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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 45 KB, 417x331, how.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2395489 No.2395489 [Reply] [Original]

Bad news, people:

Watching Fight Club does not make you a Philosopher.
Purchasing a guitar does not make you a musician.
Reading Kafka does not make you a literati.
Going to college does not make you a scholar.
Owning a skateboard does not make you an athlete.
Owning a jersey does not mean you are on the team.
Having a full address book does not mean you have friends.
Knowing a large volume of facts does not mean you are intelligent.
Getting laid does not mean you have life experience.
You are not a more popular person for wearing designer clothes.
You are not an important, creative individual for refusing to do so.
You are not a charity case because you have suffered.
You are not stable or healthy because you have not.
Listening to Mozart and rejecting My Chemical Romance does not mean you are cultured.
Watching Quentin Tarantino and not Michael Bay does not mean you are cultured.
Painting a picture instead of playing a videogame does not mean you are cultured.
Reading the book before you see the movie does not mean you are cultured.
Going to Church does not make you Religious.
Not going to Church does not make you spiritual.
Having an opinion does not mean you cannot be wrong.
Being right does not mean anyone cares.
Reciting MadTV and Dane Cook does not mean you are funny.
Not finding these things funny does not mean you have a sense of humour.
Poor artists are not automatically better than successful ones.
Technically skilled artists are not automatically good ones.
Memetics is not the study of jokes on the internet.
No one is impressed that you watch anime in subtitled Japanese.
No one is impressed that you won't watch anime.
No one is impressed that you have a date tonight.
No one is impressed that you have a car.
No one is impressed that you have a job.
No one is impressed that you pay the bills all by yourself.
No one is impressed that you're older, and no one thinks you wiser.

>> No.2395495


>> No.2395493

literally no one on /lit/ does these things, get out

>> No.2395496
File: 17 KB, 300x300, 1327924625815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doing drugs doesn't make you a badass.
Stealing doesn't make you a badass.
Speaking out against authority doesn't make you a badass.
Fighting the system doesn't make you a badass.
Voting Democrat does not mean you are forward-thinking.
Voting Republican does not mean you're willing to stand on principle despite your peers.
You aren't clever because your T-Shirt is.
You aren't clever because you know more about the scene.
You aren't clever because you crack wise about politicians and talking heads.
Using a Mac doesn't make you creative.
Using Linux doesn't make you productive.
Using Firefox doesn't make you computer savvy.
Arguing about videogames is not important.
Arguing about politics is no more important than arguing about videogames.
Making your computer, your car, your stereo, or anything else you own bigger, faster, or better does not make your dick larger.
Your dick isn't as large as you think it is.
You're not a better person for being tolerant and compassionate.

Your suggestion is duly noted, and it will be ignored.
You're totally irrelevant in the grand scheme of things.
The grand scheme of things is totally irrelevant.
I just thought you ought to know.

Oh and by the way; You're not a real writer.

>> No.2395501

go away you, you're an annoying one

>> No.2395510

>Arguing about politics is no more important than arguing about videogames.
Only thing I would disagree with. A well-formulated political discussion is worth golden. It may even change the shape of politics to come. Hell, it probably has many times.

Other than that, well said. Not /lit/erature though, so I am kindly saging your thread.

>> No.2395512


I don't understand the purpose of this. Please explain.

>> No.2395519

He thinks he's better than us and wants us to acknowledge his superiority on a message board on the internet

>> No.2395521
File: 41 KB, 300x431, 4644995475_6b73686127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you guys rather discuss Sasha Grey? <(^_^)>

It's pretty self-explanatory already.

>> No.2395522

Get out of /jp/

>> No.2395526

Knowing these things does not prevent you from doing them

>> No.2395529
File: 15 KB, 345x312, 1326730982210.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't go to /jp/ anymore, bro.

I moved here pretty much because I like spending time with all the lovely people here on this board, plus I read a lot.

>> No.2395543
File: 19 KB, 477x356, spiderman_hands.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Introducing multi-troll

>> No.2395546

The second hand embarrassment I'm feeling. I cringe at the thought of anyone older than 11 thinking this is insightful.

>> No.2395556

Why are tripfags the worst posters? I swear I don't think I've seen a good tripfag in my life.

