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23552738 No.23552738 [Reply] [Original]

neil gaiman cancelled

>> No.23552745

I'm not into ethnic lit.

>> No.23552748

imagine being a literal cuckold feminist liberal goodboy and still get torn to shred by screeching harpies

>> No.23552751

Please can I go one fucking day without seeing nonwhites/women/other losers whining about being victims

>> No.23552763
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Mogusman scores another easy W.

>> No.23552781

Since OP is a faggot who can't post text, here is the rest of the story. I refuse to give more clicks to Boris Johnson's sister.

Neil Gaiman has been accused of sexual assault by two women with whom he was in consensual relationships and is the subject of a police complaint in New Zealand.

Gaiman’s position is that he strongly denies any allegations of non-consensual sex with the women and adds New Zealand police did not take up his offer of assistance over one woman’s complaint in 2022, which, he says, reflects its lack of substance.

However, New Zealand police said it made a “number of attempts to speak to key people as part of this investigation and those efforts remain ongoing”, adding that there are “a number of factors to take into consideration with this case, including location of all parties”.

The allegations span two decades and concern young women who came into contact with Gaiman – the 63 year-old bestselling author of The Sandman, Good Omens, and American Gods – as a nanny to his child and as a fan of his writing.

The women’s allegations were first reported in Tortoise’s podcast ‘Master: the allegations against Neil Gaiman’, released on Wednesday. The four-part series examines the women’s accounts of rough and degrading sex with the author, which they say was not always consensual.

Although the vast majority of cases of sexual assault happen within relationships, most allegations go unreported, and therefore unprosecuted, because of the expectation that alleged victims would not be in a relationship with their alleged assailant. While the law says that consent is for each and every sexual act, many people assume that a relationship provides ongoing consent.


>> No.23552785


Scarlett, 23, alleges that Gaiman sexually assaulted her within hours of their first meeting in February 2022 in a bath at his New Zealand residence, where she worked as a nanny to his child. Tortoise understands that Gaiman’s account is that they only “cuddled” and “made out” in the bath and that he had established consent for this. His position is that, over the three-week sexual relationship that followed, they only ever engaged in consensual digital penetration.

Scarlett alleges that within this otherwise consensual relationship Gaiman engaged in rough and degrading penetrative sexual acts with her. Tortoise has seen contemporaneous messages, notes, and spoken to friends who Scarlett talked to at the time, which supports her allegations.

The second woman, K, was 18 when she met Gaiman at a book signing in Sarasota, Florida in 2003. She began a romantic relationship with him when she turned 20, and Gaiman was in his mid-40s, but alleges that she submitted to rough and painful sex that “she neither wanted nor enjoyed.” In one incident she alleges Gaiman penetrated her despite her asking him not to as she was suffering from a painful infection. Gaiman’s position is that he denies any unlawful behaviour with K and is disturbed by her allegations.

Tortoise understands that he believes K’s allegations are motivated by her regret over their relationship and that Scarlett was suffering from a condition associated with false memories at the time of her relationship with him, a claim which is not supported by her medical records and medical history.

It's very scant evidence, as you can see.

>> No.23552792

He's just the kind of sleazy niceguy faggot that I would #believewomen instantly would be a molester. His books are utter dogshit too, no offense to dogs.

>> No.23552798

Read the posts above, it's just two walled roasties scheming to get money for pussy they have away two decades ago.

>> No.23552801

so long gai bowser

>> No.23552802

>have away

>> No.23552805

I imagined that. It blows.

>> No.23552816
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>> No.23552818

the guy who's put rape in everything he's ever done?
i'm shocked. shocked i say. well not that shocked

>> No.23552841 [DELETED] 

shit is scary, you probably need to avoid any kind of rough play if you want to avoid the risk of false allegations. Even now this story will blow up but it's he said, she said situations in consensual relationships.

>> No.23552856

>the expose is a 4-part podcast
>first episode starts with an ad
you are really taking sexual assault seriously aren't you

>> No.23552877

i like Sandman therefore this didn;t happen.

>> No.23552892

It mostly happens to them because they’re beholden to that crowd. You can’t cancel someone who doesn’t care and who doesn’t rely on anyone who would. Any male feminist can be blackmailed/ruined by any woman he’s ever met at any point and he deserves it.
Also male feminists are so creepy anyway. He may have actually done something.

>> No.23552900
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>Neil Gaiman has been accused of sexual assault by two women
Wait... I thought he was gai???

>> No.23552903


>> No.23552919

Guilty until proven innocent. So it goes for any male public figure. Twitter is already full of (mostly women) who declare that they're not surprised, of course he did it, I'm disgusted, we must speak truth to the patriarchy, etc.

>> No.23552925


>> No.23552932
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>outspoken male ally leverages fame to get pussy from groupies
>run-through groupies see easy payday years later
>get digitally lynched by feminists
It's a tale as old as time. The funny bit is that half the mob is more offended by the fact that he was fucking younger women than any "rape" allegations.

>> No.23552934

surprise, surprise

>> No.23552939

It's the only good thing he ever wrote: a comic.

I'm glad to see him taking heat, don't care if he's a sex pest or not, just annoyed at 2 decades of every decent genre book having his blurb on it. He is a hack who wrote a good comic series once. Never should've been elevated to his current stature in the first place.

>> No.23552944

>but can we spin the way we've already decided to?
I do not like Gaiman or his work, but God, do I hate these fucking disingenuous imbeciles so much more

>> No.23552947

>I'm the victim of all of these wannabe victims

>> No.23552952

Don't visit 4chan and Twitter for a day.

>> No.23552957

I'm completely oblivious to his other work so none of that bothers me.

>> No.23552970

>a condition associated with false memories
such as what?

>> No.23552972
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He did have an "open relationship" for years with this faux punk broad so we know he's a degenerate cuck.

>> No.23552973
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>Neil Gaiman has been accused of sexual assault by two women
Does he one-shotted the ladies?

