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2382989 No.2382989 [Reply] [Original]

tl;dr Writing desk?

I'd be interested to see how you work, and I'm sure you'd be interested in how others do too.

Oh, and this isn't me wanting to orange my desk like a famous writers because I think that will change my ability; I'm just interested. Thanks.

>> No.2382995

i live in an attic 8 feet wide, 12 feet long and 4 1/5 feet tall, i can't stand up much less have a desk in here. i put my laptop on a small foldable beach table with cupholders.

>> No.2382998

That sounds comfortable. Do you make good progression with your writing?

>> No.2383010

I finish about a short story a month while adding somewhere between 2000 and 8000 words to my novel in progress.

It's an ok pace, i wish I could finish more short stories.

>> No.2383021

>wanting to orange my desk
>arrange my desk?

>> No.2383035

holy shit. I can't stop laughing. That's hilarious. Hahaha, what an excellent mistake.

Yeah arrange is what I mean dear fellow.

>> No.2383047
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Like this. Under a window, so I've plenty of light. With a simple wooden chair in front of it. I like minimalist surroundings. And it's easy to move if need be, as it's pretty much a loose plank on two trestles

>> No.2383067
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Holy Crap guys! It's really helping! Why didn't I try this before? Thanks OP! Now where can I get more citrus?

>> No.2383087

Holy fuck dude, that carpet. At least vacuum the damn floor since I know you can't be bothered to throw away all the trash on your desk.

>> No.2383092


Hey, show some respect! The dirt on that carpet is older than you by ten years at least!

>> No.2383093

Damn, that is one depressing workspace.

>> No.2383102


It does look like a desk somebody works at though, There's the unmistakeable piles of notes, random writing instruments and I think I see an aspiring bottle under some of the mess by the coffee cups.

>> No.2383107

Are you depressed? I mean is their a correlation between what we see as slovenly and depressing and the person who works there?

>> No.2383119


Hmmm. Not really. I'm probably the least depressed person I know. One of my girlfriends says I'm infuriatingly cheerful. But she likes to be all angsty and I'm always teasing chuckles out of her.

She hates the messy desk corner too.

>> No.2384054

My desk is the world, I'm a digital nomad in a post geographical society.

>> No.2384057

The floor. Fuck desks.

>> No.2384064
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It's night time and folks are asleep, so excuse the shitty flash photo. If the thread is still up in the morning I will post a better pic.

>> No.2384070
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I think I might be foul

>> No.2384099

Nice to see the thread still going. Also, nice oranges on the desk lol.

>> No.2384102

Looks nice. Is it convenient for you using that ort of typewriter?

>> No.2384107
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>no Fowles on the desk

>> No.2384119
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>One of my girlfriends
Get out

>> No.2384124

I've never read him. Is there a particular reason I should have Fowles on my desk?

>> No.2384129

I write at a bureau which I found a few streets down.

>> No.2384134


Right. 4chan. People with girlfriends not allowed. I'll get my coat....

>> No.2384143

People fail to appreciate the benefits of a single messy corner. It proudly shows someone lives there. I like to think of it as something like a nation's flag

>> No.2384148
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I cleaned my desk 2 days ago. So really it's an inaccurate depiction.

I Fucking love Fashon Magazines!
captcha: clesoo fashions (I kid you not)

>> No.2384151

Affluenza is surprisingly decent.

>> No.2384158

Your workstation is my favourite so far.

How much writing/artistry do you get done there?

>> No.2384171

Yeah it was alright. Had potential to be much better.

Oh yay thanks!
I get quite a lot done when I just isolate myself there. Mostly writing.
When I'm doing my art I just take my shit to the bed and marathon a tv show while working.

>> No.2384173

A fellow Dylan Thomas fan, cool man

>> No.2384174

>Yeah it was alright. Had potential to be much better.
No it didn't. It had potential to be as shitty as its title.

>> No.2384186

MacBook Pro? GO Magazine? Some fancy camera?

Definite materialistic hipster idiot confirmed.

I bet you're no good at photography, it's just the trendy thing to do. See you at Starbucks, shithead.

>> No.2384194

Didn't even mention he's a tr!pfag, these people should just die, literally.

>> No.2384195

I use a cheap bar table as a standing desk. I have a MacBook Pro, but I'm also a developer (I LOL forever at people who spend that much on a heavier laptop just to use the internet and a word processor). I keep a small lamp there but don't use it much. I do my notes, outlining and other scratch work either with a fountain pen or pencil.

>> No.2384199


wtf takes up all that vertical screen resource with a fucking huge–ass dock? put it on the side or hide it like someone who actually uses their laptop for work, you embarrassment.

>> No.2384205

I borrowed the camera from my school, I don't call myself a photographer, I usually paint and use chalk pastel. I'm studying graphic design.
Macbook pro is great for that.
I've always loved fashion and articles on it. What's wrong with that? Not like I buy everything on the magazines
Gosh sage i thought you were cool ;_;

>> No.2384210


>> No.2384216


This guy actually seems to be writing shit.. A stack of paperbacks and an overflowing ashtray and I might suspect he was a real writer.

>> No.2384234

I just need a table, or even a board if i'm laid in my bed, silence and some light. I don't demand to much.

>> No.2384285
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Pretty much all of my writing is done on my computer, so empty desk space wouldn't be necessary

>> No.2384300
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I don't understand how people use those cramped chiclet boards. They're even smaller than the ones on laptops.

>My keyboard.
>Mechanical response, ftw

>> No.2384309

It's actually full-sized, it just doesn't have the number pad on the side and the arrow keys are under the letters. The keys themselves are actually the same size as my logitech PC keyboard keys.

>> No.2384315
File: 103 KB, 406x406, tumblr_lx5v65W3ii1qkh0dd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I FUCKIN' LOVE YOUR WORKST----is that cardboard?

