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File: 91 KB, 750x936, 1719096911050479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23516473 No.23516473[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.23516478

Literally who?
>3rd worlder shaped water bottles
Oh, I don't care anymore.

>> No.23516479

>twitter eceleb drama thread
>OP is transcription of a gay abrasive meme
Kill yourself

>> No.23516485


>> No.23516528

Is he at a pharmacy waiting to get the vaxx?

>> No.23516532

>LARPs as nazi bodybuilder
>is actually jewish and fat
>"women are underfucked"
>is actually gay

His whole existence is a LARP

>> No.23516538

You've never heard of bulking?

>> No.23516667

nigga has bitch-tits and a beer belly

>> No.23516690

Everyone falling for this without evidence? Keith Woods posts a lot of false claims. He also claimed BAP was in his 50s earlier.

>> No.23516704

How do people know this is actually him and not a lookalike

Has he confirmed being in Rio at the time the pic was taken or something

>> No.23516714

This guy has the most punchable face ever

I wouldn't be surprised, look at that super obvious hair dyeing

>> No.23516732

He lives in Rio, he's a sexpat

>> No.23516737
File: 145 KB, 960x1280, 1719100737188404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll wait for proof but the faces look pretty similar. Look at the cheekbones and jaw shape

>> No.23516738
File: 353 KB, 595x595, twitter.com.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23516747

the car behind him has a Mercosur license plate, which means he's in Brazil which means the OP pic is indeed him

it's over

>> No.23516773

Is this Kike still alive? I thought Hamas killed him

>> No.23516781

How does he prevent his many gay lovers from doxxing him?

TRICK QUESTION! Gay men have so much unprotected sex with random men, they can't remember him!

>> No.23516788
File: 110 KB, 704x1024, GQt9kV2W0AA8zuL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23516789

>bap is fucking brazilian twinks

>> No.23516796

Woah, 9 years ago

>> No.23516803

I cannot believe anyone takes, or has ever taken, this dude seriously. It's all been dumb from the start.

>> No.23516809

oh no no no

>> No.23516812

>he's a sexpat

A faggot sexpat*

>> No.23516815

Best part is all the edgelord Nietzscheanism and Bronze Age ethics circlejerk is all to defend someone like Peter Thiel lol, a fag billionaire.

>> No.23516822

why is he obsessed with fucking european looking people? bloody jews and their fetish, man.

>> No.23516839


He still has muscles, he just needs to lose 20 and hit the gym a few times to pop em back out. The problem with body building is that its easy come easy go, heavy lifting takes longer to look big but it's more permanent.

>> No.23517026
File: 52 KB, 1024x756, F2nvlC8XoAwzCDb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this isnt real

>> No.23517031


>> No.23517154

Is this AI? Where is that Indian dude's arm? If so, then god save us all. Look at BAP's hand, it's uncanny, aloof.

>> No.23517169

I don't think that's him.

>> No.23517198

ITT retards who don't know what bulking is

>> No.23517200

ch--cheap fake

>> No.23517201

He looks really gay.

>> No.23517243

According to his recent twitter posts he’s in Japan right now, he posted a photo of a pocari sweat bottle in a convenience store

>> No.23517244

Nigger he has bitch tits and a spare tire. He's not bulking he's fat

>> No.23517272


>> No.23517273

More like bronzeagemantits

>> No.23517276

so what you're saying is he looks indistinguishable from a brazilian

>> No.23517354

Kek. this skinnyfat old faggot is upset and it's obviously zhim

>> No.23517357

Very good

>> No.23517377
File: 139 KB, 513x766, 1709278134288831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Costin avoided the question for years on whether he was the guy in his profile picture (he wasn't, it's rugby player Karl Lawton). But the very same day this photo comes out, he tersely and buttmadly responds "n-not me," to a clear (and unflattering) street photo of him. Catty fag to the end.
>Verification not required.

>> No.23517381


>> No.23517384

no timestamp. zesty skinnyfat mad as fuck and reposting old as hell photos

>> No.23517386

he looks like a fag
like milo

>> No.23517390


>> No.23517394

>reposting my old photos with different dye jobs and hair lengths will definitely show them!!!1!

>> No.23517490

He changed his face as well, extreme vanity. Probably plastic surgery

>> No.23517495

a true fascist!

>> No.23517651

The classic skinnyfat bulk
The cut's gonna be insane

>> No.23517662

And to think you could have written him off entirely because of his English. But you chose to be a fatherless sucker.

>> No.23517669
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>> No.23517672
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>> No.23517673

His nose job and eye color surgery is just the height of vanity, what kind of deranged man gets so much plastic surgery?

