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23543175 No.23543175 [Reply] [Original]

>Recommended reading charts. (Look here before asking for vague recs)

Previous Thread: >>23534852

>> No.23543198
File: 490 KB, 750x400, weapons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright alright Use of Weapons was pretty good, I just finished it tonight. Very poetic, hyper-violent in some instances, interesting narrative structure and he got me good on the twist at the end. I've only ever read Consider Phlebas and that was pretty boring - what should I read next?

>> No.23543251
File: 150 KB, 525x593, Kitiara Uth Matar (Uncensored armpit version) - Clyde Caldwell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First for
Female writers
Female protagonists
Female warriors
Women in positions of power
I think they are good and i'm tired of pretending they are not.
Fuck YA
Fuck chinklit
Fuck webnovels
Fuck most modern writers
that is all

>> No.23543288

Need ronin/wandering swordsman recs.

>> No.23543308

trannyiest post in the thread

>> No.23543346
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sneediest post in the thread

>> No.23543352

I have never seen a good female character in fiction, they're always fucking annoying and I just turn my brain off until their chapter ends.
Granted I have not read a lot of fantasy yet.

>> No.23543371

What fiction have you read? Because I find this attitude more and more prevalent online not as a matter of actual taste but as a fad of political expression and it far transcends mere misogyny into transparent homo brainwashing. There are a lot of people who have been programmed to reflexively respond with revulsion and anger at the mere sight, sound, or even thought of a female, even as a mere sexual object without any personality, with the efficiency of Pavlov's dogs, and it is impossible, not to mention highly obnoxious, trying to have a discussion with such an individual.
Not to say that there aren't a lot of badly written women, because there are, but that's just Sturgeon's Law at work.

>> No.23543399

Well I've read of Way of Kings where I liked all the chapters except for the ones with Shallan or whatever her name was and then I got filtered out of Words of Radiance because it's Shallan's book. Now I'm halfway through The Shadow Rising and I dislike most of the women except Elayne maybe. I also read LotR and the first book of Black Company but I don't remember many women in any of these.
I'm kinda new to this reading thingy so maybe my opinion is irrelevant but I'm seeing a trend of female characters either not playing a major part of the story or being annoying when the author tries to make them do it.

>> No.23543401

Prove this empirically.

>> No.23543417
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Brandon Sanderson writes like a middle-schooler for middle-schoolers. His books are just Harry Potter, they are a terrible example, for both sexes.
LOTR has four significant female characters: Arwen, who while important and talked about spends 99% of the time "off-screen" as it were; Galadriel, who I would seriously struggle to find a legitimate complaint against; Eowyn, who is the principal female in the book; and that medicine woman in Minas Tirith I forget the name of who helps Aragorn heal Eowyn with Athelas.
I recommend reading Belgariad/Malloreon by David Eddings if you want good female characters, although there is a point in book 2 which you may struggle with, but after that it consistently pays off.

>Prove this empirically.
Sturgeon's Law, good female characters existing, or kneejerk schizoid reactionaries? For the latter, all you need to do is visit the /v/ catalog on any given day for the endless tranny obsession threads.

>> No.23543423

"Reactionary" just means "person I don't like" and the rest is more ad hominem.

>> No.23543433

nta. I wish we were still in a world where words had greater meaning than affiliation.

>> No.23543444
File: 318 KB, 1147x1920, tumblr_ae250873e6fd3126a18cf1003eb4ffa1_fab3edc7_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I recommend reading Belgariad/Malloreon by David Eddings
based, Polgara is the best

>> No.23543478

Don't ignore this post

>> No.23543480

try Singularity Sky by Charlie Stross

>> No.23543485

>Charlie Stross
I read this as stonetoss

>> No.23543489

I can assure you Charlie likely spends at least an hour every day seething at the very existence of Mr. Toss

>> No.23543505

every sword & sorcery story from 1940 to 1980 is about people wandering and fighting

>> No.23543507
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Even better.

>> No.23543514
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>> No.23543516

I'm glad we stopped adding "X Edition".

>> No.23543525

didn't ol' Harlan redo this as a /v/?

>> No.23543542

No, reactionaries has a specific meaning which is self-evident; they are a group dedicated to reacting to certain criteria/phenomena in a certain way. Their motives can be good or ill, but the fact is there is a reactionary movement among internet incels that has degenerated from mens' rights and anti-feminism (legitimate stances that constituted the conversation before 2020) to overt and baldfaced woman hatred (toxobrained NAMBLA schizoid radicalism).

>> No.23543544

source: your ass

>> No.23543560

reactionary just means a smart person to me

>> No.23543561

Is this your first visit to /sffg/?

>> No.23543563

a sequel

>> No.23543656
File: 32 KB, 297x475, 5393037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fast Times at Fairmont High - Vernor Vinge (2001)

In this novella set in what has become an alternate present (~2025) Juan Orozco is an eighth grader in San Diego, California. The times are different than they were in the ancient history of the 20th century. They're fast now. What their parents had years to learn, their children now have only days. Everything so moves so fast that what was an employable skill a year ago is now completely obsolete. You've got to be as adaptable as possible and willing to do whatever it takes. Not only are you expected to make full use of your own talents, you also need to use AI and networks, both human and digital. What you personally know doesn't matter anywhere as much as knowing how to find how who knows, whether that's AI or some arbitrary person anywhere in the world. That's what the ambient Internet of Things is for. If you aren't enough on your own, then you'll have to use drugs and implants. It's your own fault if you can't keep it up. You'll just have to join the mass of unemployables. No one may be able to differentiate between what's real or not any longer, but that doesn't matter. Common sense and non-marketable knowledge are irrelevant. All that matters is that you don't become obsolete. If you aren't employable, then you're dead weight on everyone. Don't be a loser. Dedicate all that you are to becoming the best contributor that you can be.

Juan thinks he had it made with his nootropics and Bertie Todd, a remote classmate, both in the sense of not being physically present and being emotionally distant. Sure, he's being manipulated, but that comes with its benefits. Then there's Miriam, Miri, Gu. She's a top student whose parents were sent to Chinese American detainment camps during the war, though her mother was and remains part of the US military. For them it's time for their final exams. The students are graded on how much they contribute, whether financially or scientifically. The minimum for a passing grade is three times the cost of their tuition. If you aren't able to make a lot of money, then you don't deserve to graduate. One of the exams is an unaided skills test, which is clearly unfair and barbarous. How can anyone bear to be away from their smart devices, let alone do anything without them? Surely the rule is meant to be broken and then not to be found out.

This is mildly interesting and amusing, but nothing more than that. It doesn't go anywhere other than presenting its world and the characters are merely adequate. That suffices for me and it was enough to win a Hugo Award. I haven't read the book, Rainbows End, that takes place in this setting or the one its title comes from, Fast Times at Ridgemont High, so I can't say how they're related. Reading this hasn't made me want to read the novel, so I may not, though I'll read more from Vinge at some later time, as I've yet to read anything novel length from him. This was suggested for me to read.

