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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 85 KB, 470x335, BOOKSTORE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2361665 No.2361665 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /lit/

Have you ever met somebody in a bookstore, a library or in any situation related with books?.

>Go to a shitty bookstore
>Ask something of Artaud
> Who?, we dont know him
> A wild girl behind me back appears
> Do you like Antonin Artaud?
>Talk with her nearly an hour about french writers.
>Nao we are friends.

>pic related

>> No.2361726

Yes, but only small conversation. Not too much interesting to remember.

>> No.2361903

That shit only happens in movies!

>> No.2361920


>> No.2361923

Yeah when i starred in Notting Hill, Julia Roberts was fine

>> No.2361983

>Nao we are friends.

What a pussy. If it was me, I'd be fucking her right now.

>> No.2361994

>bothering people in bookstores

One time some lady was asking for "that other Anne Rand" book and the store guy couldn't remember it, and I suggested The Fountainhead, and that was right. She was very appreciative. But the book was for her son and she was in her fifties so I didn't try to fuck her.

>> No.2362020

I met a pretty girl that was working at an independent movie theater i frequently go to a few months ago.
She was reading Brave New World and I asked her what she thought about it, then we discussed speculative fiction for an hour and I got her number.

>> No.2362027

Didn't happen, you're just spamming

>> No.2362030

I spent my "first date" with my current boyfriend at an outdoor book market, and he got me the Huysmans I wanted. Bitches love Huysmans.

>> No.2362031

>left notes in books on bookshelf in a cafe
>someone replies to notes
>several note exchanges over weeks
>eventually meet
>stop leaving notes

>> No.2362058

I'M FEMALE TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LET'S BE FRIENDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DON'T HIT ON US YOU SILLY BOYS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.2362066

>Let's be friends

>> No.2362067


yo gurl u lyk gurlz?

>> No.2362070

Potential straight-to-lesbian scene unfolding here..

>> No.2362083

I actually dated a girl that I met in a book store. In fact, she was the cashier. One of those little non-chain places that's about the size of your living room and has a single employee watching over it, I fucking love those shops.

I was in the Navy and spent a ton of my free time reading while out at sea; we stopped in a port and I usually made a bookstore one of my first-day stops to resupply. I hit up this one, was the only customer in the shop, and stepped up to the cashier with like 25 books to ring up. She asked why so many, we started chatting, and I ended up having dinner with her. Only shitty side was it was a one-day port stop and I never saw her again. She was fucking cute too, I'm married now and that still pisses me off sometimes.

>> No.2362084

Nope. I worked in a bookshop for years. Too busy reading to care about bitches looking for twilight.

>> No.2362114

No. But it's not like I actually know how to meet people anyway.

>> No.2362120

We should be friends OP, I love Artaud. My A Level drama piece was inspired by Artaud's Theatre of Cruelty.

>> No.2362168

>I dated her
>I had one date with her
>I moved to Vermont after my discharge, so I could marry my life-partner Philip

>> No.2362169

I buttfucked the hipster barista at my local B&N
atm and she swallowed

>> No.2362941

>she lived in fucking Guam
>Guam is a shithole, no way I'm going back to Guam

>> No.2364135

Almost never, though I happened to get into a conversation about David Foster Wallace with a rather attractive middle-aged woman at the train station once; that was pretty surreal.

I had a run-in with a slightly-annoying hipster chick at a thrift store the other day who stole the copy of Moby Dick I was going to buy. Meh.

>> No.2365215

I talked to this German girl at a halloween party about Kant and classical music. Then we grinded up on dat floor.

>> No.2365223
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>Have you got any Camus or Sartre? (I needed to read The Plague and Nausea for my University course)

>The sci-fi section's over there

>> No.2365232

That might happen if I didn't have a face like a pug with burn injuries.

>> No.2365235

>Antonin Artaud
How have they not heard of him? And I have ended up sleeping with a number of people after discussing absurdism. But less Artaud and more Adamov.

>> No.2365237

That might happen if I didn't have a face like a pug with bum injuries.

>> No.2365239

I don't go to bookstores these days. I hate bookstores and desperate whores that frequent them. I only buy books digitally, or by mail if digital copies don't exist.

This is probably why I keep dating pleb women. They can't tell Shakespeare from Joyce or Wagner from Haydn, or Titian from Ernst, but they wear nice panties and shave their pussies, and ride their own cars.