>> No.23552982
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She kinda cude tho

>> No.23552984

in the podcast the first story is
>him and his wife live separately, neil is on an island
>first woman meets him through the wife
>she gets hired as a nanny
>one day neil asks if she wants him to "run a bath"
>she says yes
>the bath is outside in the garden, she gets in anyway
>some time later he nonchalantly gets in with her without asking
>she's a lesbian but had a bad experience with a middle aged man as a teenager
>the journalist interjects to explain the outside bath and that Gaiman's account says he asked to "participate in intimate contact" and she agrees in a way that's "pleasant and unforced", just cuddling and making out
>back to woman's account
>she says he asked her to get comfortable
>she's a bit shy, he starts caressing her legs
>journalist interjects and continues the account
>gaiman asked her to come over to his side of the bath to see some special island tree or whatever
>"silent and scared" she does this
>hard for her to talk about on zoom, but "next thing I knew his fingers were in my arse and I wasn't sure what was happening"
>he asks for handjob, she says no, he is pushy
>she gives in and he jerks off on her
>he still pushes and starts asking for shit like for her to call him "master"

Then the journalist comes back and talks about some more graphic stuff. I'm posting here so people don't have to give that website clicks. It could be true, he is a scientologist after all, but it's definitely a dramatic hit piece and the style is in bad taste. I probably won't continue listening, I feel kind of bad for the woman and I assume the other stories will be worse, but the podcast opened with some shit about BDSM laws so there's probably some real degeneracy from the guy later.

>> No.23552990


>> No.23553004

He's a weird leftist so it's almost certainly true.

>> No.23553016

see I have made some shitty comments (which can be construed as sexual harrasment) to a girl younger than me when I was 18, will that ever come back to bite me anons?

>> No.23553028

If you ever get money, yeah

>> No.23553030
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>His position is that, over the three-week sexual relationship that followed, they only ever engaged in consensual digital penetration.

Uh... What the hell is digital penetration?

>> No.23553035


>> No.23553036


>> No.23553040

Like online?

>> No.23553045

My intentions weren't even sexual I was being a bully but now I suffer from anxiety that I will be fucked for it one day. My legacy is something I care deeply for, I want people to think of me and feel hope for the world, as it stands I see myself be blacklisted from the culture and only seen as a "sex pest pedo" when I was just an annoying teenager a few months too old. I suppose it's stupid because I'm not famous but I do want to make art worthy of making me famous.

>> No.23553048

>celebrity author uses fame to seduce and have rough dom sex with fangirls half his age

Kinda hot ngl.

>> No.23553050

I guess they could but seems unlikely. Unless actual sex, handjobs, blowjobs, petting or groping happened nobody would probably care. I don't think anyone's been cancelled for creepy comments alone (I could be wrong, tho) Also, you can't be cancelled if you're not famous lol

>> No.23553061


>> No.23553080

>try finger but hole

>> No.23553088
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>digital penetration

>> No.23553099

>consensual digital penetration.
poe's law

>> No.23553105

I never saw a consent form for any of this

Also Neil stop being hot inside your mind

>> No.23553112

hmm I think I have a solution for the issue, I want to be immensely famous and I'll do it undeterred from my past mistakes.

>> No.23553125

live by lesbian feminism die by the lesbian feminist

>> No.23553134

Who the fuck is Neil Gaiman?

>> No.23553156

Honestly, no exaggeration, I don't believe a single sex assault accusation anymore. I don't picture the guy sexually assaulting a woman, I just picture a retarded woman deciding that deep down, if you think about it, him being in the same continent that her 12 years ago was literally rape. I'm not trying to be clever or make a point. That's really is what happens in my brain when I read about a sexual assault accusation now.

>> No.23553166

he's a jew

>> No.23553171

Coraline was good.

>> No.23553201

True... I loved that book and movie as a kid

>> No.23553207

Another victim to the wall harpies. Yet again, he made his bed, he can lie on it.

>> No.23553250

It's edgy soulless zoomer shit.

>> No.23553258

holy fuck, is it time to start reading gaiman?

>> No.23553266

>next thing I knew his fingers were in my arse and I wasn't sure what was happening
kek. I wish I had been there to clue her in

>> No.23553267

>I want to read violent rapists
Tf is wrong with you?

>> No.23553285

why are you rapistphobic?

>> No.23553299

he will be fine

>> No.23553305

My second ever girlfriend was a BPD maniac Asian woman from a rich background. She liked rough and degrading sex in a way that was demanded and made me feel uncomfortable. Partway through the relationship, she asked me to stop initiating sex because I wasn't asking for consent explicitly. I figured, as I would for myself, that were it unwanted, you could just say "no". This was complicated by her implied expectation that our sex be spontaneous and aggressive. Throughout the year long relationship, she sexted me voluminously, with hundreds of images. I only asked for them later on. In the beginning it was shocking, almost violent. She hadn't asked me if I wanted them. It was a forced favour (her conception, I later learned) that I became accustomed to. Towards the end, she told me that she hated sex and that all the sex we'd had was for me, and essentially coerced, because I had made her too afraid to say decline my advances. We're talking about someone who startled me by suddenly screaming that she was a whore during sex, loudly queefing in orgasm. I had never been violent, much less particularly dominant beyond doing most of the thrusting. It felt like a setup. Each time she had confronted me with these progressive and blindsiding reframings, it was often in a text exchange, the records of which I imagine she maintains, because she's some rich guy's daughter and an Apple disciple (once threatened to break up with me at the prospect of getting an Android); she has iCloud archives. To this day, I'm a little concerned that if my art is to ever take off (unlikely, I'm a nobody and a hack), or if I am ever to have any momentary public visibility at all, she will come after me.
This is one of two BPD queens I've dated that I fear will eventually emerge from the woodwork to assassinate my character. The other, all I did was spit on her, as she had requested, in an environment where she had degraded my appearance and my body, giving me a sense of needing to meet demands. Turns out she had wanted me to spit in her mouth, not on her face. I'm sure she goes around telling people I assaulted her.

>> No.23553325

Ask your mother.

