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File: 102 KB, 208x281, Thomas Carlyle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23506744 No.23506744 [Reply] [Original]

When are the new aristocracies and hierarchies going to step into existence? They're taking a long time.

>> No.23506752

They're already here. You're just too stubborn to acknowledge them.

>> No.23506758

Ever heard of the Illuminati, bro? They believe they are, anyway.

>> No.23506766
File: 175 KB, 1022x672, fund.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They already exist. The Jews control everything and they are winning. White people will wiped out of existence. Jews will run the world and the third worlders will do their bidding.

>> No.23506771
File: 309 KB, 321x603, elon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23506773

Aristocracy is dead and will remain dead.

>> No.23506778

This faggot cuck can barely speak English. He's no aristocracy.

>> No.23506799

Probably the biggest realization that I've had in the last year or two is that there are hierarchies. It's not the rich or political families or anything like that are at the top --- something you'd expect to be the case. The power structure has actually inverted itself: We've learned to worship the weak and downtrodden elements of society. I think racial minorities are kind of emblematic of this --- at least in the United States, we bend over backwards for them and they seem to be immune from criticism. There's even a new definition of racism that some are pushing, which defines it as purely systemic (so if you were to call a white person a "cracker" that wouldn't be racist on it's own, unless it was in a system where blacks hold power). This is, of course, the result of leftist social ideology taking hold.

>> No.23506806

This is due to Americans sucking kike cock like rabid animals and not doing their one (1) job on this Earth.

>> No.23506815

The aristocracy has been Jews since 9/11 you dumbass. Any gentiles who are associated and bend the knee are rewarded handsomely. The rest of us are fucking tax cattle bitches

>> No.23506828

>nobody mentions the Federal Reserve, Woodrow Wilson, IMF, BIS, etc.
I bet nobody in this thread even knows who Dr. Ron Paul is.

>> No.23506923

I was expecting some subtle and important observation into the nature of modern political economy / meritocracy, and instead you provided boilerplate anti-woke talking points. Of course they are true to some extent but something about the style of your post had me expecting something more original/ insightful

>> No.23506967

Sorry lol. It was just a big revelation to me because the years prior I had been very liberal-brained. I was surrounded by very left-wing people and the whole time I could tell that there was just a strand of thought that was present in all of them that I didn't really like. This was around the time I was reading Nietzsche, so it kind of clicked for me what exactly this strand of thought was --- it was resentiment, and this is the core of their ideology. This is going to sound really redundant since you've probably heard this a thousand times before, but they do hate Western civilization, and I sincerely believe that people like this are going to be the death of this country (my country anyway, the United States). This is some pretty basic shit, I'm aware, but I live in a very blue state, go to a pretty standard American college, and see the people around me post pretty left-wing content, so I guess it just feels like a groundbreaking idea to me

>> No.23506973

>paid to win
Not aristocracy. Jews have nouveau riche vibes.

>> No.23506975

They already have. They just aren't to your benefit/preference.

>> No.23506976

>Of course they are true to some extent but something about the style of your post had me expecting something more original/ insightful
This is how I feel about Carlyle

>> No.23506978

It's Christianity. Nietzsche talked about this 150 years ago.

>> No.23506980

In real terms, the hierarchies haven't really inverted themselves at all. The rich very much still control things. In terms of the outward social theatrics, sure, the hierarchy has changed, but this is all superficial and trivial.

>> No.23506988

>idpol woke ideology is Christianity
No. It's antithetical to Christianity. There are no racial preferences in Christianity.

>> No.23506990

They’re going to shake things up soon. The people behind the banks will be exposed when they try to change the monetary system again

>> No.23507010

No, it's retards who read king retard Nietzsche and thought that his ideas were pretty cool actually and tried implementing the things that even he recognised were bad into society at large. French faggots like Fouccault read Nietzsche and decided they liked what he described and made it their life mission to implement the ideas of their secular atheist prophet.

>> No.23507024

He was in a state of inspiration while writing it and that's what compelled us to what he had to say. It was not the most profound realization but a worthy one, especially if it was not something he had considered before.
I wrote that before I saw this.