>> No.2365242

>talking to people when you should be browsing shelves or reading.

>> No.2365243

>I buttfucked the hipster barista at my local B&N
>atm and she swallowed
>I talked to this German girl at a halloween party about Kant and classical music. Then we grinded up on dat floor.
>This is probably why I keep dating pleb women. They can't tell Shakespeare from Joyce or Wagner from Haydn, or Titian from Ernst, but they wear nice panties and shave their pussies, and ride their own cars.
This thread is full of such imaginative young men.

>> No.2365245

>>talking to people when you should be browsing shelves or reading.
It's not their fault they're too lonely to actually read.

>> No.2365249

>This thread is full of such imaginative young men.
said the feminist who cannot fathom that most women really are into those types of things, those type of men, and that she and her ilk are actually a tiny, frigid minority.

>> No.2365265
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I met tybrax in the library once

he has a haircut from the 90s

>> No.2365271

Why can't they be imaginative young women, you misogynist?
I admit "she swallowed" is a bit of a clue, but I stand by my open mindedness

>> No.2365272

how do you approach a girl in a library or bookstore? the places i use usually have a cafe on the ground floor. is it okay to ask them if they would like coffee ? is it too forward to engage them in conversation even if it becomes apparent you share an interest in a particular author?

>> No.2365275

If you aim for it, in that hit you miss. She'll not be hit with Cupid's arrow. Approaching people should be a byproduct of your nature and not forced.

>> No.2365277

> is it too forward to engage them in conversation even if it becomes apparent you share an interest in a particular author?
It isn't too forward, it just means you're fucking desperate. Striking conversations in the library is a dead giveaway. So, unless she's also desperate as shit, you're going to fail.

A bookstore is not a club. People don't normally go there to find fuckbuddies. Of course, when people - men or women - are really desperate for affection, the whole world is an endless club for them. Strike on a girl like that, and you get her - she's there attention whoring just like you anyway. Strike on a normal woman with a healthy sexual life, and you'll be brushed aside politely, what with your creepy coffee offer and shit.

>> No.2365280

but in sitcoms the main characters ask out girls no matter what the situation, whether they're in a nightclub or a train station

>> No.2365285

And it's true to life. When you're dying for affection enough to talk to random strangers, you just walk up to every girl you like and see if she's itching for procreation, too. Works magically when she does, betrays the situation for how pathetic it actually is if she doesn't.

I say that the situation is "pathetic" because I find it sad when people mix hobbies, aesthetic pleasures and sex. It's off-putting. Want a book? Bookstore. Want a woman? Whorehouse. Anyway, though; want both? Bookstore.

>> No.2365287

With hilarious results. Seriously, hitting on people in nightclubs is often for creeps. Most just go there to dance and have fun. Chatting up everywhere else is normal.

This is assuming not a meat market, but those places are full of creeps, so it's more desensitization.

>> No.2365290
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>At science fiction literature shop in Stockholm
>About to buy 'Snuff' by Terry Prattchett
>Suddenly wild, fantasy genre elitist appears
>Starts arguing with me about how much Prattchett sucks
>Conversation not going anywhere
>Tries to persuade me to buy some weird shit
>I buy Snuff and proceed to mumbly fumbly make my way out of there

Only conversation I've had with another customer in a bookstore.

>> No.2365292

Serves you right for reading Pratchett.
>fantasy genre elitist
Wait, what?

>> No.2365293

>When you're dying for affection enough to talk to random strangers

wrong. When you're dying for affection you retreat into introspection and baw threads. or you kill yourself

>> No.2365297

so where is appropriate to hit on girls? i thought nightclubs were designed for that? I've never been in one though and now I see it would be just as weird as going on the pull anywhere else. that leaves you with the ability to fuck your friends.

>> No.2365299

> i thought nightclubs were designed for that?
He's wrong, you're right.

>> No.2365300


I'm assuming it's SF-bokhandeln?
I've met my share of weird people there.

>> No.2365307

i can see what he means though. approaching girls at a bar is a bit more socially acceptable than doing so on a bus or at a library, but still scream desperation when you consider most people in the bar still like to keep to themselves and their own group.

I think the problem is approach anyone like that no matter where you are is forced. it's probably better to make friends in more relaxed circumstances where the focus isn't on any ambition for sex, or even of becoming friends. instead you just start chatting and the relationships grows organically from there.

>> No.2365309


Haha, yes it is!