>> No.23553361
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>> No.23553362

The deeper intent of my post is to say that while one can have made mistakes or been insensitive, this black and white thinking, typical of Cluster II personality disorders, the most famous of which is more common in women, eliminates the nuance of error and miscommunication by prioritizing self-altered and ego-preserving memories, which themselves are symptoms of Cluster II generally. It's redaction; omitting the narrative of the other party, or a denial that innocent miscommunications can occur, like a religious conviction that all phenomena are guided by agency. I would never have spit on that NB person if they hadn't given me an incredible pressure to perform, constantly airing particular requests, occasionally with questionable moral valence (e.g. saying that my refusal to consent to anal penetration was an assault on their gender and sexual identity). Anyone becomes a victim with the right partial transparency and information.

>> No.23553365

the movie, yea.

>> No.23553366

BPD, DID, being a female gaiman groupie who spends too much time on tumblr. Take your pick, they're all the same thing.

>> No.23553382

By fucking someone with DID could any of the personalities acuse you of sexual assault?

>> No.23553395

>I refuse to give more clicks to Boris Johnson's sister.

>> No.23553414

>a literal cuckold feminist liberal
Who do you think tends to do this behavior? Wil Wheaton is next if they haven't got him already.

>> No.23553467

>>a condition associated with false memories
>such as what?


>> No.23553487

>Coraline was good.

Henry Selick turned that shit book into a great movie.

>> No.23553489

>Gaiman's family is of Polish-Jewish and other Eastern European Jewish origins

>Gaiman's grandfather changed his original family name of Chaiman to Gaiman

>> No.23553599

is anything he wrote good?

>> No.23553615

No. He's basically what Marvel basedboy manchildren read when trying to become literate.

>> No.23553616

>His books are utter dogshit
ill-educated opinion

>> No.23553639

Cluster II personality disorders involve falsification or alteration of memories. Someone might remember details only inasfar as they exonerate, or validate, the individual. They can also create new memories from whole cloth that support their feelings about an event. This is particularly the case with Narcissistic Personality Disorder. Someone will say "Oh, I never did x" or "I did y (good thing) instead, and you are mistaken" in contradiction of actual events, and fully believe such is the case.

>> No.23553649

That's based. Me personally? I just decide whether I think the person has a rapist vibe or not.

>> No.23553658

when you stick a casio in their cooter

>> No.23553679

I detest Neil Gaiman and hope for his downfall, but those accusations were the faggiest shit I've ever read.

>> No.23553726

I don't recall rape in Coraline or American Gods?

>> No.23553904
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>The journalists spoke to a lot of Gaiman's female friends and/or girlfriends, and all of them were very positive about him, aside from Scarlett and the second accuser.
>Scarlett says that Gaiman groomed her and made her think their interactions were consensual but they actually weren't consensual.
>she was 22 at the time
how do you groom a 22 year old?

>> No.23553913

I don't care I'm just happy this freak is under fire.

>> No.23553917

He is Jewish. Nothing will happen to him.
This meme alone contains more truth than all the semetic religious books.

>> No.23553920

Someone listened to the 2 episode (lol) podcast. Seems sketch tbqh

>> No.23553922
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she deserves rape

>> No.23553923

for being friends with a judenkiken? yea

>> No.23553926

for saying "shooketh"

>> No.23553953

It‘s Gaim Over

>> No.23553965

>calling it SA

>> No.23553968

>hey - are you worried about being next? try nordVPN! nordVPN protects all your communication from law enforcement agencies and is guaranteed not to keep logs of what you say to minors over discord

>> No.23553991

Wow, the bad-faith interlocutor with garbage saccharine perspectives of both the minorities he worships and the bigots he hates alike was using elaborate self-righteousness as a disguise for his own grotesque moral failures? Color me shocked.

>> No.23553997

A lady eats a dude with her vagina in American Gods.

>> No.23554004

see, this is why clown world will never end. everyone wants society to be worse instead of better, just to increase the chances of someone that annoys them being harmed by it. bugman mentality.

>> No.23554030

Does that mean my books with his introduction are worth more or worthless because he turned out to be vile rapist.

>> No.23554031

they've always been worthless

>> No.23554041

Noo my monies was hoping book collecting would be the next nft.

>> No.23554081

>salty exes
So it's nothing.

>> No.23554082

Alan Moore is such a weird hobo I doubt he approaches women at all. Gayman has the “I’m cool and with it” lack of self realization to actively pursue women fans.

>> No.23554087

Boy if you hate that how about a whole generation now self censoring words like r@pe or using emojis to describe everything because of social media filters.

>> No.23554099

lol retard

>> No.23554100

You could just tell this dude had Feynman energy.

>> No.23554107

>He is Jewish. Nothing will happen to him.
That's what they said about Harvey Weinstein

>> No.23554112

Moore is a big pussy pleaser. He loves a woman who takes control. So definitely not fucking his fans, but he's gettin laid, it's just not the sort of thing Neil would go for.

>> No.23554115

Unironically this, but I had a gf whose friend completely fabricated a rape allegation against a professor at uni because he was rude to her. Changed my perception on the topic.

>> No.23554118

I didn't know he was a male feminist I thought he was just a boring normie writer.

>> No.23554129

Do you know that Harv was recently exonerated?

>> No.23554135

What’s the difference?

>> No.23554141

NY court overturn his convictions cause the attorney overcharged him but he's still jailed in LA

>> No.23554148

You say that like something needs to actually happen for accusations to get published.

>> No.23554155

Time is up for jews, the goyim are waking up. Better head on back to Israel where you can all be nice and grouped up.

>> No.23554160

Looks to me like he got quietly bounced around until last year and quietly let out earlier this year.

Nobody really advertises this kind of thing but I‘m guessing ten to one he spent whatever actual jail time he did in comfy rich people prison.

>> No.23554163

An 18 is an adult whether mature or not. At this point, North America might as well raise the age of consent to 21. They should also raise the age required for the draft. Funny how liberals have problems with adults fucking adults, but no problem mutilating their children's genitals.

>> No.23554167

Are the liberals in the room with us anon

>> No.23554168
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>> No.23554175

>passive agressive tone
Are people who asked you in the room right now?

