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File: 59 KB, 321x500, the_god_delusion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2364294 No.2364294 [Reply] [Original]

Parents are slightly religious Christians, but stubborn. What books/movies can change their minds?

>> No.2364295

Why? Leave them alone.

>> No.2364297
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You could let them believe what they want to believe and not push your own ideals onto them.

That's certainly an option.

>> No.2364299

the best part about being atheist/agnostic is that you don't have to care/worry about others being "saved."

Your evangelism is for a good cause but can probably be more closely associated with the religious institutions that you oppose.

by trying to 'convert' them, you're just as bad as any other religious person.

>> No.2364301




>> No.2364302

op here. We're not fighting.

>> No.2364303


Richard Dawkins is not the Jesus Christ of atheists.

>> No.2364306

you can't reason with religious people

>> No.2364307

Are they younger than 30?
If not, no media is going to work. They have to have some kind of life-changing experience for them to change their views about something as important as God.

In any case, why would you want them to?
Is it that important that your parents see eye-to-eye with you on this?

>> No.2364309

Then why bring it up?

You're insecure about your own beliefs and you've projected that insecurity onto the beliefs of your parents.

>> No.2364310

I'm not trying to convert them per say. We have debates about this stuff all the time. politics, religion, etc. Doesn't mean we're fighting about it.

I'm married.

>> No.2364311

OP, Dawkins is actually a good go here. He is very patient and slow about it and his books are made to appeal the "slightly religious, stubborn" crowd, so I think it's just a very good choice to introduce them to other ways of thinking. If anything, they will be more understanding on this matter.

>> No.2364313


>per say

>I'm not a kid! I'm married!

Go away.

>> No.2364315

>I'm married.
that doesnt make you less of a kid, dude

>> No.2364316
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This. For the love of god, by trying to 'convert' someone you're just as bad as one of those door-to-door jehoves or mormons. Live and let live, if they want to be christian then let them. They're probably happier off for it.

>> No.2364318

more like you can't reason with atheists

>> No.2364325

Dawkins is easy to read, but he says a lot of things for the sole intention of pissing people off. The Age of Reason is pretty good, and there are a shit ton of cosmology books that mention the fact that God is unnecessary.

>> No.2364326

Is that so? I assumed he was pretentious about it, but I'll take a look.

To everyone in the thread thinking we're fighting about this. We're not. My dad's a conservative, I'm a liberal, and we give each other shit for it. My mom believes in karma and Jesus, doesn't believe in evolution, and I'm agnostic. We also make fun of each other. If their views were to change because of me, that'd be great. But it's not the end goal.

>> No.2364327

Jesus Christ you autistic nerd, let them believe what they want
Richard Dawkins is also very narrow minded and quite inarticulate when it comes to any of the finer humanistic points to do with religion, he seems like a bit of an autist himself really.
I'm not even religious, I just hate dogmatists like you OP.

>> No.2364331

Shh, Rae.

>> No.2364333

Who the hell is rae?

>> No.2364334

Stop being such a whiny bitch.

>> No.2364335

Faith requires you to completely ignore logic, reason, and the laws of nature.

Atheism does not.

>> No.2364337

>this is what atheists actually believe

>> No.2364342
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Reality is subjective, your interpretation of the human condition is but one amongst countless billions.

Atheism is no more logical or "intelligent" than any other religion, and yes, atheism is a religion.

>> No.2364345

Actually it is perfectly possible to argue for the possibility of the existence of God deductively, or logically, which is using one's reason.
There is nothing in nature to suggest that a creator is not possible.
Likewise there is nothing to suggest that there is a creator.

Simply put, the question of religion is not one to which the answer can ever be KNOWN. It is IMPOSSIBLE to EVER know whether or not God/s EXISTS.
It is simply a choice or preference.

>> No.2364346

Atheism is usually as dogmatic as religion. Your post proves it because you assumed an objective point of view.

>> No.2364348

>He doesn't understand quantum physics
The laws of nature are bullshit. Go down to a small enough level and we have no fucking clue what's going on. For all we know it could be a God, it's as good an explanation as anything else we've got.

