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File: 71 KB, 400x267, bagan-monks-c-awfulsara-565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2354855 No.2354855 [Reply] [Original]

Buddhist monks are junkies! (let me explain)

They become so in tune with their body and minds, that they programed their brains to stimulate influx of neurotransmitters responsible for happiness on command.

Buddhism=slug mentality, being happy simply because you are eating shit and hurting no one.


>> No.2354861

yea. and what is the problem with that?

>> No.2354866

Just tired of dink-heads going all like "Oh Buddhism, best thing of my life"

>> No.2354872

well, if you can be happy without having anything else, it is the best thing that can happen to your life.

still, you're probably that faggot that came a few weeks ago and went full retard calling buddhism a disease or something and havent even read a book about it

>> No.2354871


>> No.2354885
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To a progressive mind it can be downright offensive. Advocates of change understand that it is violent, but inescapable. Buddhism is not a violently harmful religion, but rather a damaging form of apathy.

>> No.2354888
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I don't think you know what you are talking about.

Are you aware of how superstitious Buddhism actually is? (obscenely so)

Also, their thoughts on the afterlife is just as absurd.
It's a dumb, ignorant religion that celebrities are band-waggoning.

You're such a poser that it oozes from your response. Tell me, did you watch "7 Years in Tibet" and read a wiki-article on Buddhism and now you think you have enough knowledge to argue the subject with other people.

Oh brother!

>> No.2354889


Will get replies

>> No.2354891

>damaging form
whats damaging about it?

>Are you aware of how superstitious Buddhism actually is?
are you aware of how multifaceted buddhism is?

>> No.2354893

Good, /lit/ wasn't doing much anyway.

>> No.2354894

I'm the Dalai Lama, faggot. inb4 some dumbass joke, I've heard them all.

>> No.2354897

I should have said 'a damaging apathy', rather than 'a damaging form of'.

>> No.2354898

Happiness is boring.

Humans are born with so much potential. Why waste it stalling? There's so much adventure to be had in this world

>> No.2354903
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live, laugh, love, become a stripper, do it guys, it will be so fun, drinking at uni, laugh at big bang theory and friends and having a good time!

>> No.2354905

Would you agree or disagree that superstitions are a common part of the buddhist religion?

>> No.2354910

Junkies are opposite to buddhism.

Junkies need drugs and whatever activities they want to find happiness, they need an outside source and their struggle, the downside of it is that they can't have it all and they suffer the consequences.

The buddhist monk controls himself into this state, without the need to anything else. Is not because they don't have anything, but because they don't need anything. So in the end, if anything, they are the ones who aknowledge that happiness is the feeling created inside ourselves.

You may need certain stuff to be happy, whether it's money, drugs, fancy things, a girlfriend or a computer. But the monks are in a way testing themselves to see what is really necessary to be happy and so they train to have less and less without losing their happiness.

To be selfish ("give it to me, I want it for me") is different from being individualistic (I am this and this but not that), but even that fades when there is unified way of seeing things.

If you want to be materialistic over this, then let's stick to the physical world. What is happening? Monks are happy, not preachy and fine. Junkies are extremely happy for some time, then they want some more and suffering kicks in and in the middle of all this they have to face the consequences of their choices from society. And the third type is the regular kind of neurotic, kind of happy, not really controlled modern regular guy.

>> No.2354913

I think he's saying that negative experiences are desirable.

>> No.2354917

tibetan seems quite superstitious.
mahayana much less so.
theravada even less so.

why are they desirable?

>> No.2354918

This sort of thinking ends in either suicide or severe disenchantment.

>> No.2354922

yes, stupid buddhist, while they're getting high with those neurotransmitters we're just gonna have sex, eat good food and have fun doing activities outside!

> you're retarded

>> No.2354924

It's a Nietzche kind of thing. Take the hardest route, climb the mountain, see reality as it is and face it. Or Camus Sysiphus about rolling the stone with a fucking smile on your face and the middle finger up.

It's a good way to live, it's not necessarily about suicide or feeling bad. Is learning to accept the bad things and moving on and up.

It's not that different from buddhism, in fact, as they accept samsara before anything else. It's just how you react to it that differs. Both are individual paths, that come from having the guts to accept reality as it is and are not at all intrusive (say like religion or bold ideologies).

And lol at op.

>> No.2354926


>> No.2354930


>> No.2354931
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This man here.

>> No.2354933

>implying zen buddhism, one of the most famous and known branches of buddhism isnt almost secular

yeah ok bud

>> No.2354935

The lesser of two evils is still evil, yadda yadda.

