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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 58 KB, 1138x691, 121212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23724981 No.23724981[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

We had several anons who promised they'll mirror the wiki but nothing materialized so far.

We must persevere.

Previous thread: >>23689681
/g/ thread: >>>/g/102021732
MEGA link with charts: https://mega.nz/folder/OAgwQLzb#OE01Wa2VEsnHQA91Z8y57g
Google Drive link with charts: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1AuGHJ4cydeafJQiArdO0AQBk3LyMrO0w
Link to download the wiki archive: https://4chanlit.fandom.com/wiki//lit/

>> No.23725025

what it do

>> No.23725086
File: 130 KB, 1024x1020, 1699017100248687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a regular here so I don't know, get someone trustable to buy a VPS and host the site, or better yet, self-host it. It'll take a while but I know you guys can do it, I believe in you frens.

>> No.23725115

I post here everyday. Wikifags eat shit.

>> No.23725130

You're illiterate and stupid.

>> No.23725187

Can dokuwiki readily import the xml dump?

>> No.23725208

Posted this in the other thread
/g/entooman here
Don't know how we were the only ones to actually think of self hosting a wiki. Genuinely retarded trusting fandom.
Anyway, here's a oversimplified guide to making a wiki. Take your time learning each step.
>Generate SSH key (if on Windows install PuTTy and use PuTTygen)
>Find a non-pozzed domain name registrar (avoid GoDaddy) and choose relevant name
>get a non-pozzed VPS (preferably with IPv6)
>For server OS, 99% of the time, just choose Debian (if you know what you're doing, you can also choose Ubuntu Server or a RHEL/CentOS based Linux distro like Alma or Rocky)
>Setup DNS records and SSH keys.
>Start the server and SSH into server
>Generally just install NGinx (or, if you know what you're doing, OpenResty or lighttpd)
>Research then install 1 of the following options as well as install necessary dependencies (found in docs): MediaWiki, DokuWiki. Wiki.js, BookStack (on except Ubuntu and Arch you'll have to use PHP's package manager Composer to install)
>Look through docs
>Configure webserver, wiki software, and potentially database accordingly
>Install and setup Certbot (look out for the option that doesn't force you to put in email)
>Use systemctl to reload or restart web services
>Regular update and maintain server. Optionally set up some security like fail2ban.

Additional info:

>> No.23725753

Not sure how time pressed you guys are but if you don’t get to it by this weekend I’ll give it a shot
t rusty /g/ahnoofag

>> No.23725778

It still needs some work. A few images are still missing and (most?) infoboxes are borked since Fandom has their own wiki extensions.

Many thanks to >>23724322!

>> No.23725795

Huh. I was unsure if those final images also 404ed while the fandom was up because certain images, despite being named normally, were not found using the same URL format as the others. Guess I'll look into it more.

>> No.23725931

Anyone have the dark and disturbing literature chart? Can't find it in the GDrive

>> No.23725947

Great work anon

>> No.23726010
File: 1.48 MB, 1724x3246, dark and disturbing literature chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23726115

Scraperanon here, found an issue with the missing files to do with filename capitalization, so I have a few more images you can add
Is there a way you can check how many/which images you are missing?

>> No.23726165

All of these but "Placeholder", ".jpg" and ".png", which aren't supposed to be there, and the rest of the red links, which never existed (at least with that specific filename and capitalisation) in the original wiki.

>> No.23726167

here you go retards
t. /g/

>> No.23726212

That was most of them btw. Just ran the import script.
Only 29 images missing now, down from 130 (and ~600 yesterday). Thanks a lot.

>> No.23726273

Thanks. How many have you read from the chart? I'm about halfway through them, trying to read them all

>> No.23726300
File: 667 KB, 2048x1536, 1724259389487806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't know how we were the only ones to actually think of self hosting a wiki. Genuinely retarded trusting fandom.
superior STEM high IQ obviously, even /sci/ managed to do it by themselves

>> No.23726421

/sci/ has a fandom

>> No.23726489

/sci/ as far as I know never made a wiki or at least it never took off. They primarily used wikia/fandom. They migrated to /g/'s wiki and imported all their stuff over to it. https://wiki.installgentoo.com/wiki//sci/ . So far only /sci/ (due to Computer Science / Comp Engineering / Electrical Engineering / Computation / Linear Algebra / Lambda Calculus) and /diy/ (due to 3D Printing / HAM Radio / Microcontrollers / Electronics) are permitted there.

