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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 113 KB, 614x408, JoeDallesandro-duane-michals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2384424 No.2384424 [Reply] [Original]

Ask me anything, I plan to be around for a while.

>> No.2384432

what is your favourite book?

>> No.2384438

Do you ever plan to post anything on-topic?

>> No.2384440

why don't you fucking leave already?

why are you even here in the firstplace, tripfag?

>> No.2384447

What is the source of this picture?

>> No.2384448


The book I will always find the most enjoyable to read, that being my definition of 'favourite', is A Clockwork Orange.

It just captures something exciting for me, not the hedonism or rape or anything, just the feeling of being young. I think that many people when asked what their most enjoyable read is may answer with a book that makes them feel young, perhaps why so many people enjoy On The Road so much.

>> No.2384451

Just so you know, irritating tripfags on this board tend to get doxxed and harassed out of existence.

Just something to keep in mind.

>> No.2384455

what do you think of the other tripfags on this board

>> No.2384458


Yes of course, this is just an introduction. What is on topic by your standards?


Not sure, just like his films and stumbled upon this picture.


By having an identity people may appreciate my opinions from my point of view, if they get to know me. Which is more valuable that an anon screaming INFINITE JEST LOL. Think about it, son.

>> No.2384460


say, do you also have homosexual guardians we can visit so you stop coming?

>> No.2384466


I hate sunhawk on whatever board he is on.
The others seem alright I guess, many don't talk about books too much though.

>> No.2384469

Why are you so desperate for attention and validation?

>> No.2384473


Calm down, son. Wouldn't you prefer to ask a relevant question or to talk about a book?

>> No.2384478


Pay attention to my previous responses, moonshine.

>> No.2384485


So what you are saying is that you are a narcissist?

>> No.2384497


In a way, I am, most people are in my opinion. In another way I'm saying that other people can appreciate my point of view with my background in mind, which surely gives people access to a more rounded understanding on whatever is being discussed.

>> No.2384513


The great thing about anonymous boards is that you don't have to discuss anything in context that concerns a persons background, which in turn leads to a more sincere discussion.

No avatars, no names, no personalized egos.

To each their own, I just dislike narcissistic ego trips, that are quite common to the tripfag psyche.

>> No.2384517

>By having an identity people may appreciate my opinions from my point of view, if they get to know me. Which is more valuable that an anon screaming INFINITE JEST LOL. Think about it, son.

I've been considering using a tripcode for similar reasons. I post so much on /lit/, and I'd like to change people's views of tripfags (who, like it or not, are representative of the community) as being off-topic shitposters or just bad trolls. Especially since /lit/ itself has been worse than usual over the past few weeks.

>> No.2384520


Don't worry, I'm not another sunhawk, I respect your view honestly. I mean to me, anonymity works on some boards, but on a more - (whisper it) -intelligent board like /lit/ I would expect intelligent people to set their fake egos aside anyway.

>> No.2384522

so, did your mother dress you in girls clothes untill she couldn't hide the harsh fact of your y-chromosome anymore or did you actively steer towards what you undoubtedly have become:
a massive faggot who likes to choke on big fat sailorcock

>> No.2384528


Also this, don't get mad, but /lit/ is facing a bleak spell.

>> No.2384529

Well the proof will be in the pudding, /thread and go be the hero /lit/ deserves already, enough talking.

>> No.2384530

>bumping off topic shit

>> No.2384536

Because of utter tossbags such as yourself. Perhaps reddit is more for you that /lit/

>> No.2384560

If I be the 'F' who the F be the I?

>> No.2384564
File: 48 KB, 420x449, 1320426539698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't have strong opinions and valid points nobody is going to give a single fuck. Judging from your posts so far, things look rather shabby. You have that New Stench on you too; you haven't seen /lit/ cycling in and out of tripfags before if you assume any of what is happening in the board is in any sense novel. I wouldn't be suprised if you hadn't lurked here for more than a month.

