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File: 94 KB, 1200x900, kushner-netanyahu-trump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23507738 No.23507738 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any decent books on the influence of israel on 21st century right-wing politics and populism?

Its absoloutley fascinating.

Something like Chomsky's "fateful triangle" or Mearsheimer's "The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy" but more contemporary.

Tried /pol/ but they weren't very helpful and google/chat gpt probably put me on a list.

>> No.23507799

Don't really care about this thread or what you want to talk about. I want to talk about the image.

I don't like the bulge forehead compared to the slight slope forehead. There are degrees of both and extremes of both aren't good. I think a slight slope in men is good like Hitler and Trump. But the slight bulge like bibi and kush isn't good. And it has nothing to do with le jooos bad, some joos like Einstein has the slope.

I surmise the slope elongates the surface area of the prefrontal correct.

People with the bulge have more midbrain and memory. They tend to be good jeopardy contestants. Not good thinkers.

People like Trump and Hitler tend to be good executives.

That said extreme slopes are generally retards like Roger Stone and they look horrible in women.

Looks really determine everything about a person. I also think Kushner would look a lot better if he had leaner body fat and like 15% more muscle and was tanned. Maybe if his eyes were brighter too.

>> No.23507873

>I want to talk about the image.

Image orientated zoomer

>> No.23507880

Kushner looks like a mass produced android.

>> No.23507888

On the Jews and Their Lies.

>> No.23507898

>ask for 21st century, contemporary books
>recommends a 16th century book.

Great job!

>> No.23507945
File: 3.55 MB, 400x225, IMG_5517.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> mfw I have a extreme slope and I’m balding

>> No.23507958

Not only that, but recommends a German autist malding because his super heckin logical args didn't convince a religious minority to convert to his obviously rational and logical and therefore better religion. Completely unrelated to the thread's topic.

>> No.23508050

You want specifically books on Israel's influence on Trump-style populists? I don't know that there's anything unique about their relationship; basically all right-wing politicians have a servile relationship towards Israel.

If you want more of a general overview of why that is, Kevin MacDonald has written about the origins of neoconservatism (https://www.toqonline.com/archives/v4n2/TOQv4n2MacDonald.pdf))

>> No.23508202

Trump isn't right wing, though. He just ran as a republican because the democrat party is absolutely insane; but he's a pro-sodomite, gun-grabbing democrat who denies the need for repentance.

I believe some of these presenters wrote books, you could look into it, I can't be bothered to compile a list for you: https://www.natsummit.org/
The closest recommendation I would have is Erasing the Liberty.

You're on an imageboard, newfag.

>> No.23508261

One angle you might find interesting is the dominionist theology; christians who are helping Israel because the Bible says certain things have to happen before the end times. They want the temple rebuilt so the apocalypse can start. Nutty but very influential and rich lobby in the US. Only recently started getting press.

>> No.23508321

I only know of this video because someone posted it on 4chan and I don't like or care about Fuentes otherwise, but if you can stomach the format:
The guy Fuentes is talking to has some interesting points about the way Jews are trying to coopt anti-woke and pro-nationalist discourse in a way that still fundamentally serves Israel.

>> No.23508448

Not really any books since it’s recent history. Israel Lobby and The Power of Israel in the US I guess. Kevin MacDonald for the 20th century. Otherwise you’ll have to read scattered articles on Counter Currents, Occidental Observer etc.

>> No.23508748
File: 37 KB, 803x738, 78658635386453.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not only is trump right-wing, the democrats are also right of center.. in any other country obama and biden would be viewed as wet-conservatives.

could you please adopt a trip so i can filter your low quality, and quite frankly deluded, posts.

also, jesus was a proto-socialist. read the sermon on the mount noob

>> No.23508751

> but if you can stomach the format:
no. not a book. I don't watch "culture wars" pundits.

>> No.23508771

Jorgensen is not that far right lmao

>> No.23509920

>in any other country obama and biden would be viewed as wet-conservatives.
Any time before about 70 years ago, all of the politicians we have today would be viewed as a disgrace and probably downright wicked due to their support of sodomites though.

