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23483385 No.23483385 [Reply] [Original]

Reading his speech makes me think the greks were superhumans with a mean IQ of 130.

>> No.23483403
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Contrast this with Joe Brandon or Donald Drumpf. You immediately think we are a race of bantus in comparison.

>> No.23483407 [DELETED] 

You are. America is a niggerized nation spiritually.

>> No.23483419 [DELETED] 

consider the orations of antiquity vs the speeches of recent presidents. a precipitous drop of iq

>> No.23483423

It makes me sad thinking about it ;(

>> No.23483427

consider the orations of antiquity vs the speeches of recent presidents. a precipitous drop in iq. even in translation the difference is stark

>> No.23483436

Modern leaders don’t need rhetoric. Since they already have far reaching octopus arms it’s a useless pursuit. Besides, most people will have already made up their minds on a speech before they even heard it depending on their political stance

>> No.23483469

They probably were when you study their culture, history and achievements.

>> No.23483481
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They were swarthy midwits compared to the Nords.

>> No.23483494

You made me audible LOL! Thank you for the amusement.

>> No.23483502

Novum /clg/

>> No.23484699

What speech? Enlighten this pleb

>> No.23484704


>> No.23484708


>> No.23484713

Thank you anonius

>> No.23484714

Name 1 thing America has given to the world besides the Atomic Bomb and you'll see how far advanced the Greeks were

>> No.23484721

reading it in Greek is a nightmare, I did it once but came out of it battered and demoralized, makes you feel like you don't even know the language

>> No.23484836

This could be a great troll post but it's most likely serious.

>> No.23484844

Just because one of the most influential people in Greece was *supposedly* of high IQ, it means every greek was too?

>> No.23484903

No no the elite of Greece was composed of Nordics™ obviously. Things I like about ancient Greece = Nordic Aryan. Things I dont like: swarthy med degeneration.

>> No.23485035

>starts the war which destroys Athens
>2.4k years later /lit/ claims you're a genius

>> No.23485321

we wuz greeks n shiet

>> No.23485328

It all went downhill with Napoleon

>The only rhetorical device i need is repetition

>> No.23485329

if the audience is high iq, you give a high iq speech. if low, tell them you have hot sauce in your purse. #1 rule of rhetoric.

>> No.23485338

You are now aware that intelligence has been negatively correlated with fertility ever since agriculture was invented and humans have been getting more and more stupid for thousands of years. For a time, the benefits of a more organized society which passes down knowlege was a stronger force than evolution, but we are soon reaching the breaking point.

>> No.23485384

This makes all sense now. It is not a mystery anymore why society looks the way it does. What do we do and where do we go from here?

>> No.23485466

Oh yeah, because it was totally Pericles's fault that they launched the Sicilian expedition

>> No.23485473

130 is just slightly above average

>> No.23485474

>nigger, nigger, nigger, nigger
You have /pol/brain, Pierre

>> No.23485477

>You are now aware that intelligence has been negatively correlated with fertility ever since agriculture was invented and humans have been getting more and more stupid for thousands of years.
that's not really the case though. this is baffling to read. why do niggers speak with such confidence

>> No.23485479

130 is two standard deviations above the mean; which is the difference between a high schooler and a masters graduate. Now imagine that half the population were above that.

>> No.23485490

American politicians used to have hour long debates for municipal elections, where the audience would be as passionate as the debaters. Speeches of magnitude, given their subject matter, also were common. But then again, all these people had the benefit of being able to study the Greeks and model themselves after them. Though I'm sure Pericles had his own sages on which he fell back on, it's a wonder out how he was able to (and greeks in general) navigate such a poor lit reality.

>> No.23485565

Public speaking both in politics and even on TV some 50, 60 years ago was on an incomparably higher level, and not a few politicians trained themselves on Greek and Roman role models.
Then mass culture and general retardification happened, and it just turned out that even if you are smart it's advisable not to show it too much.
Point is, an intelligent audience is not simply "around" by sheer luck but is created by a demanding elite. You become smarter through challenge. The paradigm of making things as easy as possible for le man in le street is what destroyed culture.

>> No.23485770

Polsters are retards, but even a retard can see that America is half judaized and half negrified.

>> No.23485777

that's untrue, it was heavily correlated until the agricultural revolution and fertilizer

>> No.23485809


>Gerald Crabtree, a geneticist at Stanford University in California, bets on the latter. He believes that if an average Greek from 1,000 BC were transported to modern times, he or she would be one of the brightest among us. Our intellectual prowess has probably been sliding south since the invention of farming and the rise of high-density living that it allowed, he claims

>> No.23485847

his IQ would be lowered anyway if he had to think in English rather than Ancient Greek anyhow

>> No.23485874

They were as intelligent as modern men, but the competition was fiercer and life was harder, so people were naturally motivated to grind and reach excellence, whereas now you can choose to be lazy and not fall far behind.
Not to mention the internet and other means of systematic dumbing down of the population.

>> No.23485971

Great half the population are neurotic grad students

>> No.23485975

Also if you were really dumb somebody could probably just capture you and sell you as a slave

>> No.23485986

>130 IQ is superhuman
Now imagine how retarded people this guy has to deal with every single day.

You're gonna need a gun and finest financial education + math skills to permanently fuck over the scumbag lower class

>> No.23486248

> there is no consensus as to what degree Thucydides's record resembles Pericles's actual speech

You guys are taking Thucydide's speech and pretending that what Pericles said actually came anywhere near it. It did not.

>> No.23486291
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Pretty sure that's what Edward Dutton and Michael Woodley say it was.

>> No.23486304
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Both Biden and Trump are some of the best speakers the world has ever seen you're just not in on it
For the record Biden is in a completely different league and Trump doesn't stand a chance

>> No.23486324

You act like there aren't a hundred other instances of the Greks displaying their superiority to us.

