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/lit/ - Literature

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2398467 No.2398467 [Reply] [Original]

How do you feel about the Song Of Ice and Fire series, /lit/?

>> No.2398506

>How do you feel
Another day, another intellectual thread on /lit/.

>> No.2398529

I think the capitalization of the 'o' in 'of' was unnecessary

>> No.2398585


How is /lit/ so insightful?

>> No.2398606

a game of thrones was awesome, as exciting as the show. I'm saving the next book for after the second season. Judge not lest ye be judged?

>> No.2398620

Love it. It's really fucking depressing, but at the same time exciting and well-written.

I know a lot of people bitch about the feasting scenes, but I happen to enjoy them. Unborn puppy for everyone!

>> No.2398627

This is a board for literature.

>> No.2398643


You are aware of that the tv show is based on a book series, right? Lurk more.

>> No.2398650

I regret reading them and not going the audio book route. perfect series for audio book format.

>> No.2398659

holy shit, why do these fucking plebeians come on to this board as if they know shit.

books =/= literature you dumb ignorant bitch

go to fucking /tv/ if you want to discuss this crap

this is officially a Tao Lin thread

>> No.2398667
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>> No.2398669
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Too easy.

>> No.2398691

This is a board for literature.

>> No.2398710


What qualifies something as literature?

>> No.2398713
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This is now an L Ron Hubbard thread.

>> No.2398725
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If its prose isn't overly artsy, it's not literature

This is what /lit/ actually believes

>> No.2398812
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>> No.2399098
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Disregard troll, continue to talk about your interests.

>> No.2399231
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No books except hardcore philosophical non-fiction are considered "literature" by /lit/.

God forbid someone tries to talk about science fiction outside of the Big Three authors, or high fantasy series that happen to have elvish races [which Ice and Fire does not...].

Elitist shit, basically. There's nowhere else to discuss other books, so don't feel bad for posting it here.

Personally, I love the series in its broad world, both of characters and places. The world in Game of Thrones is only a quarter of the world that makes up Easteros, Westeros, and Old Valyria/beyond the Wall. I also enjoy how each chapter is from the point of view of different characters, and how most of the characters aren't purely "good" or "evil" in the sense of the high fantasy word. There are some honorable ones, and some horribly disgusting ones as well.

I'm not saying it's the best series ever written nor classic "literature" by the accurate definition. But it's entertaining and offers escape from my mundane life, so I enjoy it plenty. Not to mention the switch in POV has been an inspiration to my writings as well, an exercise to help me not disassociate from any of my important characters.

>> No.2399243

Not literature.