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2379882 No.2379882 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone else feel like 2008 was the last year that the world was "post-modern"?

>> No.2379892


>> No.2379895

It doesn't matter, so why not?

>> No.2379900


Come on children...have an opinion.

>> No.2379896


>> No.2379904

I have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.2379907

If that's the case, what do you call the years after?

>> No.2379910

you think there's rigid lines to the beginning and end of an ambiguous, much debated movement that ought to be really called "neo-modernism"

just kill yourself

>> No.2379912

Explain, Op

You have piqued my interest

>> No.2379914

post-post history is history again

>> No.2379919

Mother fucker, I used quotation marks for a reason...

Also, I was hoping someone else could expand upon my feeling, because that really is all that I have...nothing to actually back it up.

I present the idea, that's all. (I want you all to present a case((have fun)))

>> No.2379920

That shit was dead before the 90's.

>> No.2379921

It's not going to die until capitalism either dies or completely morphs.

The principles of late capitalism and post-modernism go hand in hand.

>> No.2379927

Postmodernism bad.
Sufjan Stevens good.

>> No.2379924

it was a belle epoque ideology

>> No.2379923

The world has never been post-modern.

>> No.2379931

Pomo is a nono when it comes to being a cool kid, at least acknowledgement of pomo is, the trick is to be pomo and absurd without any form of self-consciousness, unfortunetly to do so you must be self-conscious to the extreme, outside yourself, watching your mouth move and knowing which words make it look sexy. And then you can be cool and talk about 2008 like it was 1776.

>> No.2379936
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Get out of here, Frederic Jameson, and take the leftism with you.
Postmodernism was a display of disbelief on all metanarratives -- excluding its own. That shit is now considered passe and the right is on the rise again.

>> No.2379948

Since pomo is dead, what can I talk about to sound cool?

>> No.2379952

meta-narratives of cognitive dissonance

>> No.2379953

in the segregated geopomorphic layerfication of sociopolitical artistic formations, yes, 2008 would be the year those you study these things could look back on and say "this is where that layer ends and the next layer begins"

>> No.2379963


should have used 'stratification' instead of 'layerfication'

>> No.2379966

yeah 08/09 was roughly when people started talking about an 'age of authenticity' or 'new sincerity'. Sincerity is the new irony. We've come full circle. And we'll be back round again.

>> No.2379968

phenomenology is the new trend in lit

>> No.2379976


Finally someone who get's it on this board. It's not that cultural relativism suddenly stopped being pertinent along with other critiques of the metanarratives of late capital...if post-modernernity has shifted at all it due to a move towards biopolitical technologies of control and neoliberal governmentality.

>> No.2379979
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Got a problem with that?

>> No.2379982

you are right. do you get what i'm saying though? i think the financial collapse in 2008 was a turning point.

>> No.2379985

although >>2379921 does make an excellent point, you didn't really say anything.

>> No.2379987


There is no authentic anymore. There hasn't been since industrialization. I recommend reading Benjamin for more on this... He didn't think it was a bad thing. To dismiss the aura of authenticity is to allow for an object to be politicized and potentially to be emancipatory.

>> No.2379988

naw, he's pretty spot-on

the whole "hurr durr metanarratives" is just some simplistic shit you feed to undergrads. It's not wrong, but anon is is right to associate post-modernism with late capitalism. Late capitalism repositions the way we think about metanarrative.

The collapse of metanarrative is really just a rupture with modernism, or rather than a rapture, pushing modernism to an extreme because of late capitalism. The collapse of metanarratives was already present in modernism, it was there in the late 19th century (Neechuh). Post-modernism won't end until late capitalism changes.

I think you need to distinguish post-structuralist french thought from the post-modern age. French theory will go out of fashion. You can argue it much of french post-structuralism is just long-winded apologetics for the failure of modernism and WWII. (ie, the french saying, sorry we're cowards, sorry about the jews)

>> No.2379989
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>biopolitical technologies of control and neoliberal governmentality
What does that even mean?

>> No.2379990


>Hasn't read late Foucault

>> No.2379991

I don't share your hope.

>> No.2379997


>> No.2379999


Or in the case of Foucault, Delueze, and Baudriallard...carrying on Nietzsche's research program. I do not think these post-structuralists will go out of favor...though Lacan, Barthes, and Derrida may

>> No.2380001

>The collapse of metanarrative is really just a rupture with modernism
Modernist's tried to manufacture works without metanarratives, a motive which was pointed out to be a metanarrative. The problem wasn't solved there.

>> No.2380025
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This man is our only hope as both individuals and society. Let it be known.

>> No.2380026

Can anyone explain the significance I'm feeling from 2008?

It really does feel like a complete change in thought, fashion, technology...ect...occurred...

>> No.2380031

Well isn't the point that the history of human thought is an inescapable metanarrative? As long as we still employ these word things to communicate? Perhaps the text-speak of our grandchildren should be considered more authentic? Nonsensical combinations of symbols whose sole purpose is to carry sound through images? How many questions must one ask before being respected as sentient?

>> No.2380035

Obama did promise change.