>> No.23486328

Pulitzer prize worthy stuff right there

>> No.23486340

>But the phenomenon of popular and dance music is even more conspicuous and general. Fitzgerald was not wrong when he said that in one of its main aspects, American civilization can be called a civilization of jazz, i.e., of a negrified music and dance. In this domain, very singular “elective affinities” have led America, by way of a process of regression and primitivization, to imitate the Negroes. Assuming there would be a need for frenzied rhythms and forms as a legitimate compensation for the mechanical and materialistic soullessness of modern civilization, one would have done much better to look to the many sources available in Europe: we have elsewhere mentioned, for example, the dance rhythms of South Eastern Europe, which often have something truly Dionysian. But America has chosen to imitate the blacks and the Afro-Cubans, and then from America the contagion has gradually spread to all other countries.
>The Negro component of the American psyche was already noticed, in his time, by the psychoanalyst C. G. Jung. A few of his observations are worth quoting:
>Another thing that struck me [in the American] was the great influence of the Negro, a psychological influence naturally, not due to the mixing of blood. The emotional way an American expresses himself, especially the way he laughs, can best be studied in the illustrated supplements of the American papers; the inimitable Teddy Roosevelt laugh is found in its primordial form in the American Negro. The peculiar walk with loose joints, or the swinging of the hips so frequently observed in Americans, also comes from the Negro.[3] American music draws its main inspiration from the Negro, and so does the dance. The expression of religious feeling, the revival meetings, the Holy Rollers and other abnormalities are strongly influenced by the Negro. The vivacity of the average American, which shows itself not only at baseball games but quite particularly in his extraordinary love of talking – the ceaseless gabble of American papers is an eloquent example of this – is scarcely to be derived from his Germanic forefathers, but is far more like the chattering of a Negro village. The almost total lack of privacy and the all-devouring mass sociability remind one of primitive life in open huts, where there is complete identity with all members of the tribe.

>> No.23486344

The Greeks would get smoked going up against anything in modern society

>> No.23486347

>dance rhythms of South Eastern Europe
What, Bulgaria?
The quickest search on youtube give me this:
Can anyone come up with other/better examples of what he's talking about here?

>> No.23487842

I find that the quality of speeches in that book in general is astoundingly high and honestly is probably the best aspect of the book. I would actually go further and say that Pericles' funeral oration is actually a bit overrated; some of the speeches by Nicias and Brasidas in particular stand up to it, if not eclipse it.

>> No.23487991

>It did not
says you, on what grounds? if thucydides, a historian, and not a rhetor, was able to write it, so would an athenian logographos, and probably would do an even better job that thucydides himself

>> No.23487994

Kino pic of Genocide Joe

>> No.23488002

I have a greek paternal haplogroup as an anglo so yes, WE WUZ

>> No.23488007

This is most likely the case. I recall reading somewhere that early life adversity sharpens your mind

>> No.23488057

Early life adversity gives you mental illness and retardation. 99% of these guys were wealthy upper class guys that sat around drinking wine, working out, and talking about shit.

>> No.23488341

His speech was the pozzed globohomo NWO shit of its day

>We need to defend Our Democracy from le evil far right Spartans

Thank god the Spartans raped their bussies. They should have completely destroyed Athens and sold their citizens into slavery though.

>> No.23488348

If I remember correctly even Gramsci remarked how american civilization had become negroified. It seems to have been a moderately common opinion at the time.

>> No.23488804

I don't think you could sound more underage if you tried

>> No.23488813

Better than Joyce.

>> No.23488825

ow the edge

>> No.23488888

>mental illness
Imagine being so buck broken, to think "mental illness" was a thing back then. As an ancient greek I can tell you mental illness was actually valued. The secret behind the ancient Greeks alien like accomplishments and "IQ" is that they were essentially like electrical wires conducting way more energy from nature and God, in otherwords they were a more enlightened civilization. Mania and frenzy was a valued characteristic in the ancient world, the gods were actually real animating forces, if you had hallucinations of them you were deemed blessed. Mental illness gave an evolutionary advantage, you don't even know, how do you think they got all their sculpture so good?

>> No.23488900

The Greeks were literally all in a state compared to what in would in modern day psychobabble would be like "group psychosis," the spirit of Athens was literally giving them more ectasy than even your best sexual experience, they were all pulsating and vibrating with the cosmos.

>> No.23488906

Further proof is that that many of those most notable Greeks would be in direct contact with gods and receive communications from them, audible and visual.

>> No.23488939

Source: it came out my ass

>> No.23488964

>consider the orations of antiquity vs the speeches of recent presidents
just compare the speeches of 20th century presidents and the speeches of recent presidents.

Even compare Carl Sagan's Cosmos narration to Neil Tyson's Cosmos narration:


>> No.23490151


>> No.23490157

You are a scorned chapofag and it shows.

>> No.23490222

look at cro-magnon skulls n shit

>> No.23490227

i dont believe you either because you didnt cite a source

>> No.23490716

quints of truth

>> No.23490723

The internet provides so much information though.

>> No.23490727

Yes but this puts a wrench into OPs thesis. It's not that Greeks were superhuman. Compare the speeches of decadent Roman Emperors with even the thoughtless witticisms of the men who founded the republic.
The greeks had a high period, decadence, decline and fall. Same as we, and everywhere else.

On this topic
Nixon was a great president and it's crazy to look back at how he was viewed

>> No.23491059

130 is slightly above average for a middle class person
one of the most prominent Greek statesmen was probably at least sligtly above average

>> No.23491064


Hip hop “music”

>> No.23491067

You need to work on your reading comprehension.

>> No.23491502

>goran bregovic
>the ukrainian chick from 2021 eurovision
these would be modern examples
classical examples are romanian and serbian folk music, especially horas
note that in the same way that the american is negrfied the south eastern european is turkified and gypsyfied
many more modern melodies have arabic rhythms
serbian turbofolk is more traditional while romanian manele is a lot more subhuman

>> No.23491515

Read what they wrote in ancient Sumeria. We had the same "hardware" in ancient times even if civilization wasn't as developed.