>> No.2384575


Lurked for a year. I would consider my opinions strong.

>> No.2384585
File: 28 KB, 240x240, 1316254735835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, kid, be that way.

>> No.2384592


Admit it, you've had worse kid, deal with it.

>> No.2384607

How many tripfag circlejerk threads are you planning to start besides this one?
What is your opinion on TS Eliot?

>> No.2384606
File: 94 KB, 500x333, faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this you?

>> No.2384608

funny, how your argument that you don't suck is that you actually not suck AS BAD as others before...

... which is setting the bar pretty low, considering stagolee and cohorts

>> No.2384615
File: 12 KB, 180x270, 27456_100000457716054_8166_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2384620




I respect him, but my taste is more geared towards post-modern literature.

>> No.2384628


Not me, You'll be hard pushed to find me.

>> No.2384629
File: 54 KB, 506x316, 58-omars-last-stand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh god is this tripfag going to bore everyone and eventually slink off into nothingness, or worse, drop/change trip.

>> No.2384634

>post-modern literature

>> No.2384637

The worst thing about tripfags is that the are either overly nice or trolling.
Trolling is just overall retarded and if you're going to be overly nice just to build a reputation there are better sites for you Reddit

>> No.2384638


Novellas are objectively better than novels.
Modern plays fail to hold relevance in this day and age.
I would eagerly stop reading books if a newer (therefore more interesting )global medium were developed.

>> No.2384662

What edgy and interesting views you have, please do tell us more.

>> No.2384676


This anonymous faggot is a cunt.

>> No.2384703


>Novellas are objectively better than novels.

what a fucking idiot...
you have thoroughly embarrassed yourself junior.
i suggest you leave now.

>> No.2384719

great thread
post more

>> No.2384720

With all due respect sir, I think you've gone about this in completely the wrong way. There is no need to introduce yourself like this. I've been here a year and a half or so, seen tripfags come and go, and never once has there been a need for an introduction. If you have been here a year, I thought you would know this is unnecessary.

Thank you for your concern for the quality of /lit/, though - it shows your heart is in the right place, but I don't think this is the solution.

Moreover, these seem like illusions of opinions, rather than actual views you've come to by extensive reading etc.

Once again, thank you for caring about /lit/, but I think this has not had the desired effect.

Love, Turd Burgler 007

>> No.2384726

Do you read much literature that isn't from the U.S. or Great Britain?

>> No.2384728

wat u want advice on

>> No.2384724

I'm also a newborn tripfag, I dont want any questions, I want some advice instead, I hope you dont mind I use your thread to ask for some, I dont feel like making my own

>> No.2384732

I want to be more of a people's tripfag, instead of being hated for example.

>> No.2384734
File: 1.28 MB, 2984x2347, 1282697156928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many novellas off the novellas recommendations chart have you read? You can cross them off and re-upload if you want. that'd be neat.

>> No.2384740

well then make posts that are worthy of praise. people will still hate u tho. look at d&e, for example.

>> No.2384744


>> No.2384748

once again proves that tripfags are boring.

>> No.2384752

Why lol? you can do it too hakas. i'm just curious/bored.

>> No.2384754

i thought you were making fun of sunhawk.

>> No.2384761

No, that's just one of the recommendations charts. I would have asked him what he's read so far this year and asked him to put in on a chart if I was doing that. But I like those, so.

Can you tell us everything you've read so far this year, OP? And I guess you can make a chart of it.

>> No.2384770

Would you rather I stopped this thread then? That seems to be the consensus. Talk to me in threads I make on topic or contribute on guys. Don't want this hatred, talk soon.

>> No.2384778

dammit, I actually wanted you to answer mine. I like ask thread. oh well.

>> No.2384788


Sorry man, talk soon. /thread.

>> No.2384792

Learn to not be trolled so easily, young tripfag.

>> No.2384793

>Don't want this hatred
You know what to do then.