>> No.2365312

>I think the problem is approach anyone like that no matter where you are is forced. it's probably better to make friends in more relaxed circumstances where the focus isn't on any ambition for sex, or even of becoming friends. instead you just start chatting and the relationships grows organically from there.
In other words, ideally, relationships between sexes should start just like same-sex friendships. A spouse is best when it's an opposite sex version of your best friend. Nothing at all new in that idea, of course, and still so very unworkable for most people.

>> No.2365315

I get hit on in Barne's and Nobles... ALL THE TIME.

>> No.2365316

>fuck your friends.
Fuck buddies. Believe it.
>so where is appropriate to hit on girls?
>I've never been in one though and now I see it would be just as weird as going on the pull anywhere else.
>going on the pull
This is your problem. The aim is not to get a woman in bed with you, that just happens anyway. Just go and have fun.

>> No.2365318

That's what you get for being fucking hot, idiot

>> No.2365319

>The aim is not to get a woman in bed with you
Why else would you ever talk to a complete stranger when you're trying to buy a goddamn freaking book to read of all things?

>> No.2365322

>only local bookstore is the uni one which nobody uses because it's so expensive
such is life

>> No.2365324

>That's what you get for being fucking hot, idiot
Seriously, to hell with that beautiful, beautifully handsome motherfucker.

>> No.2365325

not just fuck buddies. as i elaborated earlier, the way you get to the stage of sexual or romantic relationships (even long term relationships) should be no different than the method of acquiring any other type of friend.

>> No.2365327

I make friends with everyone I meet. We go on exciting adventures 2gether.

>> No.2365329

there is this thing call... damn, don't remember... yeah, friendship

>> No.2365330

Friendship is, like, the opposite of being complete strangers. Have you ever had a friend?

>> No.2365332
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I've forgotten that feel

>> No.2365333
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>in book shop
>eyeing up the fiction section
>can't find Paul Auster NY Trilogy
>look in the crime section
>find it
>girl comes up to me
>"oh my god, I love crime novels"
>I tell her she is stupid and Paul Auster is meta-detective and not the regular faggy crime novels
>she smiles at me and says "wow, ur really smart. We should get some coffee"
>tell her coffee is bad for your teeth and that I only drink water, and even if i did drink coffee I wouldn't drink with some pleb like her.
>walk away to buy my book
>she follows me saying we should exchange numbers
>pay for book
>she grabs the reciept and scribbles 11 numbers on it
>hands me it back and says 'call me'
>say no and leave.
>I toss the receipt in the garbage can and throw up on homeless guy sitting next to said garbage can
>run home with my new book.

Pic related, but prettier and less slutty.

>> No.2365335

you said why would you talk to complete stranger if not for sex? the answer is friendhsip.

>> No.2365336

Oh no. Friendship is the reason you talk to FRIENDS.

>> No.2365337

And as w all know, a man and a woman CANNOT be friends.

>> No.2365354

yeah, that's true, there's this complicated social process that is making friends that seems to be nobody understands.


stranger -> talk = friend

>> No.2365356

sure is full of retard 18 years old virgins in here

>> No.2365359

the ambition of friendship is the reason you talk to strangers, faggot!!

>> No.2365368

>stranger -> talk = friend
Ha ha ha! No. Looks like you never had a friend after all. Friends are not just strangers you talk to, no. Friends are people that help you selflessly, whom you also help selflessly. If you stand up for someone whether he's right or no, and can expect the same from them, they're your friend.

As I said, an opposite of "stranger".

>> No.2365380

what you just said is very gay.

>> No.2365381

Well, true friendship is very much gay. Except there's no sex.

>> No.2365387
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>be in library
>trying to find Lolita
>only find an old ruined copy, but pick it up nonetheless
>girl comes up to me and says "Do you know where I can find Harry Potter?"
>inwardly sigh and say in the children's section
>ask if I can take her there because she doesn't know where it is
>take her to the next floor to the back where childrens lit is
>book is on a relatively high shelf
>"Ill get it down"
>"No I wanna"
>sigh and turn to look for a stand or some shit
>"Can't you lift me?"
>potential alpha mode kicking in, she's definately dtf
>giving me those eyes
>lift her up by her thighs
>some woman shouts "HEY LET GO OF HER!"
>her mom is right next to us
>girl starts crying and tells her and a shop assistant that I touched her
>Got fined and put on my criminal record
>Pretty sure they do that often

>> No.2365389

excellent use of foreshadowing in this troll.