Historians often dispel this false impression that ancient peoples were primitively minded and incapable of lucidity, sapience, and higher though.

The popular notion is that they were banging rocks together and struggling to form complete sentences, but they had the same physical capability for lucidity and self-reflection as we do.

Now consider how many people use miraculous modern technology in the 21st century while having zero clue as to how it works.

>> No.23491522
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checked again
the gods speak trough him >>23488939, you faggot

>> No.23491523

That’s what you think. You should touch some grass.

>> No.23491529

Gramsci was a communist of course he would think that.

>> No.23491534

That’s definitely a bad thing. Higher IQ = more suicidal, less reproductive

>> No.23491536

maybe it s lost in translation, but plato kind of sounds like grug memes
>what is bravery?
>is bravery good?
>is bravery dumb?
>can something be a little good and a little bad?

kind of sounds like translating modern chinese

>> No.23491557
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>Historians often dispel this false impression that ancient peoples were primitively minded and incapable of lucidity, sapience, and higher thought.*

Have specifically heard this from those who study ancient Mesopotamia. Reading the translations of their letters and correspondence, it is fascinating how lucid and thoughtful they were.

They have the same "hardware" (the evolved human brain) as modern humans but lived in a very different time and state of civilization. Mesopotamian history is deeply fascinating, the bare blueprint of civilization itself.

>> No.23491570
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Someone once pointed out that the Golden Age of Greece has a roughly similar geopolitical status as Italy in the High Middle Ages and the Renaissance: a bunch of city-states competing with each other in the space of only a few thousand miles. In Greece it was across water, in Italy it was across land, but the basic idea in both cases is similar.

Maybe it's a setup that produces high culture? Maybe warring city-states are the secret to humans achieving the peak of their capabilities.

>> No.23491621

Lol I used to joke about Joe Biden having a similar syntax to rambling modernist writers like Joyce, Beckett and Faulkner

>> No.23491648


They're both Irish. Biden is Irish too. Maybe it's a mick thing.

>> No.23491667

It's the other way around. Niggers are americanized Africans. A once proud, if backwards, race is now spoilt by the culture of the lesser.

>> No.23491748

Ce faci coaie?

>> No.23491754

They did practice what we would
now call eugenics, so

>> No.23491937

Quite similar to the Holy Roman Empire.

>> No.23492217

cum am zis, gypsyfied

>> No.23492251

Pai ce, coaiele sunt gyspsyfied?

>> No.23492287

>Oh yeah, because it was totally Pericles's fault that they launched the Sicilian expedition
Pericles had the most retarded strategy of letting Sparta destroy Athens countryside of Attica

>> No.23492367

As much as I laugh at pidgin, I am certain that, if I went back to the Victorian era, people would laugh at me the same.

>> No.23492384

I'll admit to having never read the Greek belong Homer and a couple Plato dialogues. I'm having a hard time putting this into the right words, so bear with me. We have a 'start with the greeks' reading list which seems to be philosophy based. Is it time we develop a classical reading list for developing personal excellence? I dont know what would be in it, but it may be of some use.

>> No.23492951

da, asta i o injuratura tipic regateana de tigan bucurestean

>> No.23493077

City states lend themselves to more libertarian ethics systems and laws.

>> No.23493142

hes talking about their mentality, moron

>> No.23493146

the internet
youre welcome

>> No.23493149

those heroic ancient greeks, where are they today?

>> No.23493150

You're looking at them, asshole

>> No.23493312

>Historians often dispel this false impression that ancient peoples were primitively minded and incapable of lucidity, sapience, and higher though.
I don't think anybody has been saying that since the 1950's

>> No.23493659

Would IQ actually have any relevance for skills such as public speaking?

>> No.23493901

Hai ba ca esti prost.

>> No.23494078

America worships it’s niggers. It’s already over and most certainly not white

>> No.23494099

Rich people always love to paint the past as primitive so they can pretend to be gods in their own time
They spend millions of dollars to display this primitiveness and clap at their own superior greatness

>> No.23494153

>Yeah we Athenians never judge our neighbours
>But also everyone obeys the unwritten customs and punishes those who transgress them

You wouldn't get such a speech these days because the audience has an above room temperature IQ.

I don't get why people say stupid shit like this when we've rewritten the IQ test multiple times not just to reflect rising scores but also fundamental changes in our perception of the world.

The most obvious issue would be that people from the period staunchly believed in fate which comes out in all their original tales of tragedy and people just accepting the whims of gods. They literally couldn't conceive of world's that didn't follow a natural mechanics.

>> No.23494157

this is simply what happens when you speak for and as the lowest common denominator

>> No.23495440

>130 is slightly above average for a middle class person
Ah yes, another case where everyone on the 4chanz is at least 140 IQ but somehow is a miserable loser wasting his life on a Tazmanian Hammock Assembly Imageboard...

>> No.23495453

Oh yeah, widow burning and necklacing, so proud. That's not getting into the thing they do which they think cures AIDS.

>> No.23495552 [DELETED] 

discord gg/WVTk3xBh

>> No.23495782

Trump is genuinely on par with Shakespeare with all the neologisms he has coined that are used daily. Anytime someone says "fake news" or "many such cases!" it is only because Trump paved the way

>> No.23495783

"it's called we do a little"

>> No.23496105
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Which is why all those nomadic pastors who continued to persist invented nothing while agriculturalists invented almost everything around you. Granted, you are correct that those who breed these days are lower than times past; those with low standards both to their own affairs and the conditions that a child is reared under or those who dedicate their life solely to amassing wealth which in the present context is rarely a measure of good traits and certainly has little worth passing on even if their genetics are fair. However I doubt this was a gradual declination from agricultural inception. At most you could argue it is a resultant state from aspects related to land allocation which resulted from agriculture which in turn exaggerated societal dependency and aspects due to such, but I don't think it was inevitable and I think the present state is more the result of an over dependency of trade. It inflates cost by having cost itself determined by the average, the means to afford such are often detached from practical utility to oneself, thus increasing dependence on society of both themselves and progenity, these aspects lay the grounds for the government to manipulate and insert themselves more in daily affairs with little capability of resistance and further increase cost at every turn, so on and so forth.