>> No.23726523

/sci/ used to have a googlepages wiki. also, nobody there even uses that wiki.

>> No.23726526

not my problem

>> No.23726553
File: 38 KB, 480x451, absolutelyproprietary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No wonder it never took off. Bloated botnet where Jewgle has more control over your site than you.

>> No.23726651 [DELETED] 

Sysadmin here, not a /lit/izen

anyone with a slight bit of IT knowledge can set it up quite easily. ingredients:
>Oracle cloud (free ARM server, up to 24G ram, 4 cores)
>Hugo, static site generator
>cheap domain

mix thoroughly
put some magic sugar in it
mix some more

Either that, or just set up a LAMP stack with a wiki and import shit and stuff
Wiki: https://github.com/awesome-selfhosted/awesome-selfhosted?tab=readme-ov-file#wikis

>> No.23726699

Sysadmin here, not a /lit/izen

anyone with a slight bit of IT knowledge can set it up quite easily. ingredients:
>Oracle cloud (free ARM server, up to 24G ram, 4 cores)
>Hugo, static site generator
>cheap domain

mix thoroughly
put some magic sugar in it
mix some more

Either that, or just set up a LAMP stack with a wiki and import shit and stuff
Wiki: https://github.com/awesome-selfhosted/awesome-selfhosted?tab=readme-ov-file#wikis

>> No.23726712

Thanks anon but the poetry link directs to fandom

>> No.23726820
File: 21 KB, 334x250, you-what-what.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga you're asking normies to start with generating SSH keys? I knew us /g/oons were autistic but this is just lol, lmao even.

Did you guys look into Miraheze yet? I have had good experience with it in the past. You just need to find a way to dump the current contents from your old host and import them over.

>> No.23726867

in the miso soup wasnt even as xd RANDUM as people make it out to be. people just don't understand what it means to actually express yourself anymore, it's all gotta be grounded propositions set in a fucking bland soulless reality of hard surfaces and solid objects because that's what most of the population experiences

>> No.23726888

Poetry link on which page? I can't find it.

Miraheze refused to import the /lit/ wiki due to it being associated with 4chan, sadly.

>> No.23726890

Miraheze is duty-bound to catch a bad dose of chlamydia and die writhing on a soiled mattress

>> No.23726895

Miraheze bhenchod

>> No.23726904

mother toad

>> No.23727720

>Poetry link on which page? I can't find it.

link on the text " Alternatively if you're looking to get into poetry, you can start here."

>> No.23727754 [DELETED] 
File: 21 KB, 772x160, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The new /lit/ wiki

>> No.23727842

Col. 3

>> No.23727917

When I get home I'll download the charts. Self hosting seems simple but someone has to pay the bills and it ain't me. I think we should make it a torrent and call it a day.

>> No.23727928

github hosts static wikis for free. How many times do I have to tell you faggots?

>> No.23728101

Github is an organization filled with trannies and CoC enforcers. Even before Microsoft bought it as seen with Coraline Ehmke. It would likely be taken down. Self hosting is really the only way to save /lit/'s wiki.

>> No.23728125


>> No.23728250


>> No.23728327

nta but anything even vaguely praising Nazis would get purged as soon as someone noticed it. Especially if it gets linked alot.

>> No.23728435

>he doesn't know about https://arewewomenyet.github.io/

>> No.23728472

no one cares

>> No.23728479

i care

>> No.23729297

Thank you, I've fixed it. The poetry page was correctly imported.


No idea why but the original editor of that recommended reading page made those external links instead of article links.

By the way, anonymous editing is enabled so anyone can contribute to the new wiki even without an account. It just needs to be advertised a little, maybe replaced in the sticky if mods agree.

>> No.23729454
File: 12 KB, 529x142, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello from Australia.

>> No.23729541
File: 1.88 MB, 2550x5250, Almost_t122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your site is a fuck.
Maximum 2MB upload so I can't upload the 2022.png that you want, and 413 errors galore so I can't upload Almost t122.jpg either. I got all the Huge Orson Welles stuff at least.

>> No.23729784

>Maximum 2MB upload so I can't upload the 2022.png that you want, and 413 errors galore
Oh, that was a default setting. I've changed it to 14MB now and enabled pdf, epub and mobi uploads. Uploaded one as a test. Dunno if that's large enough or reasonable in the long term.
>I got all the Huge Orson Welles stuff at least.
Thanks, Nigger.

