paid them.
You paid their porsche, villas , luxurious prostitutes etc.

Could they get to USA for trial like the megaupload fucking pig ?
THE case doc www dot aie dot it/Portals/_default/Skede/Allegati/Skeda105-2646-2012.2.15/20120215_template_library%20nu%20facts_13
and a small section of it The operators made an estimated turnover of € 8 million ($10,602,400 US) from advertising buys on the sites, donations and sales of premium-level accounts, making it one of the most significant piracy websites in the world.

Who and what are Ivanova/Nunez/DF Hosting Ltd. ?
YOU FEEL LIKE AN IDIOT knowing that for 1or 2 books you wanted to read a bitch earns 8 million euros!!!!!

>> No.2407896

>stating the obvious

3/10 for seeming sincerety

>> No.2407929

Here's another one: http://en.bookfi.org

>> No.2407930

The thing that is unique about this is that library.nu offered access to books that were nearly inaccessible through any other means (such as out of print) or were copies of scholarly works that cost hundreds of dollars to purchase through legal avenues.

In a way this is like losing the Library of Alexandria all over again because many of these works will once again be seen by only a handful of people who either have fortunate access to them or the money to buy them.

Perhaps if the book industry decided to make these books (and I'm only talking about scholarly works here in this entire comment) available in a reasonable manner and instead of spending millions of dollars on lawyers just dropped the price of these books so that more people could actually buy them, I'd see that as being reasonable. However, being able to access scholarly information is now, once again, severely limited. This not only hurts people attempting to do research, but also the authors themselves who will never sell more than a handful of their books.

In fact, many academics used library.nu as well. This was not just a book sharing site for people wanting the latest King novel, but a place where historians and mathematicians could easily gain access to important findings and research (both new, obscure and old) without having to jump through hoops, cut red-tape or spend a ton of their own money to access.

That's why this, above all the recent file sharing losses, is the one that hurts the most. Great research will now linger in a moldy corner of some publishers archive with a $100 price tag attached to it. The information inside will hardly be seen which hurts the author and the end consumer.

Publishers need to start granting access to these works so that most people can reasonably access them and so that they can still afford to do business. People will pay a fair price for good information, but as things stand now the sharing will probably continue.

>> No.2407986

I like this. This also means that should someone have their computer accessed, they haven't compromised themselves or the network any more than they otherwise would. It should be nigh impossible for any single entity to bring a case against an individual.

>> No.2408198


>> No.2408231

Real researchers have the backing of an institution with institutional subscriptions.

>> No.2408238

Yeah, to journals. Not to every book put out by every academic publisher. Even the access to OUP stuff is often shitty and text-based, instead of a readable/underlinable pdf.

>> No.2408240

It would also mean that if they want to take down a node, it should affect the library becuase everyone will be forced to maintain parts of the collection on their hard drive, or else they cannot participate since to get access to your book you must share or wait a day.

>> No.2408247


>> No.2408295

Im still developing this idea and designing it. Ill keep lit posted and im thinking of calling it "the public library"

Im going to work on mechanisms that ensure cohension and distribution of the collection with some sort of concepts of roles, like asking if a client wants to be an archieve and dedicate 100gb or something to contain a partial set of the collection. I really want to design a system that ensure the rarist files will be maintained, something that is contra- to peer2peer distribution like torrent.

>> No.2408328

Just to point out the obivious, if it wasnt for library.nu i would know nothing about distributed file systems and how to even contemplate thinking about designing such system. Library.nu will always be remember by me as the true factor responisible for any innovation i dare produce.

>> No.2408330

I'm trying to download from here: http://ebook30.com/study/law/36049/various-thoughts-on-the-occasion-of-a-comet.html

But I can't find the download link. Anyone have any idea?

>> No.2408332

There are no links.