There really is a sort of charisma that happens when someone is truly inspired or making a realization while writing or speaking. I think it's analogous to the flow state of psychology. Attention gathers upon the person like some sort of invisible momentum. I've have numerous experiences with this myself. It's like a rising of the spirit and people watch and listen.

Sorry but this triggered something fascinating for me.

>> No.23507037

Neither did Churchill. He doesn’t need to, money does the talkin’ for him.

>> No.23507039

Austrians have a word for this, it's the Kuhgeist, "the spirit of the cow". This comes from an old Austrian legend where a magnificent cow died and its spirit possessed a pathetic farmer and gave him the power to inspire people with his words. Any bout of magnetic inspiration, seemingly from nowhere, is called Kuhgeist.

>> No.23507048

Rich people aren't aristocrats necessarily. Musk is a reddit faggot who posts retarded memes while he isn't getting money from daddy government. He's the Kim Kardashian of billionaires.

>> No.23507054

>Churchill barely spoke English
He won the Nobel Prize of Literature for his speeches lmao

>> No.23507058

Love of weakness is Christian. The details differ but it's the same psychological phenomenon.

>> No.23507069

This is what peak fitness looks like and I'm tired of pretending it isn't.

>> No.23507076

That's a Jew growing inside him

>> No.23507083

He had a slur is what I was referring to.

>> No.23507084

It's going to take a while.

>There is the next mile−stone for you, in the History of Mankind ! That universal Burning−up, as in hell−fire, of Human Shams. The oath of Twenty−five Million men, which has since become that of all men whatsoever, 'Rather than live longer under lies, we will die!' that is the New Act in World−History. New Act, or, we may call it New Part; Drama of World−History, Part Third. If Part Second was 1800 years ago, this I reckon will be Part Third. This is the truly celestial−infernal Event: the strangest we have seen for a thousand years. Celestial in the one part; in the other, infernal. For it is withal the breaking−out of universal mankind into Anarchy, into the faith and practice of No−Government, that is to say (if you will be candid), into unappeasable revolt against Sham−Governors and Sham−Teachers, which I do charitably define to be a Search, most unconscious, yet in deadly earnest, for true Governors and Teachers. . . When the Spontaneous Combustion breaks out; and, many−coloured, with loud noises, envelopes the whole world in anarchic flame for long hundreds of years: then has the Event come; there is the thing for all men to mark, and to study and scrutinise as the strangest thing they ever saw. Centuries of it yet lying ahead of us; several sad Centuries, sordidly tumultuous, and good for little! Say Two Centuries yet, say even Ten of such a process: before the Old is completely burnt out, and the New in any state of sightliness? Millennium of Anarchies; abridge it, spend your heart's−blood upon abridging it, ye Heroic Wise that are to come !

>> No.23507088
File: 10 KB, 1023x675, chud2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When democracy ends, duh
On a side note about hierarchy, one can pretty much predict how long a system will last based on how egalitarian it is. Something like the soviet union only managed to live for ~70 years because it still preserved a modicum of hierarchy ("Nomenklatura"), had it been more egalitarian, it wouldn't have lasted even a single decade.
There are other factors, of course, but as a rule, equality is essentially a sign of slow decay in any given system. And on an individual level, the more egalitarian you are, the more retarded and delusional about reality you become.

>> No.23507091

You see that kind of style with very certain authors, of which Carlyle is a very standout example. I honestly think it's the secret to writing good polemicals or other exhortatory pieces; you have to train yourself to summon forth that "Kuhgeist" at will until you've finished writing whatever you want to say.

>> No.23507095

Very interesting observation anon. But I'm not so cynical as to separate the effect of Carlyle's writing from its value.

>> No.23507106

Thanks for sharing that. I think that's a part of why people like those videos of menial workers and laborers just expertly executing their tasks. The "Oddly satisfying" ones. And I have been that menial worker myself so it's not just with words.

>> No.23507134

It's like having an internal Olympian subjection of Titanic forces beneath and outside of you, sturdily guiding them toward a specific point while maintaining a noetic clarity. Without any doubt or other intrusive elements.