>> No.23517677

>what is lighting

>> No.23517682

A neurotic and Jewish one.

>> No.23517685

cheekbones and rosacea both the same. you seem like a dranged fanboy

>> No.23517691

>cheekbones and rosacea both the same

>> No.23517698
File: 78 KB, 758x480, 0385.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The intellectual titans of our time.

>> No.23517701

harsh, but ultimately.... fair!

>> No.23517702

same ears and everything lmaooooo

>> No.23517704

why does the last retard speak like a negro?

>> No.23517707

Not negro, boomer.

>> No.23517708
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>> No.23517709

>you eating alright
that's a negro

>> No.23517711
File: 59 KB, 1180x600, 1180w-600h_a-to-z-dumbo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek you're right. didn't even notice this fag's dumbo ears before.

>> No.23517715
File: 330 KB, 735x362, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could also just be because he comes from a land down under. To my recollection, Australians just sort of talk like that too.

>> No.23517731

BAPsfags in total shambles rn

>> No.23517738
File: 418 KB, 1586x1210, aussie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23517770
File: 649 KB, 725x649, Dasha Nekrasova.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is obviously fake, imbeciles. See his body here: >>23516737
Plus he fucked Dasha.
Case closed.

>> No.23517777

>faggot falls for anglefrauding
lmao also dasha is a slut, she fucks everything that moves, what about it?

>> No.23517778

You girlies are trippin— he is daddy af and the perfect match for little twinklets like keith

>> No.23517782

no one likes the talmudic network

>> No.23517793

You can clearly see developed pectoral muscles on that photo. What is the source of that image in op anyway?
Dasha is a tradcath, hence can not be a "slut".
Seethe AFrican, don't you have muslim feet to kiss and lick?

>> No.23517800

That's gyno, retard.

>> No.23517806

Where's the gyno? >>23516737

>> No.23517808

Keith has no more evidence than we do. you can find the instagram account on which it was posted. Very obscure account, surprised anyone ever found it. It's not uncommon for guys his age to be fat. This is only a big deal for BAP because its his brand to be against fats

>> No.23517809
File: 32 KB, 640x640, 32432.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dasha is a tradcath, hence can not be a "slut".
she fucked somme kike out of wedlock, she's a slut.

>> No.23517812

quads of truth. the fuck is >>23517793
on about ? it's obviously the same guy, ears, cheeks, blush, eyes are all the same. Did you not know what steroid cycles are? are you fucking retarded? i like bap without being a nutsucker like you

>> No.23517816

Fasha has self-admitted herpes....

>> No.23517817
File: 44 KB, 542x624, GQwCsRAXIAAxxQE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23517823

The "Right", the e-Right particularly, is a fucking joke. The two most influential figures right now are a homosexual Mexican in love with niggers and a homosexual self-hating Jew. Neither of them have any chance of effecting any actual change, and until very recently, both of them fiercely supported a man who's now on record saying he'd staple visas and fast track residencies for anyone finishing a degree in America, opening up the floodgates to the poo hordes. The one that did stop supporting the man in question now spends his days unironically supporting a Middle Eastern shithole in between bouts of tounging nigger shitholes. The one that still supports him cavorts with trannies and makes posts about how actually the Greeks were gay all this time. How in the ever loving fuck did things get this bad?

>> No.23517827
File: 2.46 MB, 1082x1184, 234433242342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23517828

Too obvious, Moshe.

>> No.23517829

Don't care, Joe biden sucks ass and is so weak that he fell in front of the air force academy LMAO

>> No.23517833

Nick isn't in love with niggers. Don't act Jewish.

>> No.23517837

>turning into a literal shithole to own the libs

>> No.23517840

NTA... but You're so right man! Joe Biden has run a tight immigration ship so far. Vote blue, anons! or don't vote!

>> No.23517843

>criticizes one faggot
>"he's saying we must vote for the other kike puppet!"

>> No.23517846

Anon, he listens to nothing but rap, was flanked by his pet fat disability-leeching nigger at AFPAC, and constantly fellates the baboon otherwise known as Kanye West. I am more than willing to shit on BAP for his alignment with the Dimes Square crowd among other things; you don't get to claim I'm being partisan here.

>> No.23517848

Everyone listens to rap. It's a weird thing to get worked up about. BAP used to praise Kanye before he became anti-semitic.

>> No.23517849

What? Joe Biden is better than trump.

>> No.23517850

Please be honest. Does this sound like someone who isn't constantly deepthroating blacks? In what context is this okay?

>> No.23517851

He listens to stuff indie rock as well. Have you watched his streams? One time he said the only rapper he currently listens to is Ye.