Rating: 3/5

>> No.23543692

>Female writers
>Female protagonists
>Female warriors
>Women in positions of power
As long as they're sexy, that's all that matters

>> No.23543697

>reactionary just means a closeted homosexual to me

>> No.23543703
File: 534 KB, 780x1152, the truth is... i was insane from the start.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would anyone read something written by a woman.

>> No.23543799

>western fantasy: so this guy and his three companions fight against 10 enemies wow
>chinese fantasy: a million trillion and quadrillion

>> No.23543823
File: 69 KB, 379x387, chewing anime fatty thinking.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Coiling Dragon is about to end
>"Still have a lot of unanswered questions that won't get answered, this story sucks"
>Next chapter they get explained
Well all right then

>> No.23544005

>book 1 is well written but the plot is all setup
>book 2 is all payoff that is actually good
Please help me, is there any series like this?
thanks to anon who suggested lighthouse duet

>> No.23544032

trails in the sky

>> No.23544044
File: 81 KB, 657x1000, 71CrKDOkS2L._AC_UF1000,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished this and can recommend it. I really enjoyed it. though the cliffhanger ending to what I gather is supposed to be a standalone was a bit weird

Has anyone read Blood Over Bright Haven by the same author? Is it as good as Kaigen?

>> No.23544058
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>> No.23544086

how does he do it so effortlessly...

>> No.23544088

>Battle of East Wosteringshire-on-the-Hole
>Lord ThomathyThimblebotton IV and his 12 knights
>Marquise Chocolat Chaud and his 20 men at arms
>One handkerchief

>Siege of Nanjing
>Qing Dynasty 500,000 men
>Rebel forces 680,000 men
>300,000 soldiers (disease)
>50,000 soliders (casualties)
>30,000 civilians (eaten)

>> No.23544101

My main takeaway from Coiling Dragon is that Cradle is essentially just a CD fanfic. Should I read Desolate Era next?

>> No.23544126

>The prince of nothing
>The book of the new sun
>The black company
>Tales of the dying earth

I just realized all my recent favorite books have women being raped in them. Any recs for more chud literature?

>> No.23544166

Tales from a Flat Earth

>> No.23544180


>> No.23544189

This looks interesting but the book seems literally nonexistent outside of america, could not find it within the eu at least
Judging the book by the cover this just reads like women's gooning material anon

>> No.23544191

yes and it's full of rape and sexual assault

>> No.23544196

and somehow it's men that are the problem....

>> No.23544198

I guess I set myself up for this. Can you instead recommend me books similar to the ones I included if you know any and not "for her pleasure" rape erotica

>> No.23544204

>he buys books

>> No.23544240

I've tried several times to get into Desolate Era but I am just unable to get past throught the initial chapters, also the entire setup and introduction are so dumb that I cringe hard everytime I try to read it. Does it getter better in later chapters?

>> No.23544275

Zone of the Enders

>> No.23544278

Rape of Thrones/A Song of Rape and Incest

>> No.23544280

>reads like women's gooning material
That ensures it's full of rape

>> No.23544282

>he's such a poorfag he can't even pay for his books

>> No.23544285

If you pay more than average mass market paperback price, you're getting scammed.

>> No.23544289

Only poor people spend money on books. Rich people download books for free.

>> No.23544291

>cope: the post

>> No.23544294

>poorfag detected

>> No.23544298

for me it's more about lack of storage

>> No.23544338

He didn't write that book for low IQ individuals.

>> No.23544381

>but the fact is there is a reactionary movement among internet incels that has degenerated from mens' rights and anti-feminism (legitimate stances that constituted the conversation before 2020) to overt and baldfaced woman hatred (toxobrained NAMBLA schizoid radicalism).
Isn't that the logical progression? MGTOW aren't avoiding women because they think they are all sunflowers and sunlight.

>> No.23544393

It's not even about price, piracy is simply extremely convinient

>> No.23544439
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>future society or alien race communicates using Esperanto
>delete book

>> No.23544442
File: 1.15 MB, 638x768, 1698867269547.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>burned the hell-coal
>payed the toll

>> No.23544446

The opposite of love isn't hate, but indifference.

>> No.23544454

>random non sequitur aphorism
i see we're not going to talk about science fiction & fantasy today

>> No.23544457

>although there is a point in book 2
What is garbage like you even reading the Belgariad for if you can't handle fantasy archetypes? For fuck's sake, why do monsters like you even come on the internet.
>ohhh it's so problematic I can't handle a female being written this way
I truly want your pox cleansed off the face of the earth

We never, EVER should have made computers easy enough for dipshits like you to use.

>> No.23544477

Of course not.

>> No.23544487

>bringing up "tranny obsession" to support your argument
>acting like the ones disgusted by the degeneracy infestation (an absolutely ludicrous mental illness that no sane person tolerates for any other reason than it is being made criminal to speak your mind about in many places) constantly being shoved in everyone's faces through every single information channel are the ones at fault
So glad not even /lit/ is free of leftist idpol psychopaths shitting up the board.

>> No.23544495

What even happens in book 2 to have you seething about someone's opinion so much anon?

>> No.23544501
File: 217 KB, 1200x1553, queen-of-the-black-coast-13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop giving leftoid trannies replies. What's everyone's favorite Conan story?

>> No.23544552

You just posted it.

>> No.23544555

You have never seen a tranny in your entire life.

>> No.23544609 [DELETED] 
File: 78 KB, 780x768, 1717957261812511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm bothered by the fact that i don't have a best friend or any friend that actually looks out for me
it's not like i don't have any friends at all, i have some super old friends i've had since forever, as well as newer ones (like a decade old or so) that i'm pretty close with
but i do kinda feel like the only reason i spend time with any of these people is because they're entertaining. i don't feel that they genuinely care about me and i don't think i genuinely care about them either. i know this because i can tell they don't want me to succeed and i don't want them to succeed either, mostly because i see them as awful people
but i feel like i'm at an age where i can't really imagine making new friends. people cry so much about tfw no gf but the truth is that it's super easy to date and get a girlfriend, nobody finds it weird if you're 36 and looking for a new person to date, they'll say it's nice that you're getting out there
but being 36 and looking for new friends? that's unheard of. people will think you're either losing your marbles or tryharding or whatever
at the same time i can't help but wonder if i actually do have the best that can be hoped for. maybe having some anime tier friendship where your best friend is like your twin or brother doesn't exist. maybe the best you can hope for is being surrounded by a bunch of cunts you more or less hate but who nevertheless keep you entertained

>> No.23544617

Just started the Daughters' War. I liked the world Buehlman created for Blacktongue Thief so I'm hoping this prequel doesn't suck.

>> No.23544686

Wow that certaintly is a whole lotta of words not about sci fi and fantasy.

>> No.23544714

Maybe you should find a new environment. New workplace, new hobby, something? You meet new people like that. Sometimes you grow to like them. They grow to like you.
Meanwhile, remember how lucky you are to have old friends. Maybe read a little Saint-Exupery.