>> No.2380032


Kill yourself.

>> No.2380038


Obama and the great polarization?

>> No.2380045

face it, the shock to the financial means of productions ripped apart the disjointed and fragmentary discourses under the pomo header held together by the suspension of belief and seemingly perpetual possibility of jouissance.

now each one of those is fighting for its life.

>> No.2380053
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I think so too, anon.

The Dark Knight, Barack Obama and Facebook are what's up right now. Capitalism is falling apart just like communism in the late 80s. We are all atheists now, Zizek is the most influential intellectual, notebooks are doomed like laserdisc now that we have tablets.

This is what is going on, like it or not.

We just need to find a name for this period in time.

>> No.2380057

Anyone else feel like this mayan 2012 prophecy is really just the prediction to the end of capitalism?

I think some shit is going to go down. Zizek is pumped. His body is ready.

>> No.2380077

Commies ain't shit.

>> No.2380092


The culture is too shattered to be put in one box -- unless of course you want to name it The Fragmented Age, or the like, and nobody is none the wiser.

>> No.2380102


This shit is true.


The word 'fashion' in your comment kind of triggered a sense of heightened awareness for me (makes me think of the adab, the demanding memory that comes upon you of itself).

And yes, I think there have been huge changes between 2008 and now. Think of what was going on during that year and now, but specially think about your mentality and the mentality of everyone else during that year and today's mentality. Think about facebook, 9gag (like it or not, it's a milestone in our cultural history), the revival of vintage and of futurism, fuck, think about the girl with the dragon tattoo even (a movie that in paper seems sophisticated and of good taste turns into a mass-culture event).

>> No.2380115


I like Zizek and all. Have actually met him. We talked about Vonnegut in the East Village. I do not think he is as influential as Habermas or Chomsky...I also think that Lacan and Hegel are poor bedfellows.

>> No.2380126

what a fucking stupid thread

>> No.2380139

>a movie that in paper seems sophisticated and of good taste

Since when is pulpy Swedish crime fic (which is produced by the truckload, and has been for a while) considered sophisticated?

>> No.2380132


>connects the Mayan 2012 thing to the death of capitalism.

as much as i hate the bitch, i wish the ghost of ayn rand would buttrape all the shitty hippies until they come to an epiphany through teary eyes tht they really do have it pretty fucking great in their country

>> No.2380136


I don't know if you guys already read this but I found this very interesting: Godards last film about capitalism was filmed on the ship that had quite an accident a few weeks ago.


>> No.2380131

Brilliant contribution

Thank you

>> No.2380133
File: 34 KB, 441x280, 1324050011108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw the entire world erupts in war and anarchy in 2012
>mfw UE ceases to exist, the american presidents runner ups are all beheaded, Israel is diluted, the dictators left around the world fall apart, Cuba and Venezuela open their countries, China reveals itself as what it really is and Korea is united again
>mfw five years later people are so confused they don't know what to do so they start reading again
>mfw Zizek is appointed as king of the world
>mfw at first everyone complains and whine and bad things happen
>mfw it's 2025 and we are living the utopia and everyone is cool and smart, with shelter and food for everyone in a creative and beautiful system of mutual help and kindness
>mfw we begin exploring space
>mfw 2046, I'm 60 years old living on the moon, smoking weed and reading great books

>> No.2380146

dat divine SYMBOLISM

>> No.2380147


lemme guess, you went to a reading at St Marks Books and afterward during the meet and great you shot him a question about Vonnegut, which he most likely answered politely while thinking "fucking college kids and their Vonnegut."

>> No.2380144

>implying you wouldn't be summarily executed under a Zizek regime

You've never read him, have you?

>> No.2380150

> that feel

Save a blunt for me, bro. We be burnin'.

>> No.2380148

What do you expect? The first post is uber-pomo decrying the death of pomo, what could be more pomo? The rest are dull attempts at pomo. It's all stupid, yes, very, very very stupid. Hence me and you typing things on this stupid board. Typing anything in hopes of some validation in the form of a response.

>> No.2380154

Listen pal, if you feel the mayan prophecy is anything but just some ancient myth on future unreacheable (for them) events that have no relation to what will actually happen you are just full of shit.

If you feel that, then feel it will be the end of the world, it's just as rad. The prophecy should not be dismissed because "hurr they were not talking bout end of the world, but change...", it should be dismissed because prophecies don't work. At least not like that, no.

>> No.2380159

holy shit motherfucker,

It was THAT boat? Can you imagine the grin JLG had on his face when he heard that?


>> No.2380162

It feels like we're cycling back into the 1900s. A Renaissance of the 1900s, sort of. I could be wrong, but the coming back of vintage quality, kind of gives me that thought. I also believe the inauguration of Obama really signified the change.

>> No.2380170


you can't pick and choose what you want to believe from the Mayans. If you want to subscribe to the 2012 thing then you also have to believe that we're all made of corn and the earth sits on the back of a giant turtle.

>> No.2380172
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>you can't pick and choose what you want to believe
nigga we postmodern

>> No.2380179

That's what I meant.

>> No.2380181

It feels like everyone in this thread is high in some sort of capacity.