>> No.2365396
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>shopping in b&n with a friend
>got mein kampf, gormenghast trilogy and a couple other random books
>in line to check out
>the girl who would have been able to help me sees me
>she says she's about to go on break, she's sorry
>i smile, tell her not to worry about it
>she's cute, i'm glad she doesn't know i'm buying mein kampf
>get done checking out, go to find friend
>on the way find another book that i cannot resist buying
>after a bit, go back to the line to pay for it
>she's there
>we talk about her break
>i was interested and she was definitely interested
>i'll probably never see her again

>> No.2365414

holy fuck i'm scared to ever help a little girl with anything ever again

>> No.2365416

>excellent use of foreshadowing in this troll.
This. I was actually nodding my head in approval. Good job, man.

>> No.2365418

Are you implying that I did not grind up on dat floor?

>> No.2365420

>in some shithole in Israel

Good use of irony, but not good for trolling purposes, virgin

>> No.2365426

I live on a kibbutz (kind of like a commune) and we get non-Jewish volunteers from all over the world.

>> No.2365429

>Go up to checkout at B&N.
>Cashier is a girl, a couple years older than me. She starts saying I have good taste in books (I obviously don't, since there's GRRM in my big ass pile of books)
>Dat feel when she's only talking to me because it's her job to.
>Fifteen minute discussion about how her husband got her into fantasy. Then I notice the wedding ring and the fact I'm a complete idiot.

>> No.2365433


you having the same conversation across 2 threads?

>> No.2365438

>that feel when the waterstones near you doesn't employ any females to discuss literature at the checkout

>> No.2365448

>that feel when your waterstones does, and she mentions how she's always wanted to read 'x' author and your not sure if she's just doing her job or is down to fuck.

>> No.2365457

You should have put the "Dat feel" greentext at the end. Also please write "that feel" if you are going to use shitty /v/ memes.

>> No.2365465

I recently got back into reading and I was reccomended Heinlein books so I went out and bought all of them.

This girl went up to me and playfully punched me on the arm, evidently she also wanted the last copy of Starship Troopers.

Of course I'm a 300 pound sperg so I just flipped my shit, screamed at her, threw a handful of cash at the cashier, and promptly stormed outside, tears streaming down my face because she had looked at me like I was an actual person

>> No.2365546

This is the best topic I've seen in weeks.

My own story...uh...I saw a 35 or 40 year old in Waterstones today with a tight ass, lovely, even if she were 20. She kept gesturing to herself like a psycho though, standing looking at books for a minute or so, so I turned 360 degrees and walked away.

<I> tears streaming down my face because she had looked at me like I was an actual person </I>

Made me laugh a lot. An actual person, huh?

>> No.2365610

>I buy some books at the campus bookstore. probably some pretentious shit.
>a couple textbooks and for myself maybe moby dick, nigger of the narcissus, heart of darkness, sherlock holmes, gravity's rainbow.
>cute girl at checkout reading a book
>i want to ask her wat shes reading but beta as fuck
>she tells me out of nowhere what book it is. ive never heard of it. she clearly wanted to start up a chat.
>don't know what to say
>"see ya later"
>walk away fast

>> No.2365617

i've never met anyone anywhere

>> No.2365622

Oh yes master I be sure to. Please don't use the whip, I'll be good boy.
>Implying I go on /v/, which is as bad as /b/ and reddit.

>> No.2365626

I don't know why you guys bother. I've had a few girlfriends, and I assumed they were just shit versions of something that could be good. However, my current girlfriend is really an awesome person, and I still find it an irritating relationship format. All girlfriends do is tear you away from books about 50 times more strongly than friends do. And however awesome they are, they never let it slide when you disappear with phone switched off to aspie-world to do some research. This is more or less intolerable for me, as that's where I get all my best work done. Seriously, it's all 'how was your day', 'let's go somewhere nice', 'I cooked you a meal' down that route. And the really fucking annoying thing is, you can''t just say 'fuck off, I'm living in my underwear off pop-tarts and writing 5000 words in three days', because that makes you the arsehole. Then you cave in and end up lazing about having sex, cooking, going out and talking. Which is shit for productivity and gets old really fast.

Significant others. Not even once.

>> No.2365627
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>Go to b&n for some books.
>Go find Lolita
>Mother with child right by me takes her kid and practically runs away.
>Buy other books just to hide Lolita.
>Go to checkout.
>Cute cashier looks at me like I want to rape every kid in the store.
>Never going back. Buying from Amazon from now on, go somewhere else, or never read again.