Also, thanks for the jpg

>> No.23544832

I don't know what he's schizoposting about, the point in book 2 of Belgariad that I was talking about, vis-a-vis your complaint about badly written female characters, was a discussion between Polgara, a sorceress, and Garion, her nephew and the main character. About 1/3 into the book, he accuses her, quite rightly, of abusing and manipulating him for long-term prophetic and political aims, and anybody who was reading would and should side with Garion, as every complaint he has is justified, especially in the eyes of the omniscient readers - and yet, in-universe, this is treated as a temper tantrum for which Garion is duly punished and Polgara gets off completely scot-free, and is treated as a saint from there on out, usually redeeming herself through an heroic action at least once per novel, and this shameless psychological abuse is never brought up in a negative light again, although it persists to a vastly lesser degree throughout the series, diminishing exponentially with each further installment.

Now I genuinely think the series is great, it is filled with the most satisfying of payoffs to every other plotline and question that's raised, but this segment in Queen of Sorcery (book #2) is unapologetically infuriating and it sticks out like a hairy wart on the otherwise blemishless face of the Belgariad/Malloreon decalogy.

>> No.23544871

MGTOW are not the same as what I'm talking about. MGTOW are basically "meninists" who believe that men deserve consideration in the sexual market just as much as women do, and they aren't going to put up with shit-tests and other bullshit from women. But if by chance they found a woman who condescended to treat them as human beings they would in theory be open to a romantic relationship, as long as it's not one-sided. What this guy >>23544446 said, it's a matter of indifference, simply not playing the game. That's not the same as pederast internet incels who get irrationally angry at the presence of a female in a piece of fiction and feel the need to announce to the world how much they hate women for the crime of not giving them sex. That's the sort of derangement syndrome like you see from lefties obsessed with Trump who are still, 8 years later, angry over him beating Hillary.

>> No.23544899

I mean, this is understandable. Those examples are prime girl boss thot protagonists. Shallan would be an abysmal character whether she was a man or woman and the girls in Wheel of Time are unambiguously cunts for the most part. At least WoT has the pretext of having women be the wielders of a great power which would understandably make them power hungry.

I would say GRRM in ASOIAF does women well. Even the "girl boss" characters are realistic in the sense that they're not mary sues and have actual womanly weakness. Cersei is a prime example of a girl boss ruining her own life around her while thinking she's super smart, which is pretty on par with reality.

But yeah. I think there are good women characters but post-1960s girl boss slop has really seeped into the public consciousness.

>> No.23545060

Yeah and Brienne is ugly as shit and actually insecure about it like a real woman would be. She's also not smart which is basically forbidden for female characters nowadays.

>> No.23545093

Erikson is such a fucking hack, its insane. OHHH BLACK COMPANY IS WHAT ITS BASED ON, fuck off, it borders on plagiarism. that faggot has zero original ideas. Even the evil puppet is just a knockoff Limper in the Silver Spike. The more I read the black company, the more I hate Malazan.

>> No.23545094

Yep. Brienne is a cool character and imo, a girl warrior done right. It's also interesting how she was taught that her advantage in battle was that men would underestimate her, so she should play into looking weak so that she can surprise men and defeat them, which makes her skill over other men believable.

>> No.23545095

i didn't really like either of them but i found malazan to be less cringy and more heartfelt

>> No.23545098

>That's not the same as pederast internet incels who get irrationally angry at the presence of a female in a piece of fiction and feel the need to announce to the world how much they hate women for the crime of not giving them sex
Its just the inverse of foids who go to Crystal Cafe, read SCUM, or are a part of 4B. The difference being that the women's attitude is dismissed as average while men hating women draw shock. If a man says "Women" in a dismissive tone he is immediately socially shamed and condemed. However a women saying "Men" in a dismissive tone is common parlance.
Basically misandry has been normalized and men are starting to notice.

>> No.23545101

And it works because she's supposed to be physically imposing. Most girl bosses are just plain Jane women or, and this is worse, petite angels.

>> No.23545103

so this is the internet now?

>I'm an indian mobile gamer who has NEVER read a book before but want something like fast paced like the Dune movies. I tried reading Gardens of the Moon as my first ever novel and it was too hard

lmfao and of course he's now going with Mistborne

>> No.23545113

Goodreads Group Results
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Monthly 27%
Less than monthly 27%
A few times a month 15%
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Daily 9%
Weekly 6%
I no longer do 5%

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Goodreads groups been of use? - Yes 81%
Has the MEGA been of use? - Yes 59%

>> No.23545138

>Most girl bosses are just plain Jane women or, and this is worse, petite angels.
I legit laugh out loud whenever I see one of those small girls kicking ass in a movie, to the point where my gf expects it and laughs along. It's not even to be edgy but because the thought of a 5' 5" woman punching out 6' 5" meatheads is a super laughable concept.

>> No.23545181
File: 548 KB, 799x708, why women can't be main characters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, this is the difference between a well-written female character and a badly-written female character.
A well-written character of either gender is A. sexed (i.e. he or she behaves in a way that corresponds to the psychology of the male or female, whichever the character may be), and B. flawed in such a way that it constitutes a narrative hurdle to be overcome. They are allowed to fail, even if they eventually succeed in the end.
A badly-written character of either gender is A. desexed (behaves in a neuter or opposite fashion to the psychology of the masculine or the feminine) and B. has no meaningful flaws that impact the narrative or the world. They are never allowed to fail.
For example, Princess Leia is a good female character because, while she is capable in her own right of managing and fighting a rebellion, she does have feminine vulnerabilities such as being physically overpowered by overwhelming Imperial force, and forms a romantic attachment to Han Solo.
Rey is a bad female character because she has no sexuality at all, she is no different than a male shounen anime protagonist or chinklit cultivation hero who just powers up endlessly with new abilities to effortlessly brush aside any obstacle that comes their way.

>> No.23545219

That's the funniest thing to me about all this try hard feminist and leftwing writing. It's just lame. I feel like it's gotten to the point where people are expecting some well thought-out vaguely political reasoning for not liking lesbians in star wars or bad female protagonists, but it's really as simple as all that shit just being forced and uninteresting.

>> No.23545237

Even in most 3rd world countries, the curriculum iirc assigns novels in local language. And my guess is that being a mobile gamer melted his attention span.

>> No.23545260
File: 1.62 MB, 1333x2000, The Will of the Many - Islington, James.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>~5 page epilogue introduces cloning, time travel, and alt dimensions

>> No.23545267
File: 183 KB, 820x1257, the-wheel-of-time@2x-15750397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was I supposed to like it?

>> No.23545275

I was surprised he managed to wait until the end to do it this time. In his first trilogy he blew his load on page one.

>> No.23545297

You were supposed to start liking it during the last 100 pages or so

>> No.23545302

I'm afraid of women, books for this feel?

>> No.23545301

Xuthal of the Dusk. It's criminally underrated by Howard fans.

>> No.23545317

For me it will always be Phoenix on the Sword. If REH had started chapters of his other stories with metal as fuck poetry like he did for PotS then maybe it would have some competition.

>> No.23545323

I'm conflicted. I liked the ending, but I think it kind of wasn't good. Does that make sense? Narratively speaking, it was such a seesaw of this thing then that thing. Only to wrap up with... nothing?

Nothing resolved, no threads tied off. A million and one setups: the book.