The modern era is an era of potential (for the individual), due to availability more advanced tools which elevate creative ability. But adherement to societal aspects hinders this due to its inherent inefficiency alluded to above. Moreover, the average is much worse due to other aspects stated in this thread. Also, the way everyone is reared also encourages this thoughtless "flowchart" way of life where people simply take the path of least resistance 90% of the time, public education was a mistake and a tool since it's inception. Do parents these days give any more than the minimum immediate thought required to how their kids should be raised?
Some have the potential to get by in spite of this, being less subject to influence and of greater will, many don't posess either, and most that posess the former lack the latter.

Similarly I think >>23493077 is a major part of it as well, though perhaps it's less that city states encourage it but more that the grounds for city states to thrive also allows more libertarian ones to emerge.

>> No.23496211

vague retarded term.
civilization has vastly surpassed greeks in every aspect from art to science retard.

>> No.23496220

which are just stepping stones for better civilizations that followed?

>> No.23496226

American achievements mog anything greeks and romans accomplished together.
America is just 250 years old and already has better history then both of those pederast subhumans.
Americans walked on the moon. Greeks could only dream about it.

>> No.23496228

filtered by nietzsche
many such cases

>> No.23496231

you unironically believe the moon landing? kek

>> No.23496237

brown subhuman who denies moon landing also worships greeks.
there is no better indicator of low IQ subhuman when he prefers ancient greece to any civilization that followed it.

>> No.23496244

blindly believing the establishment doesnt make you smart lol
the moon landing is the most obvious cold war lie of all time. and idk why greeks make you seethe so much.

>> No.23496246

gender fluidity and fentanyl cities

>> No.23496255

nietzche was a retarded neet who created his fantasy greece in his head as a mechanism of escapism.
Thinking nietzche was profound or even original is greatest meme of modern world.
His arguemnts are not based on history and his romantization of greeks was as retarded as yours brownoid.

>> No.23496264

blindly discarding anything from establishment makes you worse then consumerist npc. It makes you resentful anti-white brownoid subhuman.
Greeks make me seethe because their modern day worshippers who are acting uppity.
if they are not checked they will post retarded shit like OP did now.
Also your arguement that moon landing was fake is based on vibes like a troglodyte pederast worshipper your are.

>> No.23496270

also internet, planes, modern cars, moon landing, deciphered genome.
greeks were too busy sucking dicks to be useful to anyone.

>> No.23496284


>> No.23496292

ok idc to argue with you. you seem like a retarded /pol/fag more concerned with typing out buzzwords than actual arguments

>> No.23496302

mass obesity

>> No.23496303

retarded /pol/fag and greek worshipping troons are same faggots. who have been so mind broken by current politics that their only respite is fantasies of long forgotten civilization.
even daring to compare these sheepfuckers to people who can circumnavigate entire globe, travel in space and split atom.

>> No.23496308

>circumnavigate entire globe
>split atom
Which third world shithole are you from?

>> No.23496319

when you have no counter argument you resort to grammar corrections.
embarrassing really.
why can't you respond troon worshipper?

>> No.23496324

>Defending burgers for free
Must be IDF

>> No.23496328

what country are you from and how old are you?
dont dodge the question

>> No.23496342

it's not burgers that I defend. It's dishonesty that I despise.
Americans are just one aspect of western civilization.
why should I give you a method to derail a conversation and deflect from my accusations?

>> No.23496351

at least say how old you are

>> No.23496353


>> No.23497214

>admitting Greks were great disproves my stormfag wignat ideas which my whole identity and existence hinges upon
kys you low iq trailer trash subhuman. The greks were vastly superior to you and your ancestors, which is why we still talk about them 3000 years later and America modeled so much upon what the greks already did. In 1000 year America will be dust, but the ideal of grek will live on.
>if you like the greks you brown
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA you say this with a straight face while cucking for yehsua king of kikes? And even if you don’t, your ancestors certainly did which makes you the spawn of kike worshippers (something the greks never succumbed to)

>> No.23497222

Oh I take it back, you are not stormfag but coping Jew. Does it make your knees buckle to see a naked grek man proudly showcasing his bodily beauty? The old kikish resentment of the greks comes from this very fact - they couldn’t stand looking at a beautiful athletic naked Aryan body with uncut penis so they had to subjugate Aryan man to neurotic self immolation and shame.

>> No.23497538

you brown subhuman are os easy to read kek.
I am not a stormfag you are fighting against shadows retarded faggot.
Lmao in 1000 years people will still talk about an empire that pioneered all modern technology be it america or any western one after greeks especially english.
Everyone will still talk in english or it's derived language while greece will be underwater.
No one knows greeks already let alone in 1000 years.
imagine worshiping sheep fucker troglodytes, while using technology that was invented by a civilization you mock you ungrateful subhuman.
>kike worshippers
those kike worshipper civilizations surpassed you tranny pagan god civilization in very single aspect you worsthless faggot.
only reason greeks are relevant at all is because christian allowed it. Don't forget pagancuck streetshitter.
Subhuman greeks could not build a building taller then pyramids, that's how worthless these morons were.
lmao pagancuck cries about resentment.
you know that pagancuckery is slave morality of weak bitche like you right?
your kind has been raped in wars because pagancucks can't fight, after you have been demolished the best you can do is cry about your betters.
Zeus sucked dick on a daily basis that's why his troon pantheon was demolished.
>beautiful athletic naked Aryan body
nice projection there homo.
you can pray to zeus to fuck your bussy like faggot pagancucks do.
Your kind worships male body, but there are no good modern pagan athletes, curious.

