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2386857 No.2386857 [Reply] [Original]

Pale-faced blonde in mid-20s - 7/10
Late teens auburn girl with pretty face - 7/10
Short, slightly plump chick with big boobs - 5/10
Irish chick in 30s - 5/10
All the other woman, usually 35+ - 3/10

Before you complain that I was sad enough to make this thread, I'd just like to say that...no, there's no rationalisation. I am a sad person. This is my local Waterstones. There's an independent bookstore in my town as well (omg), with this 4/10 chick.

I go in my Waterstones so often, i.e. once or twice a week, that I know ALL the girls (and guys) on sight. Is this weird?

>> No.2386864

>tfw only old or mid aged people in the local bookstore.

>> No.2386867


Really? Lots of younger people working and shopping here. Although you do get clueless 40-something housewives in there.

>> No.2386870

Although it's not exactly local, the only bookstore I ever physically visit is Foyles in central London, which is awesome for ogling. It's like 50% pretty, mousy nerd girls and 50% sexy hipster sluts.

>> No.2386878

The ones who work there are probably 5s, barring the blonde who occasionally shows up at the counter. The women floating around are either 40+ and overweight or 20 and bangin. Where's the midground? Do they go into a chrysalis phase, lock themselves at home between 29 and 40 and do nothing but eat ice cream and watch TV?

--Now that I've said it, it makes sense.

>> No.2386887


I've notice an age gap in retail. Lots of people between 16 and 25, then a huge gap, then 40+ people. The younger people are usually students, and the older people are bored housewives who want to 'get out more' (lol).

>> No.2387057

because i have no money to buy books, so i just rip them off the internet.

>> No.2387071

>I know ALL the girls (and guys) on sight.

wow you can distinguish people with vision??

>> No.2387072

>Hit up waterstones.
>sleep with the female staff member
>now it's awkward as shit
>have to use amazon instead

>> No.2387081

3 independent bookshops within 5 minute walking distance of my house.

Woman in 40's - 2/10. she literally looks like Susan Boyle

Middle-aged woman in mid-30's - 4/10

Old man who looks like somebody the police would use in a paedophile identity parade - ohshitwhatareyoudoing/10

>> No.2387082

Cute girl tried to sell me an hmv card (hmv is waterstones bargain bin). i didn't hear if she said it cost money so i nodded eager to get out the shop. i had to tell her I dont have the extra 3 pound :(

>> No.2387090


Made me laugh quite a lot. I always had to try and sell them to people, and maybe 1% bought it. I only did it when a manager was around though, lol.


More details.

>> No.2387102

>went to waterstones
>got a few books
>girl at till is smiling at me
>she makes a few comments about my books
>I say she should recommend me some books over coffee.
>she smiles and says, uh huh
>tell her I'm not kidding
>she writes her number on the reciept.
>text her the next day
>organise coffee
>after coffee we go to pub for a few
>few pints leads to other things
>go back to her flat
>bail at 6 in the morning.
>don't call back
>few weeks later go back to waterstones
>she avoids me
>one guy (probably someone wanting to dick her) is a dick to me at the till

>> No.2387118
File: 107 KB, 596x952, 1284336737403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hate all the people that work there,. all young 20s and dont really seem to be that knowledgeable i used to ask questions in that shop to practise talking to strangers. once a fucktarded passive conservative 'hipster' girl hung about waiting for me to finish coffee there, you would have liked her. overall i give the place 3.5/10 never going back.

its a big chubby guy but he seems nice but he also had an asian or arab hanging around his shop once i dont know why. i dont often pass it but if i do i only go again after lengthy periods of time so he doesnt recognise me. hes not very reassuring. 5/10

>#bookz irc
one of my favourite places to get books. ive been talked to many times there based on my picks. i wouldnt say i have friends there but i can talk to people from last time and its nice much nicer than people here. 7.5/10

>library a
there's a really nice woman in her 50s or 60s or 70s that does the register there. sometimes i feel that she likes me, other times that she pities me. shes very good looking for her age and quite nice once i pointed out the system wasnt working for her but i found something myself and she didnt get mad. 5.5/10

>library b
really nice 40s or 50s guy there. but i havent taken much out there i just use it as a sitting place when i dont feel like going home. i feel like he passes the long way around to see what im reading sometimes it can be off putting. i sometimes think he looks down on me being there but it's hard to tell. was really nice the time i did need to use the system. 7/10

>> No.2387125


Greay story, Anonymoose. How was he a dick to you? Covert, like an angry tone of voice, or obvious, like telling you to fuck off and die?

>> No.2387150


Beats the library where I live, I have go 3 (real) miles just to get something to eat.

