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/lit/ - Literature

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2359718 No.2359718 [Reply] [Original]

Recent purchases thread. Just came in the mail today. I've already read 1984 but I never bought a copy.

>> No.2359722

Because I want a copy for myself

>> No.2359721

Why would you? The author is dead, you are giving money to leeches.

>> No.2359725



>> No.2359728

Well first I will reread it. Then I can put it on my shelf. If at any point I need to read it, whether in a class or because I just want to read it, I can walk over and grab it. Simple as that. You make it sound like there is no point to buying any book if the author is dead, therefore most books aren't worth buying.

>> No.2359736
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I picked up a new copy of Revolutionary Road because my other copy got left in a friends car then 'disapeared'.

>> No.2359735

>buying books of dead authors

>> No.2359740


Am I wrong? Most books aren't worth buying, and if the author is dead you are just feeding some maggots.

There must be a million of copies of this book just laying around, but you went and bought a new one to put on your shelf.

>> No.2359741

>Not buying them used and helping your local indie-bookstore.

>> No.2359744

People like new books.
Stop being a faggot.

>> No.2359746

I should note I am using the term 'new' to be used as 'another' as opposed to an actual new book.

>> No.2359752

Gosh OP, why aren't you hipster enough for this board!?!

>> No.2359753

No idea. Don't think I've ever seen someone mad from buying new books.

>> No.2359757

/lit/ is incredibly argumentative and often hostile.

personally i do mostly buy used books, it's cheaper, supports local businesses, and i don't mind owning used copies as long as they're not too fucked up.

>> No.2359758
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Reasons OP is a homosexual (and not the cool kind):

1. He bought new editions of old books that have been out forever. Your local used-book store probably has 1984 and Catcher In the Rye for a buck a piece, but nooooo.

2. Howard Zinn was a hack and a liar.

3. He put three books on the top row, but only one on the bottom instead of an aesthetically pleasing two-by-two arrangement.

In summary, I hate you and people like you.

>> No.2359762

things they carried is really good though, let's be real, even if i did read it in high school. surprised no one's giving OP shit about catcher in the rye

>> No.2359764

I would as well and used to. But I moved to an area with only one bookstore, located in a warehouse. So most of the books I buy from Amazon. I used to buy used from Amazon, but most of them are too damaged so I have to buy new to make sure they're in good condition.

>> No.2359782
File: 66 KB, 604x453, penguin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit i've never seen /lit/ behave this retardedly before. What's the matter? Should he only purchase penguin classic versions of dead authors?

>> No.2359787

It's just that one guy. He's probably stormfront anon.

>> No.2359804

My copy of Catcher is so shitty compared to that one (the Penguin copy with a plain navy blue background and gold writing).

Can't contribute to the thread with a pic as my next bundle won't arrive till midweek. It'll contain Pensees, Too Loud a Solitude, A Short History of Decay, and The Posthumous Memoirs of Brás Cubas.

>> No.2359816
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mite b cool

>> No.2359830

How does buying from a different publisher do anything for the author who is already dead?

>> No.2359831

Yesterday I bought the Rubiat of Omar Khayyam and Lolita by Nabokov, and today I bought Therese by Francois Mauriac.

Didn't really get a chance to read yesterday, but I'm going to finish Therese Desqueyroux before I think about Lolita. I'll probably finish off the other parts first too.

>> No.2359836

>that's the joke
/lit/ constantly jerksoff to penguin classics, hence the hypocrisy is pointed out

>> No.2359838
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My most recent batch arrived on friday:

George Orwell: A Collection of Essays (Harcourt Inc.)
James Gleick: Chaos
W. Strauss & N. Howe: The Fourth Turning
Don Delillo: White Noise
DFW: Brief Interviews With Hideous Men
B. McLean & J. Nocera: All The Devils Are Here
Edgar Snow: Red Star Over China
Jorge "Hoogi Boogi" Borges: Book of Sand & Shakespeare's Memory

No camera. Started with All The Devils, fun read so far, it's like a novel.

>> No.2359853

>jerks off to penguin classics
Don't think I've ever seen that once

>> No.2359876

>i stand behind my castle of penguin classics and i hav a boner BUTTOWNED

>> No.2359895
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A.J. Jacobs is fucking awesome.
Can't wait for his next book.

>> No.2359921
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>Howard Zinn was a hack

>> No.2359925

Old /lit/ meme, may not be prominent anymore.

>> No.2359952

I was about to say. Vintage is my favorite publisher.

>> No.2359967
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Oxford World's classics is just as good as Penguin.
Overall, I don't really give a fuck as long as everything is laid out well and readable and the book is constructed well.

>> No.2359992


Things they carried is good (though I've heard Tim O'Brien is a douche-- not that it really matters). Catcher in the Rye is alright. Never cared for 1984 that much. Howard Zinn was a pompous self-satisfied shithead. His work is for the most part admirable, but it's not without its filter and agenda..

