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/lit/ - Literature

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2384382 No.2384382 [Reply] [Original]

Ham On Rye while direct, is harrowing and vivid.

It brings forward the question of whether many books are indirect in style simply as they just have less to say to the reader.

I'm not questioning the relevance of complicated literature, but would you read entirely dense works consistently for enjoyment, or is it something you would just read in Starbucks for credibility or for the fact that the cover matches your shoes?

>> No.2384384

Oh no.


Partially testing out my trip and I got it wrong, what a great introduction.

>> No.2384386

imlpying other people read what they read for "cred" is so fucking scummy and lame

ham on rye's pretty cool, though, bukowski thread?

>> No.2384392

This will do.

>> No.2384402

top work

>> No.2384406


OP here, erm yeah why not, Bukowski writing style thread. I keep getting my trip wrong, I promise I'm one of the good ones.

>> No.2384410

Okay felleurs, I'm not a technical proficient tripfag.

Someone quickly tell me what to do.
I have generated a trip, now what?

>> No.2384412

you're not putting it in the name field, it should look like this

You were putting it in the subject field

>> No.2384419


Merci. I have lurked for ages I promise, just never tripped.

>> No.2384425

you're welcome

>> No.2384434


the part about the electric needle acne treatment made me, like, physically uncomfortable

>> No.2384446

Is that Tom Waits?

>> No.2384483

looks like our newest tripfag promises to be just as retarded as the rest.

>> No.2384484


Yes it is, Swordfishtrombones-era.


Same, the fact that he wasn't scared of the physical pain didn't even cross my mind until the end of the book. Such a resilient guy physically.

>> No.2384492


Hey man, now I've figured out the whole tripping problem, I won't be doing anything stupid. Nice to meet you by the way.