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2393627 No.2393627 [Reply] [Original]

ok /lit/'s writers

who is your muse?
if you don't have one already who would it be?

just thought this was an interesting question I saw getting brought up on here and thought it deserved its own thread.

>> No.2393633

fuck sake, you just read the word muse in the other thread and thought you'd show off the new word you just learned.

>> No.2393631

you still haven't explained wtf a muse is

>> No.2393639
File: 23 KB, 778x118, Screen Shot 2012-02-10 at 12.24.25 am.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does someone buy you a dictionary?

>> No.2393640



and people like you are killing /lit/

>> No.2393643

don't assume because i complained that I don't understand you.

you're just butthurt because no one cares for your shitty thread. you ever had a popular thread without samefagging?

>> No.2393646

So you are filthy pagan's who pray to ancient egyptian god's?

>> No.2393650
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Is "muse" a difficult word? I mean, isn't it as hard as something like "metaphor" or "quote"? I see people saying all the time even joking "that woman is my muse" in the sense of my waifu.

>> No.2393666

What's going on around here? I can't even tell if you're all being intentionally dense or ironic or what. I can't believe someone doesn't know what the word 'muse' means unless English is not your native language, in which case, refer to a dictionary or to definitions.com or something.

>> No.2393807

I don't have a muse. The woman I love is nice looking and intelligent, but she brings me to the real world, she inspires me to work and to organize my life, but not much on the creative level. Actually, she does inspire me creatively, but she has a preety damn good taste and reads a lot and is honest enough to give good criticism, without diminishing or sugar coating it. But that's different than being a muse.

Other women from my past didn't inspire me at all. I don't know, all I had was a smile on my face the next morning, but other than that I never felt they had anything more to themselves. The most interesting girls I knew were, after sex, just very dull girls trying to look quirky (and they fooled me).

>> No.2393811

my muse is the concept of an ideal me.

>> No.2393821

This, I don't see how a woman from the past would inspire you in the way that a muse would. Unless you have an intimate concern, or appeal for them.

>> No.2393820

>typical rejected 13 (+ the wasted time with that mentality) year old, good in school, "agnostic", virgin, likes Pink Floyd and Sandman, reads Nietszche and thinks there is nothing wrong with discussions on the internet, in fact, it's todays best place to share ideas!

>> No.2393825

No 13 year old actually reads Nietzsche. 2/10

>> No.2393848

I love Pink Floyd :(

I believe these days the hipster children are listening to the Mars Volta

>> No.2393851

Maybe I'm just projecting then, because I did. You won this time.

>> No.2393857

As an art history teacher once said, "every good artist should experiment with surrealism and get really in depth with it... and then move on because surrealism is over. That's also why you should know Pink Floyd at 15 and then move on with your life".

>> No.2393872
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i almost flunked out of school, not an agnostic, nor a virgin, nor a rock fan, nor have i ever read nietzsche. i did lilke the sandman, though, you only missed by a hair. don't try to psychoanalyze people from an eight word sentence, you look silly.

>> No.2393877

This girl I've known for about a year but have just started getting semi-serious with. She's been inspiring me to write a lot lately.

Yes, yes they do. They also watch Fight Club a lot.

Well he's a bitch then now isn't he.

>> No.2393891

>history teacher
>wasn't good enough to be anything besides a teacher

>> No.2393930

You sure dismiss things fast. I think he had a great point and Pink Floyd is my favourite band, but after you move on and listen to other things you'll see that it's not the "best sound ever" and you even stop believing in that. Same with surrealism, the more you read about it, the more it powerful it will grow on you, until someday you just... move on. Moving on is not the same as forgetting or dismissing it, but taking the next step and even though people vary on the route, we know that those are not the ends.

He was a researcher too, published a few books on the history of architecture, Latin American art and a bunch of other things.

>> No.2393941
File: 24 KB, 460x347, pilot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, so your point is that you shouldn't listen to just one genre. Good job, your history teacher is a genius, it's not like people don't already listen to many different forms of music

>> No.2393947
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mai myusu


>> No.2393969

I was just upset because Surrealism is my favorite genre of painting. But he's still wrong because he's dismissing both Surrealism and Pink Floyd as "beginner" or maybe "intermediate", they're not. None of them are. And if either of those things happen to be a personal favorite of someone then there's nothing wrong with that.

>> No.2394006

I have no muse, that's for wig-wearing, powder-using maggots.

>> No.2394413


youre an idiot

>> No.2394415

I've had like 3 muses. I still think about the last two of them.

>> No.2394427


ha ha... oh wow.

you wish

>> No.2394438

I like pink Floyd, in fact I have had dark side of the moon on repeat recently. It is a fantastic album. Roger Waters has done more emotionally through composition than any of you waste aways will ever dream of, will ever come close to.

No muse Djinn takes over my body.

>> No.2394451

i complained about the thread because it was obviously stolen from the previous thread, not because i dont know what muse means

>> No.2394453

hope sandoval and in particular a girl i used to know who looks like hope sandoval is my muse

>> No.2394454

People who have women as their muse are faggots and failures as writers.

>> No.2394455

theres no other definition of muse, idiot.

>> No.2394470

No. Every dude should have a girl muse, full stop. Who's a good writer that doesn't have one?

>> No.2394480



>> No.2394499


He's been my favourite for about ten years but not once have I said his name aloud because I don't know how to pronounce it. I've just been saying Nabokov all these years.

>beta as fuck

>> No.2394500

The figure of the muse is female but that's a 'figure'; it's not real.

>> No.2394502

I saw The Wall the other night, u mad?

It was amazing, especially considering I was bummed out since I discovered Pink Floyd because I KNEW that I would never get to see The Wall live. But I saw it. I fucking saw it. Holy shit.

>> No.2394505

Roger Waters is a flaccid, annoying, Richard Gere-resembling tosser. Syd Barrett is genuinely a muse for me. Roger Waters is just some guy who was a bit better than some other guys.

>> No.2394509

Excuse me while I go put on some sunglasses, your indie cred is so bright I am blinded. Syd was barely there. That's like saying the first drummer for The Beatles was better.

>> No.2394519

Syd Barrett formed the band, led their first two albums and gave them their entire style and ethos, which Waters rode until the end of their career. He also had two solo albums and was a remarkable individual. That's enough to be a muse. In fact, some of the most incredible artists had a very short time in action. Probably because the burden of genius is so heavy it destroyed them.

>> No.2394523
File: 35 KB, 460x600, 1327503850297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't a muse traditionally meant to be a beautiful woman you want to fuck but you can't so you're driven to write to win her heart?

This'll do.

>> No.2394533

Or maybe it was the excessive consumption of LSD? But who knows....

I have a bike
You can ride it if you like.

>> No.2394536

Same thing.

I'm liking the sound of this bike. Fancy giving it to me?

>> No.2394539

So you heard about the basket
And the bell that rings
And the things to make it look good?

I would give it to you if I could
But I borrowed it.

the wall and dark side of the moon are better

>> No.2394540

no, it's what the definition of muse is. idiot.

>> No.2394547

Incorrect. In mythology the figure of the muse was female but in the english language it's any source of inspiration.

>> No.2394551

Incorrect. In the dictionary the muse is female source of inspiration.

>> No.2394578

Maybe in your big gay dictionary made out of the gay peoples' compressed semen and using their concentrated homosexuality as ink.