>> No.23554187

>Proudly proclaim Male Feminist credentials
>Virtual signal and support all popular leftist causes
>Gain many adoring young leftist female fans that willingly present pussy
>Partake in said pussy consensually
>Several women end up being Cluster B, make sexual assault allegations, grooming allegations, power imbalance allegations
>Other previous "consensual sex partners" join the accusation train and pile on
>Be unable to effectively defend yourself because "Kek believe all women"
>Get cancelled
>Many such cases

>> No.23554194

Basically everybody in burgerland supports circumcision. It‘s a sick, sick country.

>> No.23554196

You love to see it. Here’s to hoping they never learn.

>> No.23554216

One of them is currently 23. That's not post-wall. The alleged incident was purported to have occurred 2 years ago, making her 21 years old. If you consider that post-wall, you are a pedo. Either that, you didn't read what you are telling someone else to read.

>> No.23554242

When you make a deal with the devil for worldly wealth and fame, the clock starts ticking and one day upon the fated hour the bell shall ring

>> No.23554244

In this next few days you will slowly see a trickle of how this was a well known secret and how people in his orbit were too afraid to speak up about it and risk their careers.

>> No.23554245

This happened in New Zealand, why are you bitching about America?

>> No.23554252

Some folks in reddit are already saying they done known about this and how he has an open marriage, he is always in the company of young women, socializing, hitting on them, etc.

>> No.23554268
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They are already coming for him. What did Lawrence Miles say about him?
>stinking parasite who'll stop at nothing to cop off on goth girls

>> No.23554271

Don't forget: "It costs literally nothing to be a good person."

>> No.23554279

This smells like bullshit and it looks like everyone else fell for it judging by the upvotes.

>> No.23554285

Forever vindicated I was a Philip Reeve / Diane Wynn Jones nerd-chad and not a Neil Gaiman / Amanda Palmer quirkoid when I was in high school in the 2000s

>> No.23554300
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it is a lot easier to simulate virtue rather than actually being virtuous. but when the times exhorts the youth to imbibe in every vice due to the errors of the repressive past, it becomes much harder. the narrow path going uphill and all that.

>> No.23554309

It could be, but there are multiple other posts out there. Apparently Amanda wanted to close the open relationship and he didn't. It's not even remotely a secret that he always seems to be in the company of young female groupies. So regardless of what is actually happening, with today's environment the way it is, dude is choosing to the roll the dice on this. And I really have no sympathy because he helped build it.

>> No.23554323

That's fair enough.

>> No.23554327

I dunno, he can still have been a piece of shit treating them too rough or being pushy even if they technically consented. It just isn't necessarily rape, then. We need ways of addressing misbehaviour in relationships that aren't 0->100 straight away, like there's levels of wrongdoing between totally okay and any misdemeanor being treated the same as violent rape. These women could have a legitimate grievance but be going about it completely the wrong way because of retarded new social norms. It just makes me hate the whole of humanity for being too retarded, too many emotionally retarded men blithering through their relationships not having any genuine sensuality with a partner beyond satiating their immediate needs like a retarded child and throwing their toys out the pram like a drug addict when the warm hole is not forthcoming, and too many bpd women doublethinking themselves after the fact into recontextualising an unpleasant and emotionally hurtful thing that happened in a bad relationship into literally the worst thing that could ever happen to a person, worse than being burnt alive, need to make exceptions to every social norm and assume guilty til a negative is proven & reinstate the death penalty for this and this only. Whole fucking species just sucks, bunch of idiots.

>> No.23554330

Even funnier is how there's evidence showing she explicitly consented to everything and how she loved him. Let this be a lesson in not sticking your dick in crazy.

>> No.23554335

Cluster B women are the devil incarnate

>> No.23554342

Even if there was nothing criminal or nonconsensual going on, they are going to age gap the fuck out of him. He's admitted to consensual behavior already so he is basically fucked on that front.

>> No.23554349
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Watching these people get hoist by their own petard is a joy. Watching them and their allies use all the forbidden defenses and try to call out lying whores is enough to have me at half mast. Male feminism can only be defeated at the point women realize it’s just a cover and men realize it’s a noose around their own neck.

>> No.23554353
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>> No.23554370

That's what I'm talking about. I mean if you listen to the actual podcast, it seems like a pretty weak case that these things were anything but consensual. But that doesn't matter anymore because he is rich and powerful™. The crazies are all but arguing now that these large age gap sexual relationships are defacto non-consensual. The evidence doesn't even matter to them, all that matters is they were young and now regret it. That by their rules makes him a horrible human being and person. Guaranteed his agent and publisher(s) drop him before the end of the week.

>> No.23554380

Why are you defending a Jewish male-feminist sex-pest?

>> No.23554384

>how do you groom a 22 year old?
I was groomed at 23. Mixture of being homeschooled and being a complete coward.

>> No.23554392

You're a man with a penis.

>> No.23554399
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I beefed with this arrogant dipshit on twatter like 2 years ago, now he's accused of rape. I'm celebrating.

>> No.23554400
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Those who are held responsible for their decisions and actions are rational agents.
Women are never held responsible for their decisions and actions. It is always someone else's fault.
Therefore women are not rational agents.

>> No.23554405

Events like these almost make me glad to be an incel no woman will ever touch.

>> No.23554406


>> No.23554414

name's Gayman*

>> No.23554417
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>> No.23554418

> It's been an open secret for years that he's a menace. Rumour always was he fled NZ for Scotland during Covid, breaking lockdown rules of several countries and abandoning his young son for years, because Amanda Palmer (his wife at the time) asked him to stop sleeping around. Lawrence Miles famously called him a "stinking parasite who'd stop at nothing in his quest to get goth girls to cop off with him." And god knows when the divorce was announced there were enough young adult women on twitter who had stories about him being a creep approaching them.

>> No.23554420

>admitting to using post Elon twitter

>> No.23554423

if you didn't see this coming a mile away then watch out you're next

>> No.23554425

Having a penis doesn't imply maleness.