>> No.2380199
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If you are taking this thread seriously, you are an idiot.

If you are taking this thread as "just a joke" you are also an idiot.

If you are not any of those, then hop right in.

>> No.2380214
File: 94 KB, 500x677, 1324894340840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spot on.

>> No.2380215


What do you mean by "any?"

>> No.2380225
File: 41 KB, 500x411, 1319961577052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what he meant.
He knows what he meant.
Shut up.

>> No.2380231

I feel like we lost a sense of unity in 2008.

Remember when we all loved Batman together?

Remember when we were all on Myspace?

Then...this...constant stuggle...

>> No.2380253

Please don't project your own feelings of unity among your peers on to the whole world please.

>> No.2380266

I find we've become too unified. With Blogs, Tumblr, Facebook, Twitter, alike, you can't even scratch your ass without the world finding out about it.

>> No.2380278

By we, I'm gonna go out on a limb and assume you mean internet communities, and the simple answer for you feeling less unified is that that internet has been opened up to a much, much larger number of people, not all of whom like Batman. Sorry.

>> No.2380306
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I disagree.
It's easier to find your own small niche, people don't have that much common intrests as the wealth of choises is immense. The uniformity is lost. There will never be youth movements like in the 60's, we aren't connected by things like music, everyone has their postjazzmindstep they fuzz about with their ten internet friends.

>> No.2380312

What about Occupy and the Anonymous movement?

>> No.2380325

The occupy movement contains some bizarre libertarians along with socialists. Not so uniform in ideology.

>> No.2380332

All the Occupy movements agree about is their dislike of the status quo. If it came down to actually setting up new structures, the diversity of beliefs would collapse them.

>> No.2380336
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I have no idea what either of those movements actually want, so I can't pass a judgement on them -- bar this metacomment. They're not something that unified the whole generation though.

>> No.2380340

This thread is making my mind struggle. There's something about this change from 2008 to 2012, but I can't put a finger on it.

>> No.2380342

Is anyone here familiar with the term 'glocalisation'? I think this has something to do with what this tread is about.

>> No.2380346


Yes, I think this pretty relevant

>> No.2380347


Is that the shift toward everyone owning glocks?

>> No.2380348

To me it is a desperate attempt to find this unity and as all desperate attempts, it failed hard. I hate when people say the "Anonymous group" or when people give a position to anonymous. Anonymous is known for NOT to have a position or a name, you can't speak for all anonymous... that's the point of being anonymous. I understand that there is a group that is called so, but holy shit, this was so dumb.

I don't see us as more or less unified society, I think we moved, that's all. Anon said glocalisation and that's exactly it, it's been happening for quite some time now, but social networks crushed all the barriers, for good and for bad. All cultures, all countries, all the people are one inch away from us. That can break into a war or bond bizarre groups of interest. As we go through this, trying to make rules that serve all countries, or all cultures, or all tastes, it's not working anymore. That's where subjectivity comes in.

>> No.2380389


Nope took his grad seminar at NYU. Was smoking outside of a building. He stayed around talking to others in the course. When they were done I mentioned the similarities between some of the points he was making in the lecture and Harrison Bergeron. He then said that despite being critical of Israel and Judaism he liked Vonnegut. He then wanted direction to the Astor Place subway.

>> No.2380400

That's pretty cool. Got any Zizek stories you want to share?

How does he get bitches? I mean, he does get bitches, right?

>> No.2380403
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pic related. it's slavoj's bitch.

>> No.2380408

It was his bitch. He's got a new one I'm pretty sure.

Does he woo them with Lacanian sexuation or something? I never found Lacan particularly enlightening or worth the trouble, but perhaps I will reconsider.

>> No.2380419
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>Does he woo them with Lacanian sexuation or something?

>> No.2380420

Zizek has money, and he has amazingly hot eastern european fuck dolls. Common occurrence there.

>> No.2380426


Its a particular combination of misogynism and dirty jokes that you have to have read hegel, marx, and lacan to get.

>> No.2380449
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The one at >>2380403 is an argentinian fuck-doll, I think.

Still, money and brains should not be under-estimated when it comes to nailing hot bitches.

>> No.2380502
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Feels nice trying to appear smart, doesn't it?

>> No.2380511

Your sarcasm is beautiful.

>> No.2380554


Yours is, too.

>> No.2380559

Do you come here often?

>> No.2380575
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>> No.2380604


I lurk often, post scarcely.

>> No.2380621

So, what is your actual opinion of the subject, beyond the obvious..."Well time passed, duh. Things happened, people got changed by that."

>> No.2380630


Well, I tend to agree with the guys saying these we are in the midst of issues related to late capitalism.

However, shit always changes. I mean, we could say the same thing about 2007 and today, or the years between 2003 and 2007. The differences I see right now are mostly related to media and the rising level of education in the whole world. By this I mean that as more people get better education, there are better chances larger masses will know the things that are wrong with our world. It's like having masses that no longer react in a predictable way; the masses are now largely aware of their condition. Think about it and it makes some sense as a cause of the shift people here are talking about.