>> No.2408368
File: 647 KB, 1280x1024, 1178922975997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck. This is baaaaad. I thought that they'd never touch library.nu, I mean it's fucking books, judging by our society, how many people fucking pirate books when compared to music or movies?
Well, it seems too many.
It seems like any forms of media must be strictly controlled and taxed.We must destroy "public domain", everything must be copyrighted and owned.
Pardon the sarcasm, and the apparent paranoia, but are we slowly sliding into some totalitarian state where everything is owned by entities rather than people?

So wait, it's totally fair for the education system to push students to buy the 24th edition of a text for 200$ (not far from a weekly paycheck) but it's a TERRIBLE CRIME for a student to access that text for free?
Fuck no, I chose civil disobedience and simply fucking with the system, because it's against my morality to agree to some inhumane market principles.

Brb, building my OCR scanner rig. Fuck it, I'm gonna rent textbooks and scan them, then return them. If they can't stop being greedy, why should I pay with my lifeblood for it?
>pic related, glorious 2007

>> No.2408415

so.... while we're at it, does anyone want myanonamouse.net invites?
it doesn't compare on any level, but if you do....... lemme kno by leavin' a email.

>> No.2408416

The publishing industry seems like the music industry of the late 90s early 00s. Hopefully we'll get the same outcome and be able to purchase reasonably priced DRM-free ebooks.

>> No.2408419


>market principles

>education industry is regulated by State monopoly on licensing, market cornered for textbook publishers,captive market

Anywho fuck retail textbook prices, amazon uber alles

>> No.2408434

I'm a math grad student at a fairly good university outside of America (still ranks in top 40 of the world on various lists). Our library didn't have the amount of math books that library.nu had.

Library.nu had nearly everything related to Mathematics. The entire Springer Graduate and Undergraduate Series in Mathematics. Nearly the entire Springer library for Mathematics. Entire collections from MIT press, OUP, and other university presses.

It was the OiNK of books, insofar as it probably one of the most complete libraries around. Not only that, but math books cost a lot of money. Books that would've cost me $150 I could find for free. You could say that I could ask the university to order those books (and I did), but if you wanted a book right now to check on some arcane proof cited in a paper, you could do it.

>> No.2408553

I'm in if somebody wants to try to set up an alternate. I have tens of thousands of book files from twenty years of cooperative scanning. If anybody can get access to the files, we can see about setting something. up. at least the books could be available on request from a list. not the most efficient, but that could be done as a distributed thing. there'd be no way to know where the files were coming from.

>> No.2408586

what about torrent trackers?

>> No.2408614

>reading books in your computer
>buying used books for a couple of bucks
all day erry day

>> No.2408631

ebookee and torrents are full of books.
calibre handles just about every reader.
Buy the hardbound if you like the book, keep it on your shelf and be worldly as fuck while getting more insulation for your house.

>> No.2408634

Torrents arent great with less than popular stuff, stuff that people wont seed or downlad and that pretty much makes it contrary to the prinicpal of libraries

>> No.2408639

dukeraoul Mathematics of Uncertainty - Ideas, Methods, Application Problems; Hans-Walter Bandemer (Springer, 2006).pdf ::INFO:: 4.36 MiB
!ubbahubba Bronshtein - Handbook of Mathematics 5e (Springer, 2007) (pdf).rar ::INFO:: 11.10 MiB
!Zilnof Bridging the Gap to University Mathematics - M. Gould, E. Hurst (Springer, 2009) WW.pdf ::INFO:: 1.4MB
!Zilnof Bronshtein - Handbook of Mathematics 5e (Springer, 2007).pdf ::INFO:: 22.6MB
!Zilnof Comprehensive Mathematics for Computer Scientists 2nd ed [Vol 1] - G. Mazzola, et al., (Springer, 2006) WW.pdf ::INFO:: 3.7MB
!Zilnof Comprehensive Mathematics for Computer Scientists 2nd ed [Vol 2] - G. Mazzola, et al., (Springer, 2006) WW.pdf ::INFO:: 3.4MB
!Zilnof Philosophical Dimensions in Mathematics Education - K. Francois, et al., (Springer, 2007) WW.pdf ::INFO:: 2.3MB

IRC all day erry day

>> No.2408643

Ebookee links die rapidly due to take downs and torrents only have the most popular texts. We need something that can distribute and maintain a cohesive collection

>> No.2408648

Try a non springer text,

>> No.2408651

Brah try finding somethig obscure, like something from a decade ago

>> No.2408661

I was never on library.nu, wife only got me a kindle this christmas and i havent been at university since 2005. But I saw springer, and it was there, and way way more options.