>> No.23507140

How the fuck does democracy keep winning. I was just reading about how even during the time of the greeks, "democratic incompetency" was a thing observed, and guys like philip the second were able to subjugate everyone because democracy is so flawed and retarded.

I have to believe china will become the main power in the world and democracies will start falling without the great american superpower being on their side all the time.

>> No.23507161

“The coming of Caesarism breaks the dictature of money and its political weapon, democracy. After a long triumph of world-city economy and its interests over political creative force, the political side of life manifests itself after all as the stronger of the two. The sword is victorious over the money, the master-will subdues again the plunderer-will. If we call these money-powers 'Capitalism,' then we may designate as Socialism the will to call into life a mighty politico-economic order that transcends all class interests, a system of lofty thoughtfulness and duty-sense that keeps the whole in fine condition for the decisive battle of its history, and this battle is also the battle of money and law. The private powers of the economy want free paths for their acquisition of great resources. No legislation must stand in their way. They want to make the laws themselves, in their interests, and to that end they make use of the tool they have made for themselves, democracy, the subsidized party. Law needs, in order to resist this onslaught, a high tradition and an ambition of strong families that finds its satisfaction not in the heaping-up of riches, but in the tasks of true rulership, above and beyond all money-advantage. A power can be overthrown only by another power, not by a principle, and no power that can confront money is left but this one. Money is overthrown and abolished only by blood.

“Two ideas are opposed — not concepts or abstractions, but Ideas which were in the blood of men before they were formulated by the minds of men. The Resurgence of Authority stands opposed to the Rule of Money; Order to Social Chaos, Hierarchy to Equality, socio-economico-political Stability to constant Flux; glad assumption of Duties to whining for Rights; Socialism to Capitalism, ethically, economically, politically; the Rebirth of Religion to Materialism; Fertility to Sterility; the spirit of Heroism to the spirit of Trade; the principle of Responsibility to Parliamentarism; the idea of Polarity of Man and Woman to Feminism; the idea of the individual task to the ideal of ‘happiness’; Discipline to Propaganda-compulsion; the higher unities of family, society, State to social atomism; Marriage to the Communistic ideal of free love; economic self-sufficiency to senseless trade as an end in itself; the inner imperative to Rationalism.”

Everyone should read this, then read The Anglo-American Establishment:

Read the first chapter of The Law of Civilization and Decay, on what happened to ancient Rome (it's only 40~ short pages):

>> No.23507374

Is it part of your little gay fantasy that the "new aristocracy" is jacked and cool for some reason?

>> No.23507380

>The Jews control everything and they are winning. White people will wiped out of existence. Jews will run the world and the third worlders will do their bidding.
All this is solved by taking the whitepill, which is to say, acknowledging CHRIZT IZ KANG.

>> No.23507389
File: 66 KB, 692x789, meme-redpill-jews-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP will desperately try to bypass this by claiming things must be complex and involve 8D chess about biopolitical techno-capital becoming sentient and other nonsense.
Things really are that simple.

>> No.23507418

king of the pussies

>> No.23507805

Its crazy how mindless it all is. Like people don’t take a second of their time to think about it any length

>> No.23507813

We haven't inverted shit, the rich are still very much rich and in control. The fact that they push this BLACK PEEPOOL ARE KANGZ shit on the rest of us doesn't change this fact.

>> No.23508402

>There's even a new definition of racism that some are pushing, which defines it as purely systemic (so if you were to call a white person a "cracker" that wouldn't be racist on it's own, unless it was in a system where blacks hold power).
That's been a thing for the past decade, at least it was for my college.

>> No.23508421

The influence of Angloids has been unironically worse than Jews.

>> No.23508516

Over history, debatable.
Currently (which is the topic of the thread) it isn't even close. Already by the 1970s the remnants of the ethnic anglo-american establishment were increasingly becoming the minor party in their partnership with the Jews. By the turn of the millenium the takeover was complete. "Anglo elites" are reduced to larping, like the freemasons.