>> No.2384316

i write at mcdonald's because you get free refills on coffee. if not there then at the dinner table.

>> No.2384321

fuck yeeah buddy

>> No.2384331
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>> No.2384345

>die of typhus
>somehow be an example of the holocaust

If someone you didn't want was squatting in your house and stealing your money. Should you be required to leave them alone?

Hitler wanted the jews out of germany, surely this is the right of any sovereign country, to get rid of foreigners?

>> No.2384374
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>Jewish German citizens
>wants to remove a certain ethnic and religious group from his country
>invades France, Poland, Austria, and Czechoslovakia

>> No.2384380
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Pic related.

Also, moral relativism is for faggots.

>> No.2384379


>replying to stormbabby
>in a thread about fucking desks

>> No.2384417

france declared war on germany, dipshit.

Austria is german, they wanted to join germany.
Bohemia is ancient german territory, after bringing the sudetenland into germany, czech's wanted to join germany too.

Hitler wanted an alliance and peace with poland. Not war. It was the polish who mobilized for war and made hitler invade them.

>> No.2384421

excuse him, guys, he gets cranky if he hasn't had his nap

>> No.2384437
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>> No.2384443

Sorry i guess facts are too much for you?

hur durr hitler is evil and caused ww1, ww2, and the vietnam war!

>> No.2384456
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>> No.2384462

try GQ, you little green-eyed monster you. see you next time I'm at the apple store.

except I'll be on the inside.

>> No.2384488

Goodness you're an asshole

>> No.2384967

A table with all my shit on it. Works pretty well.

>> No.2385000


y'all how come nobody made fun of the pink monitor

>> No.2385256

Convenient, yeah, but I got it to replace an antique Hermes that has been in my family for eons. Just can't find affordable ink or parts anymore. Sure, the electronic one _works_ better and is more automated, but it just isn't the same. I almost miss having to press the keys down a full inch. RIP Hermes 193?-2011

>> No.2386008
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Anyway, better pic.

>> No.2386017

i put my laptop on a box on top of the washing machine and type

sometimes i just roll over inbed and type, like i am right now

>> No.2386026

What's that cyclopentane-looking thing?

>> No.2386062

hah, badass. not some overly conspicuous pre-digital model typewriter, but a 90s-era model.

>> No.2386076

She's ugly as sin, but she goes all right.

>> No.2386091

what's a good price AUD to pay for a working typewriter?

>> No.2386099

The only one that is still made and exported here is Brother, and the ink and tape and parts are still cheap.

Mine was 180, i'm not sure if you can find it cheaper. Officeworks sells them. As for old-timey ones, pawn shops. You are looking at a lot of money for repairs and ink, though.

>> No.2386107

officeworks are pretty easy with returns so I might go and try one out.
The only issue I have with the brother one is that it's massive in the flesh.

>> No.2386113
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>namefag and tripfags use Mac
Keep it cool.

>> No.2386132

>Anon has good taste in anime
Keep it cool.

>> No.2386141
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>> No.2386140

Also, re used typewriters is there a brand/model I should be on the look out for?

>> No.2386144

Olivetti, Hermes and Underwood are god-tier and definite buys, but rare as fuck. I'm not sure about the more modern ones. The Brother one I have works fine, but is bulky as fuck and heavy. You put it on your desk and it stays there.

>> No.2386179
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I only used a popular image, used to express ones hate not in any way stating my taste in anime. I enjoy mature anime with deep intricate plot made for a literate and intelligent people such as myself.
Pic related.

>> No.2386205

thanks bro.

>> No.2386473

anti-macfags are among the most annoying people on the internet. Seriously, who gives a shit?

>> No.2386484
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It's been years since I've used a typewriter, but I'm in love with the lettering all over again.

I typed up a 'thank you' letter to a collegue of mine and he recognized the model I used immediately. We had a laugh over that one.

I have a deficit of space, however.

>> No.2386534

That is one hell of a shipshape desk. If that is what the Canadian armed forces do to a person, I should have gone into the army.

>> No.2387002

I get the whole typewriter romance thing in a way, but don't you people think it's time to move on? Imagine Hemingway writing with a quill or Shakespeare hammering on stone. People used these things because they were the most practical thing around, not because they had some esoteric value that added to the writing. Get a netbook with DarkRoom and the wifi turned off or something.

Also, it makes me cringe that a lot of people write without proper arm support. If you write alot, why not make sure that it is at least in the least straining way possible?

>> No.2387006



>> No.2387010
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Something like this is excellent, but the table should be simple wood and the laptop a cheap piece of shit.

>> No.2387038

>and the laptop a cheap piece of shit
Nope. A great laptop is indispensable for an author. That's all he really needs.

>> No.2387050
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>> No.2387054

I'm always in doubt about this. In a way expensive and pleasant material might add to the work, but on the other hand it might distract from it. Having a nice workspace is one thing, but owning things of actual value is an unpleasant state of being.

>> No.2387059

that's so cliche

>> No.2387062

>but owning things of actual value is an unpleasant state of being.
Not when those things are of genuine value to your work, and therefore your life. Sticking with a shitty laptop will only cause you frustration over time.

>> No.2387066
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>shitty laptop 2012
>not being capable of word processing

>> No.2387083

Speed, performance, and screen resolution/contrast ratio aren't the same as the ability to do something. I can write on my old Windows 98 machine, but it doesn't make for a pleasant experience.

>> No.2387085
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>people taping away during lectures.

>> No.2387092
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>> No.2387097

"I recommend a yellow pad. It's easier on the eye."

>> No.2388437


Where do you get ink for that thing?

>> No.2388448
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>> No.2388471
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AH! Beat me to it