Although I havent found an ebook of Way of the Serpent by torgny lindgren in english. I dont think that exists.

>> No.2408669


>I was never on library.nu

Stopped reading there. Your opinion is meaningless and irrelevant.

>> No.2408673

>And so then came the dark age when all the knowledge was once again concentrated in the hands of the few privileged.

To hell with the sulking. When the wall collapses to the enemy you fight them back and build a bigger, better wall. "In this year of the storm, the winners will build windmills and the losers will raise shelters. So flex your muscles, fellow pirates, and give power to us all! Build more sites! More nets! More protocols! Scream louder than ever and take it to the next level!"

>> No.2408684


>he thinks these are the type of math books I was talking about.

lol. Come back to me when IRC has extensive literature on combinatorial group theory, like library.nu did. Like say, Epstein's Word Processing in Groups.

>> No.2408798

time to fight back guys

>> No.2409027

Fuck this.

Which Third World Country shithole is the best for running a website like this?

>> No.2409037


Probably China or India.

>> No.2409175

>free access to knowledge
pick one

>> No.2409179

>The entire Springer Graduate
Did it? I'm sure there were some missing. Certainly their Springer Physics collection was full of holes.

>> No.2409184

torrentfreak dot com/book-publishers-shut-down-library-nu-and-ifile-it-120215/

>> No.2409398

I think we need an actual library. It should work just like a library, and I see know reason it should not be legal, if a book was originally bought or donated by someone, then there really shouldn't be aby legal obstacle to making it available to people even under copyright laws.

However, until the world all decide to do what i happen to think is reasonable, i propose we set up a book-dump. A word-hoard, as it were, made up of large files containing as many of the books we've downloaded and saved to our computers. They can be grouped by subject (math texts, fiction, medical, etc.) and those of us with lots of storage can make them available on rs or somewhere and keep them updated as we get more books, reuploaded as needed and requested.


>> No.2409405

Well, you got several 25+GB ebook torrents on public trackers, over 1TB easily.

>> No.2409406

well, it seems that if /lit/ could really menage to create something like library.nu we wouldn't really have to worry about not having enough material to start, there'd be plenty of people willing to share their collections
it could really become a huge project

people with technical knowledge of /lit/, make it happen

>> No.2409417

It needs to be hosted in a country like Russia.

>> No.2409425


I got maybe five terabytes of storage I can dedicate, though it's not serverized yet. Seems like I need to get on that. And we'd need fifty or so others to back up the compressed files in case of accident or legal problems, so the actual documents won't be lost.

I propose two things be done:

first, there needs to be a justifying rationale: this is being done to bring high-quality copies of books to underprivileged students, and third world people
we would accept donated books, but not money. .

Second, we would eventually have a downloadable application, not a webpage, that could access the library and automatically request the book wanted. sometimes it would be available immediately, sometimes it would have to be queued and put into availability. only people with the app would have access, though it would be easy to get, and since the books would be exchanged on a temporary, as needed basis, by a library, between people who were "friends" it would fit inside existing copyright laws, at least technically. This would have to wait for the future however.

The thing to do at the moment is to get access to the documents and begin cataloging and indexing them.

That's what I'm doing now.

>> No.2409427

You can't do anything "legally" without the permission of publishers. Maybe if we could get certified as a public library, but I think that's up to local governments.

