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[ERROR] No.22017 [Reply] [Original]

Sup /fitlit/ , do you prefer ebook readers, or real books?

>> No.22060

E readers are better

Unless you like having books as a form of wallpaper

>> No.22109

E readers ruin your /lit/ gains. Don't listen to this pleb

>> No.22132


>> No.22178

Real books. Nothing beats turning over pages.

>> No.22282
File: 2.46 MB, 2420x3226, 20170401_161508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will usually go for an e-reader for a few reasons, sometimes I can't find a book I want to read but I can usually find a virtual copy, as well as, if you read lots it will most likely end up being the cheaper option. Though I will also read real books.

>> No.22926

t. jew printers

>> No.22963

I like the feel of a real book, but I like my Kobo for practical reasons

>> No.22973

Is this real or just shilling?
Maybe some E readers are shit (and ebook on smartphone/tablet)

What's a good E-reader anyway?

>> No.23005

An e-reader is more practical so that's what I use for textbooks and the like (it also makes it easier to steal them,) but if I'm just reading for fun I prefer a physical, hardcover book.

>> No.23031

I've never even used an e-reader desu.

>> No.23080

Opposite for me. Ereaders are convenient for getting what you want fast, but for referential texts I much prefer large pages and good clear images & diagrams etc. You can take in more information at once with a classical textbook, with less flicking of pages

>> No.23103

I'm >>22282
Personally I like Kindle, the one in the pic is a Paperwhite, it lasts pretty much a month reading every day and as long as you don't have it on the highest brightness, it's not too big so easy for taking around with you. I've used it for years and don't have anything to complain about.

>> No.23452


just turn in your natty card and go to audiobooks

>> No.23521

Is a Fire good enough?
Not intending to burn

>> No.23631

Tablets are better for textbooks and PDFs and anything with pictures as long as it's a big fucking tablet. E-readers are better for everything else.

>> No.23691
File: 1.14 MB, 2560x1440, IMG_20170401_182209835_HDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related.

>> No.23694

Depends. Have a tablet for longer trips where I really need the space. I tend to just go to the library and read there or take out books. I just really like turning the pages and the smell of really old books.

>> No.23721

source on the lewd?

>> No.23734

Harubon 6 by Harusuke

>> No.23750

Real books.

I've tied kindle and I just can't get used to it. I'm a semi brainlet, so if I have to go back to a certain page or chapter it's just fluid with a book. For some reason comprehension is better for me with a book.

Obviously, I wish I could get used to a kindle, so I could carry multiple books around with me, but it's just frustrating at times.

>> No.23849

Real books

I need some weight to my literature.

>> No.23853

E-reader because thats cheaper and Im greedy.

>> No.23927

What tablet?

>> No.24001
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Lenovo A-10, I think. It's worth noting just how big this thing is.