>> No.23545337

First Conan story I ever read. Love how Howard jumped around Conan's life with his stories

>> No.23545346

>A million and one setups: the book.
You don't know the half of it. If you finish the series and reread EotW you're going to be blown away by just how much foreshadowing the author fit in there. As to your actual question, the beginning of the book does struggle a bit. The author went on record to say he was told to write it a certain way (it had to resemble LOTR a bit or it wouldn't be published) but the series quickly becomes its own thing. I almost dropped it halfway through EotW but was glad I didn't, and think the next few books are easily worth the investment of the first. I recommend trying a few chapters of the next book to see if it's your thing as that's what a lot of people said was the hook for them.

>> No.23545391
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>> No.23545407

>*burns children alive*
do you guys really like this shit

>> No.23545423
File: 147 KB, 626x950, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

great book. thanks for the rec bros, i assume i got it from here

also nice to see where the Carnival tv show got his inspiration from, i think i'll go rewatch it now

>> No.23545446

I enjoy reddit-tier pop-sci like Andy Weir and Cixin Liu. Suggestions on other authors?

>> No.23545450

The author was being deliberately and childishly edgy in the first couple hundred chapters. It was laughable as well since it came with Fang Yuan going on self-justifying monologues. After this point it improves and the author isnt so upfront in your face about it

>> No.23545461

>it's deliberately bad for hundreds and hundreds of chapters
Nice sales pitch

>> No.23545479

Yes, I prefer burning children to lgbt, cuckoldry and strong women characters.

>> No.23545521

nta, and im never going to read it, but arent webnovel "chapters" only a few pages at the most?

>> No.23545685

>want to reread Enders game books
>remember Speaker for the Dead is just idiots kicking the idiot ball
>lose interest

How did they not figure out the piggies literally treated them like their own? It was so fucking obvious it hurts.

>> No.23545719

Usagi Yojimbo

>> No.23546047

Another victory for repeatedly posted book lists.

>> No.23546169
File: 146 KB, 760x1051, solomon_kane_by_deankotz-dbuihi1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If they don't have to be Japanese swordsmen then check out R.E. Howard's dour Puritan swashbuckler, Solomon Kane. Can find all the stories online. Start with the first, "Red Shadows". Kane chases an evil bandit across France into darkest Africa to avenge the death of a complete stranger.

>> No.23546266

What about strong women who burn children alive?

>> No.23546283

Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser

>> No.23546297

First for xianxia
First for loli
Fuck TA
Fuck JYT
Fuck litrpg without cultivation

>> No.23546302

>Coiling Dragon is about to end
That shit ended like 10 years ago wtf are you talking about. He escapes the simulation, something you should have already done anon.

>> No.23546311

I meant I was about to finish reading it, gain some media literacy chud.

>> No.23546323
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Why are you just reading it now? That makes no sense. Nothing ever happens.

>> No.23546363

it's amazing how some guy not doing his job saved the world

>> No.23546371

Yet the female supremacist poster, current writers and, apparently, readers, can't understand this simple notion.

>> No.23546445

Female supremacist poster?

>> No.23546451

But I did have breakfast anon.

>> No.23546462

Tower of the Elephant by far

>> No.23546488

Based. Taurus is a great character.

>> No.23546500

This cat >>23543251 and possibly another.

>> No.23546616
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i can fix her, she's already dead but i can fix her

>> No.23546650

Did Kellhus switch sides with the Devil so that he can become a God and escape the No -god?

>> No.23546658
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how do you ebook reading guys organize your PC/OS/files to be a productive reader? I read hardcopy stuff just fine but I have access to any digital book I could want yet never find myself exploring them buried in the windows explorer file tree as folders and with my web browser always taking up my fullscreen visual field. do you guys do anything to intentionally maintain a beneficial habitual choice architecture?

>> No.23546664

um does anybody have a rec for ummm some xianxia? perfeably male mc with a ... female love interest (loli ) /// *blushes* \\\

>> No.23546678
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why are you like this

>> No.23546691

Just calibre

>> No.23546700
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>> No.23546702

zathura and some reader I always forget the name of for japanese text epubs. I would just patch zathura but the epub reader is much better for epubs than zathura so I said fuck it.
Just answer the question anon

>> No.23546713

>16 years

>> No.23546720
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>> No.23546727
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>> No.23546732


>> No.23546763
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>firecracker pic
uh anon, you know she's a predator right?

>> No.23546775

Books about following an army as they journey towards defeating the dark lord?

>> No.23546780

based if true

>> No.23546820

>literally who

>> No.23546837

long live Sanderson, fuck Bakker and fuck Wolfe

>> No.23546895

Long live I Eat Tomatoes (我吃西红柿), fuck Er Gen (耳根) and fuck Tang Jia San Shao (唐家三少) (and fuck 少女)

>> No.23546913
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> (and fuck 少女)

>> No.23546947
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Sometimes I remember I read this book and get mad

>> No.23546950


>> No.23547008

I'd wager that 60% of the books on rr are better than lotr. xianxia still clears tho.

>> No.23547028

Goddamnit, where were all the milfs that fucked students where I lived?!? DID I HAVE TO BE A CHISELED-JAW GIGACHAD TO GET THAT TREATMENT?! AAAAAAAAAH

>> No.23547085

Are there any fantasy or sci-fi series that you think would be best experienced by reading just a few of the books and ignoring the rest?

Female authors have become an even bigger joke in recent years with all the crap they're writing. Some women are even admitting it.

>> No.23547091

What's is it about?

>> No.23547096
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I hate all Conan stories, I'm glad the author is burning in hell.

>> No.23547099 [DELETED] 

i'm a trans btw if that matters

>> No.23547103

Neal Stephenson
Cory Doctorow
Bruce Sterling
Charlie Stross

>> No.23547104

what's her problem?

>> No.23547105

Tampa by Alyssa Nutting explains exactly what these women are after

>> No.23547109

Reddit loves Andy Weir, but they hate Cixin Liu and Neal Stephenson. Fuck, people are trying to cancel Neal since 2022 because of his climate change book.

>> No.23547140
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>Female authors have become an even bigger joke in recent years with all the crap they're writing. Some women are even admitting it.
yes i know that's why i said fuck most modern writers, i'm fully aware that the majority of modern writers are writing ya slop in hopes to land a netflix adaptation or something, this affects literature in general and not just SFF. that's why we have to go back and read old school fantasy (preferably written by women!)

>> No.23547164

>1 star for Amber and Conan
This fag should just kill himself.

>> No.23547167

he hates the worthless Jemisin so he can't be all bad...
but Hyperion is 4/5 and Howard is probably 3/5 on average (Beyond the Black River is 5/5, but there's some slop in there).
Amber is not 1/5 either.
Makes difficult to take him seriously elsewhere.

>> No.23547174

What stories have an ending more abrupt than Coiling Dragon? And don't say Reverend Insanity.

>> No.23547219
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I cracked open Exhalations by chink Chiang last night. Complete garbage, I do not recommend. Gemini recommended it to me, probably for reasons of diversity.