>> No.2364349
File: 17 KB, 373x330, atheists.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking sanctimonious scum

>> No.2364352

Atheism is a religion! Just like not playing soccer is a sport...

>> No.2364355

>you assumed an objective point of view.
There's an objective point of view somewhere, we just haven't found it yet. That's the point--you'll never find it unless you're looking for it, and you'll never look for it if you deny it.
There's nothing in nature to suggest that a creator was ever necessary. You cannot prove a negative, therefore it would be impossible to logically suggest that a creator is not possible. I'm not going to argue with you about religion being a choice, but it's not a simple choice, and from past experience, clouding your mind with delusion has never been a good thing.
>atheism is a religion
You should really read a book before posting on the literature board.

>> No.2364356

>has never heard the term "Religion without religion"
You have a long way to go, newfriend.

>> No.2364358


This. If atheism is a religion, what is the word for not being religious.

Learn to semantics, religionfags.

>> No.2364359

>reality is subjective
No it isn't. Our perception of reality is, but truth exists independent of whether believe in it or not.

>> No.2364360

>There's an objective point of view somewhere

This is just where we will differ. You think it's somewhere to find in life. I think it's impossible to find because it exists outside of our boundaries in terms of comprehending.

>> No.2364363

>Religion without religion
You obviously misunderstand the term, because it doesn't apply here at all. Atheists, through a specific context of the word, can be "religious," but atheism is not a religion.

>> No.2364365

Of course you can't prove it, but you can argue more or less convincingly for it, e.g. Descartes.
Exactly what I'm saying,can't be PROVEN either way.

>> No.2364372

It's pretty safe to assume that there's an objective, physical reason for the universe. Believing that the answers are beyond our boundaries is the same thing as having faith in something there's no reason to have faith in--it takes you nowhere.
It's illogical and irrational to believe in something because it can't be proved wrong. You can't tell me that there isn't an invisible monster living under your bed, teapot orbiting the sun, etc, etc, etc.

>> No.2364374

Duh, but you've never experienced objective reality and you will never experience it, so what difference does that make?

>> No.2364382


Grow up, autist.

>> No.2364384

You have a very, very long list of people who disagree with you, ranging from the Copenhagen School of physicists to almost all of phenomenology.

>> No.2364388

This thread was born dead. You are wasting your time.

Yes, you.

YOU, exactly you.

Go do something that will teach you something, don't you stay here in this thread.

OP, give Dawkins for them to read. They might find it to be cool and the world will keep spinning, I assure you.

>> No.2364391

Dude, I am atheist, I dig science and I think that is pure bullshit and that is in fact a very religious point of view.

>> No.2364392

>It's pretty safe to assume

Realize your entire methodology is set on a number of assumptions and you will start to see some fairly good reasons for the existence in the opposite of what you're looking for. The only reason you don't want to believe in anything that isn't materialistic or set in stone is that you're afraid it will hamper your thought process or that you might be wrong.

>> No.2364394

As I said, it's a choice. It isn't irrational because it is possible to argue for it on the basis of reason or logic (Pascal, Descartes, Kant, etc.) logic does not take facts into account, only the rules of logic apply to logic. Therefore it is possible to conceive of a lead balloon, etc. I believe you are thinking of deduction or empiricism.
But there may very well be a teapot orbiting the sun, we have no evidence to the contrary, who knows, an astronaut may have brought one up.

A creator or deity or original moving force etc. isn't the same as a monster or pixie. It is at least plausible that there was something or some power, etc., some prime mover or moving force responsible for the universe.

>> No.2364396
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>"Religion without religion"
>You obviously misunderstand the term
>Atheists can be "religious," but atheism is not a religion.
I'm afraid this is a case of NO U.

>> No.2364397

We have to assume that we have at least a decent understanding of objective reality given how well we can manipulate our environment through scientific discovery (which has done a pretty good job considering how we're communicating right now.)