And people 60-70 years ago were right about that, btw.

>> No.23509943

why do you need a book nigga just open your eyes

>> No.23509956

Finally someone not afraid to talk about the real issues.

>> No.23510217

Homosexuality is right-wing.

>> No.23510223
File: 418 KB, 1150x1190, 1707927010446019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23511616

None of the people in the right column in any way represent the common sentiment of their times.

>> No.23511632

Yes, because right-wingers aren't common. They are above. Fool.

>> No.23511634

In what way are democrats right wing lmao

>> No.23511653

I think a lot of people fail to understand nuance and subtext

>> No.23511684

neither does the left side, the point is trying to neatly compartmentalize people seldom works

>> No.23511688

The jews clearly control the system and both parties
What more nuance do you need

>> No.23511703

Understanding the Jews, Understanding Anti-Semitism - Hervé Ryssen

>> No.23511710


>> No.23511713

The Holocaust Industry by Norm Finkelstein

>> No.23511749

Literal slaves to large business interests

>> No.23511757

>Jesus preached against greed therefore he would agree with my brand of gay tranny communism

>> No.23511933

How would you describe yourself? Because you sound like an incel

>> No.23512053

The key to understanding the modern right-wing is that they are the vanguard of the 1991 consensus that the west is the best and liberalism should rule the world. They have NO fucking principles or values or projects or vision of the future. Their job is to complain about what they perceive as threats to Western dominance and this takes the form of progressivism & Islam most of the time, hence their undying alliance with Jews and Zionists who hate Muslims

>> No.23512172

Very well put, but if this is the case, than why would they not be more enthusiastic about Taiwan than Israel since China is probably the biggest threat to the American world order.

>> No.23512186

>They have NO fucking principles
Ironic because their principles are why they can't do anything
>we can't fight back against the left because then we would be as bad, we have principles unlike them

>> No.23512187

You just described modenr left wingers

You know (((why)))

>> No.23513040


The "tolerant left" meme stems from America's conflation of liberalism with left-wing ideologies such as communism, socialism, and Marxism.

Liberalism values tolerance, diversity, and plurality. This is partly rooted in rights discourse and freedom of speech, and partly in market ideals where competing ideas contend and the best ones succeed based on merit.

In contrast, left-wing ideologies have historically shown intolerance towards deviations from their dogmas. Deviating from their ideology is often labeled as "false consciousness". Millions of people have been persecuted in left-wing societies over the years for holding dissenting views.

This is why we dont use american style " culture wars " pundits to inform our worldview

>> No.23513186

They're capitalist, pro-corporation, uphold the military complex, offer little in ways of social support for people. Americans get dumber by the day, is it the corn syrup?

>> No.23513209

>capitalist, pro-corporation
That's why they support massive welfare state

>> No.23513697

That's the controlled op right-wing. The real right-wing (people that support the ancien regime, national socialism, or theocracy) are always opposed to American interests and are currently shilling for Russia and China hoping that they will help them dismantle the 1991 consneedsus.
Of course, it would be fair for you to simply gloss over this because these people have no institutional power but you can't deny that extreme right activists are super opposed to Atlanticism/American hegemony. Also, they're currently winning the narrative war on the ground pertaining to a lot of key issues. Previously unthinkable 4chan talking points are leaking into the public discourse but the regime is extremely good at sniffing these people out
>oh you're a right-winger that supports Palestine, Xi and Russia? You're one of the scary ones

>> No.23513819

And spread the greedflation narrative

>> No.23513829

You know this is an American website, you’re free to make your own.

>> No.23514673

Isn't bleeding edge about this

>> No.23514676

watch the videos on Nick Fuentes Rumble account exposing Steve Sailer and BAPS

>> No.23514677

get out of your american bubble

>> No.23514682

Norman Finkelstein's oeuvre, but particularly "The Holocaust Industry".

>> No.23514683

Scofield Reference Bible

>> No.23514764

information is information, the premise "culture wards pundits suck" is already contained in the expression "if you can stomach the format" you redundant subhuman