>> No.23554430

The con scene is much different today than it was 20-30 years ago. Neil was always highly accessible and if you went to a Con or any of his book signings, you would see a gaggle of young late teens or early 20somethings College age girls just hanging around him. And they would meetup at the bar afterwards and hang out, and he would often take 1 or more of them back to his hotel room. This was back when nobody has smart phones and social media was mostly in it's infancy.

>> No.23554433

The concept of an open secret will never not befuddle me, especially in recent times.

>> No.23554435

>Lawrence Miles famously called him a "stinking parasite
cool it with the antisemitism

>> No.23554441


>> No.23554444

Let me explain it to you, Neil Gaiman is Jewish, all of the editors, agents, and publishers you need to succeed as a writer are also Jewish. You may hear from other writers in person that Gaiman is a creep, but they, and you, know that you can't get away with accusing a Jew of a crime, so while everyone knows he is a sex pest, no one is willing to say it and destroy their own life as they are gentiles desperately clinging to a Jewish supremacist system of control.

>> No.23554462
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>> No.23554464
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>> No.23554482

I really wouldn't worry about it. That kind of stuff happens.

>> No.23554493


>> No.23554508

Uhh based?

>> No.23554537

Why do Jews turn on their own?

>> No.23554542

Bobba booyeee

>> No.23554560
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>> No.23554619

He did nothing wrong. That is what famous authors are supposed to do.

>> No.23554626

ok schlomo

>> No.23554642

He hired a nanny for his child and then molested her in the first hour of her being in his house. He admitted to this as a defense of his actions.

>> No.23554647

Hottest part of the book.

>> No.23554689

It's kind of weird that every time this happens it's a Jewish guy.

>> No.23554705
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this is a resume of ITT.

I expected this board to improve over time since we now have way more Marxist and Christians anons using it, but it seems like we still have lot's of /pol/tards.

>> No.23554713

Are you claiming that Neil Gaimon, Joss Whedon, Harvey Weinstein, and Jeffrey Epstein aren't Jewish?

>> No.23554719
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>> No.23554733
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>> No.23554734

The opposite is going to meet a woman's friends and introducing yourself as her rapist

>> No.23554738

Prepare your anus in jail negro

>> No.23554764

Neil Gaiman will just call in a Mossad hit on the two shiksa sluts

>> No.23554785


>> No.23554786

Thats totally expected

>> No.23554798


>> No.23554803

Yes but just this time.

>> No.23554815

>a jew raping gentile women
par for the course

>> No.23554849

It happens to them because all human courtship is soft male-on-female rape, you just have to not go "too far". Liberal men are still men
Feminism and sexual liberation mean that any man who has had sex or made advances can be called a "rapist". In fact not even that is necessary if you really piss off the wrong kind of female manipulator

>> No.23554867

He an actual Jewish sex pest.

>> No.23554885

So he's uglier and softer and more perverted than the average man, doesn't change the principle

>> No.23554892

Yes, finally lmao

>> No.23554903

He already got his Netflix deal though.

>> No.23554905

>making her 21 years old. If you consider that post-wall, you are a pedo
Women peak around 13-16 years old, unfortunately. Pedophilia means attraction to prepubescents, so girls around 6-11/12.

>> No.23554911

Not for long.

>> No.23554916

there's always a section in the contracts related to "public morality" or something kek he's done

>> No.23554930
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>fuck around (consensually)
>find out

>> No.23554938

>implying the jew didn't rape those chicks

>> No.23554946

<Implying women ever tell da troof

>> No.23554950

How is he supposed to fucking defend himself from this? What the even the fucking charges?

>> No.23554952

over a jew, yea, probably.

>> No.23554953

>improve over time since we now have way more Marxist and Christians anons using it
you mean jews

>> No.23554970

Cry more, Jewboi.

>> No.23554971

when you look at his physiogomy, him being a sex pest isn't that surprising

>> No.23554972


>> No.23554987

It's all YA lit. He's basically a fantasy-flavored John Green but also Jewish and therefore much more of a pervert.

>> No.23554991

Squidward looking ass.

>> No.23555021

This is what he fought for

>> No.23555028


>> No.23555072

He has reaped what he had once sown

>> No.23555088


>> No.23555096

Yea I am surprised they aren't going haywire over 40+ year age gaps in his sexual conquests.
It's actually really good now. It was cancer before.

>> No.23555102

He won't answer. His cognitive dissonance won't allow it.

>> No.23555104

Really is always them

>> No.23555108

Then /lit/ suddenly decided to side with women and their false statements just because of envy and an irrational hatred for Jews. You don't have any integrity, only hate in your hearts.

God bless you.

>> No.23555136

Not based

Based: rape is just a normal part of life and if someone did it so what

>> No.23555137


>> No.23555139

>implying it was good before

I respect women unlike you

>> No.23555146

Reap qhat you sow, Jew.

>> No.23555148

>I am a white knight, my girlfriend has an onlyfans and she is entitled to it.

>> No.23555152

This is antisemitic

>> No.23555154

kek this trick won't work in 2024, jew.

>> No.23555160

I'm not a Protestant. I just let her have sex with negroes but we don't record neither sell it.

>> No.23555164

>I respect women unlike you
You respect cock.

>> No.23555166

tis the fate of all liberal onions boys and male feminists

i liked sandman in the 90s but he went really over board with the libtardness, me thinks he doth protest too much

>> No.23555167

> Anyone becomes a victim with the right partial transparency and information.
I realize this as well, this is what is scary about this situation. The internet does not like nuance, it will form a story it likes and beat you over the head with it until everyone believes it. Then the next generation accepts it as the truth and parrots it around for the rest of time.

>> No.23555178


Heres the deal: You can be groomed at any age and become an adult at any age (I remember seeing a video of this 10yo who was clearly an adult at heart due to his financial situation). When you start taking accountability, get certain life experiences & become disciplined you've grown up and can't be groomed any longer.

>> No.23555184

Maybe he will pretend to be conservative like all the other canceled libtards

>> No.23555185

getting some serious pedo vibes from this post, friends

>> No.23555186

Have you ever noticed that while the SJW-infested media never seems to write hit pieces about these accused sex criminals? There is never a whisper or a peep heard in public until the courts get involved.

