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/lit/ - Literature

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2377853 No.2377853 [Reply] [Original]

What is your father's favorite book?

>> No.2377855

The Bible

>> No.2377856

The Bible here as well. It's a classic.

>> No.2377863

The Bible

>> No.2377865

Lord of the Rings

>> No.2377866

My dad only reads technical books about computer programming.

>> No.2377869

HG Wells' The Time Machine

not much of a reader, though.

>> No.2377871

I dont think my dad ever read.

>> No.2377875
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>____ son of ____ married to ____ had two kids: ____ and ____, and ____ became a farmer and was the father of _____...

>better than motherfucking everything else

>2012 after christ

>> No.2377876

Some Louis L'Amour book.

>> No.2377879

My dad pretends to have read quite a few books, but I doubt he got through them.

>> No.2377882

the bible is the first three posts that's awsome. i just like to answer the favorite book question with 'the bible' but i'm pretty sure that's what my father would say. he doesn't read books, but we were raised in a catholic home.

>> No.2377887

My dad is dead. Thanks for reminding me OP.

But seriously, he used to like Heinlein and got into reading about Gnostic Christianity before he died. There's also an immense number of books on gardening, carpentry, general household electrics, car repair manuals, maths textbooks...

>> No.2377891

My gardener and carpenter are both dead. Thanks for reminding me.


>> No.2377896

>My gardener and carpenter are both dead
Jesus (carpenter) rose again on the third day, and was also Adam (gardener) come again.

>> No.2377900

Oh shit, forgot spoilers...

>> No.2377903

My father is quite a reader.

I know he likes Hopscotch a lot. Crime and Punishment as well. But I don't know about his favourite book, he reads a bit of everything and likes very different stuff. He has moved away from fiction nowadays, only reading the occasional Paul Auster, but he is enjoying himself with science books now, like Jared Diamond, Richard Leakey, Dawkins, etc.

I'm constantly talking about literature with him, he said that some authors that changed his way of seeing things were Dostoievsky, Proust and Saramago.

Yup. I wouldn't even be here in /lit/ without him.

>> No.2377908

My father's favorite novel is The Unconsoled, and his favorite author is Mordecai Richler. Luckily my father is actually pretty well read with a great book collection, and is probably one of the biggest influences on my lifelong love of reading. I talk about literature with him frequently.

>> No.2377916

Either Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, or maybe Breakfast of Champions.

Honestly, my dad is the type to have a favorite author, rather than a favorite book, and even then, I've never known him to really quantify his appreciation for these things.

>> No.2377934

The Lord of the Rings. When I was a kid he would always ask me what book I was reading and then tell me I should read The Lord of the Rings but be sure to read the Hobbit first

>> No.2377938

My father never read much. He was an electrician.

I think his favorite book was The Grapes of Wrath. He read it to me as a kid.

I love my Dad.

>> No.2377946
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I'm sorry, /lit/.

>> No.2377975
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He died when I was little. I don't remember his favorite book, but I remember him reading this to me as a boy. I recently revisited the book and almost started crying.

>> No.2377978

"of mice and men" is my dads favorite book

my dad's name is mark guys

>> No.2377991

my dad was a suprisingly well read individual

his favorite book was still The Power of One though

dunno why, never reallya sked him.

>> No.2377994
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Not sure about my father, but this is my mother's.

>> No.2377995

Gone with the Wind

>> No.2378008

My dad's favorite book is Atlas Shrugged.
He mostly reads science fiction however, and has a great library. He got me started in the genre and we talk about books a lot.

>> No.2378013
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>> No.2378046

Pillars of the Earth. Kenneth Folliet

>> No.2378050

Have no idea. I recently learned that my grandmother read War and Peace though.

>> No.2378055

My father left when I was a baby. My stepfather doesn't read, so I doubt he has a favorite book.

>> No.2378056

Popular science is the most my dad reads. We are like polar opposites.

>> No.2378059

> doesn't read
I don't understand. Is he illiterate?

>> No.2378063

He has the ability to read, he just chooses not to. He reads things in his daily life, such as exit signs on the highway, paperwork at work, subtitles on the television, and such like that. But he doesn't read books.

>> No.2378064

Ah, makes a little more sence.

>> No.2378069
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oddly enough, another fat book by Hemingway (I think he wrote two -- one for each WW)

>> No.2378083
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I don't know, he has read a lot of books, when I take a look in his bookshelf, I always find something new.

Pic related - He seems top love this book, not sue if /lit/ approves.

>> No.2378174

My dad can barely read, hes pretty fucking stupid.

>> No.2378181
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I love Hemingway, he's a terrific writer and I'm 19.
My fathers book would be all Bond books.

>> No.2378196

He's big into mafia books, like The Ice Man: Confessions of a Mafia Contract Killer.

Likes Michael Crichton, as well, I believe.