All Ye did is making the JQ more mainstream and BAP hates Kanye so you're showing your true colors here lol

>> No.23517855

Both suck.

>> No.23517856

>Everyone listens to rap
No we fucking don't, fuck off you nigger mongrel. No one with half a brain can stand the sounds of apes mumbling about bitches and they dicks with sampled beats in the background.
>BAP used to praise Kanye before he became anti-semitic.
Yet another point against him.

>> No.23517859

I don't know - is deepthroating a bisexual jewish mischling with a fag haircut better in your opinion?
Actually - don't answer that - perhaps DM Costin personally if you haven't already. I'm sure he'd love to get to know you personally.

>> No.23517862

Ah, but I don't see you posting anti-Biden memes. I know you like him better (and you should.) After all, the economy is better than at the end of Trump's term. And Biden tried to push an immigration bill through (unlike Trump)

>> No.23517864

lmao that faggot is salty he was left behind
he looks like the gay version of the chud meme btw

>> No.23517866

>He listens to stuff indie rock as well
Another faggot genre.
>Have you watched his streams?
I have, the one about Lomez. I recall a distinct moment when non-rap plays and he aggressively turns it off, complaining that he only planned to listen to groid noises. Anyone who doesn't see a problem with this is negrified beyond repair.
>All Ye did
The man's claim to fame besides releasing monkey sounds is miscegenating with a woman from a family that popularized miscegenation in the early 2000s. Fuck off.

>> No.23517871

>Everyone listens to rap
burger moment

>> No.23517882

lol you just hate his guts irrationally. You hate what he likes like a woman hates fashion items that some other woman wears. You're strictly feminine and possibly jewish.

>> No.23517884

Costin is a faggot who, as I mentioned before, cavorts with trannies, and subscribes to the revisionist view of history that sees Greeks as accepting of homosexuals. My opening post had me shitting on both of these fools; the fact that the behavior of one of them is slightly more egregious to me than the other in no way means that I automatically support the other.

>> No.23517885

>You hate what he likes
Yes, I don't like niggers.

>> No.23517886

He looks like he's from Tunisia or something.

>> No.23517888

indie rock is made by whites, though, and you also disregarded that as "another faggot genre". Tough shit, Schlomo, you won't stop this train.

>> No.23517891

Ah, I didn't see that post.

>> No.23517892

Why won't you address the fact that your idol is spiritually a nigger spiritually engaging in intercourse with niggers? Indie rock is for literal faggots.

>> No.23517899
File: 151 KB, 656x971, sausage-party-poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are both fucking faggots. Shut the fuck up

>> No.23517902

Not him but indie is emasculated, shallow and loathsome music and I have never come across any actual man who listened to it unironically.

>> No.23517903

true. Not since 2015 really has indie been a relevant factor. now its all phoebe and mitzki knockoffs

>> No.23517933

Lawton is a rugby league player.


>> No.23517943

Is this a b0t? No shit. I wrote that Lawton is a rugby player.

>> No.23517956

He's a rugby league player. It's a different sport to rugby.


>> No.23517961

>50 year old looks old
I don't even like BAP and his book was dog shit, but ad hominem attacking an author's ideas because of their appearance is retarded.
>Portrait of le ebin mustache man
Kill yourself. Really.

>> No.23517963

I'd agree in principle but BAP's ideas are basically Nietzsche + bodybuilding so one would expect him to look the part.

>> No.23517964


>everyone listens to rap

fuentstards confirmed for delusional wiggers

Im not saying you have to listen to classical music or some shit but sheesh, get some actual taste that isnt a nigger talking about how he fucks white women and makes more money than you, pathetic

>> No.23517967


>> No.23517969

what the hell is this insane american opinion

>> No.23517970

I actually mostly listen to classical music but I can enjoy rap occasionally.

>> No.23517977

>calls self white nationalist
>listens to rap

ladies and gentlemen, a retard

>> No.23517983

plebbit spacing

>> No.23517985

Fuentes has completely abandoned White nationalism and the issue of mass immigration in favor of appealing to retarded mulattos and muslim diaspora. He's a third-worldist now and hand in hand with subhumans like Andrew Tate.

When was the last time he and his circle explicitly criticized Islam or muslim rape gangs in Europe or mentioned islamic terrorist attacks? I'm guessing that their response to the recent terrorist attack in Moscow was that it was a Mossad-Ukrainian conspiracy.

>> No.23517988

He just recently gave up on Trump because of his lenient views on migration. Stop lying.

>> No.23517991

A thread died for this bullshit

>> No.23517992

He can only talk about the issue of immigration in the most abstract sense as to not offend his BASED muslim brothers or BASED latinx conquistadors, kek.