>> No.2409428

This is pretty much my vision of it as well. Maybe also restrict it explicitly to factual works and works of "historical significance"?

>> No.2409431

They never said it would be legal, and of course it wouldn't -- consider it civil disobedience

>> No.2409435

Well if it's not legal, there's no use of justifying it or limiting access.

>> No.2409440


A legally owned copy of a document or work may be exchanged between individuals on a temporary basis, and a limited amount of copies may be made as back ups of the purchased copy. It's legal to give or lend them, or even to trade them with friends just as if they were physical objects, so long as money is not involved. If I buy a book I can let you read it, or trade it to you for one you have, and I can even retain a copy, for a limited time.
This is what has the publishers tearing their hair out. And any book printed before 1985 isn't protected from digital copies, either, anymore than vinyl records are.

It's never going to be totally legal, and if it is, it won't stay that way. If legality and logic were involved., there'd be a single public library website for the world, where all books ever written would be available for download free, just like theyre available physically through ILL and if they're at your library. This is the other thing that's causing freak outs at houghton mifflin: there's no logical reason not to do this.

>> No.2409444

What >>2409440 said.

Also there is a point: the moral high ground. I'm no moralist myself, but the more people it would convince to support it, the better.

>> No.2409448


The ostense of charity swerveth ire.

It is, basically, a non-proifit effort, intending to do good for the poor. If it appears legal, and that we have no evil, pirate-like intentions, we'll have more friends than if we're a secretive protest club that wants to bring down the system.

Helping educate the poor and disadvantaged is hard to argue with in the court of public opinion. Especially if we use donated copies, and strive to make available out-of-print media and to digitize real-world books, which I've been doing for twenty years for the gutenberg project and others.

>> No.2409455

"donate your digital used books for charity for the third world students!" I like it! maybe we can even give them a tax deduction, like Goodwill does?

>> No.2409476

Before we get too tied down in discussing the technicalities, can we do some practical stuff like getting some server space etc?

>> No.2409477

You do it.

>> No.2409480

Well, I was more thinking we could set up somewhere to donate money to, since with the money I have on hand I can buy an okay website but it's not going to have the capacity to host a site like this

>> No.2409482


I'm working on it. Got thirty thousand books already. all in big chunks. watch this board for further developments. I'm going to have questions. a
lot of 'em.

>> No.2409484

Oh, brilliant then, ignore me (>>2409480 here).

>> No.2409494

no, don't stop what you're doing. These things work better if we duplicate efforts as much as possible till something finally takes off and we can all start cooperating to promote it. Right now I have hardware, book files and good intentions. I don't know what I'll need in the future, or what obstacles I'll encounter. The best laid plans, etc.

>> No.2409523

can anyone shed some light what bibliotik[dot]org archives consist off? How do they compare to LNU?

I am not asking for an invite, just want to get an idea what to expect there.

>> No.2409798

Part 1

Some immediate thoughts on the structure for the new library.

Split up into an index/community website, and a database/distribution.

It should piggyback on an existing p2p framework to take advantage of existing means of more redundant distribution. The choice is between emule/edonkey network, and torrents. Like others above, I prefer emule for our purposes.

The database/distribution is emule and a swath of emule client users as was suggested earlier. It's easier to share files with that client: just keep a folder of books in the shared folder, and keep the client running with autostart, as opposed to making a torrent for every book. It is resilient enough to have survived for nearly a decade for p2p purposes. It has a built in search, so the average joe can have access to the database, and the database can still be accessed in the event the index is brought offline, like today.

>> No.2409801

Part 2

The index/community is a website that shares ed2k links, structured like LNU. A user joins. Publishes an ed2k link with metadata. Can access other's posted links.

Now suppose the hypothetical collection is 1000 books. This is split apart into packs of 10 books by the website/community. These numbers are arbitrary and for demo purposes. How packs are structured, randomly for instance(books 920-930 for instance), is left undetermined.