>> No.23508521

Will not happen. The upper classes are not reproducing themselves and will be mostly gone even within our lifetimes. The proles will inherit the earth.

>> No.23508592

I am waiting for it every day but instead I have to live in the shitshow we call demokratia.

>> No.23508600

I and Pepridge farm remember

>> No.23509583

>like rabid animals
Ever seen a rabid animal, anon?

>> No.23509681

I have a sneaking suspicion that Chuds are actually playing a kind of post-revolutionary historical role. Without touching or interrupting anything, the new Aristocracy is obviously just going to be the type of person that comes out of Ivy League breeding pools: the Anglojew-hapa. Chuds are actually resisting the emergence of liberalism's "natural aristocracy" by demanding that the middle class hinterlanders and suburboids stay dominant, or at least that culture and politics conform to their preferences. This is why it's odd to accuse Fascists of eugenism and elitism and such. [[[We]]] Chuds are surely anti-progressive and our anti-progressivism includes fighting against those who are manifestly the best in this society, Liberalism's Winners, typified of course by none other than The Jew who is liberalism's greatest winner.
There's plenty of alt-alt-right thought leaders trying to push this angle. Basically pure Nietzschean negationism and contrarianism, but I believe this is the root of it.
>are we the lefties?

>> No.23509724

>are we the lefties
No, because your entire objection is literally just that other people are winning instead of you. You literally would not give a shit if you were the one making $1,000 an hour. That's why your entire political movement is beneath contempt; your vision of a better future is just the same shitty world except mainstream culture caters to your tastes and like 1% of you own everything. It's fucking boring.
t. lefty

>> No.23510053


>> No.23510068


>> No.23510091

Pick one.

>> No.23510093

That's also your objection.

>> No.23510096

>I was expecting some subtle and important observation
That's how I've felt about this entire site for the last 5 years.

>> No.23510099

>Globohomo is meritocratic
Such a fucking stupid post. Do you read Marx?

>> No.23510101

I could see why you would say that if you're brown and looking for gibs

>> No.23510163


Jews are disappearing faster than anyone

>> No.23510184

Numbers don't matter. You only need one person with absolute power.

>> No.23510197

You are behind dude. The Christian ideal is dead. We live in a new era. Nietzsche was the most recent prophet. Hitler was his most recent Pope. Now we need to figure out how to revive it before it dies on the vine.

>> No.23510203

how can we stop them

>> No.23510218

We can't. It's too late

>> No.23510237

My point is that people like you at least tacitly support the neo-aristocratic breeding project, either by denying that it is happening or calling for more of it. You tend to support so called middle america people being crushed, which is what liberalism's elite also wants because it recognizes us as the most realistic threat
>Do you read Marx?
and it is very meritocratic based on its own conditions, or at least it was in the past. Bourgeois city dwellers did squarely beat the landed aristocratic and military social orders in the past, which is why the merchant caste controls the world today. I sort of agree though that they are shooting themselves in the foot by focusing so much on racial and sexual egalitarianism today though. If they can't keep the GDP and living standard going up people will be chased back into the arms of reactionaries. Affluence is in the end what causes nations to be liberal.
This also explains the much talked-about increasing leftist support for pro-regime narratives and "if it's good for the economy it's good period" thinking. They know that if the merchants can't keep food on the table people will go chuddy and authoritarian

>> No.23510309

No, Carlyle's History of Frederick.

>> No.23510333
File: 134 KB, 714x494, 1708740896365600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I was expecting some subtle and important observation into the nature of modern political economy / meritocracy, and instead you provided boilerplate anti-woke talking points.
I think this is where human intellect plateaus. The end of the road is simply people demanding some other answer besides the truth they're continuously told, and at this impasse everything just withers and dies.

>> No.23510559

the same as its always been, the people with lots of wealth and power

>> No.23510598

Aristocracy is either dead or relegated to obscurity and irrelevance. Elitism like that just isn't possible under capitalism, liberalism, "meritocracy", etc.

>> No.23510640

You’ll never be yellow, Kyle

>> No.23510643

Garrison mentality

>> No.23510707

ever heard of jews, OP?