>> No.23729798

No problem, Bill.
Unfortunately I've come across another problem, "Error creating thumbnail: File with dimensions greater than 12.5 MP", which shouldn't mean much other than you can't see it without opening the image file but I'd say you can fix it by changing the maximum pixel settings.

>> No.23729811

No idea what's a reasonable setting for that either. I made it just high enough to fix all the charts which should be the biggest images, anyway.

>> No.23729814

Looks like it worked. Maybe should make a /lit/ wiki general lol.

>> No.23730040

You're great anon, this is good.

>By the way, anonymous editing is enabled so anyone can contribute to the new wiki even without an account.
Sounds like it'll get vandalised soon.

>It just needs to be advertised a little, maybe replaced in the sticky if mods agree.
Yes mods need to do that.

We can make a new thread to advertise it, but at the moment the wiki seems pretty slow right? If there are even more people browsing it, I'm worried it'll just crash. Are there bandwith limits?

>> No.23730095

Funny how you guys heap bitter abuse and caustically lampoon us Indians for filth and squalor, whilst you're the ones who are afraid of vandalism as soon as a new site is created.

>> No.23730129

Do we know the reason for the deletion?

>> No.23730133

"m-muh nazi 4channers with their bigotry"

>> No.23730134

I think the site admin of the previous wiki started moralfagging about “not hosting le ebil 4chan content”
What a fag lmao

>> No.23730140

>funny how you sirs is abuse hating us bharatians and calling us poo in the loo while you sirs scared of vandalism and mess after the site is created

>> No.23730164

pajeets like you are the ones that vandalise these sites dumbass

>> No.23730170

A better and *cheaper* way would be to host it on IPFS or Github.

>> No.23730229

>Pot calling the kettle black.

>> No.23730236

trash that doesn't work, on par with cryptoshit
Tranny central

>> No.23730286

>Cheap domain name

>> No.23730292 [DELETED] 


>> No.23730530

Its marshmallow calling the chocolate brown

>> No.23730549

you shit on a street

>> No.23730556

>All Indians defecate on the streets
Nice generalization, donkey.

>> No.23730558

widespread phenomena can be generalized to reveal statistical truths, you streetshitting pajeet

>> No.23730579

By this dumb logic, one might arrive at the conclusion that most Americans are faggots, given the LGBTQ mania being widespread phenomena. Huh?

>> No.23730583

>widespread phenomena can be generalized to reveal statistical truths
Are you retarded or something?

>> No.23730593

I agree

>> No.23730595

if that sentence is too much for your comprehension, I believe you are the retarded one

>> No.23730730

nta, but which ones have you read, and what did you think of them?

>> No.23731253

i think they were all crap

>> No.23731263

Can we rebuild the wiki suggestions though? The older charts were ass

>> No.23731290

Are you the one who ripped the site last thread? Thanks for your help

>> No.23731337

Heads up, the Everything category on the main page leads to very few page links. Apart from clicking Random page, I don't see a way of accessing most of the pages that are on the site.

>> No.23731386

Lol shut the fuck up you illiterate faggot how are you going to rebuild shit when you read fewer than 100 books in your pathetic life get the FUCK out of here and be thankful people greater than you gave you some crumbs to read

>> No.23731401

Based, you should upload the code you used or a guide on github so people know how to do it if it vanishes again

>> No.23731408

fr fr no cap

>> No.23731461

the charts are actually quite allright and even some great ones here and there

>> No.23731570

>some great ones here and there

>> No.23731593
File: 103 KB, 1249x591, wiki shill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh cool we've already got someone using the new wiki to shill their shitty zines.

>> No.23731597

At least they put it at the end looks like

>> No.23731608

The page is for original content from /lit/. Neither of those zines have ever called for submissions here, plus the Remilia one is associated with NFT bullshit.

sincerely kys Nigger

>> No.23731621

>Neither of those zines have ever called for submissions here
I wouldn't know I ignore zine threads but I know some anons (retards) like them.

>> No.23731650

Quality isn't my issue. It's that these entries have nothing to do with /lit/ apart from occasionally having the links dropped here. They're not content from /lit/.