>> No.23497678 [DELETED] 

It’s over Shlomo, you lost. Religiosity is only declining amongst Aryans (thanks in no small part to Nietzsche) and increasing amongst Bantu niggers (hallelujah LOL). Soon the torch barer of the Bible will be descendants of homo erected while Aryan man will colonize the Milky Way on ships named after Grek gods.

>> No.23497740

>Religiosity is only declining amongst Aryans
aryans are also declining in numbers because of theor materialism you streetshitting subhuman.
You just proved that you are materialist faggot who masturbates to male body, final conclusion to pagancuck nature.
Nietzche the cuck loved schlomos.
>Aryan man will colonize the Milky Way on ships named after Grek gods.
indian streetshitter is not conquering any space and europeans are not reachingnext century.
Only religious euros will survive. Materialist dysgenic subhumans like you will go extinct or hang like troons you are.
Don't forget a man who steped on the moon was chritian and ship he used was built by a christian.

>> No.23497752

>thanks in no small part to Nietzsche
this streetshitter is making shit up now.

>> No.23497834

>t. shlomo larping as muh judeo-Christian

>> No.23497842

t. streetshitter larping as european
I can also play your dishonest game kike.
Besides I am not a jew, but I can recognize your streetshitting posting style subhuman.

>> No.23497921

Great point nigger. It's obvious that America is being systematically destroyed and it's people are in the process of being dehumanized. If you can't see that and understand that Hitler was right, you're a fucking moron.

>> No.23497995

The mean IQ was that high and higher amongst the aristocracy of Golden Age Greece. This is because their genetic makeup had a high proportion of divine DNA from the various patriarchs and heroes descended from the Gods, who have a mean IQ of 200+. This is why they were able to speak in perfect poetic rhyming couplets, completely improvised, with as much ease as you or I making a shitpost.

>> No.23498007

did this come to you in the dream while zeus was fucking you in the ass pagancuck?

>> No.23498017 [DELETED] 

Also “sad!” and his particular use of “tremendous”.

>> No.23498109

someone's a grumpy bunny today

>> No.23498128

truly I am

>> No.23498217 [DELETED] 

lol, that music you chose sucks and doesn’t encapsulate what I think he’s referencing. (I come from the Balkans and have heard this music from parents and family liking it and at weddings since childhood). No offense to the Bulgarians, I’m sure they have better music that typifies what he’s saying.

Check out some Albanian music: https://youtu.be/MNd8CRa48Uk?si=0AB_CSYli0jH1DWw

Frank Zappa incidentally also got very heavily in some of this Balkan/Southeastern European music, from the folk music to the pop/dance music they make that has a strong folk flavor, with some Gypsy influences and those of Ottoman/Turkish/Middle Eastern melodies that can be heard of it; making a very unconventional but great combination at it’s best (regardless of whatever biases you might hold against the “fucking Muslims and Gypsies”, which, trust me, many Balkaners do as well, the ones who aren’t the Muslims and Gypsies, but of course they’ll still gladly take the good parts from their music).

Here’s a song of Zappa’s where he apes these features of Balkan music very well (but with some of the Zappa weirdness), especially starting at 1m20s:

It’s more pop-like/electronic/sounding like it had made in a studio but here’s also a great compilation album that I feel has a lot of these “Dionysian” elements or moments in the music if you dig around for the best songs:


>> No.23498234

lol, that music you chose sucks and doesn’t encapsulate what I think he’s referencing. (I come from the Balkans and have heard Balkan/Southeastern European music due to parents and family liking and playing it, and at weddings since childhood, so I felt like I knew exactly what he meant when he referenced the “Dionysian” elements in some of it). No offense to the Bulgarians, I’m sure they have better music that typifies what he’s saying.

Check out some Albanian music: https://youtu.be/MNd8CRa48Uk?si=0AB_CSYli0jH1DWw

Frank Zappa incidentally also got very heavily into some of this Balkan/Southeastern European music later in his life, from the folk music to the pop/dance music they make that has a strong folk flavor, with some Gypsy influences and those of Ottoman/Turkish/Middle Eastern melodies that can be heard of it; making a very unconventional but great combination at its best (regardless of whatever biases you might hold against the “fucking Muslims and Gypsies”, which, trust me, many Balkaners do as well, the ones who aren’t the Muslims and Gypsies, but of course they’ll still gladly take the good parts from their music).

Here’s a song of Zappa’s where he apes these features of Balkan music very well (but with some of the added Zappa weirdness), especially starting at 1m20s:

It’s more pop-like/electronic/sounding like it had to be made in a studio, but here’s also a great compilation album of this Balkan folk-influenced music that I feel has a lot of these “Dionysian” elements or moments in the music if you dig around for the best songs or moments in them:

>> No.23498480

Because it is true.

>> No.23498877

>gigabrained superhumans
>gay as hell, thighfucked twinks all day

>> No.23498904

The IQ tests had to be re-normed because IQ was rising throughout the 20th century.

>> No.23498910

>because IQ was rising throughout the 20th century.
we are talking about 30 centuries before that.

>> No.23499676

No they didn't idiot.

>> No.23499687

that's just survivorship bias. If his speeches were mediocre they would have been forgotten.

>> No.23499689

sounds like a pretty rigorous and philosophically sound test

>> No.23499704

Dude makes Ozzy Osborne sound like Shakespeare.

>> No.23499714

Wow I had no idea..anyway traditionalism can't fight modern semantics. I'm always surprised you guys don't see how this shit works but whatever you're young I guess

>> No.23499742


>> No.23499748

not in virtue thats for sure

>> No.23499750

virtue is a meaningless buzzword.
every civilization has different understanding of it.
explain what is virtue for you.

