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File: 30 KB, 400x420, quentin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2379091 No.2379091 [Reply] [Original]

Stagolee was not a popular man; in real life he was an awkward and ostracised boy, and on 4chan he was despised and ultimately destroyed.

Some people labelled him a troll, others dismissed him as stupid. Others, found him humorous and through his tier lists and trolling he would often spark productive debate.

There was honest irony to his posts; a deliberate, blatant absurdity which was evident to only the most concrete of minds.

Whether you loathed him or loved him, attacked him or defended him, you must all agree that, for better or for worse, his contributions to this board's heritage are intrinsic to its current culture and fame across 4chan, and that means something.

"So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past."

>> No.2379093

truman please go

>> No.2379096

RIP sweet prince

>> No.2379101
File: 206 KB, 367x451, welles_multi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>current culture and fame across 4chan


>> No.2379105

you can't deny the truth.

>> No.2379109

You don't really think that stupid faggot's gone, do you?

>> No.2379110

So yeah /v/ got him arrested right? Now his parents won't let his underage b&'d ass back on here.

>> No.2379112


Most of the boards porbably don't even know /lit/ exists

>> No.2379113


Since OP is clearly Qunthole or whatever he's called this week, then no, I doubt he's gone far.

>> No.2379117

I guess he wasn't a bad enough dude to save the internet.

>> No.2379126

/v/ does. They found out stag was one of ours. Now those filthy nerds are all up in ours.

>> No.2381177

The one and only King of the trips.
There will never be another like him.

>> No.2381180

place your bets, what % of posts ITT are actually stagolee?

>> No.2381182

More like most of the boards don't care that /lit/ exists. Just like most of us don't care that, say, /cm/ exists.

>> No.2381196


Coooltop far outclasses him. You've got to be really something to have your name filtered on all boards.

>> No.2381217

who's cooItop

>> No.2381223
File: 803 KB, 196x249, 1328345045523.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw you remind me of Coooltop's exploits on /fa/

Oh god I still keep an undersized blazer in my closet for when I feel naughty

>> No.2381234

I thought he had two dads.

Anyhow, yeah, I really like Quentin. His "trolling" was so blatant, I can't believe so many people took him seriously and bitched about him in every single thread of his. The people who complained about him are more irritating than he was.

That's fucked up that /v/ did that to him. You play a character and joke around on a message board and you get your entire life ruined.

>> No.2381238


You post your picture on 4chan and you get your life ruined. There's a crucial difference you're missing.

>> No.2381244


Wait, what happened to Quentin? Did /v/ stop his fun ;_;?

>> No.2381247

Well yeah, it's definitely not smart to identify yourself on here. But he wasn't being fucked with just because he posted his face. It was for his innocuous little comics or whatever. It's ridiculous.

>> No.2381248

I am in the middle of a BF3 game on PS3 with him right now, in between matches. All dose lies. All dat slander.

>> No.2381249

They killed him.They literally killed him.

>> No.2381251



How'd he get arrested? Like, for what, how'd they find out, etc.?

>> No.2381262

photoshop + email to his school

>> No.2381276

He posted about shooting up his school, /v/ emailed his principal about it.

>> No.2381279

lol he kind of deserves that for being a dumbass

>> No.2381290

So how did /v/ manage to dox Quentin?

Does anyone have a screencap of his post about shooting up his school?

How could they prove that he made that particular post

>> No.2381300
File: 19 KB, 310x400, 1312729917769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trip, and quentin maintains a youtube channel where he confirms his trip and does very disturbing things. It was laughably easy to get him arrested. He did all the legwork. We just sent it to his principal.

>> No.2381304

sent a fake photoshopped threat to his principle

>> No.2381305

It was probably shopped, but quentin "posted" a threat saying he couldn't take bullying anymore, and was going to shoot up his school on Valentines day. At some point, someone who knew him from school told everyone his actual name and what school they went to. Someone sent the cap/shop to the school Principal, and later received a message that "the issue had been dealt with," and that he "couldn't disclose anymore information due to the situation".

>> No.2381311
File: 42 KB, 278x264, 1312286569087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, he DID start ISHYGDDT according to ED

>> No.2381315

What a weak fucking meme.

