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/lit/ - Literature

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23515043 No.23515043[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Who is the best booktuber?

>> No.23515088
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>> No.23515135


>> No.23515149
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it can only be him

>> No.23515152

Q you dumb fucking nigger.

>> No.23515155


probably this guy. he has a great selection of literature, and he's obviously devoted.

>> No.23515166

I think some of this guys videos are just fucking retarded like his Conspiracy Against the Human Race where he dick rides the fuck out of the author

>> No.23515173

Better Than Food is alright, and he does give attention to books that aren’t complete libshit, but he gives me the impression of someone who reads while sipping coffee for the aesthetic.

>> No.23515177

>fat by fat
>obese by obese
>high cholesterol by high cholesterol
>dimwit by dimwit
>dunkin by dunkin

>> No.23515180

There are no good youtubers of any kind

>> No.23515189

>where he dick rides the fuck out of the author
That's every video he makes. Every book is somehow the best, the greatest, the coolest, the darkest. I stopped taking him seriously since his Beckett trilogy video, where he was obviously filtered but was dick riding Beckett anyway.

>> No.23515238

how rude

>> No.23515356

Morpho is really fun
Daniel Green is usually okay unless hr gets buckbroken by conzervatards
Crimson Rogue is fun but for some readon calls everyone an incel

>> No.23515470

none of them

>> No.23515473


>> No.23515476 [DELETED] 
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Benjamin Mcevoy is cool and probably the most /lit/ of them all.
Like the other anon suggested, Krimsonrogue has entertaining multi-hour videos on shitty books by lolcows/internet personalities that are good to listen to, but he also inundates his reviews with Nostalgia Critic tier reddit humor that can get annoying.

>> No.23515485

>Benjamin Mcevoy is cool and probably the most /lit/ of them all.
His list is shit. There are people with better taste.

>> No.23515517


>> No.23515637 [DELETED] 
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>> No.23515826
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sometimes I do that

>> No.23515863

You posted him

>> No.23516217

I believe it. I haven't really watched many of his videos

>> No.23516225

Jose Maria Bellido but american monolinguals wouldn't know anything about that

>> No.23516315 [DELETED] 

Malcolm Guite because he'd never consider himself a 'booktuber'
Just a great Englishman who loves literature and smoking a pipe

>> No.23516320

I think Q was the only one who I could ever admire and actually enjoy the videos, because he was actually creative with what he produced. For LeafbyLeaf and Benjamin McEvoy, while I sort of respect their taste and dedication, their videos are boring and useless. They produce videos which I think they of course wouldn't watch themselves, which to me is a betrayal of the audience. Their videos have no reason to exist except as "vlogs" to gratify the egos of the producers, so they are no better than influencers who are the scum of the earth. Same with Write Conscious unfortunately even though he tries a bit harder. There are no good booktubers aside from Q and most of his stuff is deleted.

>> No.23516327

No i hate his voice and his takes suck

>> No.23516335 [DELETED] 

Apologies -- Malcolm Guite is the one other vlogger style booktuber who gets a pass. He is based.

>> No.23516351 [DELETED] 
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Outlaw Bookseller is my personal favorite, and is definitely the best science fiction youtuber there is. His series on The Elements of Science Fiction was one of the things that got me to start reading sf.

>> No.23517648

I like this guy. He is not as autistic and he reads good shit

>> No.23517653
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Only in spanish, but still.

>> No.23517668

only interesting one I've seen

>> No.23518626
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I like Coldstonereadery. Just some fatass who reads books, but he discusses them as he goes and I find it comfy

>> No.23518634

Watch the Leaf by Leaf & Better Than Food CROSSOVER

Who's the pseud? Who's more /lit/?

>> No.23518653

this guy is such a faggot. Why can't he just act normal?

>> No.23518660 [DELETED] 
File: 36 KB, 360x211, steve-donoghue-2-360x211.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spends 10 minutes talking about the weather, and how he knows better than the meteorologists and this year will be the last winter ever due to global warming
>kisses his dog on the lips and laughs to himself about nothing for 30 seconds
>prognosticates about second Holocaust under next Trump term
>invites other young male booktubers to come to his house for wine, calzones, and poopdick
>anyway i got this book in the mail, its about a pioneering feminist in early Boston
whats his problem?

>> No.23518689

his videos are just excuses to do weird shit on his dog in public

>> No.23518703
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>tfw I’ve been mentioned in here

>> No.23518765

>>prognosticates about second Holocaust under next Trump term
Yeah I don't get it, he's a pretty smart guy, why does he literally think that Trump (a bog standard 90s NYC liberal) will round up and execute the gays. And he turns into a fedora-tipper whenever philosophy, religion, or metaphysics is mentioned, yet he acts as if his own exact strain of liberalism is a universally binding standard, going so far as to preface discussions of ancient authors with a litany of their perceived sins.

>> No.23518772

There's no way he reads as much as he claims either. I like his videos, don't get me wrong. I just don't believe it.

>> No.23518779 [DELETED] 

He's crypto-mentioning Drumpf n his review of The Landmark Julius Caesar lmao

>> No.23518783

He's crypto-referring to Drumpf n his review of The Landmark Julius Caesar lmao

>> No.23518796

she's my favorite :-)

>> No.23518798

>This video is unavailable

>> No.23518799 [DELETED] 

I love her, this is my favorite vid by her

>> No.23518800

>This video isn't available any more
Dimwit. What did you do?

>> No.23518802 [DELETED] 

woops haha

>> No.23518803

Innsmouth lookin ass

>> No.23518806

>Coloured hair
>Like, like
>Vocal fry
Why did you do this?

>> No.23518814

does she remind you of your mother or something? why do you like her?

>> No.23518909

you are a kohler in the making.

>> No.23518914

kek battle of the gays xD

>> No.23518925 [DELETED] 

his narcissism is unbearable, he looks at the camera wishing he could fuck his clone. Besides that he is ok.

>> No.23519032

I'll check him out, thanks

>> No.23519033 [DELETED] 

No kids, no spouse, work from home job reviewing books. I can believe it.
It is insane how biased the human mind can be, very depressing to think about desu.

>> No.23519045 [DELETED] 

>No kids, no spouse, work from home job reviewing books. I can believe it.
He's gay.

>> No.23519081 [DELETED] 
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>Doesn’t know the olde Master Bather Scott Bradfield

>> No.23519124 [DELETED] 

The best I've come across. Longer videos, published infrequently. My favourite is his one about the tyranny of plot.


>> No.23520233 [DELETED] 


>> No.23520336 [DELETED] 

probably the worst booktuber - a vapid, celeb-worshipping opportunist. Tiny-eared; soulless.

>> No.23520423

you forgot to say hes a FAGGOT

>> No.23520438

lmao true, they look ridiculous

>> No.23520581 [DELETED] 
File: 20 KB, 270x480, oMGkRmAFJUnEEEAjDAITeyAf9h6gqFEDBtSBuB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why, /ourgirl/ Camila of course!

>> No.23520663 [DELETED] 

she looks like my bpd ex.