>> No.2364398

This is the only objective truth in this thread now.

Dubs proves it.

>> No.2364402

I'm sorry. Believing that a man born of a virgin mother (who was impregnated by spirits) can cure blindness with a single touch does require you to completely ignore the laws of nature. Atheism does not.

Reality is not subjective. Reality does not care about your beliefs. Reality never changes because it exists outside of consciousness. If reality were subjective we should be able to defy Newtonian physics whenever we want.

And Atheism isn't a religion.

Russel's Teapot

>> No.2364407
File: 46 KB, 649x854, lenin5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Atheism contains many "religious" and dogmatic aspects, as does any "radical" formal organization of people. The Soviet Union also defied religion, but contained many "religious" elements.

>> No.2364409

the soviet union was only anti-christian, not anti-religion.

>> No.2364411

Yet we do not have any access to that objective reality, nor is it possible for creatures of our nature ever to do so, we are subjects.

>> No.2364412

>But there may very well be a teapot orbiting the sun
No, you see, the rational thing would be to say "there probably isn't a teapot orbiting the sun, therefore I'm not going to worry myself about it."
I could say "NO U," but that would just be redundant at this point since you obviously aren't going to look into it.

>> No.2364414
File: 26 KB, 329x500, Godless_Cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2364419

Something doesn't have to be yours for it to be objective. You are the slave in this world, not the master.

>> No.2364420

From wikipedia

Philosopher Paul Chamberlain says it is logically erroneous to assert that positive truth claims bear a burden of proof while negative truth claims do not.[8] He notes that all truth claims bear a burden of proof, and that like Mother Goose and the tooth fairy, the teapot bears the greater burden not because of its negativity but because of its triviality, arguing that "When we substitute normal, serious characters such as Plato, Nero, Winston Churchill, or George Washington in place of these fictional characters, it becomes clear that anyone denying the existence of these figures has a burden of proof equal to, or in some cases greater than, the person claiming they do exist."

>> No.2364422

>Copenhagen school of physicists
>implying that the uncertainty principle isn't just a lack of understanding
Just because we don't understand something today doesn't mean that it will forever remain a mystery

>> No.2364424

>doesn't have to be yours
What are you even trying to say here? Are you an idiot?

Objective = external to the mind
We are stuck in our mind, all of our perceptions are mediated through our senses


>> No.2364425

We know only of the body and the senses of the body.
We don't know if there is a god or not, because all we know is what has entered our senses.
This argument is pointless.
Both sides, just admit that deep down you don't know.

>> No.2364427

It also doesn't mean everything will be known to us.

>> No.2364428

Discussing religion on the internet is dumb.

>> No.2364430
File: 8 KB, 440x282, high five broski.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you prepared for this?

Because you and I are going to be the only two people in this thread who agree with each other.

>> No.2364431

You mean one side.
It's more like agnostics (me and maybe one other) vs. dogmatic atheists.

>> No.2364433

The teapot is an theoretical extreme, but what the teapot has in common with virgins being impregnated by Gods is that neither of them could happen in our universe. So you're right, the burden of proof isn't the only reason not to believe in something, but the teapot argument was a counter-argument to delusional claims in the first place; the whole point is that it's fallible to say "YOU CAN'T PROVE GOD DOESN'T EXIST, SO HE MUST EXIST."

>> No.2364434

You just proved my point.

Reality can be objective regardless of whether you think so or not. Off with your Cartesian drivel. Read Hume and grow the fuck up.

Has everyone just read Descartes and just stopped?

>> No.2364436

But there's massive evidence supporting the existence of those people, while "god" is nothing more than a notion in the mind of the believer. We can be fairly certain that demons don't cause disease despite billions throughout history believing that it does. Truth isn't democratic.

>> No.2364437

But I'm not saying he must exist.
You keep on rephrasing my words. How crafty of you.
I'm saying it can't be proved either way. Just admit it.

>> No.2364440

But we can't access it. We can never have objective knowledge. Fucking idiot.

