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2376149 No.2376149 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/ Please recommend me some books like Electric Kool-Aid Acid test? Alternative people/groups of people traveling around/drug taking/people going on massive adventures etc.

>> No.2376154

david f. wallace

infinite jest

>> No.2376152

hunter s. thompson

jack kerouac

>> No.2376157


OP, you might try Phikal too in addition to Kerouac/HST. Also, you might as well read The Pump House Gang.

>> No.2376169

Which Kerouc should I try? I got half way through On the Road and was sought of bored so I stopped. For Hst I thought fear and loathing was pretty kool, Kingdom of fear was ok but I didn't bother to finnish it and Hells Angels was ok but I didn't bother to finnish that either. I'd get pump house but none of the librarys in my state have it.

Thanks guys, keep them coming.

>> No.2376175

please never type cool with a k again. it almost made me regret suggesting anything for you, but i made a resolution to be less petty. i've only been marginally successful.

dharma bums from kerouac might suit you and you should check out the collection of short stories from HST called the great shark hunt. also, they're pretty different in tone, but most of irvine welsh's books are about drugs.

>> No.2376181

Haha, It's an old habit from the MSN days, I never remember to try and fix. I am glad you made the resolution.

I'll check them out. I read Trainspotting sometime in December just gone, I thought it was pretty cool.

I need to sleep, hopefully there will be some more recommendations when I wake up. Adventure style book is mostly what I'm looking for and them doing drugs usually makes it more relatable/interesting.

>> No.2376274

try Kim Stanley Robinson - The Gold Coast

>> No.2376289

Autobiography of a Supertramp by W.H.Davies is good. About a guy hitchkiking across America and the UK in hte late 19th century/early 20th century.

>> No.2376290

The Bible. Actually serious. It's hilarious. Also Shakespeare if you're educated enough to understand it.

>> No.2376631

Bumping for Solidarity.

>> No.2376668

I also want to know more books on Hippies.
Also, check out Bomb Culture by Jeff Nutall it is not a non-fiction novel with new journalism,but it is a good source for general info.

>> No.2377868

Thanks for the recommendations guys.

None of the library's in my state have it but I'm not too interested on info, I've read a tonne, watched films etc and yeah I'd rather read about peoples personal experiences, like Kool-Aid. I'm interested in any counter culture groups, not just hippies but I guess they are probably the most interesting.

Books I've found/read that you may enjoy Velvet/and others.
-Steal this book by Abbie Hoffman
-Amazing dope tales by Stephen Gaskin
-In watermelon sugar by Richard Brautigan(havn't read it yet but sounds very interesting)
-Nog by Rudolph Wurlitzer(Apparently all his books have counter-culture themes. I might have to commit to buying Nog because no librarys in my state have it)
-Be Here Now by Richard Alpert(Ram Dass)
-Junky by William S Burroughs
-Scar Tissue by Anthony Keidis(sought of)
-Into the wild by Jon Krakauer(I didn't like how every letter he showed was people talking negatively of Chris, there should have been a even balance of good and bad letters but the story was good. Chris said he was going to write his own book about his experiences when he got back, I imagine that would have been way better)
-True Hallucinations by Terrence Mckenna
-I'll say Shantaram by Gregory David Roberts because theres lots of adventure.
-Taking Woodstock by Elliot Tiber(The dude whom thought of having woodstock in his little town)
Hope you guys can find something you like.

>> No.2377885

I should have added films as-well because I've noticed you guys have been accepting other mediums lately:
-Into the Wild(Has been my favorite movie for years, nothing comes close, I'm always looking for films like Into the Wild)
-Taking Woodstock
- V for Vendetta
- Fear and loathing in Las Vegas
- Requiem for a dream
- Trainspotting
- Lords of dog-town and the documentary.

Inb4- Hippie faggot lover, etc. I'm very interested about the whole 'hippie' movement but I also see a shit load of hypocrisy. I'm positive a lot of the hippies were hipsters as in doing what was cool at the time, following trends but I still admire them trying to change things and a lot of their idiologues: Veganism, cutting down on pollution, being more peaceful etc

>> No.2377889

>Steal this book
That reminded me. Steal this wiki went down forever. Anyone know why?

>> No.2377965

I saved you recommendation list anon! also, even if you are not that interested in info, I must insist in you reading Bomb Culture. I think it is one of the most complete works on 50's to 80's counterculture.
It isn't just about hippies, but also takes on Mods, Ginsberg, Hipsters (not the nametakers that we know now), Teddy-boys, Mods, Black panthers, The Beatles, Underground scene, Rockers, The living theatre, the Beatgeneration, Arthaud, Kerouac, LSD, Jazz, Pink Floyd... and so and so.

>> No.2377968

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest

>> No.2378011

I was going to put that on my list but thought maybe not. Amazing book.

I would/will have to buy it then bro, I usually don't buy anything. I don't even have a tv. I'm saving money to go traveling either to europe or America and or become a vagabond, I've saved a lot of money from working. The book does sound sweet though, that's what I meant before, I want to read books not just about the hippies but about mods etc even counterculture groups in 16th century France, for example.

>> No.2378037

Almost finished The Teachings of Don Juan, I'd definitely recommend it.

>> No.2378096

Nice! any more?

Forgot to say I just saw your surrealist thread and it reminded me i was going to try find some works in that genre after reading a couple Salvador Dali art books, thanks for making the thread!

>> No.2378106

Burroughs' Naked Lunch.

>> No.2378255

You should really check out Pensees et Anecdotes for some cool Dalinian stuff anon! I really liked it.

>> No.2378664

Didn't think Naked Lunch was very interesting, was sought of bored the whole way through.

I definitely will. I don't know how I have never see Max Ernst's art!

>> No.2380639

A scanner darkly
Down and out in Paris and London

>> No.2380669
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>Alternative people/groups of people traveling around/drug taking/people going on massive adventures etc

Pic related

>> No.2380819

Try Monkey Wrench Gang by Edward Abbey.

Also: Stay away from Kerouac. On the Road was probably his most edited book. If that's not your speed, I don't think you'll get any enjoyment out of his other stuff.

>> No.2380891

Yes! That sounds awesome man, thankyou.

That's probably good advise. It's not that I didn't like On the road, half of the book I actually really enjoyed but then it just got boring. It could be my fault though, I was going through a period where if a book wasn't totally amazing to me I stopped reading it.

>> No.2380893

Also could people please recommend films on these subjects as-well? (Adventures, drugs etc)

>> No.2380897

Try Cosmic Banditos by Some Guy-I-Can't-Remember.

It's full of coke fuelled adventures, incidents with hand-grenades, and tequila-fuelled rampages, and you also learn a lot about quantum maths and physics and shit as well.

The writer's called maybe Weisbecker or sth - it's on the tip of my mind.

>> No.2380995

Travels with Charley by John Steinbeck.

>> No.2381000

Scanner Darkly

>> No.2381408
File: 33 KB, 250x334, 250px-Alice_05a-1116x1492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try Vurt by Jeff Noon. Maybe even books like Alice In Wonderland. I'd be interesting in finding some "trippy" books too.

>> No.2381445

Naked lunch, or someting else by William S Burroughs