Give me an example of him critcizing Islam or muslim diaspora from the 6 month.

>> No.23517995

Muslims in America are a non-issue.

>> No.23517997

Ah, I see. Muslim rape gangs are the issue his American chauvinism and apathy suddenly manifests. Doesn't explain the rest of his circle like Keith Woods.

>> No.23518004

Nigger he's an American, do you expect him to do work for Europoors?

>> No.23518030
File: 60 KB, 591x888, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keith Woods BTFO

>> No.23518032

This. OP is a ball licking fag 100%.

>> No.23518033

he honstly looks worse in these photos he posted. Someone make the "If you only knew how bad it really was" meme

>> No.23518034
File: 12 KB, 318x159, 832989348201183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I wasn't fat once... I'm cool! Please keep paying me, paypiggies.....

>> No.23518039

It's pathetic that he tries to deny it lol.

>> No.23518046

jawline is definitely different. it's a "shorter" face. hairline isn't exactly the same. the other features are similar but aren't an exact match. and the body frame isn't that of somebody who was once fit and then put on weight. that guy looks like he never hit the gym once in his life.

I don't think this is him. you cant focus on what matches and ignore everything that doesnt. I think this is some random Brazilian who kind of looks like him. BAP is a retarded subversive ZOG agent but grasping for straws like this makes us look desperate.

>> No.23518047
File: 43 KB, 1188x877, 1719141403401302.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a guy obsessed with looking good suddenly became a flabby loser who looks like he's never lifted a weight

>> No.23518049

it's clearly the same guy. I would LOVE for you to find a picture of a guy in brazil with rosacea, the same lip angle, and the same cheekbones. Go on the lookmaxx forums if you need HALP with this

>> No.23518052

Just look at the ears. It's him.

>> No.23518053

obsessed incels

>> No.23518054
File: 1.63 MB, 1920x913, frat starter pack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you serious right now? Do you not have friends who were sport types but became alcoholics?

>> No.23518055

1 out of every 7 Latinos I know have rosacea and have decent cheekbones. it's not that rare. there's like 200 million people living in Brazil. you're going to find somebody who kind of looks like him in some ways.
>Go on the lookmaxx forums if you need HALP with this
jawline is completely different. that guy has a square face. costin is rectangular/oval. looksmaxxers are supposed to be obsessed over a few millimeters of bone so the looksmaxxer angle makes you look like an amateur.

>> No.23518060

>just look at the couple things that are the same
>ignore all the things that are different
double digit IQ copium strategy
those guys still looked like they picked up weights at some point. the guy in OP looks like he went from skinny to skinnyfat.

>> No.23518061

>its so easy man
>doesn't post any brazilians who look like this guy
What the fuck? Are you Costin or just a particularly zesty fan

>> No.23518062

>clone who happens to have rosacea in PRECISELY the same spot

>> No.23518063

Do you understand the difference between candid photos and selfies with weird angles?

>> No.23518064

BAP isn't just a braindead gym bro. He's an highly educated aesthete with a keen appreciation for the fine things in life, and that includes dining. It's very easy to see how he could become fat for a time. I don't judge him for it, it only looks bad because of all the gay porn he tweets out

>> No.23518065

neither, BAP is a Zionist Straussian kike shill and I'm still waiting for a good response to that massive substack critique of selective breeding, which I doubt will ever be released.

but copium like this makes us look retarded and undermines our cause.

>> No.23518066

those guys have a muscular build underneath that fat. the guy in the OP is a flabby with no musculature.

>> No.23518071

>he has rosacea in a spot where it's common to get rosacea
wow that does it, I'm going to ignore the completely different jawline now.
camera angles are not a blank check to promote anything you want. there's not a single angle in the world that turns an oval face into a square face. the bone structure is completely different. this shit is retarded copium.

>> No.23518072

OK i guess, but it pretty clearly is the same guy in a photo in a location said guy said he used to live at (Rio de Janeiro). Don't know what to tell you

>> No.23518073

Ask your e-daddy to post a timestamp. Simple. But I guarantee he will not, at least not until he can cut.

>> No.23518075

>but I can enjoy rap occasionally
What aspects of it? Niggers crooning about their dicks? Negresses waxing about "they coochies"? The entire subgenre is nothing but irritating trash and subhumans slinging vulgarities around. There is nothing redeemable about rap, and you are a coal-black nigger if you find it enjoyable.

>> No.23518076
File: 58 KB, 636x848, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BAP has had this haircut for a while now.

>> No.23518077

His jawline changed because he gained 30kg of fat.

