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/lit/ - Literature

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2399087 No.2399087 [Reply] [Original]

Give me a single good reason as to why you don't know Latin, /lit/.

It being classified as a "dead language" is not a good reason.

>> No.2399091

im currently on french

ill get to latin

>> No.2399092
File: 111 KB, 600x600, you'llnever.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm too much of a fool to learn a second language. I opened up a learn Latin book and all this talk of declensions and conjugations and dipthongs and oh god what was I reading.

>> No.2399093

I don't know latin because i've never tried to know it.

>> No.2399094

>It being classified as a "dead language" is not a good reason.

Yes, it is.

>> No.2399096

I wasn't really "fluent", but there was a time when I could read it pretty well. Then I grew up and discovered the real world.

>> No.2399100

Learning Latin ipso facto has value, which should be especially apparent on a board for literature, which has little utility but still valuable quid pro quo.

>> No.2399105

I already speak a second language, one that isn't, you know, DEAD.
Besides, I can't foresee any situation in which Latin will be useful, all it is good for is coming off as pretentious, and understanding the scientific names of plants.

Let's put it this way:
Give me a single good reason as to why you don't know Greek, OP.

>> No.2399110
File: 22 KB, 220x322, 220px-Vulgata.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Give me a single good reason as to why you don't know Greek, OP.

>implying I haven't been studying Attic
>implying Greek had 1/10th the significance of Latin for Western Culture

>> No.2399126

Have fun coming off as a pretentious douche bag with your useless dead languages.

In all seriousness, I'm glad that you have the ability and desire to learn these languages, I believe that languages should be preserved so they don't die. It really can come off as pretentious, though. Be careful.

I guess my speaking Japanese can come off as weaboo-ish, too.

>> No.2399129

1) All Latin literature is translated.
2) I'm not even that interested in Latin literature outside of major canon stuff
3) It's a huge time commitment for such a small reward
4) Other Romance languages are far more useful and have more extensive literatures
5) Because I haven't gotten around to it yet

>> No.2399151

>It being classified as a "dead language" is not a good reason.
That's actually an excellent reason.

>> No.2399154

Vatican II

>> No.2399158
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>all it is good for is coming off as pretentious, and understanding the scientific names of plants.

or, you know, understanding medical or legal ideas expressed succinctly in latin. but who would want to be a lawyer or an MD? not very lucrative.

>> No.2399162

It's fun for etymology, but I purposely stopped knowing how to speak it. Personally, I find it awkward and ugly to speak.

>> No.2399183

Translation in prose = absurd/impossible.

>> No.2399199

>or, you know, understanding medical or legal ideas expressed succinctly in latin.

Yeah who needs a law degree or an m.d. when you speak Latin. Kill yourself.

>> No.2399212

It's not a very pretty language to me. I love etymology, though, so it's fun to find the latin origins for things.

>> No.2399213

I have my next class on Tuesday actually, currently in part two of a four part course ending in September, at which point we'll apparently be translating sections of Virgil. We're using the Cambridge text until then.

The teacher is fucking awesome and it's a beautiful language. I guess it helps that I'm planning on a History/Classics major, so it's sort of up my alley to begin with, but I would recommend it to anybody with an interest in classical cultures.

There was a time when Latin was schoolboy shit, the lingua franca of academia in Europe, a universal language of scholars. Though someone in my class told me a saying, "Latin is for boys, Greek is for men", so I'm hoping to tackle Attic within the year. I can only imagine that's going to be ten times harder. Greek looks daunting.

>> No.2399218

Don't fret, Latin will help in that regard. The only thing more difficult about it is that it uses a different alphabet.

>> No.2399234

Ignorantfag detected. Ancient Greek grammar/syntax is tons harder than Latin. Let alone the fact you'll be having a hard time learning vocabulary if English is your first language. There may be some Greek words also used in English but that will hardly help.

Also, Latin is the key to most European languages. You can learn Italian, Spanish, French and Romanian in 6 months each, maybe less if you know Latin.

>> No.2399239

I actually took four years of Latin. The courses were tailored more towards translation and composition though. Very few people outside of the clergy actually speak Latin.

>> No.2399244
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>knows one foreign language

>> No.2399247

You don't need to be fluent, you just need to understand the terms and some basic roots and words.

>> No.2399249

It's better than a lot of other Americans.

>> No.2399250

I only know english and i'm proud of it.

>> No.2399256

Proud of being dumb?