>> No.23547231

He generally hates manly or old-school fantasy like The Lord of The Rings, recently he said that Conan fans are the worst people in the world, as if they were all Andrew Tate fans.
Even so, he has been called a racist because he also gave shitty ranking to books written by Asian and black women.

Video related, he seething about Conan once again: https://youtu.be/LzA3TolV10U?si=5Gu-CIr9XY-z8j3m&t=1042

>> No.23547247

Chinese are not allowed to write about loli. Your best bet is Japanese light novels.

>> No.23547250
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>conan doesn't have enough onions BAD

>> No.23547263
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>The books are sexist and racist and there's no reason for it and Conan isn't described he's just this big bulky barbarian man who kills people and that SUCKS
I don't believe him when he says he read any of it.

>> No.23547284

"The People of the Black Circle" is personally one of my favorite Conan stories, and there's at least one passage in there that I'd say is quite feminist or at least quite sympathetic towards women, much more so than typical modern feminism.

But I doubt he paid attention to that, he's one of these people >>23546821 who supposedly "reads" 20 books a month, mostly audiobooks while driving.

>> No.23547290

There's a line in Red Nails where Valeria says something about Conan not having rape vibes.

>> No.23547297

I remember Conan or another character saying or thinking something about how "real men don't need to rape to get a woman".

>> No.23547340

Amber is legitimately awful, almost certainly the worst trash I have ever had the misfortune of reading.
All of his other reviews are on point, except Conan, which is inexcusable and thereby renders all of his opinions eternally invalid.

>> No.23547347

Shit taste. Stick to litrpg trash.

>> No.23547358
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Amber literally reads like LitRPG you tool.

>> No.23547359

>I don't believe him when he says he read any of it.
His review consists entirely of what he thinks Conan fans must be like; at one point he randomly seethes at guys who go to the gym. So whether he read it or not his opinion of it is clearly informed primarily by his feelings towards the type of person he believes would enjoy it.

>> No.23547362

Clearly you've never read it.

>> No.23547370

His Agnes the Sword Woman stories are surprisingly quite feminist for the 30's. They are as well written as his other work, but I feel he hampers the enjoyment of a sort of feminine Solomon Kane with how heavy handed he is with the strong woman angle. Though I suppose these were private stories he never intended to publish, written to impress his 'girlfriend', so going a tad overboard is forgiven.

>> No.23547372
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I read all 10 books and it was terrible. Don't fucking @ me you swine. I thought the retarded power creep in the first 5 books was bad enough but when it turns into some nonsensical HACKING THE MAINFRAME adventure in the second half with an entirely new cast of irrelevant and unlikable characters, and basically the previous 5 books' plotlines and characters being dropped in favor of this bromance/rivalry between the fully grown son and his arch-nemesis/cousin like fucking Yu-Gi-Oh, Christ just remembering it is making me want to die.

>> No.23547377

>reading the second series
Yikes. No one likes that trash.

>> No.23547398
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It's all the Chronicles of Amber and it's all trash. The second Amber series is just the shit cherry on top of the shit cake. The first 50 pages of the first book were damned interesting, but then it all took a nosedive and never recovered. I wish I had been cured of my psychological disease that causes me to finish books I hate before I had started Amber, I would have been spared a month of grief.

>> No.23547451
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>be a massive piece of shit with a slight maternal instinct for your rheumatic brother
>be greedy and power hungry for no real reason (very much like a woman)
>be a massive whore only since it was written in the ancient days of the 1980's being a promiscuous slut was actually a character trait depicting moral decay / wickedness
>fucking die bleeding like a stuck pig lying and begging your reformed simp to save you but he's no longer idolizing your evil pusy and lets your soul get carried off by Skeletor

Truly, she was the best depiction of a realistic female character right down to her last breath

>> No.23547459

holy based

>> No.23547465

Is he a closeted homo?

>> No.23547469

>old school fantasy (preferably written by women!)
C.L Moore, Tamora Pierce, Leigh Brackett, Le Guin, and...?

>> No.23547477

>Virgin seething at chads
That explains it

>> No.23547492
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Elves always win

>> No.23547497
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It's actually pretty interesting that while Conan appreciates a fine whore or two he quite intensely dislikes women who don't have any "fire" to them. In Iron Shadows in the Moon he wasn't about to abandon Olivia certainly but he generally wasn't much into her till after she proved her metal by going all Metal Gear through the pirate ship.

>> No.23547504
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>too much civilization makes you degenerate and evil
>too little civilization makes you degenerate and evil
>a woman with too much bite is wicked and evil
>a woman with not enough bite is wicked and evil
conan is actually just a retelling of goldilocks

>> No.23547507
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>> No.23547594

Not against me

>> No.23547596
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>The books are sexist and racist

>> No.23547627

Me as the dragon

>> No.23547631

Me on the right tyring to get a glimpse of Laurana's butt

>> No.23547644
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>Hates Howard and Wolfe
>Likes Sanderson and Martin
>Gave that "cozy fantasy" Legends and Lattes slop 5 stars

>> No.23547647

TBF, it doesn't look like he hates Wolfe. Just wasn't a big fan and admits he wasn't smart enough to understand it.

>> No.23547681

I always thought TBF means to be frank, not to be fair. Ya fucking puke

>> No.23547804

Wolfe is postmodern slop

>> No.23547806

Still, to put fucking "cozy fantasy" slop over Wolfe?

>> No.23547828

I agree with most of his takes desu

>> No.23547857

>I'm also a faggot
Um okay

>> No.23547861
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After reading 3 books of Stormlight Archive and 25% of Rhythm of War, I can't do this anymore. Sanderson is the king of BLOAT. He needs to fill 80% of his book with random bullshit to get you hooked at the end with a climax and another cliffhanger, and I was okay until he started repeating the same events we already went through in previous books. No thank you, fuck you and I'm out.
Suggest me the least bloated fantasy sagas, anons, I need to recover from this effort.

>> No.23547872
File: 110 KB, 663x1000, hugo winner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>utter trash devoid of any artistic quality, interesting characters or novel, original ideas
>aboslute void of creativity
>more of a description of a story than actual story
>wins Hugo, lauded as of the greatest SF books

How the fuck
Explain this to me, people who liked this
What positive qualities does it have? Interesting facts about science?
This my new litmus test for reading taste, if someone likes this - they are a pseud
Even webnovels are better than this

>> No.23547878

No, he made some alliance with ajokli which allowed him to be possess so that he'd have the power needed to defeat the unholy consult

>> No.23547883

>wins Hugo
You just answered your own question

>> No.23547894

you just have bad taste, anon
pretend I posted the "no, it's the children who are wrong" Principal Skinner meme

>> No.23547899

I am reading reviews atm and a lot of people seems to share my taste, even the 4chan reviewers. It's bizzare how the is lauded.

>> No.23547915

>Amaghawd Ur jst jelly U got filtrd!!1!
Reddit posting asside, this is just a sci-fi version of a fantasy 'slow burn' and should be treated as such.

>> No.23547919

>read 2001
>read war of the worlds
>read the time machine
Where do I go now

>> No.23547924
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Read Tenebroum

>> No.23547927

Is it true most 70s sci-fi authors were enamoured with pseudoscience?