>> No.2365644

r9k garbage no thanks cheers

>> No.2365691


>> No.2365698

>Nao we are friends.

damn I'm sorry. what went wrong?

>> No.2365700

>prettier and less slutty.

Nostalgia'd like a muh'fucka.

>> No.2365701

haha and you're contribution's to the board are better?!! yeah right!

>> No.2365713
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I never met anyone in a bookstore, but I had a girlfriend that taught literature

>with her at a bookstore looking for Don Quixote
>we find a so-so edition of it that splits the book in two volumes
>we take them to a lady that worked there and ask her to search for others
>she searchs their system
>"I found it, but there is only the first book"
>We look at each other, smile, I politely ask her to get it saying that's it
>It was a comic book adaptation all along
>We laugh and thank the lady, buying that two volume edition anyway

I miss her...

>> No.2365746
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>> No.2365763


bonding over shared superiority over other people.

god, you two sound insufferable.

>> No.2365767

>i've never met anyone anywhere
I lol'd.

This thread is shit, though.

>> No.2365768
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Oh, we just had good humour, it's just one of those things you can't help but smiling about. We are not superior, we just know more stuff than the girl behind the counter. If the joke works for us is only because we didn't expect it.

>> No.2365786
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>> No.2365814

I met a chick in my local English Language bookshop recently and she was looking through a copy of Moon Palace. I could see that she was debating whether to buy it, so I recommended it. She asked if I was a fan of Auster, and I told her I was, I'd written my dissertation on him bla bla bla. After a conversation, she decided to buy the book, and I asked her if she fancied coffee in a bar up the road. She did. Anyway, long story short(er) she ended up my GF for a month or so.

It didn't end well, but meh.

>> No.2365834
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>turned 360 degrees and walked away

>> No.2366464

holy fuck, i'll never buy that book. i actually sat in a b&n and read the first chapter of lolita, but no one seemed creeped out.

maybe they were just hiding it?

>> No.2366502

>Live in relatively small town in rural Ireland, closest book shop 40mins drive away
>Shop is tiny, one small square room
>Been going there since I was six
>Both employees knew me well
>Used to give me student discount despite it not being offered in their shop
>mfw I went back home over Christmas and it was closed down

damn recession ;____;

>> No.2366504
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>> No.2366512


>> No.2366604

> go to used bookstore with friend, shuffle through the books and make snarky comments
> talk about those stupid scenes in movies/tv where the characters meet in bookstores and fall in love
> cute girl comes up to friend, asks him about a book she holds
> observe with bewildered amusement
> two mid-30 women come up to me and ask me if I could recommend them some french contemporary literature, not knowing much, I point them to some Houllebeqc I saw earlier
> friend is now talking to two teenagers, handing them a book
> hipster girl comes up to me, touches my shoulder
> asks me where she could find some author
> look dumbfounded
> "don't you work here?"
> mfw people thought we were working at the store
> mfw I have no face

>> No.2366625


omg what town?

>> No.2366707

Edgeworthstown, Longford.

>> No.2366732


tschah, longford. state of you :D

>> No.2366747

I agree, I've very ashamed. Got out of there as soon as I could though. 'Living it up in Dublin.

>> No.2366776

Fuck all of you. You make me feel astoundingly inadequate. I have no reason to feel this way, but you all seem like funny, intelligent and sexually active/perverse. I guess I just yearn for others in real life like this.

>> No.2366811


Dublin to the MAX.

But really, it's even worse, Kildare is where it's at. True story.

>> No.2366821

> bunch of greentext stories that led nowhere
> jackasses philosophizing about shit they have no clue about
> makes you feel inadequate

there really is no reason for this, son

>> No.2366876

>be in uni co-op bookstore
>bring foucault, nietzsche and some other shit to the counter
>babe with that pinup/punk thing going on (chest piercings somehow hot) at counter
>"oh i'm studying the spectacle of the scaffold now, its really great"
>obviously wants to talk
>i just say yeah he's good
>already have gf, have some fucked up issue where i block off al other people because i think its cheating
>secretly scared of desire for others
>now gf gone i burnt all the bridges
>greentxting this crap here now