>> No.2399257

Proud that other people are forced to speak MY LANGUAGE if they want to deal with me.

It's called POWER and it feels pretty good.

>> No.2399260

You do kind of have a point there.

>> No.2399261

Sounds like you're a little upset about being proud of being dumb.

>> No.2399262

Dumb? Einstein was said to only know English, and he's the smartest person of all time.

>> No.2399264 [DELETED] 


>> No.2399268

Alter the way we view the laws of the universe and maybe knowing only one language won't make you seem dumb.

>> No.2399269

>not plebeians themselves

Scio te nihil scire.

>> No.2399270
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Latina lingua hominis callidi est.

If you want to thoroughly understand language, you must learn Latin.

>> No.2399272

I've got real work to do.

>> No.2399273

I know Spanish, French, and Italian.
Thats as Latin I'm going to get.

>> No.2399274
File: 95 KB, 298x286, wait a sec.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Joke's on you, that German physicist knew math too.

>> No.2399276

If you want to understand western language.
I speak Japanese, and I can tell you that Japanese does not have any roots in Latin whatsoever.

>> No.2399281

Not necessary. Any language with declensions, tenses, conjugations, idioms etc will do.

Latin just happens to be the father of western languages.

>> No.2399288
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>be in first year university
>enrol in Latin 1000
>there is only 1 section and it meets 10 minutes after a lab that is mandatory for my program
>first week of classes!
>lab requires me to wear steel-toed boots
>lab is at the furthest possible point on campus from the Latin classrom and always runs overtime
>there is a quiz every week at the beginning of Latin class
>the Latin instructor is a temperamental bitch who locks the door at the beginning of class in order to prevent latecomers from entering during the quiz
mfw I sprint across campus with steels on every week in vain, missing every quiz and eventually dropping the course

>> No.2399292

>not wearing steel toe shoes all day long

srsly get on my level

>> No.2399297

I really wanna get into learning a new language, but resources have been stretched thin as of late. What method would lit recommend I go about doing this? Simply picking up a textbook seems...daunting to say the least

>> No.2399298

People called Romanes they go the house?

>> No.2399299

I'm a somewhat tiny girl with not much muscle due to a sedentary lifestyle. I have no interest in wearing 4-lb shoes everywhere considering I already carry a backpack that weighs a quarter of what I do.

>> No.2399300


>> No.2399301

move to a country that speaks it

>> No.2399307
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because when i was learning it i mostly spent the time looking up perverted phrases.

>> No.2399315

Because whether I learn it or not, it will not make my existence any better. Therefore it is meaningless.

>> No.2399317


Atque tunc omnes futuunt. Finis.

>> No.2399323

If you're learning Latin, and going to get a textbook, get a good series like Cambridge or Wheelock and stick to it. That's really all there is to it. A class just helps because the professor knows all the little pitfalls you're inevitably going to have, and it sets a mandatory pace for you to study at. I would recommend not trying to blaze ahead, but doing a chapter a week or so, rereading, drilling and testing yourself on the chapter and reading materials repeatedly.

But really, the best thing you can do is just sign up for a course. Stay the fuck away from Rosetta Stone and audiobook methods like Pimsleur unless you're going for immersion in the language.

Can we do it

>> No.2399336
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>> No.2399338


>> No.2399342


u mad bro?

>> No.2399456


I know Latin. So give me one good reason you don't know Attic Greek.

>> No.2399471

I'm french. We use most of its words anyway. Why bother learning the ones I obviously don't need.

>> No.2399479

because the one guy i know who says it's a good idea is this horrible prick who Doesn't Play Video Games, which is the '10s equivalent of Not Owning A TV, and he's a big fat crazy fuck with a curlyfro and that's like a straight up schizophrenia indicator and he soured me on that shit, which is good, because the way i was headed i was all set to become a fucking loonball like him

that is my story

>> No.2399482 [DELETED] 


for this guy imagine ignatius j reilly if ignatius j reilly was a fucking goon or some shit

>> No.2399483


for this curlyfro guy, imagine ignatius j reilly if ignatius j reilly was a fucking goon or some shit

>> No.2399510

Well of course, he was german, which means english was a foreign language to him. And there was no point in learning any other language, seeing as most of the literature on math and physics were written in german at that time.

>> No.2399512

>he doesn't play video games
Me neither.
Not because I'm opposed to them. I just have very little interest in them these days.