>> No.23555188

You are projecting, Atheistfag

>> No.23555189

man up

>> No.23555195


Khazars are never canceled.

>> No.23555201

Uh oh, look how he gets scared.

>> No.23555202

classic leftist trick, never respond to an argument beyond "um sweetie thats icky and weird vibes''

I don't think an adult and a "grown up" 10yo should be in a relationship, but rather, the grown up 10yo is not gonna be retarded enough to fall for the tricks of a pedo

>> No.23555213

Yet you were so butthurt you replied twice. You probably jerk it to anime shit, pedo.

>> No.23555218

hey, alls im saying is if she 18 and its consensual its legal >:)

>> No.23555232

Thanks, Neil

>> No.23555248

This is your leftist ego. I'm not >>23555188

Trying arguing with your next reply or don't bother, this ain't reddit there are no upvotes to get

>> No.23555255

The reddit post is hilarious. There's multiple people going "I heard a story from a friend of a friend of a friend..." and they're all just upvoting each other like some secret club while saying it wasn't their story to tell. The need for attention is palpable.

>> No.23555260


>> No.23555283


>> No.23555305

Sure, faggot. Go enjoy more loli porn and keep telling yourself it's fine because it is drawn and not real.

>> No.23555316

Kys /cow/ard. Still seething about some innocent drawings? Lol.

>> No.23555323

lmao so no argument got it. I've never watched loli btw and I am still not >>23555316

>> No.23555338

Cool it with the antisemitic remarks

>> No.23555342

Hey man the female whisper networks about “creeps” who give them bad vibes are so good they ALWAYS knew someone was guilty… after they get accused. Every woman has an ick detector that flawlessly concludes the 15 years of being a drug dealer’s cumsock and getting their head beaten in was probably abusive. And the guy they rejected for mentioning what movies he liked was definitely a rapist. Their radar is just that good.

>> No.23555361

I don't think it's the internet. Our dominant social mode has gradually shifted from a male one to a mixed female and male one. This is unfortunate, because it is a reversal still in transition, as opposed to an evolution. Rejection of full spectrum detail through the centering of personal experience, especially that of women, is part of our new, developing norms.

>> No.23555366
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GRRM IS our bitch, Neil, and now you're gonna be THEIR bitch.

>> No.23555370

You've enunciated an amusing truth, here. I've never reflected on how ineffective these ick reflexes are. I've been "ick" for saying I think extinct hominins were cool, while my chiselled farmboy friend is an absent alcoholic that frequently says "nigger" and still fucks cripplingly centre-left women. Inevitably, it is a story of "wow he is so fucked up" after five or six nights at his place.

>> No.23555376
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To be honest - and I'm aware of how cynical this sounds - that's part of why I find these accusations believable.
But my read on him has, for a long time, been 'kind of insufferably self-important'. He's spent a great deal of his career being a big fish in niches just small enough to have really dedicated built-in fandoms. He's Cool Guy Neil Gaiman. He wrote your favourite artsy goth comic that felt like it really got you, you know? He's BFFs with Terry Pratchett. He's an auteur. He and his cool goth wife have an open marriage, baby. He's so cool, but so approachable. Cool Guy Neil Gaiman talks to his fans all the time! And it's super wholesome, and he's super kind and cool and progressive. Don't you want to send Cool Guy Neil Gaiman an ask on tumblr? Have him acknowledge you? Of course you do.
He's had artsy goth chicks and devoted fandom groupies gassing him up for decades. Of course he's god's gift to alternative women. Of course the babysitter he just hired wants to bang him. Of course the 18 year old ingenue he met at a signing is just desperate to throw herself at him. He's Cool Guy Neil Gaiman! And of course any woman he's with is cool enough to do whatever Cool Guy Neil Gaiman wants. You're cool, aren't you?
i saw people referred to him as the Jared Leto of the literary world, and like... yeah, kinda. Really, I feel like you can go into any even slightly niche or alternative subculture, and there'll be some example of Everyone's Favourite Subculture Guy who might not have started out as a sex pest, but who has spent so long with everyone around him warbling his praises and treating him like he's their idol that he simply no longer inhabits a world where he can conceive of women saying no to him, or not wanting to do anything he wants.

>> No.23555382

Fuck if I know if he's actually a creep or not, but I have always found it odd that he fucked off and left his son behind like that, even if his relationship with Amanda had fallen off.

>> No.23555394

>who'd stop at nothing in his quest to get goth girls to cop off with him

>has a full career sleeping with young goth girls
>by the time it bites him he's rich
>is the perfect age to enjoy his retirement in style
Sounds pretty based to me

>> No.23555402

Justice is helping my friends and punishing my enemies. Simple as.
Moore is also one of those male feminists. At some point he had two wives (none good looking) and they decided to become lesbians and left him to be together, and to this day he tried rl spin it as a story of female empowerment.

>> No.23555410

There's no need for attention. What they are doing is building consensus to feel important. Classic female instinct. You write a new reality based on some perceptions which coincidentally make you PART OF SOMETHING IMPORTANT

>> No.23555428
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He always surrounded himself with a ton of goth looking artsy chicks just check any video of his, never dudes or male students of his. Always in this role of Dark Genius with his harem of young women. Also always very quick to judge and sneer on "annoying" fans.
he's a virtue signaling hypocrite. His writing ain't that hot shit either, baby's first dark fantasy. Not even surprised, man gave me perv vibes from a while back.

>> No.23555462


>> No.23555479 [DELETED] 

>Im glad I live in a sick society that makes me glad to be an incel

>> No.23555484

>Im glad I live in a society so sick that it makes me glad that it turned me into an incel

>> No.23555490 [DELETED] 
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>> No.23555528

>side with women
>just side with all women bro
>no woman has ever been deceitful or untrustworthy
>all women are perfect angels incapable of lies
>if one accusation is true they are all true!!!111 nuance is toxic masculinity!!

I believe these women not because they are women, not because I know Gaiman is a jew but because I know Gaiman is a creep. There's no smoke without fire and there were always rumors about him and he's a scientologist (famous for rapists). Also, "open relationship" normally means one or both people are manipulators.