>> No.2387152

Back when B. Daltons was around, some douche keep trying to sell me their Sci-Fi club card. It gave you 10% off for a year for $10 or some other ridiculous shit like that.

After I told him I would be stupid to buy that card because I didn't even come close to spending $100 dollars a year in that store, the fucker kept trying to sell me the card. I told him no again and he kept trying, so I told him I would come around the counter and punch him in his fucking mouth if he even mentioned the card again.

He turned bright red and his hands wouldn't stop shaking as he finished the transaction, but he sure didn't mention that card again.

I paid in cash and my change was one penny. I thought he was going to have a stroke when I told him to keep it as a tip. I still smile when I think of that guy.

>> No.2387157
File: 117 KB, 600x450, 2-of-10-would-not-bang-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fucktarded passive conservative 'hipster' girl
so much hate

>> No.2387162

Did you suck the pretty old guys penis?

>> No.2387167


by passive i meant the fact that she expects boys to talk to her and goes to the lengths of doing dumb shit like pretending to look and childrens books on the way out instead of actually talking to a boy.

library b guy? no..

>> No.2387168

Agree with the sentiment of the photo, but I wouldn't do her either. She looks like Russel Brand on female sex-change hormones

>> No.2387175

usually, the girls are the passive one
she just wants to fuck, don't be a chicken

>> No.2387179

so I told him I would come around the counter and punch him in his fucking mouth if he even mentioned the card again.


I can't stand it when people are rude or threatening to cashiers, but that was hilarious. I actually knew a female cashier who got punched in the face by a customer, but I never found out why.

>> No.2387184

>That feel when browsing through the philosophy section hoping for a cute girl to show up to drop a witty line about whichever book she picks up
>That feel when you're the only one in the philosophy section

God is dead just like my love life.

>> No.2387186

I dislike Waterstones too. They just have 'pretty' people working there who are passive in the trade of books. I don't midn taht, it's retail, they work the till and stack shelves and are there to entice the mainstream public in.

I agree. Girls who try to get you attention but don't make the first move kind of annoy me. Especially in todays society where equality is supposed ot be the main thing.

>> No.2387201

usually girls are also the ones to be bought nice things in exchange for their time, the ones to not have to work, etc. i dont see whats wrong with finding the completely one sided things from tradition unacceptable. its a fine personal choice. dont insult me for not being pussy whipped than you

>> No.2387203


Is that how losers actually attempt to get laid?

No wonder you guys never hook up. That is same sad shit right there, my friend.

>> No.2387209


>> No.2387215

with that attitude, you won't get any pussy

>> No.2387232
File: 19 KB, 451x389, 1312273015793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>waiting for female equality in the dating world

Enjoy your hand. Jesus. How fucking stunted emotionally are you guys that you haven't learned how to approach a woman who's presenting herself to you? I thought books taught you how the world actually is. Apparently not.

>> No.2387241

Books taught us all girls are mad for our dick.
Least the beats did.

>> No.2387245

Only if you look and act like the beats, which you probably don't.

>> No.2387249


Nah. Books show the world to be way better than it actually is. Well, apart from all the horrible things that happen to characters.

>> No.2387252

well if you think such a simple omission of pandering means you would miss out, then that's also telling about the worth of character you miss.

there's much so much nicer people to meet than these so again, enjoy your pussy god flagellating.

>> No.2387254

>Be in the club
>Bitches on my dick all night.
>I don't even need to say a word.

>be on bus
>girls always sit next to me and strike up convos
Nah bro, you're disillussioned.

>> No.2387262
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no one said that you should've asked for her hand and make children with her, you awkward penguin

>> No.2387264

Polite sage for shit thread

>> No.2387266

yeah they're just bitching that i wasnt interested in a nice looking girl with a bad attitude. still stupid.

>> No.2387268

Oh my god Ty, y can't u be like us and just fuck any old girl?

y u gotta hav class?

>> No.2387278

>>I say she should recommend me some books over coffee.

PEOPLE CAN ACTUALLY DO THIS? I always got told it was weird...

>> No.2387280

>i used to ask questions in that shop to practise talking to strangers


>> No.2387299
File: 19 KB, 217x169, Tegan&sara6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, people can do it.

One of two things happen.
She says no
She says yes.

It's not weird.
The people who tell you it is are the kind of people who say you can only pick up girls at clubs. Fuck them.

>> No.2387344

it's not weird just simply amazing that not only someone could say something like that without cringing and hating themselves but also that the recipient would find it cool or sweet ? but maybe the guy said it ironically/patronisingly because it was a girl and the girl liked it because she is a girl. im probably just rationalising something too disgusting to be real though.

surpised you dont have tons of dumb ass stories to tell.