>> No.2399526


he plays them and is morally opposed to them

he's got fucking rats in his skull

>> No.2399539

>the '10s equivalent of Not Owning A TV
Bit if that's the norm now, then will not playing video games and knowing Latin be the norm in ten years? That guy's just ahead of of the curve.

>> No.2399545

Because Latin is too much of a goddamn hassle to learn. I'd rather learn German or Spanish.

>> No.2399551


>understanding medical or legal ideas expressed succinctly in latin

wow, sure is tard in this thread

>> No.2399555
File: 39 KB, 500x272, redberet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never have had to.

I speak English and French and I have never felt the need (or had the need) to extend my parameters beyond that point. There are many of the most relevant examples of literature in those two languages; more than I'll ever need. Time would be wasted learning it when I can read literature from already 'beautiful' languages. I pity OP for being elitist about something he might regret.

>> No.2399561


if that guy's ahead of the curve it's time to stockpile guns, ammo, and haloperidol

>> No.2399562
File: 39 KB, 500x272, redberet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never have had to.

I speak English and French and I have never felt the need (or had the need) to extend my parameters beyond that point. There are many of the most relevant examples of literature in those two languages; more than I'll ever need. Time would be wasted learning it when I can read literature from already 'beautiful' languages. I pity OP for being elitist about something he might regret.

>> No.2399565

Post it once more, you know you want to.

>> No.2399567
File: 67 KB, 444x667, rr5555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm hungover and kept putting my trip in the Subject box, lay off anon.

>> No.2399571

Disregard that, I suck cocks.

>> No.2399572


You are not the real Young. W.H Sebseb

>> No.2399582
File: 16 KB, 376x260, 1318868018507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat feel when Latin is being replaced by English in scientific names

>> No.2399584

What about Quark?

>> No.2399602


>Proud that other people are forced to speak MY LANGUAGE if they want to deal with me.
>It's called POWER and it feels pretty good.

Actually, power seems more like speaking more languages and BEING ABLE to speak to more people I want or read more of what I want.

What you have is being subject to other peoples power.

>> No.2399718


>Implying Latin is nearly as significant as the Septuagint, the New Testament, Homer, the dramatists, Plato, Aristotle & most of the early Church writings.

>> No.2399725


Wut. You actually think a nonsense word from Joyce is a Latin word? GTFO.

>> No.2399726

It's a German word for cheese, you dolt.

>> No.2399734


Quark is a cheese spread, you can't have "three quarks". It isn't where Joyce got the word. You're a fucking moron.

>> No.2399738

Like that matters. It is totally where Joyce got the word. Have you been reading FW like a pleb?

>> No.2399740

um we all know latin fucktard


there is latin in everything it was not fucking recorded so to call it dead is to agree that we cannot be sure how it was spoken....

fuckin get more education bruh. try this one

LATIN EDUCATION AT WORK (never took latin)



>> No.2399741


really guys, joyce? what is this undergrad

do u remember that FW was dictated???????? check it

>> No.2399743

Dead language, why is this not a good reason?
Its the same reason why I don't know Elvish

>> No.2399747

>not knowing elvish
>dem dulcet tones, dem liv tyler lips

Wish i knew elvish man wtf

>> No.2399748

Because I'm pleased with knowing French.

Latin isn't on the to do list.

>> No.2399751

Do you even know about the intricate multilingual card indexing system for words, their etymologies, and their aural relations?

>> No.2399753


You are incomprehensibly stupid. It is like you just discovered quark the food and can't let it go, because you thought you were smart.

>> No.2399758

You all realise that joyce lived in Austria-Hungary and Switzerland, right? That he was multilingual? It's not like he wrote quawk or kwalk, he deliberately used the same spelling as a kind of cheese he'd have been familiar with.

/lit/'s slipping.

>> No.2399761


Not recognizing the multifaceted power of language is pretty pathetic.


>> No.2399763

let's put it this way

>> No.2399771

Because I spend my time masturbating and telling people how to live the good life, often simultaneously, all the while being fluent in ancient greek.

>> No.2399963

i've recently finished my first year in university at literary studies, this year i'll have to learn latin.

it'll be cash fo sure'

>> No.2399974

Nature and nurture dictate everything that is meaningful in life. The self has no autonomous control. Latin has not been presented in my cultural milieu.

>> No.2399978

new generations always l've longer than the previous, which means it is the role of the educator to present information from past lives in a the most concise way whilst losing as little of the content as possible. learning Latin would be a waste of time.

>> No.2399984

well OP how can a man really know himself, let alone "know" an entire language? your question is vague and unanswerable.
also what were you expecting? some validation for your choice to take classical studies?