But no, you're the superior intelligence because you just blindly believe anything that comes out of a woman's mouth.

>> No.23555582

What the fuck did he think was going to happen after fucking BPD mentally ill 18 year olds? Especially if they tell you they like BDSM? Of course they were going to me too him after they felt like they no longer got enough clout from starfucking. Moron.

>> No.23555584

that actually makes complete sense, however I think social media has accelerated this. The whole framework of do x and get likes/attention has ruined the conceptual understanding of many things

>> No.23555721

The poor man was married to Amanda Palmer. Grant him some audience puss, would ya.

>> No.23555745
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>if you went to a Con or any of his book signings, you would see a gaggle of young late teens or early 20somethings College age girls just hanging around him
Bagge was there and spoofed on his shtick

>> No.23555755
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good post

>> No.23555758
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>> No.23555763
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>> No.23555771

What the fuck is up with her eyebrows lmao

>> No.23555774

>biological woman
>drag queen eyebrows
for what purpose?

>> No.23555795

They’re feminine by nature so resort to underhanded actions. Very sick people. Hopefully they all die horribly in the coming wars.

>> No.23555797

His assessment is correct, but these jews have brought this upon themselves. As they always do.

>> No.23555798

Fucking fans half his age makes him manlier than this whole board combined if we're being honest

>> No.23555808

ITT incels have no integrity

>> No.23555812

Most of it is just one mexican /pol/yp samefagging, too stupid to realize that women are the real demons

>> No.23555819
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>> No.23555865
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>male feminist
>is rapist

>> No.23555906

Its not up to us

>> No.23556008

>be a better person™
>get fucked with rape accusations
>be an incel loser
>stay comfy

>> No.23556069

They targeted a piece of crap though, so we'll overlook any possible improprieties on their part. Believe all woman.

>> No.23556091

women are worse than some smug hack

>> No.23556109
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>The old, right-wing Puritanism generally favored heterosexuality, within legal (and, preferably, religious) monogamy. The new, left-wing Puritanism generally favors homosexuality or masturbation and regards heterosex as the Devil’s Workshop. The emotional tone and the desire to butt into other people’s private lives is the same in both cases; both are fascistoid and anti-libertarian.
>Puritanism invades libertarian groups via the old Marxists (who were always Puritans) and the new feminists (who are not always Puritans). The key was the word “sexism,” which originally had a specific meaning akin to “racism.” That is, just as racism consists of a stereotyped negative response to a whole class of human beings selected by racial characteristics, sexism denoted, originally, a stereotyped negative response to another whole class of human beings selected by sexual characteristics. Words, however, do not often retain one simple meaning, as the semanticists know, and “sexism” soon acquired a penumbra of secondary and irrelevant associations. Pornography became “sexist,” erotica became “sexist,” and eventually, freedom itself became “sexist.”

>> No.23556121
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not if said smug hack has aligned with misandry on every occasion
traitors get the traitors reward

>> No.23556137
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>Two salty exes accuse him of rape 20 years later
>Redditors already behave like he is Hitler

>> No.23556148

I looked at reddit just now
They're more concerned about the fact that it's Neil Gaiman being accused and far, far less concerned for the WOMEN accusing him
That tells me all I need to know about redditors.

>> No.23556168
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This is like Terry Pratchett or Alan Moore getting nonce accusations, they can't deal with Decent Fucking Human Beings breaking the image they've constructed in their heads

>> No.23556187

>and still get torn to shred by screeching harpies
Kinda like how Orpheus was torn apart by the Maenads in Sandman.

>> No.23556247

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

>> No.23556250

Why can’t these guys just not be feminists?

>> No.23556251

I hope Keanu Reeves gets cancelled, too. I want to see all the reddit golden calves burn.

>> No.23556255

Early life, anon

>> No.23556256
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>> No.23556261
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He needs to make a full and frank apology for picrel

>> No.23556264


>> No.23556266

He is and will be the last great English writer.

>> No.23556267

Not Moore? Though Moore's a clown, granted.

>> No.23556274
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>> No.23556275

Sorry but the last "great" English writer was Orwell.

>> No.23556279

Now this IS what I call a bait

>> No.23556286
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James Ballard was the end

>> No.23556295

Naturally it will be the same women with five of his books on their shelf and have been following him for a decade or more.

>> No.23556297

haha gay man. he was prob made fun of in HS over it.

>> No.23556319

he's so old he predates gay as an insult. neil poof or neil bummer would have had a hard time in bongland then though

>> No.23556335

>Nord VPN! Don’t let the NSA rape your data!

>> No.23556340

>/lit/ - genreslop gossip

>> No.23556371

Most liberal guys are just trying to get laid. This is the sad truth of 21st century ideology.

Guys will call themselves feminist, denounce masculinity, say the latest left wing slogan, just for a crumb of pussy.

>> No.23556428

He's not gay just girly

>> No.23556472

>wanting people to burn just because reddit likes them
retarded. granted these parasocial relationships are retarded in and of themselves.

>> No.23556505

Who knew a guy named gay-man would be a creep?

>> No.23556508

the saddest part is it doesn't work, they'd get laid more if they lifted weights and stuck to their own convictions

>> No.23556516
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>> No.23556519

>you won't have time to be a sexual abuser if you sign up for raid shadow legends!

>> No.23556538

iirc one of them was a lingerie ad
take that as you will

>> No.23556544

Not Waugh?

>> No.23556550


>> No.23556567

>In it, the women allege “rough and degrading sex” with the author, which the women claim was not always consensual.
crazy the sort of thing that is manufactured in hindsight. he probably texts them to come over to fuck, they do
he's a bit much, but they do so several times despite this.
later they're feeling jealous, poor, etc. same as it ever was

louis ck asks to jerk off in front of you, and you say 'yes'. he has just raped you

>> No.23556580

Doubt it

>> No.23556581
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>> No.23556583

wtf I thought he was gay

>> No.23556587

On the podcast it said that in UK law it is illegal to hurt somebody during sex even if they consented to the act.
So if a woman asks you to choke her and you do it, and at some point down the line she decides you hurt her then whether she gave consent or not doesn't matter.
Considering nearly every woman I have fucked has asked me to choke her, throw her around, or be dominant it was a pretty worrying thing to hear. You have no legal basis to defend yourself, apparently, so looks like rough sex is no longer an option even if she explicitly asks for it.