>> No.2360003

the stuff in his book is factual, but of course his viewpoints is biased. All authors are biased and it will show in their books, but the things in the book are backed up.

>> No.2360010

Even then it's a little fucked up. You can get two different books, both with two different sets of facts, both backed up.
As Lewis Black put it: "There can't be two sets of facts, there have to be some FACT facts."

>> No.2360020
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Not sure what to buy next too many books to get also I'm with OP i like to have my own physical copy of a book, new or used whatever is the easiest to get a hold of.

>> No.2360042

>read C&P and Lolita
>throw the rest away

>> No.2360043
File: 89 KB, 600x915, HHGG-Ultimate-Soft..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy /lit/ approved? I've never seen it mentioned on here.

>> No.2360052

I think everyone likes it. I know I do.

>> No.2360053

What's that to the left of Crime and Punishment?
Get something you enjoy, or get some nonfiction.

>> No.2360057


who cares? it's a good read and you should do it.

>> No.2360055

Alright. It just doesn't really have lol2deep4u messages so I didn't think /lit/ would like it.

>> No.2360063
File: 114 KB, 932x577, recent purchase.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's what I've received over the past week. Top one is The Modern Fable by Nishiwaki Junzaburo. I also have ordered:

>The Donald Richie Reader
>Kangaroo Notebook by Kobo Abe
>The Encyclopedia of the Dead by Danilo Kis
>The Chieko Poems by Kotaro Takamura

>> No.2360069

Re-read Tuesdays With Morrie, read The Accidental Billionaires, and halfway through Mere Christianity.

>> No.2360072

>What's that to the left of Crime and Punishment?

the stranger, i think.

>> No.2360073

Looks like The Stranger by Camus

>> No.2360082

As others have said it is The Stranger.

Non fiction is something I haven't really had a lot of time with except for textbooks or how to books.

>> No.2360087

Comedy is best when it comes to non-fiction I think. Get something like Lewis Black or George Carlin. My favorite author is A.J. Jacobs, and his comedy is a bit more clean than most, so it has more appeal. If I may, I recommend 'The Year of Living Biblically'. It's probably in the top ten of my favorite books.

>> No.2360114

Dear fucking god, why are people always showing off their entry level buys.

>> No.2360117

ITT: Plebs living in the dark ages of the printed word

Let's just have some bleeding and leechings while we are at it

>> No.2360118

Things They Carried, mah nigga I was just re-reading that this morning

>> No.2360130

I'm pretty sure the majority of what I bought isn't even available as ebooks.

>> No.2360133

>Hur dur, my taste are elite

>> No.2360142

The literature I read shows that I didn't just begin to read literature today, unlike most of the pictures shown here.

Random books from their English teacher's list of recommended reading

>> No.2360151

Well technically there are hundreds of entry level books. Even someone well read might not have read a few of them

>> No.2360152

What did you buy?

>> No.2360155

Again, you may as well have said
>Hurrdurr, my taste are the ELITIST, you pheasants
Isn't the point of a book suppose to be entertainment? Besides, there's nothing wrong with the books he chose.

>> No.2360156

Mine was >>2360063. The Chuang Tzu and Huysmans are available online I know, but I don't think any of the others in my post are.

>> No.2360163

>Isn't the point of a book suppose to be entertainment?

no, that's a woefully narrow definition of art.

>> No.2360177

When every book you bought is entry level recommendations, that simply shows you are an entry level reader.

Buying books is also a large indication

>> No.2360200

I read Tim O'Brien's book as well as Catcher in the Rye, Tim's book is depressing

>> No.2360207 [DELETED] 
File: 168 KB, 1024x768, Crusaders 2012-01-28 15-43-23-62.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fresh install, hope it lasts. When I play conversion games, I never play the full length of the CK campaign. Gets too easy mode, so I say I'll play until ~1200.

>> No.2360243

>entry level reader
Okay, I'll play your game. Enlighten me as to what isn't 'entry level' books. Please tell what is the height of good books.
And just to let you know some people actually do READ the books they buy. I know that's a shocking revelation.

>> No.2360253

entry level books are often good books, but they're overdiscussed. there's nothing inherently wrong with them. if it's on a school/college curriculum, it's probably entry-level.

>> No.2360270

>walk in this thread
>look around
>"oh lawdy"
>walk out

>> No.2360864

If you don't read the great books in college then where are you supposed to read them?

>> No.2362191 [DELETED] 


>> No.2362211

At any point in your life.

>> No.2362213
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>> No.2362222

College freshman? Liberal arts?

>> No.2362226
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and these two, actually, I'd forgotten.

>> No.2362230

y u wearing girls clothes bro?

>> No.2362231

I'm the creative type.

>> No.2362234

Are you also a beast in the sack type?

>> No.2362387


>> No.2362590
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>> No.2362676