>> No.2395563

>I agree with:
Watching Fight Club does not make you a Philosopher.
Purchasing a guitar does not make you a musician.
Reading Kafka does not make you a literati.
Owning a skateboard does not make you an athlete.
Owning a jersey does not mean you are on the team.
Having a full address book does not mean you have friends.
>Knowing a large volume of facts does not mean you are intelligent.
You are not an important, creative individual for refusing to do so.
You are not a charity case because you have suffered.
You are not stable or healthy because you have not.
Listening to Mozart and rejecting My Chemical Romance does not mean you are cultured.
Watching Quentin Tarantino and not Michael Bay does not mean you are cultured.
Painting a picture instead of playing a videogame does not mean you are cultured.
Not going to Church does not make you spiritual.
Having an opinion does not mean you cannot be wrong.
Being right does not mean anyone cares.
Reciting MadTV and Dane Cook does not mean you are funny.
Not finding these things funny does not mean you have a sense of humour.
Poor artists are not automatically better than successful ones.
Technically skilled artists are not automatically good ones.
No one is impressed that you watch anime in subtitled Japanese.
No one is impressed that you won't watch anime.
No one is impressed that you're older, and no one thinks you wiser.
>I don't agree with:
Going to college does not make you a scholar.
Getting laid does not mean you have life experience.
You are not a more popular person for wearing designer clothes.
Going to Church does not make you Religious.
Reading the book before you see the movie does not mean you are cultured.
Memetics is not the study of jokes on the internet.
No one is impressed that you have a date tonight.
No one is impressed that you have a job.
No one is impressed that you have a car.
No one is impressed that you pay the bills all by yourself.

>> No.2395566
File: 71 KB, 500x500, get out of jp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2395583
File: 10 KB, 365x175, hikki.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2395635

>implying you're witty and smart for posting this shit
>implying getting laid isnt a life experience
>implying you're not projecting your own insecurities on others
>mfw i have no face

>> No.2395903

It's to remind you that some people are absolute cynics who see everything in black and white.
You're either the best at something or a failure at life. No such thing as middle ground, no such thing as progress.

>> No.2395912


>> No.2395914

mediocrity is overrated.

>> No.2395928

op i really think your gay
i hope you don't have kids one day
castrate yourself and you will spare
the world, your seed to have to bear.

>> No.2395936

That is because it's everywhere. It's a phase between being shitty at something and mastering it.

>> No.2395944
File: 163 KB, 678x840, 5213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having a family is the worst curse you can dream of. It is not a worth investment. It's worse than having the mafia lend you money and losing it.

We the ones who do not want a 3DPD family are the pinnacle of evolution. We have accepted and embraced the truth.

>> No.2395958

i do not care if you are or aren't any of those things or if you believe them or aspire to them, it makes no difference to me. just please, PLEASE, do not annoy the fuck out of me like my nignog roommate. all fucking day whistling as loud as possible, watching the TV at max volume, "Hold on playa" everytime I turn around, inviting his dumbass slut girlfriend over who impossibly annoys me even more than he does and on and on.

>> No.2395965

I was going to go through all of these and shit on each on individually, but this is obv copypasta from some other site.

I make more money than you.

>> No.2395966


>pinnacle of evolution

Obvious nihilist troll?

Evolution favours those who breed. You seem to have a good grasp on how ultimately irrelevant you are but you have no grasp on how to do something valuable with this realisation.

My suggestion to you is speed up the process of self-defeatism and kill yourself. The sooner your genome is gone, the better.

>> No.2395975

Having children is just a last futile attempt to evade death. Having children is just a burden on your only life. Don't waste it.

>> No.2395982


Having children is also imposing an unfair burden on someone else. Namely life.

>> No.2395983

You are, without a doubt, the most boring and annoying tripfag around. You never say anything original, you're just a whining dropout who tries to impress 17-year old newfags. Now, THAT is bad news.

>> No.2395998 [DELETED] 
File: 60 KB, 322x320, 1326238640492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, I too remember when people still talked about oldfags and newfags. It was only like 4 years ago.
Also I am, without a doubt, the most entertainint and unique tripbro around. Everything I say is original. So shut the fuck up.

>> No.2396004
File: 60 KB, 322x320, 1326238640492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, I too remember when people still talked about oldfags and newfags. It was only like 4 years ago.
Also I am, without a doubt, the most entertaining and unique tripbro around. Everything I say is original. So shut the fuck up, or DDoS.

>> No.2396008

And OP is no exception.

>> No.2396010

Bad news OP

These facts may be meta

But knowing all of this doesn't make you any better than us.

>> No.2396014

>hey everybody look at me! i'm an attention whore who uses internet fame to make up for being a failure in life!

>> No.2396029
File: 16 KB, 250x250, david-foster-wallace6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Internet fame? What are you talking about, bro?

>> No.2396031
File: 388 KB, 771x577, 00dafuq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2396032


lol, I like how he objected to the internet fame part, but not about being a failure.

>> No.2396040

And being written doesn't make it lit-related.
Now get out, please. And never come back again.

>> No.2396047

>measuring personal worth in dick size

This is where all your credibility went to shit, faggot.

>> No.2396059

>You are not stable or healthy because you have not.

Excuse my ignorance, but would someone mind explaining this?

>> No.2396071

Bad news, OP. You're a jackass and a hipster.

>> No.2396072
File: 29 KB, 396x317, david2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Look, bro, you really need to calm down. Read a fucking book, or something. You must be someone from /jp/ that's really mad at me? Huh? If not then you have some serious problems with your perceptual skills, because I'm not any of those things you described.

>> No.2396137

its like you oculdnt be more hip

>> No.2396175

If you post in this thread, at least have the decency to sage.