>> No.23500036

Are you suggesting that the average ancient greek was more virtuous that modern man? Because it sounds like you're just basing that off of the idealised version that is depicted in art as opposed to the real thing

>> No.23500193

>The steady rising of IQ scores over the last century – known as the Flynn effect – causes IQ tests norms to become obsolete over time. To counter this effect, IQ tests are "renormed" (made harder) every 15-20 years by resetting the mean score to 100 to account for the previous gains in IQ scores.

>> No.23500203

This is actually true. Also let's acknowledge his talent for catchy nicknames, things like Crooked Hillary, Sleepy Joe or Lyin' Ted Cruz immediately glued themselves to those characters

>> No.23500213

It is the general impression of ancient humans in comparison to cave-dwelling hunter-gatherers. It is easy to think that they weren't as lucid or aware as we are now, and is probably what made an impression on OP.

>> No.23500228

what matters more is the g-factor underlying IQ, the Flynn effect wasn't related to increasing g-factor, so renormalizing it doesn't imply an increase of basal intelligence

>> No.23500252

That's one hypothesis, but the g factor is so closely related to IQ that not everyone agrees that g didn't go up as well. Due to stuff like better nutrition and more stimulating environments (engaging TV and radio), this can directly affect the biology of the nervous system.

>> No.23500257

>mentions two whites
>deflect to blacks
Racists are turbocucked retards.

>> No.23500258

You're just as wrong for the opposite reason, and both of you can eat shit. USA No. 1!

>> No.23500259

Go back, cancer.

>> No.23500260

>it's true because there's a quote that says so on wikipedia
You are braindead. Too dumb to even imagine what the world would look like if the statements you parrot were true. The actual effect was temporary and the most reasonable explanation is that it had to do with the spread of media.

>> No.23500273

Tis the ol Irish wit

>> No.23500276

Vikings did the exact same shit

>> No.23500280

And then stopped, unlike certain other creatures i could mentioned.

>> No.23500305

Hip hop

>> No.23500307

>Vikings were good
>Vikings were bad
Make up your mind

>> No.23500315


>> No.23500322

I think Evola had something more like this in mind

>> No.23500329

Can you post their traditional music?

>> No.23500335


>> No.23500350


>> No.23500798

Reading this thread makes me think /lit/izens are subhumans with a mean IQ of 30 desu

>> No.23500805

You played too much Skyrim

>> No.23500812

They certainly valued letters and rhetoric much more highly than we moderns do, but the Greeks also loved a bit of poetic embellishment when recording true events.

>> No.23500814

What's with the spread of this kind of posts recently? "Woe is me, only retards itt, it's over for this board" etc, they're like in every other thread, is it all one guy? Curious

>> No.23501744

>and ship he used was built by a christian
>Wernher Von Braun was christian


Yeah and when they got to the moon, they planted a giant cross, prayed to it, circumcised themselves, and claimed that land in the name of Israel

>> No.23501904

this, Trump has changed modern slang and coined more phrases than any man alive today

>> No.23502052

one were held among equals and the other are held among gutter trash

>> No.23502569

>>Wernher Von Braun was christian
lmao are you implying that he was not?
do you even know anything about Von Braun faggot?
do you even know what is written on his grave?
go look up his religious feelings retard and come back you overconfident dipshit.
>they planted a giant cross, prayed to it, circumcised themselves
lmao yes, they literally had first communion on the moon you retard lmaooo.
why are you so confident you moron?
not only that but following apollos even left bible on there kek.

>> No.23504133

Considering that humans underwent 2000 years of reverse heugenics that might not be far from the truth

>> No.23504542

>2000 years of reverse heugenics
may be in your tranny mind. but at least you accept that you are subhuman cuck

>> No.23504771

The entire Zeitgeist of your culture being supplanted by a jew-supremacist God of slaves, the poor, the meek, etc will have disastrous effects on the conscious abilities of said culture.

>> No.23504979

Lol, anyone who thinks the ancients were more intelligent has to be stupid themselves. Look at for example the ciphers they used to encrypt their messages. The “Caesar cipher” is literally just adding 3 (mod 26) to the alphabetical index of a letter. That was considered good enough to secure the state secrets of the most important man in Rome. Compare that to the ciphers we use today, such as RSA or others. And that’s just one example. The ancients were vastly inferior in intelligence and technical ability to anything we have today. And they were also morally inferior, what with their slavery, gladiatorial combat, aggressive wars, homosexuality, pedophilia etc that was widespread. Consider for example the passage in Aristotle whcih says that certain Greek communities introduced homosexuality as a means of population control. Such an inability to resist one’s sexual instincts and the consequent fall into homosexual perversions clearly points to a depraved, barbarous, and unenlightened civilisation, on a scale that is unparalleled even in our own decadent age. The ancients were superstitious, sexually perverted, technically and scientifically inferior, and vastly unintelligent, on average.

>> No.23505005

Childish understanding. Nothing here is true.
Read a book instead of parroting your favorite YouTuber.
At least one thing the Greeks had on you specifically was they could at least think independently, they were forced to. As far as superstition is concerned, you would be too if dealing with a world without grand authoritative materialist philosophy.

>> No.23505038

Literally everything I said was 100% true, which is why you were not able to respond to a single point.

Did Julius Caesar encrypt his messages by adding 3 mod 26 to the alphabetical index of a letter?
Yes, proof:
>"If he had anything confidential to say, he wrote it in cipher, that is, by so changing the order of the letters of the alphabet, that not a word could be made out. If anyone wishes to decipher these, and get at their meaning, he must substitute the fourth letter of the alphabet, namely D, for A, and so with the others."
>—Suetonius, Life of Julius Caesar 56

Did they have slavery?
Yes. No need for proof.

Did they have gladiatorial combat, wherein they watched men kill each other for sport?

Did they have homosexuality and pedophilia?

Did Aristotle say the Cretans instituted homosexuality in order to curb population growth?
Yes, proof:
>the lawgiver has devised many wise measures to secure the benefit of moderation at table, and the segregation of the women in order that they may not bear many children, for which purpose he instituted association with the male sex, as to which there will be another occasion51 to consider whether it was a bad thing or a good one.
Politics book 2

Everything I said was correct. They were barbarians in the main.