>> No.2366886

no. but some fucking nerd at my LBS last week tried to engage the cute check-out girl with his 'sophisticated' taste in books whilst checking out though. ''which one would you buy?'' he asked, proffering two volumes. she wrinkled her forehead, displeased at being forced to make a decision she wanted no part of and trying her best to continue playing her role as polite employee. ''what are they about?'' one was about france; the contents of the other i've forgotten. ''they both sound boring,'' she concluded with surprising candor. the employee was gone now. he frowned almost imperceptibly, trying to maintain the confident energy one assumes when trying to impress the opposite sex. he queried: ''really? well what kind of books do you like then?'' he didn't understand that the conversation had already ended. the salesgirl continued to scan the books, tallying their total, and breathed in a small breath and breathed out a smaller sigh. ''i don't know. not books like these. it's $12.45. would you like a bag?'' no, he didn't want a bag. i lol'd then had my own books rung up without soliciting the girl's opinion of them.

>> No.2366905

everyone is a stranger when youre born. but people become friends eventually.

>> No.2367044

Women at bookstores, the most retarded thing i've ever seen. Not gay, just kinda misogynist, i'd hit them, but they're fucking retarded at books, it's like:
"hurr durr do you have (insertfashionbookhere)?"

>> No.2367095


>> No.2368637

hey ana c. didn't know you tripped on /lit/

>> No.2368649

>try to buy othello at chapters
>old fuck at the counter insists that as I look 18 I should get the 'no fear shakespeare edition'
>tell him to fuck off
>he rings the purchase up for me in silence
I have been out of highschool for a year and I haven't talked to anyone. If I were to I would have absolutely nothing to say, anyway.
The worst is doing everything alone. I guess I have a desire for 'shared experiences' sometimes.

>> No.2369032

bump for storiwes

>> No.2369166
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I lol'd so hard at this because that is my exact mindset. I have no trouble getting girls attracted to me. I have trouble making sense of why I want to be in a relationship in the first place. I hate people pulling me away from my reading and work. I don't work to live. I live to work.

>mfw let's go somewhere nice
>but I'm home. This is the nicest place for me.

Significant others. Not even once.

>> No.2369174

Yes I met a Dude

He was looking for some surreal writers and I started some conversation.

We're cool friends now.

>> No.2369178

>buying this old-school binded Jane Eyre
>girl sees me buying it
>wow, you must be a big fan of the brontes
>no, im going to cut the center out and use it as a secret safe
>she looks at me like I just said, "I'm going to rape every child in the store"
>walk home and imagine I'm running the box cutter over her skin.

>> No.2369184

I met a girl on a bus about 6 months ago. I was reading Steinbeck and she came up and sat next to me and we talked about Steinbeck as well as various other authors for about an hour, I felt like we really hit it off. Unfortunately I only got her first name and I haven't seen her since.

>> No.2369928

>in line at campus coffee shop
>see girl on cafe couch reading slaughterhouse 5
>puts it down, goes behind counter, is barista on break
>asks me what I would like
>order coffee
>briefly contemplate discussing literature
>realize she's probably a pseudo-intellectual with no real interest in literature because she's reading vonnegut
>don't say anything

>> No.2369957
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i use to work at a library. i had a lot of people ask for christian books or twilight. i would hand them the screwtape letters or kushiels series.

>one patron asked my boss what we were going to do with all the Shakespeare books.
>he asked what he meant
>'you know- now that its proven he didn't write anything.'
>'that movie that just came out. proved he didn't write anything.'
>'well.. he was a play-write...'
>'i dont know what that means but you should get rid of them.'

>> No.2369983

>reading a book in a secluded corner at university
>some guy comes up to ask what I'm reading
>he hasn't heard of it, his favorite author is dan brown
>tell him some of my favorites
>he doesn't know any of them
>he leaves

And that's about it, really. No one ever approaches me, and I never see anyone actually reading in the library so I don't try to make conversation.

>> No.2371076


>> No.2371091

the whole "shakespeare didn't write stuff" thing is fucking retarded, especially when even if william shakespeare didn't write those plays they're still fucking good. (and he did write them)

>> No.2371111

Holy shit, I can't believe how many socially inept, faggots have convinced themselves that initiating conversation with strangers is pathetic. That's insane.

>> No.2371163

This thread proves /lit/ actually has a sense of humor.

>> No.2371395

I hardly ever read in public, but I doubt anyone, especially a girl, would approach me. only really good-looking guys get random approachs like that.

