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/lit/ - Literature

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2351201 No.2351201 [Reply] [Original]

>be 13
>first real girlfriend
>she's 8/10 blonde
>lives right down the street
>we're at her house
>go upstairs, whole floor to ourselves
>sitting on her bed talking
>conversation pauses
>look each other in the eyes
>lean in and have an amazing first kiss
>lay there and hold each other/make out for the next hour and a half
>she moved a week later
>shit happens

let's hear it

>> No.2351206


>> No.2351207


>> No.2351211


>> No.2351215

>be spaghetti
>hanging around on a plate covered in sauce
>oh shit a cute girl
>the sauce is covering my body
>hope she doesn't notice
>see her licking her lips and salivating
>staring at me, try to act cool
>be twisted around a fork
>she takes me in her mouth get some tongue action
>take it too far, feel like shit the next day
>she doesn't seem that into me now
>just go with the flow

>> No.2351221


>> No.2351223

greentext stories are a form of poetry guys

>> No.2351225

>be 20
>drunk on hobo gin at a christmas party
>walking to the train with the friend my best friend likes better than me
>his drunk "you're such a bro" spiel quickly evolves into a love confession
>try to brush it off
>passionately make out for about 45 minutes on a side street
>wake up the next day, never again speak to him for more than five minutes at a time, live a basically heterosexual life
>flash forward four years and here i am posting in an off-topic thread on a 4chan board in unwashed drawers while i ignore my book of alice munro short stories like a boss

>> No.2351240

>be 02
>be hobo on drunk gin
>training to the walk with the best my like friend better me than likes
>his "you're such a bro" love confession quickly evolves into a drunken spiel
>try to jack it off
>make passion for about 45 side minutes on an out street
>heterosexual up the next day, speak never again to her for five minutes at a time, more than live a heterosexual life basically
>year flashes four forward and i am posting in an off-topic thread on a board in unwashed 4chan drawers here while i my book of munro boxer shorts like alice boss ignore

>> No.2351242

>Be 17.
>Was raised hella religious, never really associated with girls.
>Decided "fuck it" one day and started a relationship with this girl in class, blonde, 7.5/10.
>Go up to the balcony of her apartment building.
>Conversation lulls, go in for the kiss.
>Make out for a while then I had to go.
>Still talk to her every now and then.
>Not interested in further relationship.
>First and last kiss.

>> No.2351254

why do you associate your being raised properly and being a loser?

>> No.2351259

When did he say he was a loser?

>> No.2351261
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>valentines day
>the crush of my then life wants to take me to the school dance.
>it was somewhere else when we show up, so we walk to the closest park.
>stand under the stars.
>"aren't they beautiful?" he asks
>"yes." I say.
>"are you scared?"
>"there's no need to be."
>then he leans in a kisses me gently.

was the sweetest most romantic thing i have had in my life.

>> No.2351268
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And then?

>> No.2351271

> 18
> go with girl I sort of like to party
> get drunk
> make out with her
> grab her boob
> lick her teeth
> why did I lick her teeth?
> pass out on the floor

>> No.2351276

>everybody walk the dinosaur

>> No.2351278
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did end up getting my first fingerjob. he then asked me to go down on him and i told him no and he got kind upset. then he asked how the kiss was and i said "there were no fireworks like in movies." and he got madder. the next day he ignored me cuz he felt bad for getting ahead of himself. he tells me to this day he blames himself for me liking girls now. i tell him hes full of shit and i still love our first kiss.

>> No.2351282

seriously try harder.


>> No.2351286

First ever: My sister when I was like... 12
Then first year of college, it was the end of our second date. She sort of gave me sissy face, so I kissed her.

My first kiss with my latest ex is more interesting:
>get drunk with some friends, I had invited her and her friend
>she lays on my arm towards the end
>Nothing interesting happens till two days later
>I ask her to walk with me.
>Take her to a pretty fountain and kiss her

>> No.2351289

>sick at college
>movie party at female friend's dorm
>watch movie under separate blankets
>she slides over to me
>nuzzles my arm
>kisses my cheek
>I kiss hers
>4 hour makeout session, swear to God
>she gives me bronchitis
>zero fucks given

>> No.2351290

I was, like, 15 at some party or social event flirting with some girl. Then we went outside. It was raining. I kissed her. We dated for about two months.

>> No.2351291


>> No.2351293

>Go to a party
>See a hot girl from my spanish class
>She's drunk
>we make out
>I've contracted dysentery

>> No.2351296

>hanging around in Paris in 1971
>meet a sexy smart bald man who likes to talk about power a lot
>I have aids now

welp I guess this is why we read.

>> No.2351297

this sounds pretty rad, if i'm honest

>> No.2351306

hope you die in pain, faggot.

>> No.2351319

>be 15
>go to winter formal with girlfriend
>I go to all guys catholic school, she goes to the all girls
>begin to make out at our table
>a nun comes by after 15 minutes and says maybe we've done enough kissing for the night

>> No.2351340

wow, it sure is /b/ around here