The website user agrees to store a pack or two or more on his computer. Or perhaps in data size: "We ask all users to store 1 gb or more of packs in their share folder." The index website hands out the pack assignments to ensure database availability. So, database continuity and availability is managed through collective goodwill at this index website.

Think Fahrenheit 451. Each user has a set of books to look after. Through the strength of many users, a library will exist and books will survive to be shared.

Index website continuity is a problem in that the index website can be shutdown, like the recent btjunkie, but that's a fact of life thing, and by basing the database on a resilient p2p network, it can survive the day to continue anew. Hosting the website in a good location will help, as will perhaps a method of distributing the index, like when it was observed recently that downloading the pirate bay would only be about 90 megabytes after they switched to magnet links.

The actual creation of such a website is beyond me, many apologies for just proposing something for others to do, I just present some ideas as a longtime users of p2p who has seen many index sites come and go.

>> No.2409803

Part 3

I point to tvunderground.org.ru as an example to look at of a longer running ed2k link site, but without the pack distribution thing for the book library concept.

Also, I recommend demonoid to you as a torrent place with ebook torrents and a good community. A good chunk of the books from my ereader are from there. There you will see the benefit of torrents, and why emule would be more practical for a librarynu replacement. Also, a torrent based book distribution system doesn't need to be created since it exists already at demonoid.

Getting on emule to share books even without the index website is another idea, since it is still usable with its search, we just wouldn't have the library nu like front end or the attempt at a more reliable database that I proposed in this post.


>> No.2409827

i understand what you say about emule but the good thing of library.nu was the possibility of direct download
relying on emule is not safe. you can't say if people will actually have it open all the time. actually, it won't happen, i assure you. and what about more obscure works? obscure books won't be kept in share for long. if you get it right away it's good but it'll eventually disappear from the network

>> No.2409864


Hence the system described in part 2. I am not suggesting emule alone, but emule in conjunction with a community driven website that distributes file storage amongst its userbase.

Of course, creating that website and community would be the hard thing that has to be done.

>> No.2409888

Any decentralized solution will be shitty and unreliable. The only sane way to do this is a Tor hidden service. CP archives have been running safely there for years, so copyright infringement won't be a problem.

I'd set it up myself if I could pay for a server.

>> No.2409889
File: 43 KB, 520x382, 1319027777418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1st world problems. Here in Russia we have a site (a lot of them, actually) where you can download ANY book in any format.

>> No.2409892


>> No.2409894


>> No.2409897

what happens when everyone figures out they can download any book they want for free? there won't be any new books.

>> No.2409905


In Soviet Russia, Book (in any format) downloads you.

>> No.2409909
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>> No.2409911

>Any decentralized solution will be shitty and unreliable. The only sane way to do this is a Tor hidden service.

I doubt one could effectively run a Tor hidden service for a website with as heavy a traffic flow as the likes of Library.nu.

>> No.2409915
File: 896 KB, 742x782, 465758677.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> implying that anything important hasn't already been written (way better) and anybody else will have anything valid to contribute.

fuck you. why? because fuck you.

>> No.2409916

why not?

>> No.2409920

Wow! Look at all these books!

Поиск книг

Ищем: Дэвид Юм

Найденные писатели:
Дэвид Юм (1 книга)
Найденные книги:
Дэвид Юм. Его жизнь и философская деятельность - М В Сабинина
Исследование о человеческом разумении Дэвида Юма. - Вильям Георг Александровски

>> No.2409921

i'm willing to learn a bit of russian if this place truly can work as lib.nu substitute

>> No.2409923
File: 25 KB, 200x200, dontyousay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>ANY book in any format
bullshit ruskie
>implying the number of books in rus is even comparable to books in eng

>> No.2409931

whatever. it has all the Ayn Rand's stuff in Russian anyway

>> No.2409940

quiet you. adults are speaking

>> No.2409944

Wow, the scholarly community is set!

>> No.2410095

Oh you.