>> No.23547936

The Foundation Trilogy by Asimov (Foundation, Foundation and Empire, Second Foundation). Ignore everything else in the series

>> No.23547937

>Where do I go now
Read 'The Shape of Things to Come' and be awed by the brilliance of Wells.

>> No.23547960

Bai Ning Bing was with Fang Yuan at that time

>> No.23548010

I'm halfway through The Darkness etc and it's ok. Very easy to read and I like the murderous barbarian and the delusional dumb emperor, but seriously, where did the protagonist disappear? I kind of miss him and the endless chapters featuring the scholar are getting rather tiresome.

>> No.23548040

Bai Ning Bing is a man.

>> No.23548044

I am a heterosexual man who loved boobs and butts

>> No.23548144

>reaction thumbnail
Bring back the gulags

>> No.23548154

Read Lyonesse and mayhaps you'll be cured of the blight known as Sanderson. Besides the slow start it's all killer no filler

>> No.23548196
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Surely the good people of this thread are merely pretending to have read 1000s of chapters of "Fang Yuan you are courting death"

>> No.23548200

>Who loved boobs and butts
And now you don't?

>> No.23548215
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Liking these books a lot so far, but I'm kind of disappointed the conspiracy surrounding the Noghri was the empire all along and not the result of the rebellion and imperial forces conflict ruining the planets ecology.

>> No.23548248

Every single Banks book is worth reading. He is probably the best scifi author to have ever lived.

Consider Phlebas is great because it's an adventure novel that lets him explore why the Culture isn't so great from an outside perspective, which is novel compared to the other books which are all mostly from the perspective of the Culture. It also lets him take you to many different interesting places (I particularly loved the Damage section, it was a really unique take on a card game I thought). Also, the idea of Minds breeding humans for luck/intuition was a neat concept, even if it doesn't really make sense since they're so powerful that they could just simulate zillions of those humans anyways.

Next you could do Player Of Games or Excession, or Surface Detail. Player Of Games is my personal favorite of the Culture novels, but they are all amazing for their own reasons. Also, his non-Culture scifi novels are really great too, so check those two out as well.

>> No.23548252
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>> No.23548265
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Think this outline has the potential for an interesting fantasy novella?

>> No.23548283

Is Peter F. Hamilton worth reading? I remember reading one of his really thick novels when I was 15 which was about biological ships bonding with their captains (cool idea), people colonizing a planet and discovering a dark lord/the devil (???), that devil spreading throughout humanity and starting some kind of galactic war (???), and then some archaeologist finding some artifact and fucking some girl in an underwater hotel on a space station(???)... and then lots and lots of random sex. My book got covered in fucking sugar so I couldn't finish it, but I remember getting like 3/4 the way through

>> No.23548291

Why is xianxia so good /lit/gers I can't stop reading.

>> No.23548367

a circus comes to a little town in US kansas for a weekend and shit happens. great plot and characters, fantastic atmosphere. at first there's no plot, the first chapter only shows the town and the people but it's what hooked me

>> No.23548379
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>he has been called a racist because he also gave shitty ranking to books written by Asian and black women.

>> No.23548397
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Just finished reading Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. What a weird fucking book. I think I enjoyed it, there were some fun scenes here and there. Did Lewis Carroll ever did drugs? It felt eerily similar to an unwanted drug trip I had last year.

>> No.23548412

You just have a good taste in literature, anon.

>> No.23548423

Rec me some vampire books to inspire my VtM characters.

>> No.23548475

she repented, now shes in the loving embrace of Jesus

>> No.23548495

She was a biological women at the time, she was only mentally a man.

>> No.23548583

He was born a biological male, just because due to some magic he temporarily turned into a female does not mean he actually stopped being a male.

>> No.23548658
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You dislike the plot twist that the good guys are good and the bad guys are bad? Not every book has to be subversive and gray and morally ambiguous.

>> No.23548673

I'm fine with good guys being good and bad guys being bad. I'm a fucking Tolkien fan for God's sake. Just thought the idea of the rebellion fucking up and the empire gaining ground/a fighting force form it was interesting. The empire could've been the Noghri's saviors while still intentionally stretching out the recovery process to keep them submissive. Besides the new Republic is a bunch of pricks anyway, so it's not even out of place in Star Wars.

>> No.23548682
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>Besides the new Republic is a bunch of pricks anyway
Bothans are [dis]honorary Imperials.

>> No.23548694

Was that generated by AI ? It's generic af and I don't see any fantasy in there.

>> No.23548716

No, I wrote it, but certainly inspired many folk tales.
>It's generic af and I don't see any fantasy in there.
Like what should be there? Fantasy doesn't need magic.

>> No.23548730

The less niggers, fags, and emotional women in my /sffg/ books the better.

>> No.23548739

Fantasy without magic is just a generic fiction.

Also consider changing names, they sound middle Eastern. Name of the mc is also terrible and sounds like garbage.
The name of that roastie sounds Romanian. Nobody wants to read about middle Easterners or Romanians.

>> No.23548749

Any recommendations for sci-fi classics? Loved the Dune series prior to those shitty movies. Mote in God's Eye was a good one. Foundation Series by Asimov is top notch. I've read a bunch of Heinlein and the author that wrote Bladerunner. Read a few of his books too.

>> No.23548750

Any recommendations for good books with minimal women or at least no female empowerment (no female warriors/leaders/etc.)

>> No.23548757

forever war is good. Banks is good.

>> No.23548762

Nueromancer is pretty good
>The Mote in God's Eye
Very based, anon

>> No.23548763

Gibson and Stephenson are both good too (Neuromancer, Snowcrash, Diamond Age)

>> No.23548769

What didn't other imperial forces attempt to rescue the emperor's son? Bit difficult for me to believe. You should rectify that.

>> No.23548784

>forever war
Perfect. Thank you.
Probably the best book I've read as a standalone int he sci-fi genre. The best series was Foundation.
I'll check out your recs as well.

>> No.23548799

Well, those are their proper name, I would like to maintain a diminutive.
Like "Stroride" would be called "Prince Orid" for 80% of the time.
But I'm not going to change proper names, because these names are based on pretty extensive conlanging.
Like Zadiag a compound two words "zand" and "diag", which means "valley eagle".
And there are places that use the same name elements like "Zobozand" which means "stone valley".

>Fantasy without magic is just a generic fiction.
so, sci-fi?

>> No.23548802

Yeah Mote is a real interesting read. The Moties are one of the most alien alien species I've read in sci-fi. I also thought it was interesting that the futuristic society was still heavily Christian.

>> No.23548821

>heavily Christian
I think this leans into the cycles that the book was talking about though. Highly religious and highly organized. Religion keeps men and women focused on the higher needs of civilization instead of simply meeting their basest of needs.

>> No.23548843

Totally. The cycle theme is super definitely prevalent. The whole reason they even meet the Moties is because so many of their colonies have cycled into barbaric and regressive states of civilization.

>> No.23548848

>he temporarily turned into a female does not mean he actually stopped being a male
Her literal body and soul was transformed to be a women that means she is a women.Being male is not a state of mind.