>> No.2364444

Atheist: there's no reason to believe that a god exists, the burdon of proof is on the person claiming that it does
Believer: I know that god exists.
Agnostic: lol i dunno

>> No.2364445

We are arguing for the same thing.

>> No.2364446

Obviously reality is objective, but don't forget you are a human and can only be a human.
Reality's objectivity is meaningless to a human being.

>> No.2364448

>Agnostic: lol i dunno

That isn't agnosticism.

>> No.2364451

I never said that you said that, so in fact you're the only one twisting words here.

I've already admitted that you can't prove a negative (which means you can never "know," but it's a really redundant thing to say, so I don't see why I would), that's the whole point of our conversation, but I've shown you my reasoning for my lack of a belief in God.

>> No.2364455

>We can never have objective knowledge
That's subjective

>> No.2364457
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just once i've decided that it's time to migrate over to reddit, /lit/ reminds me why 4chan is the stronger of the two

>> No.2364458

>That's subjective
THAT's subjective.

>> No.2364459

Exactly. Something said by a subject, about an external world, separate to and unknowable in the absolute by us.

>> No.2364465

"And slowly the thread descended to a Solipsist abyss to which they could not crawl out of for a long time. Time seemed to stop and only echoes of whispers were heard. Those also faded."

>> No.2364471

Religion is the only topic that can make any board, any forum, anywhere into a /b/ thread.

You guys will discuss over anything. Next someone comes here and says that Jesus was real and etc...

>> No.2364475
File: 85 KB, 500x342, 2541860177_be46d5b78d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When did philosophy become so ridiculously self-absorbed and nihilistic? We wouldn't be able to interact with or understand our environment if we didn't have at least a decent understanding of it.

I think there's one that that Epicurus DOES disprove: the idea of a benevolent intervening god.

>> No.2364480

so is it your assertion that there never was a rabbi from galilee, executed by the romans, named jesus?

>> No.2364485

>implying that the uncertainty principle isn't just a lack of understanding
Look, it's real simple, you just have to look up the Bell inequalities and the Einstein Podolsky Rosen Paradox. The former should allow you to see a connection between quantum uncertainty and the macro world, the latter will allow to understand you can either choose No Hidden Variables or Spooky Action at a Distance. It is not a case of "we haven't understood it yet", that's just enlightenment inspired ideology talking.

>> No.2364489

Philosophy is the quest for wisdom. We may possess knowledge to some small degree but wisdom involves knowing what you do not know.

>> No.2364492

>If atheism is a religion, what is the word for not being religious.
Atheism is a belief system lacking a creator being or creation myth, but the word for not being religious is "irreligious". Hence why theists can also be without a religion, yet still believe in a god.

>> No.2364502

>It is not a case of "we haven't understood it yet"
Claiming that anything in the physical world is fundamentally unknowable is INCREDIBLY short-sighted. We simply don't know how much we can know.

>> No.2364507

>theists can also be without a religion, yet still believe in a god.
They're called diests

>> No.2364508

>I could say "NO U," but that would just be redundant at this point since you obviously aren't going to look into it.
You could just google "religion without religion" and see how stupid you are. It's not exactly a cryptic phrase.

>> No.2364512

>Ignoring Epistemology
Look into it. Real thought takes considerable effort and strength.

>> No.2364518

>They're called diests
Do you mean deists? I was thinking more along the lines of spiritualists or theists who don't agree with organised religion, but deism works too.

>> No.2364520


>Implying they aren't right

>> No.2364524


No, that's not what a deist is.

>> No.2364531

Just curious, how many people here describe themselves as atheist or agnostic? How many as religious or deistic?

>> No.2364535

>arbitrary labels
Yes, just continue setting up false dichotomies...

>> No.2364540

Agnostic Theist/ Theist Existentialist for the most part.

>> No.2364543

Nope, those labels encompass pretty much everyone.

>> No.2364547

>Theist existentialist
How arbitrary. Might as well say "agnostic theist/theist brunette for the most part"

>> No.2364548

If I had to title myself it would be agnostic-atheist.

