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23504578 No.23504578 [Reply] [Original]

Do you guys have a loyalty card for when you buy books?

>> No.23504581
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>this thread

>> No.23504592


>> No.23504681

is that how you talk to women?

>> No.23504887

Yeah I’ve got a McNally Robinson readers rewards card

>> No.23504893

you will neve have enough points to exhibit an animal mating ritual. you are doomed to older animal mating rituals.

>> No.23505124

The first message was so boring. Rightly ignored by her. Why are you all so fucking boring.

>> No.23505404
File: 238 KB, 1600x900, 1654638987194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm here to fuck you, not entertain you.

>> No.23505830

>knock knock
>who's there?
>anon we are from the FBI and want to talk to you about those 5 copies of Mein Kampf we noticed on your loyalty card index file

>> No.23505847

Women are featureless niggers. The very thought of a woman saying someone else is boring is offensive in the extreme. If you're actually a man and simping for women so hard that you are calling other men boring on their behalf like a race traitor you should be annihilated in a blast furnace.

>> No.23505897

Look at what that guy wrote. He's so afraid of offending her that it's gross. She ghosted him at first. He only got a reply after he wrote something interesting, albeit sexual.

>> No.23505915

She's looking for fun. The first message looks like he wants a date. The second looks like a tinder message and she likes that bc that's what she's looking for at the moment. That's it.

>> No.23505921

nah she is gross, she replies only after she realizes he's just like Traywon Greene and won't be disappointment because of her retardation (and probably other mental handicaps)

>> No.23505928

You don't look like this and you don't say this.

>> No.23506032
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So all those women ghosted me because they actually wanted to fuck me?

>> No.23506039

No, they just were unsure why an opossum was messaging them on tinder

>> No.23506040

How would I know? Your first message just smells like lack of confidence. Women are experts at sniffing out things like that.

>> No.23506058

Except violent tendencies

>> No.23506091

Cool, did you smash? Also, no. Does libgen have a loyalty program?

>> No.23506310

>did you smash?
As a rule, when you see screenshots like this, the answer is usually no. Most women do not use Tinder for sex, they use it for ego-boosting. Tinder is mostly a desire treadmill for men and a swipe game for women. So women will often happily sext -- or rather get men to sext them -- because it's fun or mildly exciting and makes them feel attractive but meeting up is obviously a very different thing. Not totally impossible obviously but usually it's not this type of convo that leads to hook-ups.

>> No.23506536

I have a non-existent disloyalty card for when I download e-books.