>> No.2371415

>reading Gravity's Rainbow while manning the information desk at hospital.
>quite old volunteer asks what I'm reading, I tell him
>"What's it about?"
>"...World War II."
>"I was in World War II ya know anon"
>"Umm, shit, uhh, it's not *really* about World War II but it's also, like, well there's rockets and stuff-"

Finished the rest of GR reading at home.

>> No.2371438

wow, what a fucking prick

>> No.2371450

You should get him a copy too. You can be book buddies.

>> No.2371584


also, I've realized how socially inept much of /lit is, in turn realizing how socially inept I am.

mfw im too beta to approach a stranger in a bookstore or anywhere

We were made for each other /lit.

>> No.2371601

I've befriended a couple of independent bookstore owners. I often sit in the first store between classes and discuss politics and literature with the proprietor - I benefit from his sagacity and he gets my repeat custom. The other owner is teaching me to repair/restore antiquarian texts, which is a great skill to pick up gratis.

>> No.2371623

guys, look at it from this perspecte.
If you want to go somewhere to purchase a book or be merely get informed whats on the market, would you appreciate someone coming up to you, someone who might not necessarily repelling but also completely uninteresting, and this person asks you "what kinds of books do you read?" or "yeah, that is a great author, what do you think about this one?" what would your initial reaction be?

yeah, i fucking hate impertinent store clerks...

>> No.2372288

He was really into John Jakes. I don't think he would have been into a book where people stick their dicks into rocket machinery.

>> No.2372326

From my perspective, being overly social is harmful to the acquisition of serious knowledge. People and social engagements take you away from the pursuit of learning. You'll notice that most of your favourite writers and thinkers are seriously reclusive. McCarthy, Nietzsche, DFW, Tao Lin, etc.

>> No.2372342

There was this girl I met at the bookstore.

She was pretty and not slutty.

I rejected her because of her literary tastes.

Am I funny now?

>> No.2372403

sweet mother of God, hello!

>> No.2372430

I had a guy approach me in a store once. He seemed pretty nice. I had a copy of Christopher Marlowe's Complete Plays and Spenser's The Faerie Queene. He kinda gave me a curious look but still wanted to be friendly with me so I asked him what books he liked. He said something like "Terry Pratchett and self-help books", so I just let the conversation die out. After I had left I realized what I snobbish ass I am and how I'll never make and friend who like books.

>> No.2372478

>reading some essays by Croce in a ling. lecture
>get going to catch the bus when a girl classmate approaches me
>"hey, could you help me with this assignment?"
>i haven't even started it yet, strega
>"neither have i, could i give you my number so you could help me later?"
>no, i don't use a phone
>she gives me her email, tries slipping it in my hand, i move it away
>aims at other hand with Croce in it
>"oh what're you reading?"
>tell her, Letture di poeti
>"i've always wanted to learn spanish"
>the puke comes, merda!
>"i gotta catch my bus!"
>slips email with phone number underneath it into my book when i became distracted with nausea
>drivers gonna drive, hop on moving bus and puke outside, turning, while holding on tight
>pay fare with email/number
>spend the bus ride reading about how centuries later, scholars still being hard over Dante
>girl gets on at next stop
>avoid eye contact cos it's her
>comes and sits right beside me even though there are plenty of seats, starts rubbing my shoulder, and speaking spanish
>vomit rises again, raise head to seek exit
>different girl, same problem
>get off bus, run behind nearest building and puke
>homeless wench stroking a balding cat sitting beside a holed rubbish bag greets me, asks me what i'm reading

>> No.2372516


>> No.2373539


>> No.2373543

hypocrite loser moron retard

>> No.2373548

What do you mean?

>> No.2373563
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>on train reading Charles Webb's The Graduate.
>women on the train across from is talking on her cellphone
>she looks 40, but a young 40.
>she looks at me and smiles.
>after hanging up her cellphone she moves to my seating area
>hey, I'm Chelsea, what you reading?
>The Graduate
>She smiles a big grin.
>is that the one where the Dustin Hoffman seduces the older women
>No. She seduces his character.
>oh, so I guess I have to seduce you?
>I shrug say I guess so
>she starts rubbing her foot up and down my leg
>she asks me to go to the toilet with her.
>We get up and head to the back.
>she tells me to go in first or it will look suspcious
>Inside the toilet is a big muscled freak who punches the shti out of me and takes my wallet.
>leave the bathroom. She is nowhere to be found.