>> No.23548903

For multiple reasons.
>Land of Goubef is like Highland Scotland, so its full wilderness and rough terrain, with only few scattered settlements. Hence had there been a rescue army, they might not have ever found him, because vanishing into the wilderness was so easy.
>He was hostage, so he might have been executed, if he was no longer any use.
>His father didn't care about him, he had multiple sons, and just saw them as pawns. He was also more busy trying to restructure the empire.
>His foster brother, wasn't much older than him and was struggling to run the other province.

>> No.23548906
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forgot pic

>> No.23549475
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What are your favorite portal fantasy/isekai books? Bonus points if it's a pulp book from the 20th century.

>> No.23549614

the one I wrote desu :)

>> No.23549641

Shut up.

>> No.23549856
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I coincidentally found a hardback copy of Surface Detail for $5 so yeah, that's next. I appreciate the enthusiasm. Use of Weapons was pretty much fantastic. and I've heard quite a bit about Wasp Factory so I'll add that to the list too

>> No.23549881

The name you're missing is "Tanith Lee", but you can spare us LeGuin whose books suck.
Janny Wurts and Margaret Weis did pretty well at counterbalancing their hack coauthors Feist and Hickman respectively.

>> No.23549886

Wasn't 3bp a Sad Puppy choice? It was the antiHugo that year.

>> No.23549893

Dodgson was a mathematician. Like all mathematicians he was at least mildly autistic, a bit insane, and had MAP tendency.

>> No.23550163

There were many women writers, Tanith Lee, Barbara Hambly, Sheri S. Tepper, Patricia Mckillip, Louise Copper, Lynn Abbey and those are just from the top of my head
>Janny Wurts and Margaret Weis did pretty well at counterbalancing their hack coauthors Feist and Hickman respectively
I tried to read Hickman's Bronze Canticles and it has nice ideas but the execution was awful,

>> No.23550189

>Are there any fantasy or sci-fi series that you think would be best experienced by reading just a few of the books and ignoring the rest?
I'm still waiting for suggestions and replies on this question

>> No.23550228

You are a simpleton

>> No.23550238

Most scifi sequels of popular books that were originally stand alone are usually pretty bad
see: Forever War, Foundation Trilogy, Gateaway, Rendezvous with Rama, Ringworld, Mote in God's Eye etc.
In fantasy i would say Runelords by David Farland, the first two books are great but he just keeps writing sequels when the story was already finished at the end of book 2 and every books gets worse.

>> No.23550275

Pandoras Star and Judas Unchained by Peter F Hamilton. Ignore the rest of the Commonwealth Saga series, also ignore all the other (unrelated to this series) books by PFH released after Judas Unchained.

>> No.23550284

>info hash: 913f7709c01b79067de278b49625727172896e32

To the anon that posted this, there is nothing there.

>> No.23550306


>> No.23550443

That's book one bro, I already listened to that years ago. wuxiaworld or some shit was releasing audiobooks to cut out the amazon middle man, but then nuked the project. They released up to book four in Coiling Dragon, and apparently no one uploaded none of them to the net.
It's why I am asking if someone used real voice AI to do all the books so i can finish them over a weekend.

>> No.23550531
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books like this?

>> No.23550611

Audible books for a 12 hour car ride.
I will be driving

>> No.23550729

>>23550350 /sffg/ is being destroyed for this midwit

>> No.23550822
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Is the Jade City trilogy by Fonda Lee really good or just booktubers overpraising some slop?

I've read the first book of the Black Company and I've been thinking about whether it's worth reading just the first trilogy and never touching the rest of the work again.

Banks is a little big
cringe, everyone from my sci-fi bookclub actually despise the guy. I tried to give him a chance, but his books are just meh. His best work is The Wasp Factory.

It just flew over your head. The third book will be more to your taste, since they forced him to make a female protagonist.

Most of gen x and millennial readers fucking love BLOAT. That's why there's no shortage of modern authors who love to turn a story that could fit into 200 pages into something 1000 pages long.
These readers think that having a big, heavy book makes them look smart and special, they're the same ones who can't handle something dense like 300 pages or pulp kino.

I never read anything by R. Scott Bakker, but he seems to be very popular with African-Americans.

And that is bad?

Perhaps some Jay Kristoff. I personally haven't read anything by him yet, but everyone keeps talking about his books being 5/5 stars

Try the later 60's and 70's Philip K Dick. If you enjoy it, try his 50's short stories or crazy early 80's novels
Arkadi and Boris Strugatsky books.
Stanisław Lem books
early Samuel R. Delany books before he decided to drop space-opera and started to write only about buttsex and racism.

I reread Neuromancer after reading Snow Crash last month. I found Neuromancer very disappointing when I first read it over 12 years ago.
I liked it a lot more the second time around, but I still liked Snow Crash a lot more, being so unique and ironic that it became a masterpiece.

I really liked some of the stories, others I just felt indifferent to or found bad. I still need to read his first collection. I bought it used at a second-hand bookstore for much more than I pay for hardback books and even boxsets, since the publisher who published it here in my shithole seems to have an allergy to reprinting the books they publish.

>> No.23550909

based coomer

>> No.23550976
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>I really liked some of the stories
It's not necessarily the stories I have a problem with: my complaint is with his prose. Having said that, the stories were quite juvenile and presented to reader as if the reader is retarded. For example the one about the pneumatic robots (does he even use the word pneumatic in the story? I don't think so, as it's too difficult a word for the chink) clearly stems from the ideas about the heat death of the universe (i.e., entropic equilibrium) and basic principles of work such as those that define the Carnot cycle, but they're presented in such a retarded way that the story honestly hurt to read. The robots don't even have (or for some reason, haven't created) any internal imaging technology, so they're forced to rely on dissections simply because the writer though that the autodissection added drama to story. Really fucking boring slop, overall.

If I had bought the book, I would have thrown it in the trash. As it was, I just returned it to my library.

I'm reading Prelude to Mars currently, which is an omnibus edition of Prelude to Space, Sands of Mars, and a few short stories, all of course by Arthur C. Clarke. The writing is vastly better than the garbage that was Exhalation; I honestly don't care if some shithead >>23550228 might think that it's not fair to compare a chink to one of the greats. There exist relatively recent writers (e.g., Peter Watts) who can actually write technically imaginative and complex science fiction using prose that isn't halting, simplistic garbage that a middle schooler could easily understand.

>> No.23551056
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>Most of gen x and millennial readers fucking love BLOAT. That's why there's no shortage of modern authors who love to turn a story that could fit into 200 pages into something 1000 pages long.

It's not that I especially mind a long book but when I think about how many of these massive door stoppers that are still just part 1 of a trilogy (or more) and how such much of it just becomes white noise compared to all the shorter more pulpy stories I've read were every bit of dialogue is meaningful it's kind of astounding. Hell even the Lord of the Rings is almost hilariously short compared to what these bloat pushers are putting out. Each individual book is honestly pretty short when you really get down to them.