I also don't believe agnosticism can, in and of itself, be a belief. ie, agnostic-theist, gnostic-atheist, etc. That you can't be purely agnostic.

>> No.2364559

id est = that is
I believe you meant "like" agnostic-theist etc.

>> No.2364557

>Agnostic Theist
dude, you just blew my mind

i'm what he is

>> No.2364562

You should stop saying arbitrary again since you don't know how to properly use it.

>> No.2364568

Ah, my mistake.

>> No.2364573
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The lengths people will go to deny death...
We all know that God is just the invention of a species that's evolved a brain capable of becoming self-aware. It's our way of coping with the inevitability of our nihilation.

Stop. It doesn't matter. Intensely believing in something that doesn't exist will not effect the outcome of our demise.

>> No.2364574

Read Kierkegaard if you want to explore other, more individual questions regarding this.

>> No.2364575

>id est = that is
It also means "that is (to say)" in most contexts.

>> No.2364578

>Nihilist detected

Everyone back the fuck up. We got a bad ass nowhere ohgodnothingexistsonlydiien

>> No.2364579

>Nope, those labels encompass pretty much everyone.
You've not read the post you replied to.

>I also don't believe agnosticism can, in and of itself, be a belief.
What's the issue with having an ontological belief without an epistemological one? The above statement is itself an ontological belief.

>> No.2364581

>"Death is not an event in life: we do not live to experience death. If we take eternity to mean not infinite temporal duration but timelessness, then eternal life belongs to those who live in the present. Our life has no end in the way in which our visual field has no limits."

Think outside of your narrow abyss perception of the world.

>> No.2364596

What a ridiculous distinction. Death is inevitable regardless of our perception

>> No.2364598

>The above statement is itself an ontological belief
Hence why I started with "I also don't believe". You're welcome to disagree with me but I was just raising the issue of bias within agnostic belief. With out it, you'd be an apatheist.

>> No.2364603

>raising the issue of bias within agnostic belief.
>bias within belief
Not following you.

>> No.2364607

Agnostics like to think of themselves as impartial. Almost like a "fence-sitter". I disagree that you can be purely impartial.

You don't have to agree, but it's not hard to understand.

>> No.2364611
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Thread full of assumptions

- Atheism is not a religion because it's not a system. Atheists don't agree with each other, they just don't believe in a creator type of God. They are not all rational, not all scientific, not all angry teenagers, not all agnostic or gnostic, not all assholes, not all cuties and yeah, not all of them don't have a religion.

- If someone thinks a virgin actually gave birth to someone, that person is an idiot. If one thinks Adam and Eve don't tell anything about the origin of life, consider that it explains that it takes a man and a woman to make something work and that naming things and creating language was the first thing. They say religion is just as real as a fairy tale and that's true, but for good and for bad, it tells something about us and how we relate to the world. The story of Red Riding Hood is very much true.

- There is nothing to prove or not to prove about religion. It's a myth. Learn all about it. No, that doesn't make it "right", it's not like that either. Don't assume people are taking it literally and don't listen to those who take it literally.

>> No.2364612

>Missing the point

We do not live to simply die. Your value of death depends on your view of life. If you think this is life and that's it then death will mean a lot to you in a sense of dread and abyss despair (nihilism). Thinking of life as forever flowing or continuously coming to something else and being itself at the same time will make death seem like a necessary exercise.

Value of death depends on your point of view.

>> No.2364617

Op, this thread is terrible, and you should delete right away. This thread is worse than /b/.

>> No.2364618
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- Myths didn't work like that in the past. Don't take metaphors and shit like that like you were talking to a religious person today. If Newton believed in god or not, if Buddha talked about demons, if Epicurus was an atheist, all of those things have particular contexts and you shouldn't fall for discussing that shit unless both know what they fuck they are talking about.

- Everything is subjective. Deal with it. Reason can only work to put a limit to reason itself. Understanding subjectivity makes you understand the role of science in all of this much better.