>> No.2381317

he's the one who claims to have started ISHTYGDDT

>> No.2381321

It's seriously one of the worst memes.
I seriously hope you guys don't use it.

>> No.2381324
File: 77 KB, 270x363, ehrj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna go with the facts, Buster Brown.

>> No.2381327

I like Quentin.

He's funny. He /lit/erally get dressed in a suit and takes pictures and videos with a copy of The Great Gatsby.


The entertain us.

Fuck you people...fun isn't allowed...keep pretending you've read Joyce.

>> No.2381328

I lol'd at your trip. Good work sir.

>> No.2381331

Kinda shitty of him to bill himself as Quentin of /v/ or whatever and not /lit/, seeing as how this is his original home. I remember the first few Stagolee threads outside of /lit/, taking his first big steps across the chan. Then he sold out.

>> No.2381337

I wonder what community college he will try and get into?

>> No.2381346

The great ITT Gatsby

>> No.2381351

Are you starting a new trip every time you get arrested, now?

>> No.2381361
File: 5 KB, 403x187, honestly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just got to /lit/ fellow reader!

>> No.2381366

This might be cool if he were actually clever

>> No.2381379

He's not particularly witty or interesting or anything, he's just sort of a garden-variety attention whore.

>> No.2381406

Quentin should be on the front page.

>> No.2381437

/v/ did it, not us. He should have known /v/ is almost a carbon copy of /b/, just maybe a little more worksafe.

>> No.2381442

did anyone find any more pics of his mom?

>> No.2381504

That is really the worst meme conceived on 4chan.

>> No.2381509

Quentin stop making threads about yourself. We really don't care that much. Sorry. Just become an anon like the rest of us so you don't have the bias of ego

>> No.2381508

Is that why /lit/ seems to be moving quickly as of late?

The quality seems to be declining into /v/ level retardation as well

>> No.2381545

He was just some guy. A lonely guy, but still a person like anyone else. All we do is post on some imageboard. This isn't anything to take to seriously. And yet we do. The way this person was dealt with wasn't cool. But nobody seems to show any hostility towards the idea of ruining some kids life because it sounds like a fun thing to do to a guy who simply wanted to discuss some books and jokingly mock things he wasn't into, Are we all scared to act like we care because it steers away from the hivemind? He wasn't that bad a guy. Can nobody else sympathize with the kid who had to sit alone, not because they were one of the special kid, but because they couldn't really get into the groups that were too externalized to make any sense to who you are?

>> No.2381561

No, I can't sympathize. If he was helpful and nice and sympathetic on 4chan, then I'd understand, but he was an annoying troll. His personality on 4chan explains everything about his real life. If you have that repulsive of a personality, and you are so stupid as to show your face under a trip, you deserve everything you have coming to you.

>> No.2381563

>nobody seems to show any hostility towards the idea of ruining some kids life
>Can nobody else sympathize with the kid
Love the discourse MLK, but read the posts ITT again. I know that the retards might be more vocal (samefagging and being obnoxious) but you're not the only one being on Q's side. Also, nothing that dramatic happened, but I'll love seeing the drama when they'll catch the retard who initiated all this shit.

>> No.2381565

A persona on the internet is nothing like one in real life.

My only real problem with this is the idea that this guy may have actually been bullied, or made to believe that being himself was something he shouldn't be privileged to. Nobody should be made to feel like that, even if it is somebody on 4chan.

>> No.2381574
File: 37 KB, 253x238, 1316487171136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want to reap the benefits of society, you live within society. Take your "bullied because he couldn't 'be himself'" rhetoric, and please leave the room. I can't stand another apologist for autistic loner fucks. If your opinion is unpopular, you don't go around stating it everywhere and inflaming boards and groups of people. You keep it to yourself, and find something you have in common with those other people.

I think a large portion of white kids at my university are useless, boozing lazy assholes, who feel entitled to a job just because they scraped by with a low B average and managed to do it hungover~~~ bro, so radical~~~~~. I don't say that to their faces. I talk about a movie I saw last week that we both enjoyed. I have friends. Surprise.

>> No.2381584

Could you imagine being a father with that type of mentality? Its just, when we're young we seem so ideal but as we grow our views escalate into that uglyness that plagued our parents. And we become incapable of empathy. And then we have our children and pass it down. None of those negative words are necessary. There's nobody out there who is absolutely dead set on doing everything to be your enemy. People don't just do things with the illest of intentions on mind, they do things without always knowing the best way to show it. There's no need for it to be 'us versus them',

>> No.2381587

>If you want to reap the benefits of society, you live within society.