>almost secular

>> No.2354936

what is it you want me to see?
is it " What is the greatest experience you can have? It is the hour of the great contempt. The hour when your happiness, too, arouses your disgust, and even your reason and your virtue."?
if so, i don't accept nietzsche's word as scripture.

>> No.2354938
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>crossed the fucking mountains to escape China stealth mode
>estabilished Tibet
>loves science and accepts it
>happy as fuck, good sense of humour, a nice fella

>damaging apathy

Look into my eyes and say that again. Hahahaha Just kidding with you boy, go do your things.

>> No.2354942

Don't take another man's teachings as a whole: assimilate what is relevant to you into your own understanding.

>> No.2354946

yeah, thats my position. idg what you're trying to say?

>> No.2354948

B-but I can't look into your eyes...

>> No.2354950

Just reminding you that it should apply even to eventually insane germans.

>> No.2354951

yeah, i do like a lot of what i understand of nietzsche.

>> No.2354958

wow hakas great tybrax impression

>> No.2354970

lol ive been watching too much milliondollarextreme

>> No.2354988

I don't get this thread.


>> No.2354996

my friend "converted to buddhism"

I guessed he would give it all up in 6 months. it took him less than 3 to stop bothering with telling people that he was a buddhist

>> No.2354998


Disregard that, I suck cocks.

>> No.2354999

lol evidently

>> No.2355001

Buddhism is fine so long as only a very, very few people practice it. If everyone does it we'll all live in caves and electricity/technology will be a thing of the past

>> No.2355002


disregard that also, I suck cocks

>> No.2355004


disregard everything, i suck cocks

>> No.2355005
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>> No.2355010

nah, buddhists are just like every other religious group. look at sri lanka for example.

>> No.2355011

You clearly don't understand leading theories in biological/neuro-psychology.

You have unconscious functions that release brain chemical responses to. Your Cognitive process can assign values to certain behaviors, that initiate certain chemical responses.

Buddhist monks go to extremes to condition their minds to initiate happy chemicals when they do their stupid monk shit behaviours. They are cheating their brains much like a heroin addict does.

>> No.2355013

Enjoy Cancer. Enjoy aids.

>> No.2355014

>cheating their brains
lol or mastering them.
also bodytemp control. fuck your science.

>> No.2355016

Ain't you gonna sage?

>> No.2355020

>mastering their brains

More like "MaSTURing their brains" LOLOLOLOLOL

>> No.2355022


So they found a shortcut instead of going out struggling and chasing bitches and money all their life. It remains the same concept and not very surprising. It's evident that there is something to gain from their behaviour, otherwise people wouldn't have been practicing it for thousands of years. Anyone with even the slightest experience in meditation quickly comes to the conclusion that, hey, that shit might work.

Not everything chooses that path of course, it's a matter of taste. But it's nothing special.


That too. In fact, not fuck science but more like 'fuck hardass western secularists who think science and religion as a whole are mutually exclusive because Genesis doesn't describe the big bang.'

>> No.2355025

Somewhat intelligent.

But since the universe is pointless, why live it without a point? Animation is better than stagnation.

>> No.2355026


>delusional white male undergoing a phase of cultural confusion

>> No.2355028


see >>2354918

>> No.2355029

LOL /lit/ tripfag hahahahhaha

Would have been 5 times funnier if you were Anon (just sayin)

>> No.2355030
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Just sound like you Jelly and unhappy foo!

>> No.2355031
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>white male

>> No.2355034


Yes, I myself am more of the 'get my kicks before the whole shithouse goes up in flames' school of thought too, most of the time.

I find it comforting that I can always retire from the world into a life of meditation, though.

>> No.2355040




pics or it didnt asian.
whiteness aside, buddhist mysticism is nothing other than alienation through rigorous self-deception. if you're gonna be a nihilist, at least don't be gay about it.

>> No.2355049

what aspects of buddhist mysticism do u mean? enlightenment? epistemology?

>> No.2355053

Buddhist mysticism is more like anti-alienation. Conceptual dualistic thought is alienation.

>> No.2355056

>They are cheating their brains much like a heroin addict does

>Junkies need drugs and whatever activities they want to find happiness, they need an outside source and their struggle, the downside of it is that they can't have it all and they suffer the consequences.
>The buddhist monk controls himself into this state, without the need to anything else. Is not because they don't have anything, but because they don't need anything. So in the end, if anything, they are the ones who aknowledge that happiness is the feeling created inside ourselves.

>> No.2355057


"I don't know whether to laugh or to vhomit"
-Hank Hill

>> No.2355075

>he sees enlightenment as some secret magic because his view of Buddhism is tainted by Abrahamic theology which he projects on every other religion