>> No.2410110


Oh crap! The feds are trying to force me away from my computer and into an ACTUAL BOOKSTORE again! I hate going out in public!

Grr! Those feds! Always trying to make me go outside!


What? No, I've never made a website. No, I've never actually done any database programming either. Hell, I still can barely type!

Oh, and by "WE" I mean "you" make that website. Ya. Go do that. I'll sip on my soda and refuse to go outside more.

>> No.2410158

Because bookstores have a lot of academic monographs.

>> No.2410183
File: 257 KB, 988x741, teen-paranormal-romance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't lose faith in the book store!

>> No.2410186

personally i hate ebooks. i despise the idea of not having paper between my hands, it's just not the same (in b4 any discussion about this, not trying to start one) but thanks to library.nu i was able to read stuff completely unavailable for me, as tons of other people did
it really is a shame it got shut down, it was a remarkable project and if something similiar will eventually be created i can't but applaud it. as you should too, asshat.

>> No.2410190
File: 167 KB, 600x640, lit hobos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2410198

Basically the situation for me, and it's why I never downloaded or even looked for fiction on library.nu. Virtually all the books I downloaded from there were monographs, mainly on history but on a few other subjects too.

>> No.2410202


did you keep them? we're going to need to start putting the collection back together unless someone has access to the original files.

>> No.2410206

Yes, I've kept them. I'm saving them for whenever a new site gets made.

>> No.2410344


I'm doing a test on getting my books into 1 gig packages and uploading them. I made a random 7zip file of epubs and uploaded it on depositfiles. Is it still against the rules to post download links on this board?

>> No.2410394

Well, it's not listed in the official rules...

Are the 1GB packs grouped by subject or what? (And thanks, by the way.)

>> No.2410411

You get banned if you try to post the wrong site links. Easiest thing to do is put them in a pastebin.

>> No.2410426

>tfw that domain has been seized by the US Gov.

>> No.2410459


I'm going to group them by subject and the fiction by author. this one is just a test. It's a bunch of random novels and popular books that I added together to make 1 gig. What I'm going to try to do is get as many of the files that people need to be available and pack them in these packs so that when we get a site or a method of keeping a library going, all the books will be available, and if it gets taken down the raw material to re upload and start it again will be in a lot of different hands, so it can reappear very quickly.

This one on depositfiles took three hours at my upload speed. it would be nice if there were a quicker way, but the time consuming thing will be organizing and indexing. suggestions for that are solicited, as well as faster hosting.

I'm going to try to post the link.

the password is "wombat"


>> No.2410665


127 books in epub format. a lot of cookbooks, classics, novels, science fiction, fairy tales. no science books to speak of. some good stuff though.

>> No.2411049

I'll have to pass, since I have a bandwidth limit here so I can only really "afford" to download it if it's relevant to my interests. I'll be following this though.

>> No.2411891


fair enough. what are your interests and I'll tailor the next packet accordingly.

>> No.2411937

Well, there is a growing community on http://librarypirate.me
Their idea is great, I predict great things for this.

>> No.2412023

Anything to do with history would be great, I'm not too picky. Thanks for doing this...

>> No.2412028


No trouble. Got tons of history. watch this thread.

>> No.2412106
File: 227 KB, 1280x922, librarypirate signup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Well, there is a growing community on http://librarypirate.me
>Their idea is great, I predict great things for this.

Having trouble signing up. There is no fucking picture of a A Hot-Air Balloon.

>> No.2412169


pass not working! halp!!

>> No.2412663

should be


lower case, without quotes or anything. Next time, no password.

>> No.2412913
File: 64 KB, 452x425, gaston.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2413298

if you guys are interested in books in spanish:


>> No.2413325


Going to take longer than I thought. Books are arranged by author and title, so I'm having to go individually through the folders. Got a hundred megs so far, but won't get finished tonight. If this thread dies, I'll start another one.

>> No.2413347

im trying to connect to undernet and it keeps timing out, plz tell me what im doing wrong :I