>> No.23551192

I don't disagree with you, the point is that some readers, especially those who are primarily interested in fantasy and non-fiction, seem to have this distorted idea that the bigger a book is the better it is and the smarter they are when they read it. And almost every gen x and millennial I know says that Stephen King or Brandon Sanderson are their favorite authors.

Stephen King was at his best when he wrote short stories or short novels, with publishers still having some control over him.
And Brandon Sanderson and many fantasy authors from the 2000's onwards have embraced the idea that they need to write multiple books of more than 500 pages for their story to be epic, and often the prose doesn't even justify this excess of words.

And now, it seems, publishers are saying enough is enough and are wanting to put limits on the number of words used, especially in fantasy. Thanks to this vicious behavior, they fucked with several minor writers.

I'm 33 years old and I've gotten used to reading mostly pulp writers, Tolkien, or from the 19th and 18th centuries when I was a kid and teen, so Bloated aren't particularly my mojo. I can enjoy some of them, but is really rare to any of them to be really mentally nourishing, you see, during the last two years some of the smallest books I read were the ones that were the densest and full of something to think about and analyze, while the big ones are just slop, casual fun, nothing really deep despise all the words.

>> No.23551196
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Star Wars EU novels

>> No.23551224
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Nice. My favourite one of the series. If after that one you're still on the fence about banks i suggest giving a last try on excession. It's mostly about minds shitposting(it's littered with logs of discussions) and being absolutely perplexed about a thing. Then you've seen the majority of aspects of culture series and will mostly be missing depth and not breadth of the book series.

>> No.23551231

Makes sense. I also saw that MAP thing and holy shit.

>> No.23551233

It just often feels like a lot of writers are in love with their world building before they even have a story.

>> No.23551238


>> No.23551256

Any good adventure sci fi?

Something that's got travel, planets, shootouts and that type of shit. I like stories in big universes.

>> No.23551324

Read The Demon Princes, by Jack Vance. It's about an astronaut hunting down the five men who murdered his parents.

>> No.23551351

rahxephon novelization when

>> No.23551359

>Not a single post about Perry Rhodan
...you all are just a bunch of plebs
Keep eating your wuxia slop kek

>> No.23551368

Unironically Star Wars. But beware, that's a deep and dangerous rabbithole no matter whether you read EU or Disney canon.

>> No.23551382
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>> No.23551482

>Perry Rhodan
sloppa yummy

>> No.23551516
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Might be cheating, but Despoilers of the Golden Empire by David Gordon is awesome for how it frames things

>> No.23551559

"Wasp" by Eric Frank Russell has no female characters from what I recall

>> No.23551571

The Stainless Steel Rat

>> No.23551647

Anyone know the password for the lastest TWI chapter?

>> No.23551667

yeah it's St0preadingthatcr4p!

>> No.23551753

>Slop Wars
No thanks, I'm not obese, nor stupid, I want something good, not Muttmerican shit.

>> No.23551957

>that time eragon is lying on the floor with arya sleeping on the bed only a metre or two away
>that time he gets drunk in a tent with her before murtagh crashes the camp, totally cockblocking him
>that time he totally spills his spaghetti around her in book two while tripping balls on magic drugs, and later gets a portrait he made smashed
>that time he sits next to her and chats while they're mindlinked to their dragons having sex
is there a more emasculated protagonist?

>> No.23552017






>> No.23552040
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>> No.23552060

Now these feel like fine, red-blooded heterosexual men (male) that have sex with women (female).

>> No.23552366

For me, hydrogen sonata was one of my favorites. For some reason it felt a bit like consider phlebas to me. They're all great though.

>> No.23552729
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>> No.23552733

Is Dichronauts worth reading?

>> No.23552867

Depends, do you like Greg Egan?

>> No.23553102
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Goddamn, some of the stories on Royal Retard are alright, but actually finding them is more trouble than it's worth. The ratings are comments are completely arbitrary because it seems like fluency is the only critera for some of these people, and if the bar is that low it's no wonder. I'm not averse to some wish fulfillment fantasy slop every once and a while, but it's completely undermined by the godawful pacing. Maybe it's my experience as an English tutor in college, but it's impossible to get into a story when my brain is more occupied with how much of the story I could gut and instantly improve it.

>> No.23553104

>but seriously, where did the protagonist disappear?
Your mistake is to think Kellhus is the protagonist -- he is not, Akka is. In any case, he'll return in the 4th part of the book

>> No.23553130

is it not just the same as Ubisoft games bloat? bigger filler bigger price tag, consumer feels they got their moneys worth/time and will buy the next installment? or is there more to it with culture and trends

>> No.23553202

Who gives a fuck about short stories? I keep seeing some fag constantly post about how only good lit King ever wrote was short stories. I don't care about shorts stories, If I can finish a short story in 30-60 minutes, it's waste of my mental effort, I don't even like 200+ page books that I can finish in a day. What I like is epic stories that I can self insert and escape from reality for at least 3 months.
Go fuck yourself with your short stories.

>> No.23553240

>What I like is epic stories that I can self insert and escape from reality for at least 3 months.
isn't that repetitive and boring and unfulfilling? i like short stories, they are quick and often fantastic. and i'm always astonished at how fresh each of them feels

>> No.23553247

The one youre thinking of is the Night's Dawn trilogy (cycle? The big books all got split into two in the US)
Some of his stuff is good, some of his stuff isL trash.
Also he has to throw in the main character's favorite girl cheating on him at some point in some way in every book/series of his that Ive read.

>> No.23553260

>I like is epic stories that I can self insert and escape from reality for at least 3 months
King is normalfag garbage but this is chud behaviour, have sex

>> No.23553315
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I have read Asoiaf, Lotr, Malus Darkblade, and some other minor stuff I don't remember

How is brandon sanderson? He is so famous, his books fill shelves in every library, so over time I have grown slightly interested in what could be in those books
How does it compare to what I have read? Is it fun sloppa like Malus? Is it political intrigue and mudcore medieval like ASOIAF? Or mythical fantasy epic like Lotr?

>> No.23553316

Finally I see someone with the same opinion on me. I got that whole omnibus, but while book 1 started off so well with the MC reacting to his amnesia, it just got worse and worse as he remembered things. I didn't have it in me to continue past the surprisingly short first one.

The Green Bone Saga is really good. I might've changed a thing or two about it like Anden in book 2, but it's great and generally gets better with each novel.

>> No.23553335
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>> No.23553338

310 :D

>> No.23553410

Kek, I thought the same when I saw these pics (I expect everyone who's read Bakker did as well)

>> No.23553455
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So would you say Howard's other works are Non-Conanical

>> No.23553472

you are part of the problem

>> No.23553501


>> No.23553888
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truth dines

>> No.23554066
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Sten series, just sten and his friends liberating the galaxy and doing war crimes while doing it.

>> No.23554159

>How is brandon sanderson?

Eeeeeeeeh competent. Is really the best I'd put it. He's not so bad when you're reading it but I imagine the reason he's such a machine is because very little will last with you years later. If you just want to read then you can do worse but really if you're reading just to read I'm sure you can just as easily find something better or a cereal box.

>> No.23554490


>> No.23554748

All those are good videos.