- The institution of religion sucks, deal with it and don't defend it. It's all politics and politics are full of shit.

- Dawkins is fine. He is not a philosopher, he just talked hidden atheists out of their closets and said what he was thinking. He is more kind than people make of him, to the point that it becomes a bad thing. He is also not saying anything new about it at all.

Fuck you all.

>> No.2364626

>Everything is subjective.
That is subjective.

>> No.2364631

Which would have to be the case if everything is subjective

>> No.2364634

>Agnostics like to think of themselves as impartial.
Everyone who's agnostic? Can you not get out of this idea that not every belief has to have dogma attached? But, hey, if you need this flimsy belief to justify your own, whatever.

>> No.2364647

>Not understanding the Socratic Paradox

If everything is subjective to the point where it negates itself then objectivity exists somewhere regardless of whether we can know it or not.

>> No.2364648

Why are you attacking me? I'm just stating what I believe. Of course I'm generalizing, but if someone claims to be PURELY agnostic then they are an apatheist - as agnosticism, by itself, is not a belief system.

>> No.2364661

Everything is subjective. If you don't see this it's only because you can. It's subjective, yeah.

If it wasn't we could make a rule from it and cut your head off.

>> No.2364666


>> No.2364672

>Why are you attacking me?
Why do you feel attacked?
>as agnosticism, by itself, is not a belief system.
Why do you need a "belief system"?
>if someone claims to be PURELY agnostic then they are an apatheist
No they're not, I don't see why you think you can impose that on someone else either.

>> No.2364673

>everything is subjective
>implying the computer you're typing on would exist if science were subjective

>> No.2364677

But seriously, killing in self defense, killing in war, "killing" a foetus, killing an "animal", these are all objectively wrong and to the same degree as murder-one then?

>> No.2364678

It is subjective, subjective = internal point of view = limited point of view = not an absolute point of view.



>> No.2364679
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>> No.2364683

Oh for fucks sake, there's no reasoning with you.

>> No.2364689

But killing is right. I don't know what you are talking about.

>> No.2364694

You just go right on ahead and take a walk and kill the first person you come along then.

captcha: provincials hereonli

Sure feels like that. Why does captcha always know what to say?

>> No.2364701

Ah but you see there are consequences for that, I am not that guy but I am a hedonist. The only intrinsic good is pleasure, the only evil, pain.

>> No.2364707

What an absolutely flimsy world view.
So if you could plug your brain into an orgasm forever machine or the matrix or something, you would willingly do so?
You are scum.

>> No.2364712

Hahaha, and why is that? And that's a funny statement, I am anhedonic in many ways, orgasms included.

>> No.2364716

I feel sorry for you.

>> No.2364717

>What an absolutely flimsy world view
>You are scum
Sure is personal attack in here.

>> No.2364720

Why would that be?

>> No.2364725

“I [Epicurus] know not how to conceive the good, apart from the pleasures of taste, [sexual pleasures,] the pleasures of sound and the pleasures of beautiful form.”

>> No.2364731

I still don't get it, are you criticising Epicurus?

>> No.2364737

Because you claim to be a hedonist yet are anhedonic. What irony.

>> No.2364753

Yes, I was considering writing a book about it, but I decided I wouldn't enjoy it.

>> No.2364826
File: 48 KB, 800x600, if-you-could-reason-wth-religious-people-there-would-be-no-religious-people-house.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2364832

fuck off back to the dark ages, where we would be without the church.

As if there are no secular reasons for chuch doctrine..

>> No.2364942

Agnostic here. Wouldn't force that book upon my worst enemy. Dawkins can hardly reason his way through a basic syllogism and when he attempts to deconstruct the classic proofs of God's existence, he generally does so only in the ways that have been shown not to work. The author seems to believe that by taking a tone of authority he can compensate for intellectual sloth.

>> No.2364945
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>argues from the authority of a television character

>> No.2364946
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>> No.2364960



>tl;dr— cosmologists suck at being philosophers

>> No.2364974

welcome to all liberalism.