There could be a place for random e-zines on the wiki, but the Original Content place is not it, and without a direct connection to /lit/ it's always going to be little more than shilling.

>> No.23731703

>There could be a place for random e-zines on the wiki
Please no just keep ony /lit/ stuff

>> No.23731853

Unless it's published Lewis Woolston it doesn't belong on there. Kiss my arse.

>> No.23731860

How the fuck did they find it so fast?

>> No.23731862


>> No.23731866

how did the trannies find our new wiki so fast

>> No.23731873

Those zines have been posted to /lit/ before, they just weren't made by /lit/. And the one who added them was Nigger, who's been in the thread talking about uploading remaining charts. It's not shills suddenly descending on the board, it's just one (probably) well-meaning retard.

>> No.23731926


>> No.23731959

so what you're saying is this nigger is shilling trannies

>> No.23732040

there's already a page titled "Literary Blogs and E-zines" btw
it's literature

>> No.23732168

are you all just hating on me cos I said ass? The charts are filled with pleb tier suggestions and the wiki would be better id we worked on new charts as well (best books on music theory or acting theory, chemstry, etc)

>> No.23732173

lit.salon supports lists
just redo them there

>> No.23732779

Gomenasai desu wa kore wa japonichiwa, I was told by >>23730180 that those were /lit/ originals, if I posted wrong then take them down desuwa nanika omoishira

>> No.23733287

too be honest Ive never used it in my 10+ years of being here but glad you saved the charts

>> No.23734063

>Heads up, the Everything category on the main page leads to very few page links
I noticed. That category is generated by Fandom, as far as I'm aware. I didn't want to delete it so I just moved it to the infobox on the main page (previously the main page itself was in the category, so it was linked at the bottom) but it's not really the best way to organize a wiki. Ideally the articles should be put into (multiple) relevant categories and most importantly should actually reference each other. That's not currently the case, unfortunately, but that's up for the editors to fix and not me. You can see all pages here, as well lists of dead-end pages that don't link to any other, and orphan pages that aren't linked to anywhere.

>download these
>>23724981 (charts from MEGA and .xml data from Fandom itself)
>>23726115 (rest of the images)
>buy domain
>rent VPS
>make domain point to VPS
>set up a LEMP (Linux, Nginx, MariaDB, PHP) stack
>properly secure your system (set up firewall, disable password authentication, disable ssh as root, run mysql secure install script etc.)
>download MediaWiki using wget, extract it and move to a folder in /var/www
>install it
>import images and data dump using the included importImages.php and importDump.php maintenance scripts
>config short URLs in Nginx
There are guides to all of the MediaWiki specific steps in their wiki, and about a thousand guides on Linux stuff online.
>use Certbot to set up SSL if you don't want to use Cloudflare
>run some troubleshooting like fixing up some stuff that was broken in the data dump, changing max upload, changing thumbnail limit

>> No.23734166

Shut the fuck up reddit and go back

>> No.23734229

wait, but if he *is* reddit, to where must he return?

>> No.23734256

This era of 4chan is finished and it's not coming back.

>> No.23734280

No one tries to bring it back, just to archive it

>> No.23734533

what era is now then?

>> No.23734561

era of zoomer shitters

>> No.23734589

are these zoomers in the room with you now?

>> No.23734601

>stale zoomer meme

>> No.23734628

>stale roblox sound

>> No.23734677


>> No.23735584

Everything in the pic from the post you quoted is from this mega http://mega.nz/folder/2gsHSSbA#Sl46P4LljGlk9mnpAf3Mlw and it's 90% Original Content; all those projects at least started out drawing content from /lit/ (there's a general trend to try expanding out of /lit/, which came up about Lit Quarterly in the last thread), whereas the two you added were only ever dropped tangentially as links. The two links are removed now anyway, so no big deal.

I could try updating the OC page and writing out some blurbs, considering I know a little bit about most of the projects and the page ought to be expanded on by now. Shame so many of those PDF files are hueg, otherwise I'd mirror them on the wiki.

Thanks, G. What are the hosting costs like right now? And what are the file upload limits and that sort of thing? I thought I saw 15MB in the last thread.

Good catch.

>> No.23735703

>I could try updating the OC page and writing out some blurbs, considering I know a little bit about most of the projects and the page ought to be expanded on by now.
You should. I remember someone attempting to start a general about those projects a while ago which could be a potentially useful resource.