>> No.23556589

KEK I didn't even think of that, he truly was everywhere.

>> No.23556593
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See if you can correctly identify the average socio-sexual rank of writers on the basis of this advice from Neil Gaiman:

Mister Gaiman, you’re kickass. I was just wondering, what do you think is the best way to seduce a writer? I figured your answer would be pretty spectacular.

In my experience, writers tend to be really good at the inside of their own heads and imaginary people, and a lot less good at the stuff going on outside, which means that quite often if you flirt with us we will completely fail to notice, leaving everybody involved slightly uncomfortable and more than slightly unlaid.

So I would suggest that any attempted seduction of a writer would probably go a great deal easier for all parties if you sent them a cheerful note saying “YOU ARE INVITED TO A SEDUCTION: Please come to dinner on Friday Night. Wear the kind of clothes you would like to be seduced in.”

If you said "Gamma" you are correct. The weird thing about Gamma males is that for all their obsession with romance - one reliable tell is that when they do have a wife or girlfriend, they refer to her as "milady" or some similarly ornate construction - they tend to be rather reluctant lovers. I suspect that they are always thinking that any expression of interest in them must be a joke, or perhaps they are reluctant to descend to the dirty, dirty sexual depths of the higher-ranking men they both envy and despise.

But I don't actually know. Perhaps some of the Gammas who read here could explain it. As far as I can tell, it seems to be a magnified version of the normal man's aversion to taking advantage of an excessively drunk girl, only minus the alcohol. I've heard Gammas say they don't want to "take advantage" of perfectly sober, perfectly unincapacitated women, and when, incredulous, I asked them what they were supposedly taking advantage of, the answers ranged from the young woman's emotional state to prospective changes in her geographic location. Incredible.

Of course, we already knew most writers were gamma males on the simple basis of reading their novels, in which no man except the villain ever pursues a woman with sex in mind. The typical protagonist goes about his business with no thought of romance in mind until a beautiful, large-breasted redhead jumps into his bed without any warning whatsoever. After which unanticipated event, they are a couple forever and ever.

Seriously, it's like a window into gamma psychosexuality, to see the same form of relationship described over and over and over again in literature. One could write vast quantities of literary criticism on the basis of socio-sexuality alone. In fact, I believe I will introduce that as a regular feature here.

Who are some of the writers, and what are some of the novels, you would like to see analyzed through a sociosexual perspective?

WARNING: Gaiman's advice should not be heeded if you find yourself attracted to a writer who is either a Sigma or an Omega.

>> No.23556603

Why is Britain so cucked?

>> No.23556607

Not only does the fucker do a million forewords they’re all so uninspired it’s painful. He wrote one to Harlan Ellison that was so insulting it made me mad. Coupled with the Cinematic Rectum ability to pretend he was always a “big fan” of the thousand authors he’s introducing.
What an asshole.

>> No.23556611

He'll probably be fine

>> No.23556621

>On the podcast it said that in UK law it is illegal to hurt somebody during sex even if they consented to the act.
fun fact in UK law it's not possible for a woman to rape a man

>> No.23556629

What the actual fuck...

>> No.23556632

however (unlike the US) i believe in the uk if you accuse someone of rape or abuse, and you were lying, you actually get punished.

>> No.23556631

The one for Hitchhiker's Guide was so shallow and basic it read like he took it from wikipedia. And he supposedly knew the guy.

>> No.23556634

Yep! I love it here.

>> No.23556642

Yes. Rape necessitates penetration, so a man can rape a woman or another man but a woman can never rape a man as per UK law.

>> No.23556651

not that it matters much anyway, the stigma around being a male victim of a woman rapist is too strong. Even if you were able to report it as rape other men would tell you you're "lucky".

>> No.23556668

The “not always” is what I find telling. “Yeah sometimes I liked it when he spit in my face and hit me but not all the time so he’s a bad guy for not making sure every single time.”

>> No.23556673

the frustrating part is every woman in the world knows there's nothing quite as unattractive as a man that has to ask permission for everything. It's really a catch-22 and I'm starting to think they've made it that way on purpose.

>> No.23556732

I just hope this happens to George Martin too and I'm not even kidding.

>> No.23556737

shut up I need TWOW

>> No.23556749

And you shall have it... but A Dream of Spring won't happen.

>> No.23556755

sanderson will finish it for him

>> No.23556757
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>> No.23556771


>> No.23556902

I did say probably.

>> No.23556927

Be honest anon. If you ecame successful somehow and suddenly had hordes of nubile fangirls following you whenever you appeared in public, what would you do?

>> No.23556963

Think about what the ideas I'm pushing now will look in 20 years.

>> No.23556981

What if they "digitally penetrate" the man?

>> No.23557005
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Top Kek

>> No.23557011

I hate the fact that my precious Gene Wolfe books are blemished by this faggots' blurbs and forewords. The latter are so cringe-inducingly self-centered it's very easy to believe that the guy id so far up his ass he might not even notice how people around him perhaps don't want his cock in their mouth ("oh I met Gene in my 20s, oh he really took a liking to me and invited me to his home, he was really influential on my development as a writer btw, hey check out that story I wrote for a collection in his honor...")

>> No.23557013

That was his best job, a mediocre writer promoting a superior writer.

>> No.23557068

Graham Greene?

>> No.23557073

Yeah but he still holds the rights to R.A. Lafferty so we are literally never going to get those reprinted now.

>> No.23557800

This. Selick is a visionary. The only good thing gayman did was proactively seek him out to make the adaptation.

>> No.23557815

Fuck, I didn't even think of this angle.

>> No.23557839

Based bobposter

>> No.23558130

Hebraic nonsense.

>> No.23558325

>Early life
>Gaiman's family is of Polish-Jewish and other Eastern European Jewish origins

>> No.23558450


>> No.23558458
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