>> No.2399997

Oh, look, a determinist. How darling!

>> No.2399999
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Latin was good enough for this guy.

>> No.2400018

oh and I suppose you agree with the existentialists. You can do anything!! ... just you keep believing that.....

>> No.2400023

what I said wasn't anything to do with determinism. oh and also, i said this >>2400018

>> No.2400029


>Latin has not been presented in my cultural milieu.

Same here. I come from a poor family and there were no oppurtunities for this. It wasn't even on the radar. I have time to learn now, but frankly, I just can't be bothered. I don't see it as an enjoyable thing to do.

>> No.2400180

My family is below the poverty line. Below the line halfway down from poverty to nothing, too. I study Latin, as part of a quadruple major. No excuses.

>> No.2400191

I could never have the patience to learn a new language.

>> No.2400197


>> No.2400216

It being a dead language is a good reason. Why learn a language you can't speak with people? Learning languages is an investment of time.

>> No.2400219

Latinam mihi doceo

>> No.2400231
File: 37 KB, 627x646, 1328329100758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, I don't know Latin because I'm not very knowledgeable about a lot of things, though I would most certainly like to learn Latin. I find it very very easy to understand it already, I know a bunch of words here and there and it's easy for me to track meanings from the similarities with a good percentage of getting it right.

>> No.2400282

You know what else is an investment of time? Literature. You know what else doesn't have express utility? Literature.

>> No.2400287

hahaha, top form, top form.

>> No.2400303

I took Latin in high school because I wasn't poor.

>> No.2400316

Learned Latin in school. Never used it for 10 years. Now I don't know anything anymore. Don't see a reason why I should learn it again. Immerhin kann ich Deutsch, die einzig wahre Weltsprache.

>> No.2400323

Germanic languages really are for schwein.

>> No.2400331

>Germanic languages really are for Schweine.
Now it is right.

>> No.2400349

Give me a single good reason as to why you don't know Ebonics, /lit/.

It being classified as a "retard gibberish language" is not a good reason.

>> No.2400485

nigga don' you try an tell me i don' know no ebonics i took like fo' years a dat shit in high school

>> No.2400489
File: 3 KB, 409x259, rage 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Latin is a dead language
As dead as it can be
First it killed the Romans
And now it's killing me!

>> No.2400500

Give me a single good reason as to why you don't know Furfag, /lit/.

It being classified as "my daddy yiffed me" is not a good reason.

>> No.2400513

I know how to pronounce Latin, though I do a shitty job of understanding and translating it.

'Silva' is pronounced 'sil-wah'

'Dulce' is pronounced 'Dul-keh'

And other things that aren't really important but help make me feel smart.

Veni, Vidi, Vapulavi

For a plebeian am I.

>> No.2400628

but you don't know how to pronounce it if you don't know which syllable to accent.

>> No.2400639


>> No.2400655

>Veni, Vidi, Vapulavi
does that mean 'i came, i saw, i vaporized'? because, for some reason, i can't picture caesar saying that

>> No.2400672

latin isn't supposed to be spoken.

>> No.2400685

actually if you start paying attention you'll find a lot time the unknown word in captcha's are latin.

i always go ahead and type the latin out, to preserve the integrity of ancient texts being transferred to digital form, but for all the normal english words i always type 'nignog'.

like this particular captcha is:

"vascres Focus."

but im going to type

"vascres nignog."

but I had one just earlier that was 'nsocouu Pacem'

>> No.2400689

well Mr. Keil at New York City Public High School would disagree.

>> No.2400695

as would this man

>> No.2400799
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>> No.2400815


Nigger, there are entire universities that do living classics.

>> No.2400819
File: 1.09 MB, 270x150, wrong.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be in latin class
>several months into it
>people still pronouncing v improperly
>people still struggling with basic stress and accent
>my teacher's face when

I wish, anyway

>> No.2400865


Did you honestly just pop that into Google Translate and call it a day? It's an old joke phrase from when I studied Latin.

Just Google it.

>> No.2400876

wow, no. i didn't do that at all. im not going to google it either it's stupid whatever it is, sorry for feigning interest.

>> No.2400885


Okay. Sorry for rustling your jimmies.

>> No.2400898
File: 59 KB, 407x435, ladysovohu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's got fucking rats in his skull
You sir are fucking awesome.

>> No.2400907

Latin is a dead language
And I'm not a /sci/entist