>> No.23505271

Then Thucydides was so eloquent to make OP wet. It doesn't matter which exact Ancient Greek displayed excellence to make claim that Ancient Greeks were striving for excellence
Of course it's easier to write something than say on the fly, but using eloquent language is a display of intelligence even in writing.

>> No.23505289

philosophy had greater impact on the world than planes
also they gave us a lot of things 2500 years ago, deriving it on their own. 100 years ago, you had giants of scientific method past their greatest discoveries (this time in Europe, which was heavily influenced by Greeks and Romans)

>> No.23505601

>starts going off about cipers
yep, a stemlord. stopped reading there.

>> No.23505607

I'm reminded of a section from I, Claudius where he talks about how all the speeches in history books are fake. The real speech was just the commander joshing around before the fight to increase morale.

Basically everything in history books is made up, obviously no one actually remembers the speech, and it's not like some eloquent speech is going to be what your illiterate soldiers enjoy hearing. More likely Alexander just made some jokes about whores or whatever.

>> No.23505651

You ain't the sharpest tool in the shed, son

>> No.23505753

>The ancients were vastly inferior in intelligence and technical ability to anything we have today

This is the kind of person that reads a wikipedia article and then assumes they are therefore made "more intelligent", like intelligence is some sort of tidbit-memorizing game.

>> No.23505798

considering the fact that christian civilization surpassed everything greeks or romans accomplished, I would say only slave, poor and meek were buck broken pagancucks like you streetshitting subhuman.

>> No.23505807

>the fact that christian civilization surpassed everything greeks or romans accomplished
I'm sure that had nothing to do with Greek civilization starting with naked cavemen, and Christian civilization starting with the greatest empire the world had ever seen

>> No.23505808

look how this pagancuck subhuman could not even challenge your arguement. any time you catch them on their bullshit this troon worshippers resort to ad hominem attack like cucks they are.

>> No.23505817

>philosophy had greater impact on the world than planes
retarded post only pagan level low intelligence could shit out.
> which was heavily influenced by Greeks and Romans
no it was not. majority of scientific revolution started when europeans rejected greek understanding of the world.

>> No.23505839

>Greek civilization starting with naked cavemen
greek civilization started with egyptians and mesopotamians. who were much developed then any other civilization at the time.
Greeks had upper hand compared to other europeans like germanics and iberian, becasue they had close relationship with near eastern civilizations.
>Christian civilization starting with the greatest empire the world
that greatest empire was stagnant shithole that collapse on itself. Christians had to build shit all over again while also evading barbarians, like huns, magyars, arabs, turks, vikings, slavs etc.
greek and roman civilization was influencing middle easterners too and far east had another rome, china, but all this civilizations were left in dust.
Greatest civilization was British empire.
Just compare roman science and mathematics to greeks or even arabs. Romans were good for infrastructure that's it. they were surpassed intellectually by civilizations that came before them (greeks) and after them (abrahamics).

>> No.23505853
File: 223 KB, 665x1024, 665px-Visigoths_sack_Rome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that greatest empire was stagnant shithole that collapse on itself
Hmm yeah gee whiz, wonder if it had anything to do with these circumcised gentlemen weasling their way into every government position they could and chimping out when they didn't get their way. Guess the apple doesn't fall far from the Hebrew tree

>> No.23505861

>majority of scientific revolution started when europeans rejected greek understanding of the world
Yeah, they converted to christianity and just a quick 1000 years later, boom, scientific revolution!! Thank you Rabbi Jesus

>> No.23505863

> circumcised gentlemen weasling their way into every government position
post any prove that jews were in charge of anything during roman collapse.
if anything there were jewish and semitic leaders in roman politics while rome was still stron.
this retarded assertion that you made without any prove is the reason pagancuck stormfags will hang next to troons.

>> No.23505869

>Such an inability to resist one’s sexual instincts and the consequent fall into homosexual perversions clearly points to a depraved, barbarous, and unenlightened civilisation, on a scale that is unparalleled even in our own decadent age
Oh wow, the cock-based Abrahamoid religion follower has a criticism based on cock again, what a shocker. Have you ever even wondered why your religion barely concerns itself with anything but dicks? Who touches them, who sees them, what they do, how they look, what parts you get cut off, who cuts them, etc...

And any criticism of other religions always comes back to "b-b-but they didn't have enough rules about Big Important Cocks!!!"

>> No.23505871

yes those 1000 years they were trying to save some semblance of civilization from invaders from all sides of europe.
Also love how you dismiss muslims who are much more jewish then christians
why are you pagancucks so dishonest.
every time i argue with you I come to the conclusion that there is no difference between you and kikes. Both of you reject jesus and both are dishonest liars who can't fight and believe in superiority of their race.

>> No.23505877

> barely concerns itself with anything but dicks
this is strange coming from a pagancuck whose religion is all about in whose ass did Zeus put his aids ridden dick in.

>> No.23505879
File: 1.24 MB, 1999x3129, Codex Theodasianus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> post any prove that jews were in charge of anything during roman collapse

How about all these pro-jew rules and pro first hebrew commandment rules they passed right in the fucking middle of the collapse?

>Hol up hol up, while my empire crumbles real quick, lets put that on the backburner and pass more laws about MUH PRECIOUS JEWS

>> No.23505888

why did you post these rules like you made a point I just read first few an already saw how dishonest you are.
jewish priests were exempt from public service during roman times too. Also love how you put pro-christian ruleas as pro-jewish you dishonest troon worshipper.
Do you seriously wonder why you will hang like a kike?
tell me what's the difference bewteen a pagancuck like you and a kike.

>> No.23505893

also roman empire started crumbling during 3rd century crisis. there was no abrahamic interference there pagancuck.
Even before crisis the crack was showing with commodus.
Roman had no problem putting semites in charge of their empire like severus and caracalla.
why are you so dishonest troon worshipper pagankike?