>> No.23510709

yes, i have met americans before. why?

>> No.23510902

That was Carlyle’s point. That the indissoluble values of existence would affirm them themselves in the wake of liberalism/capitalism’s death.

>> No.23510944

Clearly, we just need to purge all hedgies of jews and then capitalism will be based and redpilled.

>> No.23510949 [DELETED] 

You're a fucking retard, brain completely melted to mush by the culutre war.

Everyone here is at the bottom of the current hiearchy. Read pic related, dumbfucks.

>> No.23510950

Do you not realize you're a slave, kept in crushing debt and distracted with petty pleasure seeking?
Worse yet, the rulers are complete midwits and rootless degenerates with no strong ties to anyone. People shouldn't have killed the old nobles. They at least had a familial relationship to the people they ruled, however misguided.

>> No.23510955
File: 127 KB, 688x1000, 91+EkqK77lL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITT: bottom of the ladder halfwits so clueless they don't know they're at the bottom.
Read pic related retards. Hopefully you can get past your muh leftism/economic/class analysis aversion to read it and realize you are a loser.

>> No.23510962
File: 86 KB, 656x1000, 710TxVU+uzL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>human intelelct plateaus on my anti-semitic culture war brainrot plane of existence
no, you are just a retard and so is muh inverted nigger worship pyramic moron. this place is crawling with the most uneducated dipshits I swear to god. jewscaping is literal haflwit heuristic bias to avoid actually reading books btw, grow up

>> No.23510976

Listen to the Jew singing about the most Righteous Jew warning you about two other Jews.

>Counterfeited philosophies have polluted all of your thoughts
>Karl Marx has got ya by the throat, Henry Kissinger's got you tied up in knots.
>When you gonna wake up, when you gonna wake up
>When you gonna wake up strengthen the things that remain ?
Wait, this isn't /mu/.

>> No.23510982

No thanks. You should read a book instead of being a meme-brained faggot.

>> No.23510984

is this the white trash seethe thread?

>> No.23510988

/mu/ is the worst music board I've ever seen
>muh Beach Boys, muh Taylor Swift, muh prog rock

>> No.23510991

Recognizing and getting rid of the very rulers you talk about and going back to the Transcendent is a meme now?
Of course it's not the Jews. They can be victims.
You're too agitated to pay attention to what I meant. Just swinging in the air now. I'm agreeing with you..
Have a good day!

>> No.23511066

The only ones bending over backwards are the people the Jews want to crush. Everyone else either just wants a piece of the dying corpse or doesn’t care about your gay orgy organization

>> No.23511092

They experience intense peer pressure from their television set

>> No.23511095

Post a pic of your tiny hat

>> No.23511104

Reset the credit system. Probably reform the way the currency works

>> No.23511145

The term literally means "rule of the best".

An aristocrat should be one of the strongest and smartest people in his country, at least on paper. He should represent all the best that humanity could be.

>> No.23511283

>worshiping a jew will make you accept being enslaved by jews and replaced by browns
Never thought I'd see an honest christcuck.

>> No.23511296

I can't believe how well this thread went.
I want to know more about inspiration and the "flow state".

>> No.23511303


where to read more on this phenomena?

>> No.23511340

We have to go through the disordering and balkanization and loss of knowledge first. Sorry bud things are going to get way worse. My only advice is to stay away from niggers they are ruining your minds.

>> No.23511355

I like democracy.

>> No.23511370

You might have a semblance of a point if society wasn't on its last legs. The ivy league jew isn't a natural superior destined for greatness, it's a bloated parasite that's going to die with the host.
If the West can endure long enough to purge these parasites (a prospect that gets increasingly likely every second) it might yet survive.

>> No.23511437

Carlyle, as another anon said. Wagner did, however, quote that passage in his 1872 introduction to "Art and Revolution."

>> No.23511452
File: 61 KB, 749x521, Screenshot 2024-06-21 085251.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seems made up to me...

>> No.23511536


>> No.23511541

>Jews will run the world and the third worlders will do their bidding
Without whites who can build and maintain complex systems their empire will collapse with them