Are you a fucking retard or something? can you BE more statist? fuck off.

oh you are a subhuman
why don't you fuck off back to whatever shithole you came from?

>> No.2381588

It's OK, Thoreau. Live in the woods and grow that neckbeard long.

>> No.2381592
File: 36 KB, 200x200, 1315513945537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are you a fucking retard or something? can you BE more statist?

>mfw I'm a lawyer

No, I couldn't be more statist if I tried.

>> No.2381593

I think the idea there is that society is something that we often aren't too grateful for, and that often we strive to escape it rather than better it or take on the perspective of our neighbors. An idea of general empathy and compassion for fellow man.

>> No.2381595

I *am* a father. I teach my children to hold their unpopular opinions to themselves, and to learn how to get along with others. I teach them the value of solitude, how to manipulate others, and how to get ahead of others. I strongly dissuade them from staying in their room and growing their hair long and trolling on forums.

>> No.2381598
File: 55 KB, 260x200, catbusiness.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If your opinion is unpopular, you don't go around stating it everywhere and inflaming boards
Yeah, because 4chan iz serious business and meaningful for the future of mankind. Take with a pinch of salt whatever you read here, otherwise you'll become a buttmad psycho raging jello.

>> No.2381600

there are so many miserable parents in the world teaching their kids to do the same.

i hope you're satisfied. you'll be forgotten along with the children you failed to raise.

>> No.2381601

I think we're talking about why Quentin was bullied and couldn't get along with his peers at school.

>> No.2381607
File: 72 KB, 736x437, 1318802857967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me know how your... uhhh... "non-statist" kids turn out, if you ever get a chance to stick your willy into a vagina.

>> No.2381608

Being "part of society" is one thing, but you fucking idiots always take that to mean being obedient to the goddamn government or perhaps some other authority, which is completely missing the entire point.

Society is something that is MADE by the people who inhabit it. It is not something which exists on it's own. Anyways, it's not some fucking arbitrary "society" which we owe a duty to, but to our parents, to our blood kin, and to our race.

he's a white in a school of subhuman spics and niggers.

>> No.2381609

I was just quoting you. Also, I think we're talking about Quentin being bullied by /v/ and the fact some guys on /lit/ approve and cheer that action.

>> No.2381610
File: 54 KB, 735x765, 1318833715623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>statist guy is stormfront guy

OHHHHHHHHHHH, nevermind. Ignore all my replies, bro. I take it all back. Keep on rocking on in the free world.

>> No.2381615

I didn't claim to say that. Could you not generalize by referring to me as 'you people' please? :)

I do care about the betterment of our education system and other public services though.

>> No.2381616

i'm not the statist, you dumbass. I only made 2 posts in this thread.

>> No.2381622

>public services

yet again, like i said, you mistake "society" and "community" to mean GOVERNMENT.

Which is strange because as we've seen, for decades now the government has been the destroyer of both.

The education might need improvement, but the education in the USA is the best in the world, white test scores in america beat all of europe and most asian countries.

>> No.2381627

delete thread op, cause it's fucked

>> No.2381630

You make pretty broad assumptions when it comes to what I mean. You should wait until you have a more fleshed out post before using my words as a basis for these things. I don't think the government is the sole source for education. I believe society itself should empathize education through public figures and cultural shifts. Please stop being so insistent on making me out to be a pawn. :)

>> No.2381633

society is not a top down entity. Society is not a goddamn "government" or corporation.

You are just throwing suggestions to the wind, waste of breath.

>> No.2381638

Am I saying society is a corporation or government?

I feel as if you are going a little loopy wherever you are. You're misreading my words in so many funny ways. I think you may want to take a pill that would help you 'chill' out. Get my drift, jack? :D

>> No.2381639

Goodnight, Quentin. You lasted longer and trolled harder than many a tripfag. You were the only one where there once were many. I hated you more than life itself. Goodbye, you relic of a bygone era. Whether the passing of the last of your order is a good or bad thing remains to be seen.

Sincerely, a shameful oldfag.