>> No.23505894

Point at him. Point at him and laugh

>> No.23505903

>all about in whose ass
>from invaders from
>and believe in superiority of
>post any prove
>who were much developed
>was stagnant shithole that collapse
>but all this civilizations
>this troon worshippers

The abrahamoid reveals himself as an emotional brainlet ESL with laughably thick Borat accent. You come my village, give fuck my sister? Is very niiiiice. Go pray to donkey-riding rabbi, I fuck on your mother and spit in your babayushka's dusty teacups. Dance on a cat head, King Wentzslav, p'tooey

>> No.23505913

>tell me what's the difference bewteen a pagancuck like you and a kike
What's the first kike commandment from the hebrew prophet Moses, hmm? I violate that commandment like I violate your mother's cervix with my BPC

>> No.23505914

lmao thanks for conceding pagacuck.
it seems you are out of arguments, best you can do are ad hominems.
nice mental breakdown there.
Go pray to your troon gods while you dilate. don't forget to clean your whore mother after she is done getting fucked by spics in the ass mutt golem.

>> No.23505918

bunch of kikes violate that commandment.
that's not a difference.
again what is the difference between you and a kike pagancuck.
just because your mother gets fucked by shitskins on a daily basis does not mean you have to chimp out troon worshipper.

>> No.23505920
File: 313 KB, 1920x1280, borat-2-1603300657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you get your pinky fingers cut off by secret police for stealing potato, now only special occasions use shift key? On Saint Kratiszlasvas Feast Night and Defender of Fatherland day?

>> No.23505927

why do you hate your country polish cuck?
is it self hatred common among single mother households?

>> No.23507038

>Jews are alllowed to serve on municipal councils
This was a punishment, not an award. You were forced to pay for public services of your region for 10+ years.
>The Patriarch
The Patriarch at this time was not Jewish but Samaritian and he was an independent military leader who lived inside Roman Palestine, they would be killed and the position dismantled in the early 6th century.
This applied to all Clergy regardless of faith.
So, about half of these things either don't apply to Jews or make them out as inferiors, they either apply to a politically important individual

>> No.23507518

>Greek civilization starting with naked cavemen

ancient greece mastered time and space you fucking clown

>> No.23507603

My sociology professor skipped over that part, didn't realize how based and redpilled old Carl was.

>> No.23507613
File: 48 KB, 512x259, B001425.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just chillen in Athens, vibing w my bestie: the cosmos.
This pic is a real mood ngl

>> No.23507645
File: 185 KB, 900x732, the-philosopher-plato-roger-payne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jadmecus pull up that papyrus

>> No.23507661

This shitskin is malding lol.

>> No.23507664

When did this board become so stupid? It's like if the anons don't read memes actually came true.

>> No.23508661

I think it's BAP

>> No.23510576

to be fair, I think this thread is unusually bad.

>> No.23510779

The mathematical precision of the Parthenon wasn’t superseded until well over 2000 years after the fact.

>> No.23510782

ITT: The Reign of Quantity and the Signs of the Times

>> No.23511612

I don't know what mathematical precision are you talking about. you mean sphere that it's architecture produces?
then it's not mathematical achievement an more engineering thing. Same thing can be said about perfect geometrical proportion of pyramid stones.
also it was not superseded because no one tried.
Duomo already surpassed it in dome size.
Romans never built anything larger then pyramids. while english were the first to build tallest building in the world and surpass a pyramid, with their gothic cathedral (which are much more aesthetic and complex then soulless classical and globohomo neoclassical style.)

>> No.23512023

all you faggots not understanding its one long "great conversation." No point in arguing who's better, especially considering the entire thing is slipping away. Number one focus is repopulating the Aryan species, and even after that, no more brother wars, at least until we conquer the entire world.

>> No.23512094
File: 63 KB, 930x772, 1548979367371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that is because you are a fool and an idiot, and Thucydides puts this speech in there in partially in order to demonstrate that Athens was a democracy in name, but in fact was the rule of Pericles, and his rule was cemented and strengthened by his skill in rhetoric which he used to manipulate the stupid demos. Just like you!

>> No.23512246


>> No.23512296

I misread your first post as if you were talking about Roman pantheon. this hovewer is even less impressive, these are just elementary school level rations and implementation of pythagorean theorem.
I don't see what you think is groundbreaking here, except their obsession with symmetrically placed columns.
When you mentioned mathematical precision, I thought you meant mathematical calculations without which entire structure would collapse. This is just putting stones in ratios.
Haghia sophia is much more impressive then this aesthetically and structurally. Giant dome that byzantines built is something no pre-roman greek ever built.

>> No.23512299

The fake news term was originally coined by msm to describe the conspiracy theory media that helped trump get elected (ex: obama smells sulfur, hillary is a demon). Trump just turned it on them to mock them.

>> No.23512319
File: 774 KB, 628x1000, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

things like the Hagia Sophia really would not have been possible without the Greeks
you have a massively shallow understanding of what you're talking about

>> No.23512323

The ancient Greeks memorized the Illiad and passed it down orally until the Greeks learned to write from the Phoenicians

>> No.23512330

shut the fuck up retard
how is that and argument even?
and greeks would not be able to build their parthenon if not egyptians.
Greeks btw never managed to surpass geomoteric precision of egyptians.
My original point was that greeks were surpassed, i even mentione them being stepping stones for better civilizations, which implies using greek foundations. by your retarded logic we should thank cavemen who discovered fire and invented wheel as the best people to ever do it.

>> No.23512396

The only people who held sway were well educated aristocrats. There's no reason to have hot sauce in your purse if the common pleb cannot vote nor even own property

>> No.23512464

funny that ivy league educated advisors told her it'd be a good move

>> No.23514085

>posts a pic literally depicting snowniggers
>”it was da kikez”
Peak brainrot.

>> No.23514189

Where's the A.I reading?