>> No.23518079

how big is Rio? how many square-jawed, sunburnt, Italian-looking male boomers live in Rio? probably in the tens of thousands. this is like taking a picture of a random Jewish guy in NYC and going like "SEE?! I've got somebody who looks like Ben Shapiro!!! it's gotta be him, what are the odds!?!" pretty damn high lol.

>> No.23518083

ok autist boy. someone's never been invited to a party

>> No.23518085

>He said on 4chan

>> No.23518086

this guy and his book has been shilled for years and I don't know anything about him other than it's some nietzschean larp

>> No.23518087

>probably in the tens of thousands
yet you cannot pull up a single example of such. you're done here bro. i mean really? you sound personally invested in this trash

>> No.23518088

fat would have made his jawline flabbier and longer, not sharper and shorter. are you even trying to think?
this just makes you look more pathetic. just take the REN dox as a W. reaching for too much makes the pendulum swing harder in the opposite direction.

>> No.23518092

The nigger nigs harder, I see. Mention one virtue of niggernoise, just one. The average lyric references genitalia, you're a fucking moron.

>> No.23518093

what am I supposed to do, fly to Rio de Janeiro? and you're calling me invested lol. just use your eyes and your brain you brown goblin

>> No.23518095

>no our Dear Sir Costin just CANT do a timestamp
>we ask too much of the mighty!!!!

>> No.23518097
File: 84 KB, 953x632, GQvSN42W8AA7ect.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are either absolutely delusional or a BAP shill.

>> No.23518104

>d...dox yourself bro! stop being such a coward! anonymity is for wimps!
You are a nigger.

>> No.23518106

how about you google "white brazilian men" and get back to me.... I think it wouldn't be your first time

>> No.23518108

I've called BAP a Zionist kike and denigrated his works multiple times in this thread. just because I think an argument is stupid doesn't mean I'm a shill for him. desperate ploys like this make my side look worse so yes I will counter it.

>> No.23518113

Uh.... Costin posted his own face on Twitter and in this thread. Are you fucking stupid or just particularly schizophrenic?

>> No.23518115

Google gave me zero results...

>> No.23518118

Ok but it's Costin in the picture. AI recognizes it despite a difference of 10 years and 30kg.

>> No.23518119

he was in Japan when this photo was posted

>> No.23518120

autist detected

>> No.23518126
File: 28 KB, 360x360, 823098129308145.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23518127

oh yeah I forgot, using your brain makes you an autist these days. it's definitely not the people trying to scrutinize cheekbones as proof that this is the same guy (even though the jawline is completely different). no way, those guys aren't autistic at all.

>> No.23518129
File: 574 KB, 952x892, GQvSN42W8AA7ect.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Images used.

>> No.23518130

tell me how he suddenly acquired gyno?

>> No.23518132

Probably went off the roids and ate like a pig.

>> No.23518133

Ah yes, the jawline critique is so much less autistic bud. yes

>> No.23518137
File: 3 KB, 450x120, Screenshot 2024-06-23 at 08-50-14 _lit_ - bruh look at [...].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek. this upsets the mischling yale nuthuggers

>> No.23518141

Anon, the entire modern Internet is "you don't like pancakes? what the fuck man, why do you like waffles?" faggotry ad infinitum. Why are you expecting anything different? The average "person" you're conversing with probably doesn't even have an SAT level reading comprehension.

>> No.23518142

meds, now.

>> No.23518148

Woah, facecomparison.com, with a working AI model! So heckin' accurate! Do you mind if I check your IQ with the definitely accurate checkiqfromtext site, by the way?

>> No.23518149

>so heckin' accurate, he lisped irritatedly

>> No.23518152

I would be sceptical of a free AI model as well if not for the fact that it's clearly Costin in the picture lol.

>> No.23518153

its definitely him bro. Is bap paying you to post here? you're embarrassing yourself

>> No.23518156

a key hallmark of actual autism is hyperfocusing on unimportant details at the cost of everything else. also poor facial recognition.

if you want to get down to it, let's compare the photos. the face width is off. the jawline is off. the chin is off. the neck is off. forehead is smaller. the hairline is off. the hair color is off. and the photo is too grainy to say for sure but it seems like the eye color is off too. idk why the photo quality is that bad in 2024. it looks like it was taken 30 years ago. but I digress.

the guy kind of looks like a fat boomer version of him. but that's clearly not the same guy. even if the guy put on weight, he wouldn't have ended up with a shorter face and squarer-looking jaw from getting fat. he'd look flabbier. this whole thing is a cope and makes you look desperately retarded.

>> No.23518159

Sorry bro, the reddit spacing and AI confirmed that you are wrong and that's the guy. Go back to twitter or plebbit