>> No.2381651



>> No.2381657

Did you ever send something to the principal on facebook like you said you would, dude? I was counting on you to be the good guy. Capote!

>> No.2381659


Someone pretended to be him, he wasn't even using his trip.

i don't have the picture to prove it, but I'm sure someone does.

>> No.2381661


Yes I did email his headmaster, and I tried to explain the situation, but I never received a reply.

I hope he's okay.

>> No.2381666

Way to go. I'm only responding because I feel like people who do feel like this entire situation is silly should say it so goes like you don't feel like they're the only ones who actually care somewhat.

>> No.2381670
File: 61 KB, 400x388, pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw we'll never get another quentin comic
>mfw he deleted his youtube/imgur account

there will never be a trip quite like him.

RIP you beautiful bastard

>> No.2381672
File: 7 KB, 150x150, willy_kid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I'm only responding because I feel like people who do feel like this entire situation is silly should say it so goes like you don't feel like they're the only ones who actually care somewhat.

>> No.2381677

I'm sure that you're not a native English-speaker (and it's okay, because neither am I), but you're reaching the comprehensibility level of “Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?”

>> No.2381678

yeah. I kind of botched what I was saying there.

But right, I do hope for the best when it comes to Quentin. I can't imagine being called down to the principal or being apprehended for something like this.

>> No.2381682


If he gets in legal trouble for this, his life will be ruined.

american justice system doesn't piss around with shit like this.

>> No.2381684


>> No.2381688

>never received a reply

You did remember to end you message with "Please respond.", didn't you?

>> No.2381801
File: 54 KB, 490x295, mcavoy0wv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calling the Principal of an American high-school "headmaster"
I seriously hope you guys don't do this.

>> No.2381955

What exactly happened to Stag?

What did /v/ do?

>> No.2381972

>/v/ found out his trip
>faked a post saying he was going to shootup his school
>sent printscreens and 'proof' it was quints to school head.
>he got picked up and then released

>> No.2381977

Wait. Stagolee is also Quentin?

Stag has two gay dads, and has had dox dropped before.

I call bullshit on the whole thing.

As a follow up question, why the fuck have a trip if you change it every week?

>> No.2381980
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>> No.2381986

I feel bad looking at that. Sure if Quentin actually posted that it would be funny but he didn't.

>> No.2382000 [DELETED] 
File: 32 KB, 530x278, tegan-sara-PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stag had his stuff dropped here.
He wasn't hated as stag. He had fun, made subtle trolls.

As quints he still made trolls, but moved to /v/ as well and began to get hate because they are bitter and humourless cunts.

I miss you stagbro.

>> No.2382015

likely to evade all the bans

>> No.2382028
File: 24 KB, 640x480, FRY_suss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What I mean is that we've already had one drama relating to this particular tripcunt, where allegedly Anon went to his house and upset his two gay dads.

How do we know this isn't another bullshit attention gathering technique?

I smell a rat.

>> No.2382037
File: 298 KB, 352x352, stag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mfw he signed this New Year's Eve /lit/card as Stagolee

His homeboard was /lit/. He started posting here, as "Stagolee". He changed his name for other more mainstream boards and he become better known as "Quentin".
He'll always remain in our /lit/ hearts as Stagolee.

>> No.2382052
File: 44 KB, 396x500, tegansara_possessedweb-396x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly don't think this is an attention thing this time.
Also:no idea where my post went

I honestly don't get why people got upset over stag. It's like they were too dumb for his humour.

>> No.2382057

Why the fuck is this retarded idiotic thread still fucking alive? It's obviously Quention.
You're all too fucking stupid if you think that he's not around anymore.

>> No.2382056

dox /v/

like all of them

>> No.2382114
File: 122 KB, 321x460, yotsuba__why_god_why__by_muna56-d4hml4i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so true, he will always be around, watching us post ;_;

>> No.2382223

Let him be a warning to the rest of you attention whoring tripcunts.
You'll be docs'd eventually, fucking give it up.

>> No.2383261


>> No.2383285


Would just like to note, you epitomize beta faggotry.

Enjoy your cuckold sex sessions when your wife wants to get that nigger cock and you "don't voice your opinion" because you'd like to live within the "confines of society"

lol dis kidz as gaie as quentin

>> No.2384811

You're still here?