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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 88 KB, 500x370, DFW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2361617 No.2361617 [Reply] [Original]

So i just read this.

This is the first fictional piece by DFW that I have read and i'm not sure whether I can read more wothout thinking about this.

>> No.2361642

Thats his best one, you don't have to read anymore.

>> No.2361714

im scared to go to that link but im a big fan of dfw.
can someone tell me whats that about?

>> No.2361722

you're a coward, a mongrel, someone who fears his own flesh. don't bother, insight is wasted on you.

>> No.2361733

Any fiction written by DFW in the first person is just pure and unadulterated autobiography.

>> No.2361761

what's with all the hostility you fucking cunt?
it's a rational fear, i once got RATed and had to reformat, so i'm careful about every suspicious link even if they're not suspicious at all

>> No.2361780

It's a very very thinly veiled exposition of DFW's own state of mind and the feeling he had that he was a colossal fraud. It can be seen as his suicide letter as it is told from the point of view of a person who has recently committed suicide.
Read it, it's good.

>> No.2361785

it's easier to just type "i'm scared of all links" you fucking idiot

>> No.2361786

>file ends in .pdf

>> No.2361799

>it's a rational fear

No, it's not rational. Make backups, fucktard.

>> No.2361801

Who are you quoting, you spineless fucking turd?

>> No.2361804

OP here. Its ok people, there are some who are overly cautious.

>> No.2361807

i already said i got RATed once, you fucking idiotic moron.
ever heard of RAT? google it dumbass.
basically some guy infected me and gained access to all of my passwords and stuff, i had to reformat.

tl;dr you are an ignorant fucktard

>> No.2361816
File: 128 KB, 523x480, 1300449729853.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, I didn't realize you went through such a traumatic event. I should be more sensitive next time.

>> No.2361820

we heard you the first time.

no one gives a shit.

like the other guy said, keep backups and stop whining like a little bitch.

>> No.2361827

I know that this isn't exactly the right board,but since you mentioned it,how does one make backups?

>> No.2361830

You shouldn't be here when you're on the rag.

>> No.2361843

buy harddrive. copy all your shit once a month into said hard drive. never plug it into your computer unless it's an update or unless you're refilling your pc.

your post had six insults vs mine's one. i think it's pretty clear who's butthurt here.

>> No.2361848

I'm not the guy you were getting mad about lol. Maybe you're pregnant

>> No.2361850

/lit/ - Tough Guys of the Internet General

>> No.2361858

good posts in this thread

>> No.2361868

DFW would be so proud of you guys.

>> No.2361867

Hello, samefriend.
Maybe you should take a break, and come back when you're not on your period.

Pathetic fucking retard.

>> No.2361877

what a failure, it's pretty obvious who i am in the thread, it's >>2361843, >>2361820 and >>2361785. you think the lack caps and the greentext post being posted at the exact same minute would be a hint but man...

>> No.2361896

Can we get back on topic please?

>> No.2361904
File: 33 KB, 249x233, 1327471744803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit, so I need a 2TB harddrive. Oh well, better to be safe, amirite?

Wow, what a bunch of friendless pathetic retards who act tough on /lit/. Seriously guys?

>> No.2361909

gigs are cheap now. you can never have enough backups.

>> No.2361918

Drama backtracked to >>2361722

>> No.2361993

>incorrect accusation
>points to three wholly innocuous, non-harsh posts

>> No.2362306

Who are you quoting, you dickless, moron?

>> No.2362324

I can't believe youre all still bitching about nothing.
Thanks for the link OP, that was a great read.

>> No.2362342

are other Oblivion stories as good as this? If not, is the book worth getting?

>> No.2362366

I've only read IJ and this just now, but from the way I hear it, yes.

IJ was similar in the writing style (lots of layers, causal tone, ton of footnotes), I really liked it, but didn't understand wtf was going on half the time.

>> No.2362369


>> No.2362723

As much as I do think there was real introspection present in the story, (Good Old Neon) I also think the narrator was a little whiny bitch and I spent the better part of the story wanting to throttle him. Maybe that's the point, but whether or not that was the point isn't the point: if you hate the narrator that much the author has failed to present a relatable (or even particularly INTERESTING) worldview then there's a certain amount of fail wafting from the entire thing.

Not that I think there wasn't some real introspection here. But I'm not interested in reading DFW's suicide note and the entire thing came off as really, really self-indulgent, annoying narrator or no. The entire time he's like 'Oh there's something you need to understand BUT YOU CAN'T UNDERSTAND IT LOL I AM SEW EFFIN D33P GUYZ' and then by the time he introduces HIMSELF into the story I'm pretty thoroughly disgusted, really.


>> No.2362728

>I can't relate to or vicariously live through the protagonist therefore the book is SHIT!


>> No.2362738


>Thinks something I enjoy is flawed.
>Must be illiterate lol.

>> No.2363195

what a thread...

>> No.2365201

I just scanned OP's link with my Norton. It's a virus, don't click on it.

>> No.2365240

Is this fiction or an autobiography? Also I've never read any of his books, is this good for a first?

>> No.2365257

Both, kinda.
I loved it, pretty short read too.

>> No.2365260

So it isn't intended to be an autobiography, but you think it speaks directly to his personality? Why?

>> No.2365282

I suspect he was writing about himself and his insecurities, though with fiction.

I've heard he killed himself sometime ater writing this, so it seems it coils be related.
Honestly, I think what hes talking about is applicable to everyone. It's kinda the fundamental thing people worry about:
who am I?

>> No.2365284

Not the guy you were replying to but it is a very thinly veiled comment about his own state of mind. Considering he commited suicide 4 years after it got published it gives us an insight into his thought process and even what kind of thoughts crossed his mind when he finally did it. And also an interesting point is that he did not go for the quick painless way he described in the story but instead hung himself which he must have known is quite a painful way to die.